ADVD64.ZIP contains a "D64" image of a Commodore 64 disk containing text adventures. Most notably it contains a BASIC version of the original Adventure. The programs obviously run on a Commodore 64, and also run on the various C-64 emulators. ADVBOOT, SNVTR, and ADVENTURE are a condensed port of Adventure, done by Jim Butterfield in May 1981. ADVBOOT is a short program that loads SNVTR. It appears that ADVENTURE is a single program version of ADVBOOT/SNVTR, but I have not traced things enough to really see. OHARES3 and QUEST30 are self-standing adventures. I have a port of QUEST to PC GWBASIC, but I believe there are already several at the IF-ARCHIVE. These programs were all on a disk I obtained from the Capital Area Commodore Enthusiasts club library in 1985 or so. I suspect the origin was the Toronto Pet User's Group. CBMADV.ZIP contains the programs (not the data files) extracted to PC files, de-tokenized via Reed Meyer's program CBM2ASC. No attempt has been made to convert to any of the PC BASICs. These files have been prepared for the benefit of those who want to study the code, but not get involved with a C-64. Thanks to Dave Doherty for pointing out that this was a "lost" version of Adventure, and to all of the Commodore 64 transfer/translator/emulator authors for their incredible programs. Ken Plotkin March 1995