========================================================================== Welcome to Bradford Mansion! ========================================================================== Version 1.2 (initial IFCOMP 2019 version was 1.0.2, change history at the end) Bradford Mansion is an parser based text adventure game. This is a console executable for Windows 10 and Windows 11 (64 bit) versions. The initial game run on MacOS and Linux, but because of problems with the console mode on these operating systems I decided not to distribute this version any longer. You can also run Bradford Mansion in the browser at: https://bradfordmansion.7hrsmn.net/ ========================================================================== INSTALLATION ========================================================================== You need to run 'BradfordMansion.exe' to start the game. The first time you do this on a machine, Windows might complain about this not being a safe operation. The window that appears says: "Windows protected your PC" and then "Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting". Please click on More info and then press the "Run anyway" button to start the game. ========================================================================== PLAYING ========================================================================== If you are new to text adventures, you should read through the help system by typing the "help" command. When you start the game and the prompt appears (>), type in "help" and press ENTER. It will explain all the available commands. Saving ------ Do not forget to save your progress with the save command before your close the game. ========================================================================== CONTACT ========================================================================== You can get hold of me, the author by emailing to: Lenard Gunda Feel free to submit feedback, comments or questions. I think I can answer with hints as well, should you get stuck :-) ========================================================================== VERSION HISTORY ========================================================================== Here are the changes made to the game. I have removed certain information from this history in order to prevent spoilers. v1.2 ---- - Upgraded the engine to the newest 1.3 version with lots of interactive fiction improvements for better gameplay. v1.1 ---- - Post-IFCOMP2019 version with some minor fixes v1.0.3 ------ - Fixed: Repeating a certain action caused the game to give out score again. This is now fixed to prevent getting the same score multiple times. - Fixed: Corrected a couple of typos in an item description v1.0.2 ------ Initial version submitted to IFCOMP 2019