"Limen" by Elizabeth DeCoste Section 1 - Play begins When play begins: now right hand status line is "[location]"; When play begins: now left hand status line is "Exits: [exit list]". When play begins: say "Would you like instructions?"; if player consents, say "The > prompt appears whenever it is your turn to tell the game what you want to do. Type an action like LOOK AT WALL, or EXAMINE OBJECT and press the Enter key. Occasionally, the game might not recognize an action or noun you are typing, this means you need to either reword your entry or that this is not an important part of the game. To move through the game map, type the direction you want to go using cardinal directions like 'north'. Abbreviations will do the same thing, for example typing 'N' for north will have the same result. Some other commands you might want to try are: XAMINE, LOOK, OPEN, TAKE, GET IN, SWITCH ON/OFF, READ, MOVE, SIT or PUT. These are suggestions, not an exhaustive list of the actions you can take. There are also a number of abbreviations you can use, besides the directions mentioned above. They include: G: short for AGAIN, this repeats the last command. I: short for INVENTORY, this produces a list of what you're carrying. L: short for LOOK, this describes your surroundings. X: short for EXAMINE, this provides a description of an object. For example you might type 'x book' to receive a detailed description of a book. Z: short for WAIT, this causes a turn to pass without an action being performed. If you get into any trouble, remember you can always UNDO your last move, RESTART the game, or RESTORE a saved game. If you need these instructions again, you can always ask for HELP. To learn more about the game, try ABOUT". Understand "help" and "instructions" and "hint" as summoning help. Summoning help is an action applying to nothing. Carry out summoning help: say "The > prompt appears whenever it is your turn to tell the game what you want to do. Type an action like LOOK AT WALL, or EXAMINE OBJECT and press the Enter key. Occasionally, the game might not recognize an action or noun you are typing, this means you need to either reword your entry or that this is not an important part of the game. To move through the game map, type the direction you want to go using cardinal directions like 'north'. Abbreviations will do the same thing, for example typing 'N' for north will have the same result. Some other commands you might want to try are: EXAMINE, LOOK, OPEN, TAKE, GET IN, SWITCH ON/OFF, READ, MOVE, SIT or PUT. These are suggestions, not an exhaustive list of the actions you can take. There are also a number of abbreviations you can use, besides the directions mentioned above. They include: G: short for AGAIN, this repeats the last command. I: short for INVENTORY, this produces a list of what you're carrying. L: short for LOOK, this describes your surroundings. X: short for EXAMINE, this provides a description of an object. For example you might type 'x book' to receive a detailed description of a book. Z: short for WAIT, this causes a turn to pass without an action being performed. If you get into any trouble, remember you can always UNDO your last move, RESTART the game, or RESTORE a saved game, to save just type SAVE. To learn more about the game, try ABOUT.". Summoning credits is an action applying to nothing. Understand "credits" and "info" and "about" as summoning credits. Carry out summoning credits: say "Welcome to Limen. This interactive-fiction game was developed for Nuit Blanche Regina 2021 by artist Elizabeth DeCoste. This game was programmed with the software Inform 7 and powered by the interpreter Gargoyle. Thanks goes out to the folks behind the Interactive Data Base (ifdb.org) and the Interactive Fiction archive (ifarchive.org) for making the game accessible online. This project would not have been possible without the help of many people on The Interactive Fiction Community Forum. Specifically, thanks goes out to those who offered guidance on Inform 7 and those who test-played the game before its release: Michael Russo, Patrick Mooney, Christopher Merriner, Nils Fagerburg, Zed Lopez, Jade, and Edo Rajh. Additional thanks is also extended to those who helped set up the installation, Brie Treppel, as well as the Dunlop Art Gallery, who generously loaned out a projecctor for the festival, and to the organizers of Nuit Blanche 2021 for being interested in seeing this project come to fruition. To learn more about the artist, visit elizabeth-decoste.format.com or find them on instagram @aquarigus.". To say exit list: let place be location; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location; if place is a room, say " [way] ". Section 2 - Rooms A road is a kind of room. Definition: a room is offroad if it is not a road. Instead of going by a vehicle to somewhere offroad: say "Looks like you can't drive in that direction." Subway Station is a room. "[if unvisited]You are standing in an empty subway station. Surrounding you is nothing but mono-yellow tile, peeling tourist advertisements, grey benches, and the white noise of the fluorescent lights hum-buzz. You are alone, not even the operators seem to be around. You wait to catch the last train at midnight. The departure screen blinks orange text at you. ". Shopping Mall is a room. Shopping mall is north of Field. "[if unvisited]You do not recall entering any structure, yet you find yourself surrounded by a building, which appears to be a shopping mall. Haphazardly patterned tile of dusty yellow, blue, and grey build walkways between darkened store fronts, all alike.