SHOWLOG (v1.2b) Lance Ewing ( =============== Here it is, the first decent LOGIC viewer available. There may still be a few problems with it, so I'd appreciate it if you could notify me of any that you encounter so that I can quickly fix them. Peter Kelly has a program called AGIHack on his site that uses SHOWLOG to view LOGIC resources. This makes SHOWLOG easier to use. A few improvements have been made since version 1.1b. They are as follows: - Empty OBJECT files such as the one with Mixed Up Mother Goose is now supported. - Found a new situation in which an else statement should be a goto and have implemented this. - A previous problem with the goto statement has been corrected. - New option to display variable usage for the logic script. - New option to add the message list to the end of the script using the format described in the AGI syntax and supported by AGIC and AGIStudio. (Presumably MATS will follow soon). An error in the way messages were printed for the #message directive list has been corrected since version 1.2a. With the release of AGI compilers, people are now using SHOWLOG output as input to these AGI compilers. This has meant that I have had to make a few changes to the way things are done so that everything is compatible. This includes the #message directive list that is added to the end of the output when the -m output is selected. There are a number of other changes that may result from discussions being held at present. Here is a description of the command line options for SHOWLOG: showlog [options] logicfile -3 Decode a version 3 LOGIC file rather than the default of version 2. The difference between the two is that the text in the version 2 scripts is encrypted with the string "Avis Durgan". -s Stop and wait for a key press after every ten lines of output. This should only be used when you are not viewing the output with browse. -h Use half height characters (8x8) instead of normal height (8x16). This option changes the text screen to 50 lines if your computer has VGA. -b Display the output using the BROWSE utility. I've embedded the browse utility in SHOWLOG, so you won't have to find it yourself. -r Display the raw LOGIC codes after each line. This option is useful for learning the LOGIC format. Use it in conjunction with the LOGIC documentation. -v Tag a comment containing the variable usage to the end of the output script. This isn't a feature you will use much but I like to be able to quickly see how scripts make use of the variable table. -m Add a list of #message directives to the end of the output script so that messages can be assigned their respective numbers when the scripts are recompiled. USEFUL OPTION COMBINATIONS 1) Example: showlog -b -h logic.2 This combination will be the most frequently used. It displays the output in BROWSE, and the display will be in 50 lines. 2) Example: showlog logic.2 > LOGIC002 This example will produce straight text output and redirect it to the file given. 3) Example: showlog -h -s logic.2 This combination is another viewing option where the output produced stops after every ten lines. It also uses the 50 line mode. 4) Example: showlog -3 logic.0 Whenever this options is used, the program assumes that the given file is a version 3 LOGIC file. If you get it wrong, then the text messages will be a mess. 5) Example: showlog -r -b -h logic.0 Use this combination to see how the LOGIC code represents the text equivalent. Great for debugging or learning how the codes work.