1 print" Welcome to^" 2 print" Att Scoddams" 3 print"^ Sophisticated Basic Adventure:" 4 rem poke53280,0:poke53281,12 5 print"^^^ Sunburst Contamination":gosub551:a$=" " 6 printa$"^^^Instructions" 7 printa$"^Load game." 8 printa$"^Start game." 9 printa$"^Reset computer." 10 geta$:ifa$=""then10 11 ifa$="i"then16 1200 ifa$="l"then InformRestoreGame:goto34 12 rem ifa$="l"then533 13 ifa$="s"then31 14 ifa$="r"thenprint"^ As good as reset...":end 15 goto10 16 rem instructions 17 print"^^You are George Raft, an employee at a"; 18 print" small space trading company on earth."; 19 print" You have borrowed a small"; 20 print" trading space craft to visit your"; 21 print" girlfriend on Geeron in the Geisti"; 22 print" system. The weekend has now come to an"; 23 print" end, and it's time for you to get"; 24 print" back to earth again." 25 gosub610 26 print"^Your loan of the ship is quite"; 27 print" inofficial, and you know that if you"; 28 print" don't get it back in time, your"; 29 print" employment is history." 30 gosub610 31 print"^Sunburst Contamination." 32 print"Copyright Att Scoddams 1982^(Type 'about' for help)^" 33 gosub37:rem show room 34 if rnd(ti)<.05 thengosub408 775 InformSaveUndo 35 gosub43:rem parser 36 goto60 37 gosub613:ifp=25and(p(1)<>-1andp(1)<>p)thenreturn 38 f=0:fori=1toaf 39 ifp(i)<>p or d(i)then42 40 iff=0thenf=1:print"You see:" 41 print" "f$(i) 42 nexti:return 43 mo=1 44 print"^>";:in$="":rem parser 45 get a$:ifa$=chr$(13)then52 46 if(a$>="a" and a$<="z")or(a$>="0" and a$<="9") or a$=" "and len(a$)<39 then49 47 ifa$=chr$(20) and len(in$) then print a$;:in$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1):goto45 48 goto45 49 ifin$=""anda$=" "then45 50 ifright$(in$,1)=a$ and a$=" "then45 51 printa$;:in$=in$+a$:goto45 52 ifright$(in$,1)=" "thenin$=left$(in$,len(in$)-1) 53 v$="":s$=v$:n$=s$:print".^":rem tolk 54 if mo and in$=""thenprint"Avoiding conversation accomplishes nothing!":goto44 55 mo=0 56 fori=1tolen(in$) 57 ifmid$(in$,i,1)=" "then v1$=left$(in$,i-1):n1$=mid$(in$,i+1):v$=left$(v1$,3):n$=left$(n1$,3):return 58 next:s1$=in$:s$=left$(in$,3):v1$=s1$:v$=s$:return 59 end 60 rem ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** 61 rem *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 62 rem **** **** **** **** **** **** 63 rem main 64 gosub547:if w then277 770 ifv$="abo"orv$="hel"orv$="ver"then800 771 ifv$="und"then InformRestoreUndo:goto34 65 ifv$="go"orv$="wal"orv$="run"then282 66 ifv$="loo"orv$="l"then87 67 ifv$="x"orv$="exa"orv$="rea"then90 68 ifv$="kil"orv$="bre"orv$="cut"orv$="str"orv$="des"orv$="hit"then122 69 ifv$="i"orv$="inv"then124 70 ifv$="tak"orv$="get"then128 71 ifv$="dro"then147 72 ifv$="q"orv$="qui"then175 73 ifv$="ope"then296 74 ifv$="tal"orv$="say"then185 75 ifv$="clo"orv$="shu"then331 76 ifv$="con"orv$="att"then194 77 ifv$="giv"orv$="han"then220 78 ifv$="pus"orv$="pre"orv$="mov"orv$="rem"orv$="pul"then229 79 ifv$="tur"then248 80 ifv$="typ"then258 81 ifv$="fuc"orn$="dic"orn$="coc"then418 82 ifv$="put"orv$="ins"then267 83 remifv$="men"orv$="sav"orv$="loa"then533 772 ifv$="sav"then InformSaveGame:goto34 773 ifv$="loa"orv$="res"then InformRestoreGame:goto34 84 print"I don't understand!":goto34 85 ifn$=""thenprint"Now really, shouldn't there be a noun in that sentence?":goto34 86 print"What in space do you mean by "n1$"?":goto34 87 rem look 88 ifv$<>s$then90 89 v(p)=0:goto33 90 rem examine 91 ifn$=""thenprint"You'd better tell me what to examine first!":goto34 92 gosub160:if((n$="pan"orf=107)andp=6)or(p=15andn$="pan")then753 93 iff=0then85 94 iff>99then96 95 if p(f)<>-1 and p(f)<>p then376 96 iff=100andp=3then388 97 iff=101and(p=12orp=26orp=25orp=28orp=7orp=27)then390 98 iff=101andp>3andp<6thenprint"There's a microphone next to it.":goto34 99 iff=102andp>1thenprint"He isn't around here.":goto34 100 iff=102andkd=0thenprint"He really looks like a tough bloke!":goto34 101 iff=102thenprint"He's happy as a child with a new toy!":goto34 102 iff=2andka=0thenprint"The flashlight is currently off.":goto34 103 iff=2thenprint"The flashlight is providing light.":goto34 104 iff=4then393 105 iff=3then397 106 ifp=4andf=103thenprint"The craft is covered by heat resistant tiles.":goto34 107 ifp=4andf=104thenprint"One plate seems to be a bit loose.":goto34 108 iff=1thenprint"It seems to be somewhat flourescent.":goto34 109 if(f=105orf=106)and(p<>9ork4)then376 110 iff=105thenprint"It has a switch on top of it.":goto34 111 iff=106thenprint"The switch is set to 'off'.":goto34 112 if(f=107orf=108)andp<>19then376 113 iff=107thenprint"The console is dominated by a sturdy lever.":goto34 114 iff=108then419 115 iff=20then443 116 iff=22thenprint"It's the