Congratulations! You have defeated the Atrocitron. Perhaps you made some lucky guesses and managed to succeed on this run for the first time. Perhaps your notes are more complete and you're confirming your theories of how it works. And perhaps you have mastered it and could solve any variation the game can produce. Perhaps you instead ripped this message out of the game binary, which, if I did my job right, was probably harder than mastering the Atrocitron in the first place would have been. Regardless, congratulations are in order. If you tried to rip the binary apart, you probably already noticed this, but this game file is itself an encrypted document. I have packed the afterword and design notes into that document, and you may read it by passing the game file to a PGP decrypter (GNU Privacy Guard is a good one, and it's installed by default on most Linux systems; other OSes can get it from and then run a command like "gpg < atrocitron.z5". (If you are playing this online, you should be able to download the binary from the same place you got the "play online" link.) You will need a password. That password is "There is no siderotil" - no period, and case matters. But, irrespective of all that...