REM KITCHEN.AGT command turn valve atlocation [kitchen] isopen [panel 3] present [bucket] printmessage "The bucket quickly fills with sludge and you close the valve." sendtoroom [sludge] [bucket] donewithturn end_command command turn valve atlocation [kitchen] isopen [panel 3] printmessage The sludge spills all over the kitchen floor, you quickly close the valve. How messy!! end_printmessage sendtoroom [sludge] [kitchen] donewithturn end_command command drink sludge redirectto eat sludge end_command command eat sludge present [sludge] printmessage "Gack, Choke, Argh, Sputter, this stuff tastes like sludge!" donewithturn end_command command get sludge inroom [sludge] not present [bucket] printmessage "You have nothing suitable to carry it in." donewithturn end_command command get sludge inroom [sludge] sendtoroom [sludge] [bucket] printmessage "You scrape the sludge into the bucket." donewithturn end_command