"BeetWalk.txt" Walkthrough for "The Beetmonger's Journal" by Aubrey Foil Dear reader, If you find you are having difficulty with this adventure, you should find help here. Following, you shall find a complete walkthrough of the story. I will also throw an occasional clue bordered by parintheses, to give you a nudge before totally giving the solution away. Actual commands to type will be in all-caps, prefaced by the greater-than sign. However, due to some randomness, you may need to do a little bit of hunting to find a person at a particular time. (This shouldn't be too hard.) I'll indicate fiddly commands of this sort with a curly bracket "}". Completely optional but possibly fun commands may be mentioned with a plus "+". By simply typing the commands in all-caps, you can approximately finish the story, but I find that a narrative to go with it makes it easier to follow along. It is not the only way through, and not necessarily the only order, of course. Remember, there is no way for the characters to "die" per se, although the story can end prematurely in Section 1 if you are not careful. In Section 2 and beyond, feel free to experiment. Very little can put the game into an unwinnable state. I hope that this helps. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me at aubreyfoil@yekrats.com Thank you, and enjoy. -- Aubrey Foil [Section 1, with Lapot and me] The story started with the cruel paparazzi hounding us through the jungle. (Clue: Throughout the entire jungle sequence, it was important to notice Lapot's mannerisms and impressions of things. He would often give clues about the most prudent course of action.) Finding ourselves surrounded, the only direction we could go is >NORTH. At the clearing, Lapot noted a set of bushes. After we took a moment to >EXAMINE THE BUSHES we found a cave into the hillside, which we went >IN to escape the paparazzi, for the time-being... Here we needed to >LIGHT LAMP that was in Lapot's rucksack, illuminating the way >NORTHEAST. There we found an inscription, rendered illegible by years of dust. Again going to his rucksack, Lapot pulled out his brush to >CLEAN THE INSCRIPTION. Lapot's instincts led us to the >NORTH, where we found the disaster of Avielle's tomb. However, we prudently had the foresight to >SEARCH THE RUBBLE which yeilded a large book of old. Lapot carefully >READ THE BOOK, translating the pages of Avielle's story. [Section 2, at the market with Avielle] Avielle, the beetmonger, was at her beet cart, but excitement was brewing to the north. In order for her beets not to be stolen, she asked one of her merchant friends, >MARCUS, WATCH MY CART and he complied. This allowed her to go >NORTH without any cause for concern. After she went }EAST she found her beetmonger friend Colleen, a font of useful information about the world. From that point on, Colleen could always be found near the War Memorial. After searching the city for a bit, she returned to her cart to the }SOUTHWEST. Marcus returned her money belt at that point. Then, as to not be rude, she asked the other merchant, >GALILEA, WATCH CART. This freed her up to go >SOUTH, and >SOUTHEAST, back to her home. Here she talked with Gus just a bit, then went >IN her house. There was something about those old floor boards under the bed, and when she went to >REMOVE THE FLOORBOARD, two old bundles from her grandfather were discovered. Avielle took a moment to >OPEN THE BUNDLES, revealing two ancient flags of peace and war, a bottle, and a sword. She went back >OUT, >NORTHWEST, >NORTH. (The merchants then watched the cart for the rest of the day.) She went >NORTHEAST to the war memorial, where she felt compelled to >ATTACH FLAG TO FLAGPOLE, and >RAISE IT. Which flag you ask? If she raised the flag of war, follow the path of war, otherwise follow the path of peace. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [THE PATH OF PEACE] Avielle was compelled to follow the high road of peace, which would not be an easy task. She needed to muster support and allies in the city if she would win the favor of the prince. Avielle went back to her cart, via >SOUTH (where she lingered a while to watch the pageantry) then >WEST. Since it was Gus's birthday, she talked to Marcus about the ideal birthday present: >BUY GAZONG. While she was in the buying mood (and not to leave Galilea left out) she approached her other merchant freind to >BUY A STAR FRUIT. She continued to the >SOUTH. A cruel guard there approached Avielle, but she was faster than her foe, and decided to leave him alone for now. She continued >SOUTHEAST, to wish Gus a +HAPPY BIRTHDAY and >GIVE GAZONG TO GUS. Gus made something for Avielle, a toy called a whimmy diddle. Had Avielle ever heard of such a thing? +NO, she had not, but now she had. It's possible to >RUB THE WHIMMY DIDDLE to achieve a little bit his of country magic. She went back past the guard to the >NORTHWEST and >NORTH, then went >NORTHEAST and >EAST. There, a lone child sat, very forlorn, and she needed all of the allies she could muster. She tried to get his attention with >BOY, HELLO. But that