Changes Changes from version to version DIARY.txt FMTYEWTK about what I did each day MANIFEST This list of files MANIFEST.SKIP Makefile.PL MakeMaker file to create a Makefile NOTES.txt Very ugly verbose notes of things todo README Basic Intro Todo Succinct plans for upcoming versions Perl version of Infocom's demo minizork languages/PIR/README languages/PIR/b.inf Example file for PIR translation languages/PIR/b_expected.pir languages/PIR/hello_expected.pir Hello, World PIR translation languages/PIR/main.pir Include file for PIR translations languages/Perl/README languages/Perl/big_test.cmd languages/Perl/ languages/Perl/big_test.inf Just what it says languages/Perl/big_test_expect5.txt languages/Perl/ Hello, World Perl translation languages/README languages/XML/b.inf Example file for XML translation languages/XML/foo.inf languages/XML/hello_expected.xml Hello, World XML translation languages/XML/zcode.xsl Display XML translations as pseudo-Inform languages/hello.inf Hello, World languages/hello.z5 Hello, World compiled languages/interact.h Include file for writing tests languages/no_inter.h Include file for writing tests languages/test.h Include file for writing tests lib/Language/ Mostly POD describing Language::Zcode lib/Language/Zcode/ Parser Factory lib/Language/Zcode/Parser/ Base class for Parsers lib/Language/Zcode/Parser/ Parse one Z-code opcode lib/Language/Zcode/Parser/ Parser that uses pure Perl lib/Language/Zcode/Parser/ Parse a Z-code routine lib/Language/Zcode/Parser/ Parser that uses external txd exe lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ Most I/O stuff for Runtime Z-machine lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ Perl translations of complex opcodes lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ Save file format lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ Machine state. boot, save/restore lib/Language/Zcode/Runtime/ lib/Language/Zcode/ Translator Factory lib/Language/Zcode/Translator/ Base class for Translators lib/Language/Zcode/Translator/ Translate parsed Z-code to Parrot PIR lib/Language/Zcode/Translator/ Translate parsed Z-code to Perl lib/Language/Zcode/Translator/ Translate parsed Z-code to XML lib/Language/Zcode/ Stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere scripts/ Translate a Z-file to other languages scripts/ Read a Quetzal save file, print out info scripts/ Compare Perl Z-file parser to txd program t/20_parser.inf Inform for corresponding .t file t/20_parser.t Test parsing a Z-file t/20_parser.z5 Compiled Z-file for corresponding .t file t/40_trans_perl.t Test translating Z-code to Perl t/80_big_perl.t Test running big translated Z-code/Perl file. t/big_test.inf Inform for testing lots of Z functionality t/big_test.z5 Compiled big_test.inf t/no_inter.h Inform subs for big test t/test_harness.h Inform subs to output Test::Harness "(not) ok"