# Desklib style Messages file for !Frotz # Musus Umbra, 1996/7 # misc.no:No misc.yes:Yes # Menu text ibar.menu:Info,Game|Edit Palette,Config|Quit # This is the absolute MAXIMUM number of Z-instructions to execute between # calls to Wimp_Poll. # If you don't understand, leave this alone. # For pre-RiscPC machines, try a value of 1000 or so. # My RPC700 seems happy at 2000, SA users might like to go to 4000+ # but since I can't afford a StrongARM (yet), I couldn't say for sure. poll.period:1000 # This is the *maximum* amount of memory to be allocated for virtual memory. # Note that the resident portion of the game may be up to 64K in size, so # the total memory requirement for the *storyfile* will be 64K+cache.size # (then there's the buffers, etc. too). # The pagesize is #defined in VirtualMem.h and is set at 1024 bytes in this # release. # AS EVER: IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING - LEAVE IT ALONE cache.size:65536 cache.loadpage:Page seek failed (%d) for address (%d) cache.readpage:Page read failed (%d) for address (%d) # These are the beep pitches (!) used in os_beep. Pitch 1 should be high, # and pitch 2 low. The value is as for the pitch parameter of BASIC's # SOUND command (or the Sound_Control SWI for that matter). # NB: THE VALUES ARE IN HEX! pitch.1:b4 pitch.2:64 # Error messages, etc. err.fatal:Fatal internal error: %s (line %d of module %s) err.noargs:You should double-click on a story file (type 11A) to load Frotz err.oom:(Out of memory?) font.faillr:Can't load the low-res font font.failhr:Can't load the high-res font scr.initfail:Screen initialisation failed err.badfgcol:Bad foreground colour (value %d) err.badbgcol:Bad background colour (value %d) err.crwin:Failed to create window '%s' swi.err:SWI Error (%s), file %s line %d err.history1:There is not enough free memory for command recall (tried to claim %d slots). err.history2:There is not enough free memory for %d recall slots, Frotz will use %d slots instead. err.history3:There is not enough free memory to use the command-history recall system, Frotz will continue without it. err.undo1:There is not enough free memory for %d undo slots; Frotz will use %d slots instead. err.undo2:There is not enough free memory to use multiple undo. err.advice:(ADVICE: quit Frotz, free some memory, then try again). err.memoryD:cannot claim enough memory for the DSA font err.memoryP:cannot claim enough memory for the DSA palette err.setvar:Failed to set FrotzGame$Dir - %s err.pwrite1:Can't open file FrotzRes:Palette for writing err.pwrite2:Failed to write to file FrotzRes:Palette err.cmenu1:Colour tag %s mislaid err.winu:winu/%d failed - %s err.readpal:Can't read palette - %s err.fnofind:Font file %s not found err.fnoload:Failed to load font file %s err.fnofont:File %s is not a ZapFont err.fnohopen:(huffman) err.fnohload:(huffman) err.fnohfont:(huffman) err.nestrq:The Requester window code has been re-entered whilst active. Requester-request denied! # Leader string for error reports via os_fatal[_i] err.zerr:Z-Machine runtime error: %s err.ierr:Interpreter error: %s # Error messages for z-machine errors: zerr.badstore:Attempt to write to non-dynamic (read-only) portion of story-file zerr.stackovr:Stack overflow zerr.stackund:Stack underflow zerr.badcalla:Attempt to call routine oustide story-file zerr.badcallr:Attempt to call a non-routine zerr.badop:Illegal Op-code zerr.badstack:Bad stack frame zerr.badjmpa:Attempt to jump outside storyfile zerr.div0:Attempt to divide by zero zerr.div0m: (as a MOD op.) zerr.objnum:Attempt to access an illegal object number zerr.attrbc:Attempt to clear an illegal attribute number zerr.attrbs:Attempt to set an illegal attribute number zerr.attrbt:Attempt to test an illegal attribute number zerr.propg:Bad get_property (No such property) zerr.propp:Bad put_property (No such property) zerr.printa:Attempt to print a string from outside storyfile # Error messages for interpeter errors ierr.tbover:Text buffer overflow ierr.fileread:Failed to load dynamic portion of story-file ierr.saveread:Error