didn't work, but she did find out his proper name, Craig. (He was quite sensitive to being called by his name, and not "boy". Calling him "boy" only made the job of befriending this boy more difficult!) Avielle found out about Craig in several ways: >SIT ON ROCK, >ASK CRAIG ABOUT HIMSELF, >ASK CRAIG ABOUT PRINCE, etc. She answered his questions with }YES or }NO, whichever was appropriate. Eventually, Craig warmed up enough to >SHOW WHIMMY DIDDLE TO CRAIG and >GIVE WHIMMY DIDDLE TO CRAIG. Eventually, Craig's melancholy left, and Avielle could count on him as a friend. By then, Avielle was curious about the Adventurer. After she found him around the war memorial area, she greeted him with a ">HELLO, ADVENTURER!" His name was Leopold, a puveyor of ancient treasures, who was willing to trade. It seemed appropriate to >GIVE SCOTCH TO ADVENTURER, and trade him for a rare religious item, the Holy Cross of the Lost Crusader. To the }SOUTH of the war memorial was the pageantry, which Avielle watched with interest discovering patterns that the attackers were telegraphing: TELEGRAPH: MANUEVER: DEFENSE: 1. Hefted sword high... Slash }PARRY 2. Raised elbow... Chop at ankles }JUMP 3. Backed up a step... Charge }DODGE The guard at midcity (>WEST, then >SOUTH from the pageantry) used these same maneuvers, and thus was defeated via the same defenses. After defeating the guard, Avielle was able to finally >FOLLOW THE AROMA of the delicious bread smells, which led her to a bread shop. She inquired about his business with BREADSMITH, TELL ME ABOUT BREAD. Since he knew the prince, >BREADSMITH, TELL ME ABOUT PRINCE. He asked if she wanted to hear a story about him as a boy. >YES, Avielle answered, and was informed to take a morning-knot to the prince. Then she went >OUT of the shop. Shortly afterwards, Colleen once again confronted Avielle. Colleen had worked up the courage to distract the guards, allowing Avielle passage through the guards to the north. From midcity, she went to the Main Square going straight >NORTH, >NORTH, >NORTH. With the guards distracted, she scrambled up the steps to the >NORTH again, where she was confronted by Prince Radiant. Prince Radiant confronted her about the evils of beetmongerism usurping religious power from the Church. She found it useful to >GIVE HOLY CROSS TO PRINCE. The Prince in turn, questioned Avielle about family values. Avielle reminded him of his own family and childhood: >GIVE MORNING KNOT TO PRINCE. The prince mulled over the offer for several seconds, but I shall not give away the ending. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [THE PATH OF WAR] After raising the flag of war, Avielle must help Colleen organize her army of beetmonger supporters and warriors. In order to do so, she needs a weapon to lead the troops, and a loud object to organize them. She first went >EAST to discover a very old war veteran. The veteran is somewhat unresponsive to her until she queried the old man about his role in the war: >VETERAN, TELL ME ABOUT WAR. And he told her in a flashback... ...After the flashback, we find the veteran in debt to Avielle, and therefore much more responsive to her questions. He can find out about the Prince (>ASK VETERAN ABOUT PRINCE) and also about his personal body guard (>ASK VETERAN ABOUT RED GUARD.) The Red Guard is only vulnerable in two places, which Avielle was careful to note. After she went >WEST, >SOUTHWEST, she gave a couple of coins to Marcus to >BUY GAZONG. After all, it was Gus's birthday. She went to visit Gus again by going >SOUTH, then >SOUTHEAST, to confront Gus and >GIVE GAZONG TO GUS. He took it, and set about creating an elaborate horn that he heard from a "little bird" he should make. Colleen set about to >WAIT a short time while Gus carved the battlehorn. In the midcity to the >NORTHWEST, a guard was thirsty and hot, and was on break and in need of refreshment. The guard occasionally left his short sword upon the stump next to him, which seemed like an ideal target to filch for Colleen's weapon. To trade with the guard, Avielle opted to >GIVE SCOTCH TO GUARD, but the man was not allowed to accept gifts while on duty; when she tried to }PUT SCOTCH ON STUMP it didn't work either, until she timed it so that he is wiping the sweat out of his eyes at the same time. After the guard had the drink, he consumed it. While he was throwing back the drink, that gave Avielle the chance to >GET THE SWORD. She returned >NORTH, >NORTHEAST back to the war memorial, to >GIVE SWORD AND HORN TO COLLEEN. Avielle had a few seconds before the battle horn was blown, so she went >EAST and discovered a very old war veteran, who fought for the other side. Avielle went >NORTH, and >NORTH again to confront the Red Guard. As her comrades fell beside her, she managed to }ATTACK him twice with her blade and bring down the Prince's last defense. Finally, Avielle confronts the prince, and is forced to decide between a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Did Avielle >TALK TO PRINCE or >KILL PRINCE WITH SWORD? I will let you decide his fate, and thus the rest of the story.