[otherwise]Haphazardly patterned tile of dusty yellow, blue, and grey build walkways between darkened store fronts, all alike.". A Darkened Store Front is a kind of room. The printed name of A Darkened Store Front is usually "Darkened Store Fronts". The description of A Darkened Store Front is usually "You stand in front of darkened store fronts, all alike.". Store1, Store2, Store3, Store4, Store5, Store6, Store7, and Store8 are A Darkened Store Fronts. Store1 is north of Shopping Mall and east of Store6 and west of Store5. Store3 is west of Shopping Mall. Store4 is east of Shopping Mall. Store5 is northeast of Shopping Mall and north of Store4. Store6 is northwest of Shopping Mall and north of Store3. Store7 is southeast of Shopping Mall and south of Store4. Store8 is southwest of Shopping Mall and south of Store3. Expanse is a road. "[if unvisited]The expanse seems to rise mildly to the east, and continues flatly in other directions. Seemingly hovering in the air, the departure board blinks orange text at you. It does not make sense, but that does not make it any less real.[otherwise]You are on a large expanse of sod. The expanse rises mildly to the east and continues flatly in all other directions. The departure board blinks orange text at you.". Expanse is north of Rising Ground. Rising Ground is a road. Rising Ground is east of the Expanse. "[if unvisited]The sod reaches out and continues to rise more quickly to the east. You also notice that the sun has begun to hide itself further behind the horizon. Around you, night is revealing itself. As you walk in this direction, it demands more of you to continue this climb. You notice as you walk that the Departure Board seems to follow you, like the far-off moon in the night sky. It blinks its text obstinately at you.[otherwise]The sod reaches out and continues to rise more quickly to the east. The ever-present departure board blinks text at you. ". Rising Ground is south of Rising Ground. Hill top is a road. Hill top is east of Rising Ground. "The sod reaches a resting, as do you, at this plateau. The sod seems to continue aimlessly around you, except to the east where the Departure Board stands invitingly. It blinks text at you." Hill top is south of Hill top. Field is a road. Field is north of Expanse. Field is northwest of Expanse. Field is northeast of Expanse. "You have gone north and found yourself still in the expanse of flat sod, which continues flatly in all directions. Blinking to your north is the orange text of the ever-present Departure Board." Hotel Lobby is a room. Hotel Lobby is east of Hill top. "[if unvisited]Despite having entered no building, you find yourself inside of one, surrounded by four walls. A whooshing noise is just fading away as you puzzle over this odd phenomenon. The hotel lobby is dim and silent. There are mundane light fixtures holding on to the beige walls, yet they seem to give off little light. A tacky, overly patterned carpet lays on the ground, wall to wall, and beige furniture sits uninvitingly. The check-in counter waits, abandoned to the north. Above it hangs the departure board, blinking its text at you.[otherwise]There are mundane light fixtures holding on to the beige walls, yet they seem to give off little light. A tacky, overly patterned carpet lays on the ground, wall to wall, and beige furniture sits uninvitingly. The check-in counter waits, abandoned to the north. Above it hangs the departure board, blinking its text at you. At this point, you realise the departure board is ever-present in this odd world you have found yourself in. ". First Floor Hallway is a room. First Floor Hallway is east of Hotel Lobby. "[if unvisited]The patterned carpet stretches itself down a long hallway, lined with doors, numbered in ascending order. To the east stands an elevator door. To the north, the door to Room 237 stands out. You barely notice the departure board now, as it has become something you're used to in the background of every place you go.