brand new docking computer ($10.000.000).":goto34 117 iff=21then475 118 goto390 119 print"In the middle of the control panel, there is a small, "; 120 print"insignificant button.":goto34 121 goto390 122 rem brutalo 123 print"Violence will probably only get you into deep trouble.":goto34 124 rem inventory 125 f=0:print"You are carrying:":fori=1toaf:ifp(i)=-1thenprint" "f$(i):f=1 126 next 1260 iff=0thenprint"No tea" 127 goto34 128 rem take 129 if p=25 and p(1)<>-1 and p(1)<>p then print "I can't see a thing!":goto34 130 ifn$="all"then142 131 gosub160:iff=0then85 132 iff>99orf=22thenprint"Let's be serious, shall we?":goto34 133 ifp(f)=-1thenprint"Do you really think you need another ";n1$;"?":goto34 134 if p(f)<>p then print"I can't see any "n1$" here, can you?":goto34 135 if rnd(ti)<.02 thenprint"Why should I take orders from you?":goto34 136 ifkc>5thenprint"Hey, cool out. You aint no superman!":goto34 137 gosub751 138 iff=17andp(18)+p(19)=-2then34 139 iff=17and(p(18)=-1orp(19)=-1)then437 140 iff=17thenprint"The snow is much too cold. It burns your hands away.":goto178 141 goto34 142 f=0:for i=1 to af-1:if p(i)<>p or d(i)=1 or i=17 then145 143 ifkc>5then136 144 kc=kc+1:printf$(i)" - Taken.":p(i)=-1:f=1 145 next 1450 if f=0 thenprint"There is nothing to take!" 146 goto34 147 rem drop 148 ifn$="all"then156 149 ifn$=""thenprint"No tea - Dropped.":goto34 150 gosub160:iff=0then85 151 iff>99then153 152 ifp(f)=-1then154 153 print"You don't seem to have the "n1$".":goto34 154 kc=kc-1:print f$(f)" - dropped.":p(f)=p:if f<18 or f>19 or p(17)<>-1 then 34 155 goto437 156 ifkc=0thenn$="":goto147 157 fori=1toaf:ifp(i)<>-1then159 158 printf$(i)" - dropped.":p(i)=p:kc=kc-1 159 next:goto34 160 rem test noun 161 f=(1 and n$="sta")+(2 and (n$="fla" or n$="lig")) 162 f=f+(3 and n$="gam")+(4 and (n$="wri" or n$="wat"orn$="laz" or n$="sup")) 163 f=f+(5 and n$="pla")+(6 and n$="red")+(7 and n$="ora")+(8 and n$="yel") 164 f=f+(9 and n$="gre")+(10 and n$="blu")+(11 and n$="ind")+(12 and n$="vio") 165 f=f+(13 and n$="tun")+(14 and n$="amp")+(15 and n$="lef")+(16 and n$="rig") 166 f=f+(17 and n$="sno")+(18 and n$="mit")+(19 and n$="glo")+(20 and n$="rem") 167 f=f+(21 and (n$="nov" or n$="boo"))+(22andn$="box") 168 f=f+(100 and n$="ben")+(101 and n$="hat")+(102 and n$="gua") 169 f=f+(103 and (n$="spa" or n$="cra"))+(104 and n$="til")+(105 and n$="rob") 170 f=f+(106 and n$="swi")+(107 and n$="con")+(108 and n$="lev") 171 f=f+(109 and n$="hig")+(110 and n$="low")+(111 and n$="twi") 172 f=f+(112 and n$="str")+(113 and n$="cir")+(114 and (n$="sma" or n$="ins")) 173 iff>99thenreturn 174 pr=(1and(p(f)=-1orp(f)=p)):return 175 rem quit 176 print"Are you really sure? ";:gosub44:ifleft$(v$,1)="y"then180 177 print"Thought so...":goto34 178 rem dead 179 print"^^ The game seems to have come to an end." 1790 print "^Command (undo/quit)?";:gosub44:v$=left$(v$,1) 1792 ifv$="q"thenend 1793 InformRestoreUndo:end 180 rem 181 end: rem print"^^^ Press return to play again!":gosub611:run 182 gosub610:print"^^You haven't got a chance to get the ship back "; 183 print"into shape again. You get fired when you come back to earth." 184 goto178 185 rem talk 186 ifn$=""thenprint"Talking to yourself, eh?":goto34 187 ifn$="gua"andp=1then192 188 ifn$<>"hat"andn$<>"mic"thenprint"Okay, you two have a nice little chat.":goto34 189 ifp<4orp>5thenprint"You and the hatch get along pretty well.";:goto34 190 ifk0=0thenk0=1:goto382 191 k0=0:print"With a discreet sound the hatch swings shut.":goto34 192 ifkd=0then383 193 print"The guard doesn't notice you.":goto34 194 rem connect 195 ifn$=""thenprint"You have to tell me what to connect first!":goto34 196 gosub160:iff=0then85 197 ifpr=0thenprint"I can't see it around here!":goto34 198 iff>12andf<17then206 199 iff<>3andf<>4thenprint"It can't be connected!":goto34 200 print"To what?";:gosub44:ifv$=""then200 201 print:f0=f:n$=v$:gosub160:if f=f0 thenprint"It can't be connected to itself!":goto34 202 ifpr=0thenprint"I can't see it around here!":goto34 203 iff<>3andf<>4thenprint"It's useless effort.":goto34 204 print"You make the connection, and after a second, when the game is fully "; 205 print"restored, you disconnect them again.":ke=1:goto34 206 f0=f:print"To what ?";:gosub44:ifv$=""then206 207 n$=v$:gosub160:if f=f0 thenprint"It can't be connected to itself!":goto34 208 if pr=0 thenprint"I can't see it around here!":goto34 209 if f0>f then i=f:f=f0:f0=i 210 if f<>14 and f0<>14 then199 211 if f0=13 thenf=1:goto215 212 if f=16 thenf=2:goto215 213 if f=15 thenf=4:goto215 214 goto199 215 print"You make the connection.";:kh=kh or f:if kh<7 thenprint:goto34 216 print"The stereo comes to life with a bang. You hear some beautiful "; 217 print"Bach from the left loudspeaker, but something more like "; 218 print"speed-metal from the right one. As suddenly as it "; 219 print"woke up, the stereo goes silent.":goto34 220 rem give 221 ifp<>1thenprint"There's noone around!":goto34 222 ifn$<>"gam"thenprint"He doesn't want it!":goto34 223 ifp(3)<>-1thenprint"You haven't got it!":goto34 224 ifke=0thenprint"The guard looks at the game and yawns.":goto34 225 print"He grabs it and examines it closely. 