reading Saved Game file ierr.cantopen:Faied to open story-file ierr.halloc:Nowhere near enough memory free ierr.hload:Failed to read story header ierr.vsn:Unknown story-file version ierr.bswap:Story-file is 'byte-swapped' ierr.salloc:Not enough memory for story ierr.sload:Error reading story-file # Message for the cute 'FROTZ' splash-box load.story:The Story is Loading... # Title for the 'so-and-so' full name leaf windows: name.full:%s Full Name # Messages for the query dialog # These are the 'reminders' for dataload/open messages we're not expecting # or there is no game file loaded... load.title:A Quick Reminder from Frotz load.game:There is no story-file loaded, double-click on one (or drag it to the Frotz icon) to load one load.saved:Use the game's 'Restore' (or equivalent) command to restore saved game positions load.recrd:Use the 'PlayBack' HotKey to begin playing back a command record file load.aux:Use the game's own commands to load auxiliary files load.no:Cancel load.yes:Help! # This is the 'confirm quit' data quit.title:A Very Important Question from Frotz quit.game:This game is still in progress; are you sure you want to quit it? quit.yes:Quit game quit.no:Resume game # This is the confirm overwrite stuff overw.q:That file already exists; Please choose: overw.n:Cancel overw.y:Overwrite # And confirm appends append.q:That script file already exists; Please choose: append.n:Replace it append.y:Append to it # The [More] prompt: more.prompt:[More] more.q:Do you want promts? more.y:Yes more.n:No # The [Hit any key to exit] prompt: exit.prompt:[Hit any key to exit] # Explanation strings for the hotkey actions hotkey.undo:Undo one turn (if possible) hotkey.restart:Restart the current game hotkey.exit:Quit the game (and Frotz) hotkey.seed:Reseed the random number generator hotkey.help:Give this help hotkey.record:Turn command recording on/off hotkey.playback:Begin playing back a command record hotkey.debug:Change the debugging options # Font menu title font.title:Bitmap Font # Z-Machine colour -> name mappings zcol.title:Colour zcol.2:Black zcol.3:Red zcol.4:Green zcol.5:Yellow zcol.6:Blue zcol.7:Magenta zcol.8:Cyan zcol.9:White zcol.10:Light Grey zcol.11:Mid Grey zcol.12:Dark Grey zcol.13:User 1 zcol.14:User 2 # Title of the colour picker dbox zcol.edit:Alter Colour %s # The 'Edit Colours' menu: zcol.mtitle:Edit Palette zcol.menu:Default,Reset|>Black,>Red,>Green,>Yellow,>Blue,>Magenta,>Cyan,>White,>Light Grey,>Mid Grey,>Dark Grey,>User 1,>User 2|Save # Frotz interpreter number -> name mappings inum.title:Interpreter inum.1:DEC 20 inum.2:Apple ][e inum.3:Macintosh inum.4:Amiga inum.5:Atari ST inum.6:MS DOS inum.7:CBM 128 inum.8:CBM 64 inum.9:Apple ][c inum.10:Apple ][gs inum.11:Tandy # Volume level -> name mappings volume.7:Loudest volume.6:Loud volume.5:Med. Loud volume.4:Medium volume.3:Quiet-ish volume.2:Quiet volume.1:Very Quiet volume.0:Quietest # names of the various types of file fdesc.save:saved game-position fdesc.trans:transcript fdesc.record:command record fdesc.aux:auxiliary fdesc.unk: # Some file load/save prompts: rqst.save:Enter a name for the %s file rqst.load:Enter the name of the %s file rqst.wload:Enter file's name or drag it to this window rqst.wsave:Enter a name and/or drag icon to a filer window rqst.mwsave:Starting 'save' requester... rqst.mwload:Starting 'load' requester... rqst.aborted:***ABORTED*** # Some 'default' fields for the About this Game window: about.noname:No storyfile loaded about.none:- about.nogame:Double-click on a storyfile, or drag one to the Frotz icon, to start a game about.unk:Unknown - see the help manual for details of how to make Frotz recognise this game's name # StrongHelp page references hpage.load:Loading hpage.opts:Options hpage.authors:Authors hpage.loads:Restoring hpage.loada:LoadAux hpage.loadr:recordfile # Some left-over debugging messages (this is only a beta release, after all) debug.oserr:Sound OS error: %s debug.txterr:Sound: %s debug.cache:VM Cache statistics: hits=%d misses=%d (ratio=%lf/1) debug.rsize:Story resident data size is %d