[otherwise]The patterned carpet stretches itself down a long hallway, lined with doors, numbered in ascending order. To the east stands an elevator door. To the north, the door to Room 237 stands out.". Elevator is east of First Floor Hallway and east of Parkade1. The description of Elevator is "You are inside a slightly claustrophobic elevator." After going to Elevator: say "The doors automatically open and close themselves behind you, as if sensing you were there. Before you reach for one of the many numbered buttons sitting brightly to one side, there is a rush of upward motion before the room stops."; if First Floor Hallway is mapped west of Elevator, now Parkade1 is mapped west of Elevator; otherwise now First Floor Hallway is mapped west of Elevator; continue the action. Parkade is a kind of road. The printed name of Parkade is usually "Parkade". The description of Parkade is usually "Fluorescent lights falter ominously as they fail to illuminate the parkade.". Parkade1, Parkade2, Parkade3, Parkade4, Parkade5 and Parkade6 are Parkades. Parkade1 is above Parkade2. Parkade2 is above Parkade3. Parkade3 is above Parkade4. Parkade4 is above Parkade5. Parkade5 is above Parkade6. The description of Parkade1 is "[if unvisited]The elevator doors have opened into a concrete enclosure. Looking around, you find it hard to believe that this space has somehow hidden itself as part of the hotel. It appears to be underground. Fluorescent lights falter ominously as they fail to illuminate the parkade.[otherwise]Fluorescent lights falter ominously as they fail to illuminate the parkade.". In Parkade5 is a vehicle called Toyota Corolla. The description of Parkade5 is "[if Toyota Corolla is in location]A car, which sits lonely by itself in the far corner of this level of the parkade, catches the flickering of the lights.[otherwise]Fluorescent lights falter ominously as they fail to illuminate the parkade." The description of Toyota Corolla is "The machine looks exactly as you would expect a 1998 Toyota Corolla to look.". Understand "car" and "Toyota" and "corolla" as Toyota Corolla. Understand "concrete" and "enclosure" and "concrete enclosure" as Parkade. There are some keys inside the Toyota Corolla. Understand "keys" and "car keys" as some keys. The ignition is a device. The ignition is a part of Toyota Corolla. Understand "turn [something]" and "turn [something] on" as switching on. Understand "start [something]" as switching on. Understand "turn [something] off" or "turn off [something]" as switching off. Instead of going by the Toyota Corolla when the ignition is switched off: say "The ignition is off." Instead of switching on the Toyota Corolla: try switching on the ignition instead. Instead of switching off the Toyota Corolla: try switching off the ignition instead. Understand the command "drive" as something new. Driving is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "drive" as driving. Understand "drive [something]" as driving. Check driving: say "You need to start the ignition to drive."; Check switching on the ignition when the player does not have some keys: instead say "You need the car keys to turn the ignition.". Check switching on the ignition when the player is not in Toyota Corolla: instead say "You have to be inside the car to do that.". This is the container interior rule: if the player is in an enterable thing (called current cage), carry out the describing the interior activity with the current cage. Describing the interior of something is an activity. Rule for describing the interior of Toyota Corolla: say "You are sitting on the fabric seat inside the machine, a recognizable logo centred in the steering wheel. The transparent glass of the windshield hides nothing of the area outside from you.". Definition: a thing is other if it is not the player. To reach is a verb. The can't reach outside vehicles rule is listed last in the reaching outside rules. This is the can't reach outside vehicles rule: if the holder of the person reaching is a vehicle: say "[The person reaching] [can't reach] [the noun] from inside [the holder of the person reaching]"; reject the player's command; rule fails. Room 237 is a room. It is north of Door 237. "[if unvisited]After scanning your key card in the reader on the door, it opens and you enter the room. The room is a suite, the same gaudy carpet in the rest of the hotel stretches itself wall to wall. A bed matching the carpet is neatly made, and red furniture is placed around the rest of the room. Vertically striped wallpaper makes the suite feel slightly claustrophobic, despite its size. To the north is an open doorway leading into the bathroom.