'What's this', he says."; 226 print" He sits down on the ground and starts playing wildly. His mind "; 227 print"starts to explore the world of Donkey Kong, instead of doing his duty." 228 kd=1:p(3)=-2:goto34 229 rem push 230 ifv$=s$then85 231 gosub160:iff=0then376 232 iff>108andf<114andp(20)<>-1thenprint"You don't have the remote control.":goto34 233 iff>108then239 234 iff=22andpr=1thenprint"It's too big to be pushed around.":goto34 235 iff=5andp=4then402 236 iff=108andp=19then422 237 iff=106andp=9andk4=0then424 238 goto247 239 iff=114then484 240 if p<>7 or kj thenprint"You press the button, but nothing seems to happen.":goto34 241 ifkg=0then501 242 iff=113then445 243 iff=109then451 244 iff=110 then457 245 iff=111then459 246 iff=112then467 247 print"Moving it around has no effect.":goto34 248 rem turn 249 ifn$=""thenprint"Shouldn't you add what you want to turn?";:goto34 250 ifn$="swi"andp=9andk4=0then424 251 ifn$<>"pag"thenprint"What's the use of turning that?":goto34 252 ifp(21)<>-1thenprint"You don't seem to have the novel.":goto34 253 ifkf=0then255 254 print"There's nothing of interest on the other pages.":goto34 255 print"You turn to page two in the novel. In the upper left corner there"; 256 rem kf$=mid$(str$(RND*100),2):kf=1 2560 kf$="17":kf=1 257 print" is some handwriting: "kf$:goto34 258 rem type 259 ifp<>20thenprint"There is nothing you can type on here.":goto34 260 ifk8=1thenprint"You don't need to open the door now:":goto377 261 ifn$=""then265 262 ifn1$<>kf$thenprint"Nothing happens.":goto34 263 print"The keypad turns silent for a moment, then the door goes up "; 264 print"with a mighty roar.":k8=1:goto34 265 print"Enter code number: ";:gosub44:ifv$=""then265 266 n1$=v1$:goto262 267 rem put 268 gosub160:iff=0then85 269 ifp(f)<>-1thenprint"You haven't got it!":goto34 270 print" Where (i.e. in hole.) ?";:gosub44:ifv$<>"in"thenprint"Useless!":goto34 271 iff<>17thenprint"Why would I ever do that?":goto34 272 ifp<>17thenprint"Not here!":goto34 273 ifn$="hol"then438 274 ifn$<>"ove"thenprint"I don't get where to put it!":goto34 275 ifk7=0thenprint"It's closed!":goto34 276 print"Okay, you put it in the oven.":p(17)=100:kc=kc-1:goto34 277 rem *** walk0 278 g=0:for i=1 to len(u$(p))-2 step 3:if asc(mid$(u$(p),i))=asc(mid$(ri$,w))then280 279 next:print"How can I go in that direction?":goto34 280 gosub285:iff=1then34 281 p=val(mid$(u$(p),i+1,3)):goto33 282 rem *** walk 283 s$=n$:gosub547:if w then277 284 print"You just can't go there, that's all!":goto34 285 rem walk check 286 ifw=4andp=17then368 287 f=0:ifw>2andw<5or(w=1andp>1)or(w=2andp<>15andp<>20andp<>9)thenreturn 288 f=1:ifw=1andkd=0then358 289 ifw=1thenf=0:goto362 290 if(((p=4andw>2)or(p=5andw>5))andk0=0)or(p=7andk3=0and(w=6orw=8))then365 291 if(((p=12andw>4)or(p=26andw>2))andk5=0)or(p=28andw>5andkb=0)then365 292 ifw=2andp=15andk6=0then366 293 ifw=2andp=9andk4=0then370 294 ifw=2andp=20andk8=0then367 295 f=0:return 296 rem open 297 ifn$=""thenprint"You try to open thin air, but don't succeed!":goto34 298 ifn$="gat"thenprint"It's open, but there's a guard at it.":goto34 299 ifn$<>"hat"then306 300 ifp=12orp=26thenf1=k5:k5=1:f=1:goto371 301 ifp=25orp=28thenf1=kb:kb=1:f=1:goto371 302 ifp=7andkj=0and(kl=0ork1)then474 303 ifp=7thenf1=k3:k3=1:f=1:goto371 304 ifp=4orp=5then375 305 goto374 306 ifn$<>"doo"then310 307 ifp=20thenprint"Use the keypad!":goto34 308 ifp=23thenprint"The door is already open!":goto34 309 goto376 310 ifn$<>"ove"andn$<>"mic"then315 311 ifp<>17then376 312 ifk7=1then377 313 k7=1:ifp(p)=101thenp(p)=0:p(11)=p:goto442 314 goto378 315 ifn$<>"pan"then319 316 ifp<>15then376 317 ifk6=1then377 318 k6=1:goto379 319 ifn$<>"cup"then324 320 ifp<>23then376 321 ifk9=1then377 322 k9=1:ifp(9)=0thenp(9)=23:goto406 323 goto378 324 ifkh<>7andn$="rig"orn$="lef"thenprint"You'd probably just ruin it!":goto34 325 ifn$="lef"thenprint"Why, that speaker sounded great!":goto34 326 ifn$<>"rig"thenprint"How can you open a "n1$"?":goto34 327 print"You open the speaker, and a violett package falls out." 328 p(12)=p:print"A cleaning robot enters the room, collects the remains of the "; 329 ifp(16)=-1thenkc=kc-1 330 print"broken loudspeaker, and