Test/sample files for compiling Z-code files to Perl ---------------------------------------------------- hello_expected.pl If you do "plotz.pl ..\hello.z5", you should get a ..\hello.pl with these contents (9,495 bytes!!) Look at hello.pl to see all the infrastructure that is added to create the Z-machine. (In later versions, I hope to move at least some of this into the Runtime libraries.) big_test.inf Inform file with lots of stuff big_test.z5 Compiled big_test.inf Run plotz.pl on big_test.z5 to create big_test.pl. Run big_test.pl, optionally using big_test.in as input (or input by hand.) That should yield big_test.txt, a transcript file, with contents identical to big_test_expect5.txt. It should also generate big_test.cmd, which should be identical to big_test.in. Read big_test.pl (if you have the energy) to see how each Z-code assembly command is translated to Perl. Or just read Language::Zcode::Translator::Perl.