[otherwise]The room is a suite, the same gaudy carpet from the rest of the hotel stretches itself wall to wall. A bed matching the carpet is neatly made, and red furniture is placed around the rest of the room. Vertically striped wallpaper makes the suite feel slightly claustrophobic, despite its size. To the north is an open doorway leading into the bathroom.". Suite is a backdrop in Room 237. "The room is a suite, the same gaudy carpet from the rest of the hotel stretches itself wall to wall. A bed matching the carpet is neatly made, and red furniture is placed around the rest of the room. Vertically striped wallpaper makes the suite feel slightly claustrophobic, despite its size. To the north is an open doorway leading into the bathroom.". A dollar is an object in Room 237. The description of a dollar is "Wow. 1 dollar." Understand "coin" as a dollar. Bathroom is north of Room 237. "The bathroom is painted teal green with white and orange detailing. It is furnished with a matching teal porcelain toilet and sinks. Three mirrors surround the two sinks, and bright light fixtures reflect off the porcelain.". Understand "washroom" as Bathroom. Door 237 is south of Room 237 and north of First Floor Hallway. Door 237 is a door. Door 237 is lockable and locked. Door 237 is scenery. The description of Door 237 is "The door has the number 237 in its centre. Something about it seems to stand out from the rest in the hallway, but you cannot pinpoint what.". Instead of going through Door 237 when the player does not have a key card: say "You'll need a key card to get into this room.". Behind Counter is a room. Behind Counter is north of Hotel Lobby. "The lonely counter is a non-intrusive beige. Once it must have functioned to check visitors in and out of their rooms, but deserted, it feels purposeless." Playground is a road. Playground is north of Hill top. "A jungle of plastic and metal and a creaky metal carousel sit here, deserted." Section 3 - Scenes Depart is a scene. Depart begins when the player is in the Subway Station for the fifth turn. When depart begins: say "Somewhere down the subway tunnel you hear the whooshing of air. The train must be rounding the corner." Depart ends when the time since Depart began is 1 minute. When depart ends: say "As the train whooshes by, it begins to slow to a stop, but as you approach the train to board, you feel a strong wind and the sound of the speeding train grows louder -- -- You blink and realise you are suddenly standing on a large expanse of sod, the world around you sits somewhere between light and dark, with the sun resting shyly on the horizon. It must be either dusk or dawn. ". When Depart ends: now the player is in the Expanse. Drive is a scene. Drive begins when the ignition is switched on. When drive begins: say "The car has come to life with the turn of the car keys, and all of a sudden it is driving itself. Trying to move the steering wheel or step on either the gas or brake does nothing, the car itself seems sure of where to go --- --- before you realize it you are no longer in the parkade.". Drive ends when the time since Drive began is 1 minute. When drive ends: now Toyota Corolla is in Playground. Section 4 - Objects the departure board is a backdrop which is everywhere. The description of the departure board is "[if location is Field]The departure screen blinks bright text at you: TO MALL.[otherwise if the location is the Expanse]The screen blinks orange text at you: WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE?[otherwise if the location is the Hill top]The departure screen blinks fluorescent text at you: TO LOBBY[otherwise if the location is Subway Station]Where city announcements and advertisements usually flicker above the arrival times is nothing but the static of the screen. The screen blinks pixelated text at you: Next train: 5 minutes.[otherwise if the location is Parkade]The departure screen blinks grey text at you: TO PLAYGROUND.[otherwise if the location is Elevator]The departure screen blinks orange text at you: TO PARKADE.[otherwise if the location is Bathroom]The departure screen blinks orange text at you: REDRUM.[otherwise if the location is Behind Counter]The departure screen blinks orange text at you: TO ROOM 237.[otherwise if the location is Store5]The departure screen blinks blue text at you: Going home?[otherwise]The departure screen blinks its text at you. Where city announcements and advertisements usually flicker above the arrival times is nothing but the static of the screen. It reads: IN THE IN BETWEENS.". Understand "screen" or "static" or "board" or "departure screen" or "departure board" or "text" as the departure board. the benches is a backdrop. It is in the Subway Station."The grey concrete benches look uncomfortable." Understand "benches/bench" as the benches. the tourist advertisements is a backdrop. It is in Subway Station."The peeling posters are too old and worn to be legible.". Understand "advertisements/posters/tourist advertisements" as the tourist advertisements. the buttons is a backdrop in Elevator."Buttons numbering the many floors of the hotel.". Instead of pushing the buttons: say "The elevator seems to have a mind of its own."; reject the player's command. the lights is a backdrop. It is in the Subway Station and Bathroom and Hotel Lobby and Parkade1, Parkade2, Parkade3, Parkade4, Parkade5 and Parkade6. "[if the location is Subway Station]The white fluorescent lights hum, setting your teeth on edge and casting their dim white light around the station, giving everything a green hue.[otherwise if the location is Hotel Lobby]The light fixtures do not seem to give off enough light. You can hear their quiet buzz.[otherwise if location is Bathroom]The porcelain reflects the light.[otherwise if the location is Parkade]The lights are flickering eerily.". Understand "fixtures" as the lights. the check-in is a backdrop. It is in Hotel Lobby. "The counter sits abandoned to the north. A lone computer monitor sits off underneath the blinking text of the Departure Board." Understand "check-in" or "check in" or "counter" or "check in counter" or "check-in counter" as the check-in. the hotel walls is a backdrop. It is in Hotel Lobby and Room 237. "[if location is Hotel Lobby]Boring beige walls.[otherwise]Striped, beige wallpaper decorates the walls in here. Its pattern makes you feel slightly claustrophobic.". Understand "walls" and "wall" and "wallpaper" and "panel" and "panels" as the hotel walls. the carpet is a backdrop. It is in Hotel Lobby, Room 237, and First Floor Hallway. "Looks like it could use vacuuming.". Understand "rug" as the carpet. the furniture is a backdrop. It is in Hotel Lobby and Room 237. "[if the location is Hotel Lobby]The beige furniture seems to be of no importance.[otherwise]The red furniture is made of leather, and does not look particularly comfortable.". the bed is a backdrop in Room 237. "The bed is neatly made but does not look particularly inviting. It's comforter matches the gaudy pattern of the carpet.". Understand "comforter" as the bed. the sod is a backdrop. It is in Expanse, Rising Ground, Field, and Hill top. "An expanse of grass.". Understand "plateau" and "grass" and "ground" as the sod. the moon is a backdrop. It is in Rising Ground. "The moon is waning to a crescent.". the tile is a backdrop. It is in Shopping Mall and Store1, Store2, Store3, Store4, Store5, Store6, Store7, and Store8, and Subway Station. The description of the tile is "[if the location is Subway Station]The tile is a bland yellow, it is utterly uninspiring. [otherwise]Could use some sweeping.". the store fronts is a backdrop. It is in Shopping Mall, and Store1, Store2, Store3, Store4, Store5, Store6, Store7, and Store8. "Every store is dark and closed. They all look the same to you. Mannequins stand still watching guard.". Understand "stores" and "store" and "fronts" as the store fronts. Understand "walkway" or "walk way" or "tiles" or "floor" as the tile. A backdrop called doors is in First Floor Hallway. "The doors are numbered in ascending order, they all seem the same except the one to the north, which has a small crack of light leaking from underneath. That door reads 237.". the elevator door is a backdrop. It is in Elevator. "The elevator doors are metal and can slide open and shut, there are buttons on one side of them. You can leave to the west through the elevator doors.". Understand "elevator doors" as the elevator door. the distinct door is a backdrop in First Floor Hallway. "The metal door to the east stands out. The buttons beside with up and down arrows indicate to you that these doors lead to an elevator." . the toilet is a backdrop in Bathroom. "The toilet is made of teal porcelain, which matches the walls of the bathroom.". the sinks is a backdrop in Bathroom. "The sinks are made of teal porcelain. Three mirrors surround the two sinks in this area of the bathroom.". the mirrors is a backdrop in Bathroom. "You see your reflection in the mirror." Understand "mirror" as the mirrors. the play structure is a backdrop in Playground. "The jungle gym looks as though it has not been used in some time, but was once well loved. Chipped and rusty paint covers the metal monkey bars and steps of the structure.". Understand "jungle" and "jungle gym" and "play structure" and "metal" and "plastic" as the play structure. the carousel is a backdrop in Playground. "The creaky metal carousel was once painted in bright colours, but now sits quietly in the night, rusted in place.". Understand "merry go round" and "merry-go-round" as the carousel. the mannequins is a backdrop in Shopping Mall. "The mannequins stare blankly as they stand guard in the windows of the deserted stores.". the swings is an object in Playground. It is fixed in place."A swinging set of seats moves slightly back and forth on its chains.". Understand "seats" and "swing set" and "swing" and "chains" as the swings. Understand the command "sit" as something new. Sitting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "sit on [something]" as sitting. Understand "sit [something]" as sitting. Understand "sit" as