disappears, idly whistling.":p(16)=0:goto34 331 rem close 332 ifn$=""thenprint"You'll have to tell me what to close!":goto34 333 ifn$<>"hat"then339 334 ifp=12orp=26thenf1=k5:k5=0:f=0:goto384 335 ifp=28thenf1=kb:kb=0:f=0:goto384 336 ifp=27orp=25then387 337 ifp=4orp=5then375 338 goto374 339 ifn$<>"doo"then344 340 ifp=20andk8=0then385 341 ifp=20thenk8=0:goto386 342 ifp=23thenprint"You don't know how to close it from the inside!":goto34 343 goto376 344 ifn$<>"ove"andn$<>"mic"then349 345 ifp<>17then376 346 ifk7=0then385 347 ifp(17)=100thenp(17)=101:k7=0:goto440 348 k7=0:goto386 349 ifn$<>"pan"then353 350 ifp<>15then376 351 ifk6=0then385 352 k6=0:goto386 353 ifn$<>"cup"thenprint"How can you close a "n1$"?":goto34 354 ifp<>23then376 355 ifk9=0then385 356 k9=0:goto386 357 stop 358 print"The guard blocks your path. 'I have been ordered not to let anyone "; 359 print"pass. The area has been invaded by slimetoads. We can't risk "; 360 print"having them spread out all over the galaxy. You'll have to wait "; 361 print"for at least a week!'.":goto476 362 kd=kd+1:ifkd>2thenreturn 363 print"The guard doesn't seem to notice your trespassing, he has just "; 364 print"killed his first Donkey Kong.":return 365 print"You just bump into a closed hatch!":return 366 print"How can I go in that direction?":return 367 print"The door is securely locked.":return 368 print"Oooops! That hole seems to have been a garbage disposer. "; 369 print"You are fastly chopped to death of razor-sharp blades...":goto178 370 print"The little robot blocks the narrow passage.":return 371 if f<>f1 then373 372 print"This kind of hatch cannont be re-opened when it is already open.":goto34 373 print"O.K. The hatch is now open.":goto34 374 print"If there is a hatch to be seen, I must be blind!":goto34 375 print"The hatch hasn't got a handle on it.":goto34 376 print"What "n1$" are you refering to?":goto34 377 print"It's open already.":goto34 378 print"O.K. It's open alright!":goto34 379 print"The panel slides aside and reveals a small room in the "; 380 print"southern wall. It is obviously only known by the inner circle of "; 381 print"the Electricians.":goto34 382 print"The hatch swings open with a silent whistle.":goto34 383 print"'There is no use trying to talk your way in.', the guard replies.":goto34 384 if f<>f1 then386 385 print"It's pretty closed already.":goto34 386 print"O.K. It's closed now.":goto34 387 print"It can't be closed from this side.":goto34 388 if p(3)<>3 and p(3)<>0 then390 389 p(3)=3:print"Lying on one of the benches is a Game & Watch-game.":goto34 390 if rnd(ti)<.5 then392 391 print"There's nothing special about the "n1$".":goto34 392 print"It's just an ordinary "n1$".":goto34 393 print"It's a brand new Giga watch, with radar,sonar, thermometer, "; 394 print"earth's current distance to the sun, saturn and 12 other"; 395 print"selectable planets, seismograph, radio, tv-set, video, "; 396 print"3V power output, and it even shows time.":goto34 397 print"The Game & Watch-game is 'Donkey Kong and the Vampire Penguins'. "; 398 print"There's a small hole in the side, with the text '3V DC'. "; 399 if ke then401 400 print"The game is slow and boring.":goto34 401 print"The game is fast as light, and offers a thrilling experience.":goto34 402 if p(6) thenprint"You push it, but nothing happens.":goto34 403 print"You push the loose plate, and it pops out, revealing a red "; 404 print"package, that falls to the ground. The plate closes"; 405 p(6)=4:print" immediately.":goto34 406 print"As you open the cupboard, a green package falls out and "; 407 print"hits the floor.":goto34 408 i=int(rnd(ti)*5):if p<5 or (p>24 and p<>27)thenreturn 409 print:on i+1 goto410,412,414,415,416 410 print"You think you see something blue on the floor beside you, "; 411 print"but when you turn to look, there's nothing there.":return 412 print"You hear the sound of a mud ball falling to the floor behind you, "; 413 print"but as you turn around, you see nothing of interest.":return 414 print"Something blue just scurried by behind agrating in the air shaft.":return 415 print"You hear a hatch open and close somewhere in the ship.":return 416 print"Suddenly, there's a thud, as if something just fell to "; 417 print"the floor in another part of the craft.":return 418 print"Sorry, you're in the wrong game for that kind of language!":goto34 419 print"The lever has two positions, marked 'INT' and 'EXT'."; 420 print" It is currently set to '";:ifkg=0then print"EXT'.":goto34 421 print"INT'.":goto34 422 print"You move the lever to '";:kg=(1 and kg=0):if kg thenprint"INT'.":goto34 423 print"EXT'.":goto34 424 print"You turn on the robot's transportation mechanism."; 425 if kg then435 426 print" At first, the robot emitts a cloud of sparks. Then it's "; 427 print"small wheels enter hyperspace with a loud shriek and a "; 428 print"heavy smoke of burning rubber. After a second or so, the wheels"; 429 print"get a grip, and the robot flashes up thecorridor leaving "; 430 print"a trail of smoke":print"behind, due to heavy overload. The journey "; 431 print"comes to an end as the robot reaches the fore end of the ship "; 432 print"at about 90 m.p.h. You stand still and watch the robot shaped "; 433 print"hole in the wall of the ship, as you hear a slowly "; 434 print"decaying whirring sound from the runway outside...":goto182 435 print" With a faint buzz, the robot rolls away to the hatch, "; 436 print"goes down, and disappears.":k4=1:goto34 437 print"The snow is a bit too cold. It destroys your hands.":goto178 438 print"As you put your hands in the hole, they are instantly chopped off." 439 goto178 440 print"As you close the oven, a low sound is heard, and some water "; 441 print"forms a stream out of the oven and down to the floor.":goto34 442 print"An indigo package falls out!":goto34 443 print"It is a small circular plate with five different buttons; One high, "; 444 print"one low, one twisted, one straight, and one circular.":goto34 445 if km=0 then468 446 print"A loud 'Click' is heard from the crane.":ki=(1andki=0) 447 if ki or k1 or kl=0 then34 448 print"The large box falls to the floor with an enormous bang."; 449 if k2 thenprint:goto182 450 print"Sadly enough, you were under it...":goto178 451 if k1=0 then468 452 k1=0:print"With a whirring sound the crane rises to the ceiling."; 453 if kl=0 thenprint:goto34 454 print" The box hangs under it.":if ki then34 455 print"Suddenly, it drops to the floor, and ":if k2 thenprint"through it.":goto182 456 print"that's where you are.":goto178 457 if k1 then468 458 k1=1:print"The crane slowly descends to the floor.":goto471 459 if k1 then468 460 k2=(1 and k2=0):print"The crane moves to its ";:if k2 thenprint"eastern";:goto462 461 print"western"; 462 print" position.";:goto34 463 km=(1 and km=0):print"The crane's claws ";:if km thenprint"close.":goto465 464 print"open.":ifklandk1=0then448 465 if km=0 or k1=0 or k2 then469 466 print"The box is now held in a firm grip.":kl=1:goto34 467 if ki=0 then463 468 print"A buzz is heard from the crane, but nothing happens.":goto34 469 if kl=1 thenprint"It releases the box.":kl=0 470 goto34 471 if k2=0 or kl=0 then34 472 print"The box lands, and then the crane goes absolutely silent.":kj=1:goto34 473 if ki then469 474 print"The box stands right on the hatch.":goto34 475 print"The first page says:'Johnny Tough meets the Killer Joysticks'.":goto34 476 kn=kn+1:if kn>1 thenreturn 477 print"^You just remember that slimetoads have a huge appetite, and that every "; 478 print"member of the crew of your ship, 'Sunburst', have been "; 479 print"given an emergency package of food and other supplies. "; 480 print"You don't know how many packages there are, but you do know"; 481 print"that one single package would be enough for a slimetoad "; 482 print"to grow to terrifying dimensions. However, if they don't get "; 483 print"any paste, they will die before you reach earth.":return 484 if p<>6 thenprint"Where is it?":goto34 485 print"You press the small, insignificant button, and the craft "; 486 print"is launched...":ifkg=0then493 487 if k0+k5<>0 then497 488 if kb then499 489 remfori=6to12:if p(i)=6 or p(i)=-1 thennext:goto506 4890 for i=6 to 12:if p(i)<>6 and p(i)<>-1 then490 4891 next:goto506 490 print"When you have almost reached your home planet, you hear a "; 491 print"gasp behind you. As you turn around,a huge blue toad attacks you..." 492 goto178 493 print"After just 200 meters, the ship stops, and falls to the ground."; 494 print"Remember to engage the internal power supply next time,"; 495 print" so that you wont have any "; 496 print"connections to the harbour when you leave.":goto182 497 print"When you leave the atmosphere, the air leaves the ship, and you "; 498 print"die. How about trying to keep the air inside the craft next time?":goto178 499 print"After a while, the fuel tank explodes, and sends your remains "; 500 print "to Earth, Venus, Andromeda, and a lot of other places.":goto178 501 print"The crane stops all activity for a moment. Then it begins "; 502 print"to rotate. First slowly, but instantly increasing the speed. "; 503 print"After 10 seconds or so, it gets loose, and flies like a "; 504 print"helicopter through the room. Finally, it hits you, and parts "; 505 print"your body from your legs.":goto178 506 print"You successfully return to earth, where no one have noticed your "; 507 print"loan of the ship...":gosub610 508 print"^^ Congratulations!" 509 print"^ You have completed the game!" 510 gosub610:print"":goto181:rem fori=1to255:poke53280,i:next:gosub610:print"":goto181 511 rem load 512 remopen 1,d,0,v$:get#1,a$,a$:if st<>0 thenprint"I/O error.":close1:goto34 513 rem ifd>1thenopen2,8,15:input#2,a$:close2 514 rem ifd>1andright$(a$,2)<>"00"thenprint"I/O error.":close1:goto34 515 remfori=1 to af:input#1,p(i):next 516 reminput#1,k0,k1,k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7,k8,k9,ka,kb,kc,kd,ke,kf,kg,kh,ki,kj,kk,kl,km 517 reminput#1,kn,ko,kp,p:close1:goto34 518 rem save 519 remif d>1 thenopen1,d,15,"s0:"+v$:close1 520 remopen 1,d,1,v$+",p,w":print#1,chr$(peek(56549))chr$(peek(56548));:c$=chr$(13) 521 remfori=1toaf:print#1,p(i):next 522 remprint#1,k0;c$;k1;c$;k2;c$;k3;c$;k4;c$;k5;c$;k6;c$;k7;c$;k8;c$;k9;c$; 523 remprint#1,ka;c$;kb;c$;kc;c$;kd;c$;ke;c$;kf;c$;kg;c$;kh;c$;ki;c$;kj;c$; 524 remprint#1,kk;c$;kl;c$;km;c$;kn;c$;ko;c$;kp;c$;p 525 remclose1:goto34 526 rem dir 527 remf=0:open1,d,0,"$":n$=chr$(0):get#1,a$,a$ 528 remget#1,a$,a$,a$,b$:if st>0 or f thenclose1:goto532 529 rema$=mid$(str$(asc(a$+n$)+256*asc(b$+n$)),2):printchr$(13)a$" ";:c=val(a$) 530 remget#1,a$:if a$ thenprinta$;:goto530 531 remgeta$:f=(1 and a$<>""):goto528 532 remprint"^":gosub610:print"":goto34 533 rem menu 534 remprint"^Command (load/save/dir/exit)?";:gosub44:v$=left$(v$,1) 535 remf=(1andv$="l")+(2andv$="s")+(3andv$="d")+(4andv$="e"):iff=0then534 536 remiff=4then34 537 rem print"Device #(0=exit/";:iff<3thenprint"1/"; 538 rem print"8/9)?";:gosub44:v$=left$(v$,1):i=(1andv$="0")+(2andv$="1")+(3andv$="8") 539 rem i=i+(4andv$="9"):ifi=0then537 540 rem ifi=1then34 541 rem ifi=2andf<3thend=1:goto545 542 rem ifi=2thenprint"Can't be fixed.":goto34 543 rem d=i+5 544 rem iff<3thenprint"Enter name (length < 14 chrs):";:gosub44:v$="0:sb/"+v1$ 545 rem on f goto511,518,526 546 rem save 547 w=(1 and (s$="n" or s$="nor"))+(2 and(s$="s" or s$="sou")) 548 w=w+(3 and (s$="e" or s$="eas"))+(4 and(s$="w" or s$="wes")) 549 w=w+(5 and(s$="u" or s$="up"))+(6 and(s$="d" or s$="dow")) 550 w=w+(7 and(s$="o" or s$="out"))+(8 and s$="in"):return 551 rem * init * 552 dimr$(30),u$(30),v(30),f$(50),p(50),d(50) 553 ri$="nsewudoi":ar=1:af=1:p=1:kc=1:k1=1:k2=1 554 readr$(ar),u$(ar):ifr$(ar)<>"*"then ar=ar+1:goto554 555 readf$(af),p(af),d(af):if f$(af)<>"*" then af=af+1:goto555 556 af=af-1:ar=ar-1:return 557 data"Entrance to space harbor","e02n04i04" 558 data"Park","w01s03" 559 data"Fountain","n02" 560 data"Outside ship","s01i05u05" 561 data"Main corridor","n06s09e07w08u11o04d04" 562 data"Bridge","s05o05" 563 data"Black cargo bay","d27w05o05i27" 564 data"Grey cargo bay","e05o05" 565 data"Narrow passage","n05s10" 566 data"Small closet","n09o09" 567 data"Central chamber","n12s20e24w21d05" 568 data"Walkway","n13s11o26u26" 569 data"Corridor split","s12e15w14" 570 data"Blue section","n17s16e13" 571 data"Red section","n18w13s19" 572 data"Fridge room","n14o14" 573 data"Kitchen","s14o14w01" 574 data"Store room","s15o15" 575 data"Electric room","o15n15" 576 data"Green section","n11s23w22" 577 data"Crew's quarters","e11o11" 578 data"Crew's sanfac","e20o20" 579 data"Commander's quarters","o20n20" 580 data"Communication room","w11o11" 581 data"Fuel tank","o28u28" 582 data"Top of spacecraft","i12d12s28" 583 data"Small compartment","u07o07" 584 data"Aft end","d25i25n26" 585 data"*","*" 586 rem things 587 data"a small glass staff",18,0 588 data"a flashlight",8,0 589 data"a Game & Watch-game",0,0 590 data"a Giga Superlazer wristwatch",-1,0 591 data"a fucking plate",4,1 592 data"a red package",0,0 593 data"an orange package",25,0 594 data"a yellow package",27,0 595 data"a green package",0,0 596 data"a blue package",10,0 597 data"an indigo package",0,0 598 data"an violett package",0,0 599 data"a Hi-fi Tuner",6,0 600 data"a Hi-tech amplifier",24,0 601 data"a Left-angled loudspeaker",21,0 602 data"a Right-angled loudspeaker",8,0 603 data"a bit of Carbon Dioxide Snow",16,0 604 data"a pair of mitts",7,0 605 data"a pair of gloves",21,0 606 data"a Remote Control Unit",21,0 607 data"a thin hard-cover novel",6,0 608 data"a large wooden box",7,0 609 data"*",0,0 610 rem print"(home)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(left)(left)(left)(left)(left)(left)(left)(left)(left)(return)"; 611 rem poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$:if a$=chr$(13) thenreturn 612 return: rem goto611 613 rem rumsbeskrivningar 614 ifp=25andp(1)<>-1then616 615 print"^"r$(p)".^":ifv(p)orbr=1thenreturn 616 v(p)=1:on p goto619,622,626,629,633,638,646,653,655 617 on p-9 goto661,663,666,672,674,677,684,686,692,694 618 on p-19 goto697,702,704,706,711,713,717,723,730 619 print"You stand right outside the entrance to Geeron Space harbor. "; 620 print"To the east there is a green park, and through the guarded gate "; 621 print"to the north you can see your ship.":return 622 print"This is the Geeron space park, with the biggest collection of "; 623 print"space orchids in this galaxy. To the south a fountain can be "; 624 print"seen, and to the west the entrance to the space harbor "; 625 print"is barely visible.":return 626 print"This is an idyllic piece of nature, witha big fountain rising "; 627 print"in the middle of a beautiful pond. Benches are strategically "; 628 print"placed all around the fountain. A narrow path stretches north.";:return 629 print"You stand right outside your spacecraft, its only entrance "; 630 print"is a large hatch far above your head. You can also go south. "; 631 print"The hatch is ";:if k0 thenprint"open.":return 632 print"closed.":return 633 print"This is the main corridor of Sunburst. Walkways lead off in "; 634 print"all directions. A ladder leads up, and a large hatch in the "; 635 print"floor forms the only exit of the craft. "; 636 print"The hatch is ";:if k0 thenprint"open.":goto746 637 print"closed.":return 638 print"You stand in the middle of the bridge. You are completely "; 639 print"surrounded by "; 640 print"advanced navigational and entertainment equipment."; 641 print"The huge control panel is covered by hundreds of flickering "; 642 print"lamps,pulsating LED's, and tiny levers and buttons. "; 643 print"You have thought of trying to understand at least some of the "; 644 print"controls, but you never seem to find the time. "; 645 print"There seems to be an opening in the panels to the south.":goto742 646 print"You are in a largish cargo bay. All the walls are painted "; 647 print"black, and a complex system of mono-rails is mounted in the "; 648 print"ceiling. An overhead crane hangs from one of them."; 649 print" A small hatch is mounted in the floor. "; 650 print"You stand in the western part of the room, the only "; 651 print"section accessible to humans."; 652 goto733 653 print"You are standing in a pretty large cargobay. It is now totally "; 654 print"relieved from cargo. The only visible exit is to the east.":return 655 print"This is an extremely unsignificant piece of corridor. Some would "; 656 print"might call it narrow, at least for humans. A small closet "; 657 print"can be entered to the south, and another doorway leads north. "; 658 if k4 thenprint:return 659 print"A pathetic looking robot blocks your way south. "; 660 print"It just stands there and flickers with its lamps irregulary.":return 661 print"You are in a rather small closet, with no special features. "; 662 print"The only exit is out to the corridor, to the north.":return 663 print"You're standing in the most central chamber of the ship."; 664 print" Passages lead off in all directions you can think of. "; 665 print"A manhole leads down.":return 666 print"This is a short, tube shaped walkway, connecting the supply "; 667 print"sections with the living quarters. A hatch is placed in the "; 668 print"highest part of the tube, only "; 669 print"accessible by a built-in ladder embedded in the tube wall."; 670 print" This hatch is, at this very moment, ";:if k5 thenprint"open.":return 671 print"closed.":return 672 print"You're standing where the tube from the south splits into two "; 673 print"separate corridors, leading east and west.":return 674 print"This is a heptagonal shaped corridor, sloping downward "; 675 print"to the east. The blue walls seem to be pushing you to the "; 676 print"north. There is also a potential exit to the south.":return 677 print"You have entered a devilish red part of the craft."; 678 print" Everything here is red, even the panelling on the walls. "; 679 print"Doorways lead both north and west, but the threatening "; 680 print"colour makes you wish you had never went here in the first place." 