ABOUT THE RELEASE The demo is essentially the first chapter of the full version and only differs from the latter in that its combat mode is not fully implemented lack- ing all animation and indicators described in the manual, and is confined to pressing SPACE as fre- quently as possible. We shall consider translating the full game if we get feedback from people saying they should like to play it. Post your comments at WoS: http://www.worldofspectrum.org/forums/showthread.php?p=657937 RUNNING THE GAME The game runs on the Petagon-128 clone of ZX Spec- trum and in any emulator supporting this machine. Some emulators, like FUSE or Spectaculator, can au- to-run .trd files. If your emulator does no do it, the following actions are generally required: 1. Switch the emulator to a suitable machine, like Pentagon 128. 2. "Insert" the .trd disk image. The exact way to do this depends on the emulator but almost always boils down to choosing a menu item and picking the desired file in an "Open File" di- alog. 3. Go to TR-DOS. The emulated machine should have this menu item. 4. Press the 'R', effectively typing the "RUN" command, and then RETURN. The controls are: Q, 9 - Up A, 8 - Down SPACE, M, 0 - Select CREDITS These people have helped the project come true: GoodBoy extracted the Russian texts. Anton Shepelev (anton.txt at gmail.com) translated them and sent to Alex Ross-Shaw (www.zombiesatemyxbox.com) for proof- reading, while JimS helped futher improve the manu- al. Shadow Maker (shadowmaker at mrs.mn) redrew the GFX, reverse-engeneered the game script, incorporat- ed into it the English texts, and assembled the translated version. Also many thanks to the members of http://www.englishforums.com and nntp://alt.english.usage whom I have asked quite some questions and received great answers. Anton Shepelev