sitting. Understand "lie down" and "lie on [something]" and "swing on [something]" as sitting. Carry out sitting: if the noun is swings: say "You sit down on one of the swings and gently pump your legs to move back and forth. The chains creak as you do so, these swings must have sat a long time unused. Something about swinging here has made you feel nostalgic and melancholy, so you stop and stand back up."; otherwise: say "You should not rest now."; reject the player's command. Check sitting: if player is inside vehicle: say "You cannot do that from inside the car"; reject the player's command. a bath tub is an object in Bathroom. It is fixed in place. "A bathtub sits at the end of the bathroom. It is made of porcelain teal, with a white shower curtain pulled closed in front of it, obscuring any more of it from view.". The description of a bath tub is "A bathtub sits at the end of the bathroom. It is made of porcelain teal, with a white shower curtain pulled closed in front of it, obscuring any more of it from view.". Understand "bath" and "tub" and "bathtub" as a bath tub. Shower curtain is a part of the bath tub. The description of Shower curtain is "The white shower curtain hangs in front of the bathtub.". Understand the command "move" as something new. Moving is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "move [something]" as moving. Instead of moving shower curtain: say "You pull aside the shower curtain to reveal a beautiful young woman taking a bath. Having disturbed her she immediately looks up angrily at you. She stands up out of the bathtub and grabs you around your neck. As she strangles you, you realise she is not a young woman at all, but now looks more like the dead corpse of an old woman. You have little time to contemplate this confusion before you black out from lack of oxygen."; end the story saying "You have been strangled to death.". Instead of opening shower curtain: say "You pull aside the shower curtain to reveal a beautiful young woman taking a bath. Having disturbed her she immediately looks up angrily at you. She stands up out of the bathtub and grabs you around your neck. As she strangles you, you realise she is not a young woman at all, but now looks more like the dead corpse of an old woman. You have little time to contemplate this confusion before you black out from lack of oxygen."; end the story saying "You have been strangled to death.". keys is an object inside Toyota Corolla. The description of keys is "Car keys for the 1998 Corolla." The table is an object in Hotel Lobby. The table is fixed in place. The description of the table is "A small table that could hold customer's coffee if there was any coffee to have.". a pamphlet is on the table. The description of Pamphlet is "Welcome to Limen. This interactive-fiction game was developed for Nuit Blanche Regina 2021 by artist Elizabeth DeCoste. Explore your surroundings and delve into the deep surface of liminal spaces. Find yourself stuck in the in-between, the part between the ending of something and the start of something new. There are some key items that will help the story progress, but exploring the space can be just as fun!". a post-it note is in Behind Counter. The description of a post-it note is "Written on it in pencil is XYZZY". Understand "post it" and "note" and "post-it" and "post it note" as a post-it note. a key card is a thing in Behind Counter. Understand "card" or "keycard" or "key card" as a key card. Some pens are in Behind Counter. "The counter holds some plain pens, labelled with a vague 'Hotel'.". The description of some pens is "Labelled with a vague 'Hotel'". Understand "pen" and "pens" as some pens. Using is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Understand "write" as using. Understand "write with [something]" as using. Instead of using some pens: say "It is out of ink.". the gumball machine is a locked container in Store5. the gumball machine is fixed in place. The description of the gumball machine is "The gumball machine is filled with shiny, colourful gumballs and has a slot demanding $1.00 for a gumball.". slot is a container that is a part of the gumball machine. slot is open. The description of the slot is "A slot for a dollar in exchange for a gumball.". Understand "coin slot" as slot. The blue gumball is an object. It is edible. The description of the blue gumball is "Looks tasty.". Carry out eating the blue gumball: say "You put the gumball in your mouth and bite down. The sugary taste feels like the only real thing you've encountered in a while. You chew the gum and blow a large bubble. Then it pops-- --You jolt at the sound of the pop, blinking only to realize that you are riding a subway train, which is coming to a stop. The disembodied voice over the intercom announces your stop, and the doors slide open at the familiar station near your home. A few other late night