========================================= - Ectocomp - An Adrift 3-hour comp for Hallowe'en! ========================================= - JUDGING FORM - Please send your completed judging form to jason@groundchuck.co.uk, or via the ADRIFT forum. The judging period ends on the 1st December 2007. To judge, give each game a score from 1-10 (10 is perfection) and if you can offer any written feedback, then write it in the comments section. --------------------------------------------------------- Forest House | Seciden Mencarde | --------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: Comments: --------------------------------------------------------- The Stowaway | Benjamin Samuel | --------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: Comments: --------------------------------------------------------- Witness: Demon vs. Vampire | Robert Street | --------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: Comments: --------------------------------------------------------- Video.Tape / Decay | T.D.S. | --------------------------------------------------------- SCORE: Comments: