HI THERE, GAME LOVER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Take a couple of minutes here to read this brief list of comments and instructions. It will make playing the accompanying game more enjoyable for you. 1.- Not everyone likes blue (in this case: cyan) text. If you wish to change the text colors, wait until you get the first blinking cursor; then to change the colors type: COLORS YELLOW CYAN to reverse the default colors, or COLORS YELLOW YELLOW to get all yellow text, or COLORS LIGHTGRAY LIGHTGRAY to get all lightgray text, or COLORS YELLOW RED to get, you guessed it, yellow and red, or Other combinations of the above, or COLORS DEFAULT to get back to what the game started with, or COLORS MONO if you like black and white. 2.- A partial list of the verbs understood by "THE PILOT" include: OPEN CLOSE LIFT LOCK TAKE GET GIVE UNLOCK PUSH PULL TURN LIGHT (Turn On) YELL PUT INSERT EXTINGUISH (Turn Off) REACH TOUCH PLUG SMELL MEASURE TIE CLIMB JUMP STRIKE FIND LISTEN FEED SHOOT POUR KICK KISS SHAKE DRIVE FEEL BURN EAT DRINK PLAY WEAR REMOVE ATTACK STAB SCREAM Directions: N-E-S-W-NE-NW-SE-SW-UP(U)-DOWN(D)-ENTER-EXIT Shortcut commands: EXAMINE (EX) LOOK (L) AGAIN (G) INVENTORY (I) THROUGH (THRU) QUIT (Q) LIGHT (LT) EXTINGUISH (EXT) Other commands: SCORE (to show current number of points out of maximum score, and other activities related to the game) SCRIPT (to print out screen activity) UNSCRIPT (to end above) SAVE (to save a position; you must name the Save) RESTORE (to restore a saved/named position) If at any time during the game you get the response: "You see nothing unusual." or "Sorry, you can't do that ...." you can be sure that what you just tried is of no importance to the outcome of the game. In addition, the program will tell you if it doesn't understand a verb or a noun; again, this means that it has no effect on the game. Sometimes you may need to phrase your command differently in order to do or obtain something. 3.- "THE PILOT" was written using the "ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT," a program by David R. Malmberg and Mark J. Welch, which was adapted for use with the Atari ST computer by Harry L. Callesis. Neither "THE PILOT" nor the "ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT" are public domain or free software, but are distributed as "Shareware." If you are a regular user of a "Shareware" program you should pay for your copy and become a registered user. It is the income from your registration fees that enables authors to continue to provide product support, create new products or enhancements to old ones, and stay in business. You will find that costs of "Shareware" programs are generally lower in cost and frequently equivalent in quality to those sold in conventional stores or through mail-order houses. 4.- To order a complete game disk (the one you have here ends about one-third of the way into the game), complete the following form and mail it with TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) in check or money order (please don't send cash...we're honest, but it may get lost) to: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ADVENTURE GAME JOCKEY 9620 Wildwood Drive River Ridge, LA 70123 (504) 737-6828 Name ______________________________________________________ Street Address ____________________________________________ City _______________________ State _______ Zip __________ "THE PILOT": Number of Disks _____ @ $10.00 ea. = ________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete game disk (3-1/2" DSDD) will be mailed to you first-class fourteen days after receipt of check, or immediately upon receipt of money order. Have fun!