stragglers crown around the doors, trying to get in past you. You step off the train to go home, the sugary taste in your mouth fading away....... You are not sure how much of your journey was real, but you know you have come to the end of it."; end the story finally. Understand the command "put" as something new. Putting is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "put [something] in [a container]" as putting. Understand "insert [something] in [a container]" as putting. Understand "insert [ something] into [a container]" as putting. Carry out putting: if the noun is the dollar: say "The machine happily takes the dollar and relinquishes one of its blue gumball into your open hand."; now the player has the blue gumball; now the dollar is nowhere; If the noun is the key card: say "Try scanning the key card."; reject the player's command. Instead of buying gumball: say "Try putting the dollar in the coin slot"; reject the player's command. the computer is a device. The computer is fixed in place. The computer is in Behind Counter. The description of the computer is "[if switched on]The computer screen prompts you to enter a password. [otherwise]The box computer monitor looks simultaneously new and old - old because the model has to be at least 15 years outdated, while new because it looks like it just came out of the box. A scanner is attached to one side." A container called the scanner is part of the computer. The description of the scanner is "For scanning key cards." Understand "computer" and "monitor" and "screen" as the computer. Carry out switching on the computer: now the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >"; continue the action. After reading a command when the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >": increment the turn count; if the player's command matches "XYZZY": say "You enter the password and the computer opens to a desktop page. The only application on the computer is the key card programmer. The computer does not seem to be connected to an internet server"; now the command prompt is ">"; now the description of the computer is "[if switched on] The only application on the computer is the key card programmer. [otherwise] A black screen."; reject the player's command; otherwise: say "Wrong password"; now the command prompt is "Would you like to try again? (Yes or No) >"; now the computer is switched off; reject the player's command. After reading a command when the command prompt is "Would you like to try again? (Yes or No) >": if the player's command matches "yes" or the player's command matches "y": now the command prompt is "Please enter the password now. >"; say line break; say run paragraph on; reject the player's command; if the player's command matches "no" or the player's command matches "n": now the command prompt is ">"; say line break; say run paragraph on; now the computer is switched off; reject the player's command; otherwise: say line break; say run paragraph on; now the computer is switched off; reject the player's command. Understand the command "click" as something new. Clicking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "click [something]" as clicking. Understand "click on [something]" as clicking. Check clicking when the player cannot see the computer: instead say "You might need to use the computer to click on something.". Instead of clicking: if the noun is not computer: say "You can't click on that."; otherwise: say "The program opens to a log of all the hotel rooms. All are vacant except Room 237." Understand "app" or "application" or "program" or "programmer" or "key card programmer" as computer. Understand the command "scan" as something new. Understand the command "insert" as something new. Scanning is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "scan [something]" as scanning. Understand "put [something] in scanner" as scanning. Understand "program [something]" as scanning. Understand "insert [something] in scanner" as scanning. Instead of scanning: if the noun is not a key card: say "That does nothing."; if the computer is not switched on: say "You need to turn on the computer to do that."; if the player cannot see the computer: say "You need a computer to do that."; otherwise: say "The scanner beeps. The key card is now activated."; now Door 237 is unlocked. Cleaning is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "clean [something]" as cleaning. Understand "vacuum [something]" as cleaning. Instead of cleaning the carpet: say "You do not have anything to clean with.". Release along with a website. Release along with the source text. Release along with an interpreter. The story title is "Limen". The story author is "Elizabeth DeCoste". The story genre is "Surreal". The release number is 1. The story description is "An exploration of the surreality of liminal spaces.". The story creation year is 2021.