681 if k6=0 thenprint:return 682 print"The panel on the wall is open, and" 683 print"reveals a passage to the south.":return 684 print"You are in warm fridge (warm to be a fridge, that is). "; 685 print"There is only one exit, and that is north.":return 686 print"You are in a fully automatized kitchen with the usual "; 687 print"computer controlled kitchen tools and machines. "; 688 print"You also notice the hyper-modern microwave oven. A hole in the "; 689 print"western wall is, except for the" 690 print"doorway to the south, the only exit.";:if k7=0 thenprint:return 691 print"The oven is open.":return 692 print"This is a useful store room, but right now empty. "; 693 print"The exit is to the south.":return 694 print"This room is filled of electronical equipment of all kinds. "; 695 print"There is a dangerous looking console set in the "; 696 print"southern wall. You can only go north from here.":return 697 print"You are in the green section of the craft. To the north "; 698 print"a doorway leads into the central chamber, and a passage goes west. "; 699 print"To the south a door frame is set deeply into the wall and, beside"; 700 print" it, a numeric keypad.";:ifk8=0thenprint:return 701 print"The door is wide open.":return 702 print"You are standing in the crews' sleeping quarters. A number of "; 703 print"beds line the walls. You can only go east from here.":return 704 print"You have entered the crew's sanitary facilities. "; 705 print"There is only one way out of here, and that is to the east.":return 706 print"You have by some unknown reason bolted into the commander's "; 707 print"private room. The only furniture is a bed, a bookshelf anda "; 708 print"cupboard. There is a door to the north, which is open."; 709 if k9=0 thenprint:return 710 print" The cupboard door is open.":return 711 print"This is the Sunburst's communication room. The controls are far too "; 712 print"complicated for you to understand. The only exit is to the west.":return 713 if p(2)=-1 and ka=1 then740 714 if p(1)<>-1 thenprint"It's too dark to see.":v(p)=0:return 715 print"You are wallowing in hydrogen peroxide up to your waist. "; 716 print"The only way out of here is up through the hatch.":return 717 print"The top of your spacecraft forms an excellent viewpoint "; 718 print"for surveying your surroundings. Pity that all you can see is a dirty space port.You can go south cross the "; 719 print"surface to the fuel tanks."; 720 print" The hatch that leads back into the space craft is "; 721 if k5 thenprint"open.";:return 722 print:print"closed.":return 723 print"This is the smallest compartment of the ship. "; 724 print"You can get up through the hatch.":if kj=1 thenreturn 725 if k2 then728 726 print"The box hanging in the crane falls down and crashes against the "; 727 print"hatch. Since no one knows you're here, you starve to death...":goto178 728 print" The crane begins to move, and suddenly it drops the box on the "; 729 goto727 730 print"You're standing at the aft end of the spacecraft's surface. "; 731 print"The hatch down to the fuel tank is currently ";:if kb thenprint"open.":return 732 print"closed.":return 733 print" The crane is now in its ";:if k1 thenprint"low";:goto735 734 print"high"; 735 print" position, in the ";:if k2 thenprint"eastern";:goto737 736 print"western"; 737 print" part of the room. ";:ifkl=1thenprint"The crane holds the box. " 738 print"The hatch is ";:if k3 thenprint"open.":return 739 print"closed.":return 740 print"A spark from the flashlight lights the fuel and sends you and"; 741 print" your spacecraft straight into eternity...":goto178 742 ko=ko+1:if ko<>1 thenreturn 743 print"^You suddenly realise that this must be a very safe place for"; 744 print" the packages; a tiny slimetoad would never dare to enter a "; 745 print"place with so many lamps and stuff.":return 746 kp=kp+1:if kp<>1 thenreturn 747 print"^When you first enter the ship, you notice that the light "; 748 print"is somewhat flickering sometimes, and too strong all the time. "; 749 print"'Probably it's just that bad, irregular power supply they "; 750 print"have around here', you think to yourself.":return 751 if d(f) thenprint"Not bloody likely!":return 752 kc=kc+1:print f$(f)" - Taken.":p(f)=-1:return 753 if p=6 then119 754 print"The panel seems to move slightly as you touch it...":goto34 800 print "This is Sunburst Contamination, written by Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson in 1988. "; 801 print "The game was ported to the Z-machine by Johan in 2007. Sunburst was intentionally designed "; 802 print "to resemble an old Scott Adams text adventure with its limitated parsing capabilities. "; 803 print "Use only verb+noun inputs and these verbs: n, s, w, e, u, d, inventory (or i), examine (or x), save, load, "; 804 print "quit (or q), take (or get), drop, open, talk (or say), open/close, connect, give, push, turn, and type. "; 805 print "Verbs that take multiple objects, such as connect, will prompt for more information when needed.^" 806 print "We want to keep the game as in its original form, and hope that you will enjoy it despite " 807 print "the occasional spelling mistake and guess-the-verb problem. Feel free to contact "; 808 print "johan@@64microheaven.com if you need a hint." 820 goto34