VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "zScreen" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit Private BackColor As Long Private TextColor As Long Private bSetup As Boolean Private lDC As Long Private lWnd As Long Private Type zWindow Top As Integer Left As Integer Width As Integer Height As Integer CursorX As Integer CursorY As Integer CurrentX As Long CurrentY As Long TextStyle As Byte BufferMode As Byte End Type Private CurX As Long Private CurY As Long Public LinesPrinted As Long Public CharWidth As Long Public CharHeight As Long Public ScreenHeight As Long Public ScreenWidth As Long Public FixedFontSize As Long Public VariableFontSize As Long Dim Window(8) As zWindow Dim ActiveWindow As Integer Public Function SetColor(ForeColor As Long, BackColor As Long) Select Case ForeColor Case 0 Case 1 SetTextColor lDC, 0 TextColor = 0 Case 2 SetTextColor lDC, 0 TextColor = 0 Case 3 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 256# * 255) TextColor = (256# * 256# * 255) Case 4 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 255#) TextColor = (256# * 255#) Case 5 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255) TextColor = (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255) Case 6 SetTextColor lDC, 255 TextColor = 255 Case 7 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 256# * 255 + 255) TextColor = (256# * 256# * 255 + 255) Case 8 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 255) TextColor = (256# * 255 + 255) Case 9 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) TextColor = (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) Case 10 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 192 + 256# * 256# * 192 + 192) TextColor = (256# * 192 + 256# * 256# * 192 + 192) Case 11 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 128 + 256# * 256# * 128 + 128) TextColor = (256# * 128 + 256# * 256# * 128 + 128) Case 12 SetTextColor lDC, (256# * 64 + 256# * 256# * 64 + 64) TextColor = (256# * 64 + 256# * 256# * 64 + 64) End Select Select Case BackColor Case 0 Case 1 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) BackColor = (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) Case 2 SetBkColor lDC, 0 BackColor = 0 Case 3 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 256# * 255) BackColor = (256# * 256# * 255) Case 4 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 255) BackColor = (256# * 255) Case 5 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255) BackColor = (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255) Case 6 SetBkColor lDC, 255 BackColor = 255 Case 7 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 256# * 255 + 255) BackColor = (256# * 256# * 255 + 255) Case 8 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 255) BackColor = (256# * 255 + 255) Case 9 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) BackColor = (256# * 255 + 256# * 256# * 255 + 255) Case 10 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 192 + 256# * 256# * 192 + 192) BackColor = (256# * 192 + 256# * 256# * 192 + 192) Case 11 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 128 + 256# * 256# * 128 + 128) BackColor = (256# * 128 + 256# * 256# * 128 + 128) Case 12 SetBkColor lDC, (256# * 64 + 256# * 256# * 64 + 64) BackColor = (256# * 64 + 256# * 256# * 64 + 64) End Select 'SetWindow ActiveWindow End Function Public Function SplitWindow(ByVal Lines As Long) 'If Window(1).Top > Lines Then 'Window(1).CurrentY = Window(1).CurrentY + CharHeight * (Window(1).Top - Line) 'End If Window(1).Top = 1 + Lines Window(1).Height = (ScreenHeight / CharHeight) - Lines Window(1).Width = ScreenWidth / CharWidth Window(2).Top = 1 Window(2).Height = Lines Window(2).Width = ScreenWidth / CharWidth If Window(1).CurrentY < Window(1).Top * CharHeight Then Window(1).CurrentY = Window(1).Top * CharHeight End Function Public Function SetWindow(ByVal WindowNo As Long) Dim Italics As Long Dim Bold As Long Dim Fixed As Long ActiveWindow = WindowNo + 1 If (Window(WindowNo + 1).TextStyle And 2) = 2 Then Bold = 700 Else Bold = 400 If (Window(WindowNo + 1).TextStyle And 4) = 4 Then Italics = 1 Else Italics = False If (Window(WindowNo + 1).TextStyle And 8) = 8 Or ActiveWindow = 2 Then Fixed = 1 Else Fixed = 2 SetOutputFont 15, Fixed, Bold, Italics If (Window(WindowNo + 1).TextStyle And 1) = 1 Then SetTextColor lDC, BackColor SetBkColor lDC, TextColor Else SetTextColor lDC, TextColor SetBkColor lDC, BackColor End If If ActiveWindow = 2 Then Window(2).CurrentX = 0: Window(2).CurrentY = 0 End Function Public Function EraseWindow(ByVal WindowNo As Long) Dim rt As RECT If WindowNo = -1 Then Window(2).Top = 0 Window(2).Left = 0 Window(2).Height = 0 Window(2).Width = 0 bSetup = False WindowNo = 0 End If If Not bSetup Then SetupScreen WindowNo = WindowNo + 1 rt.Top = (Window(WindowNo).Top - 1) * CharHeight rt.Left = (Window(WindowNo).Left - 1) * CharWidth rt.Bottom = (Window(WindowNo).Top + Window(WindowNo).Height + -1) * CharHeight rt.Right = (Window(WindowNo).Left + Window(WindowNo).Width + -1) * CharWidth Rectangle lDC, rt.Left, rt.Top, rt.Right, rt.Bottom Window(WindowNo).CurrentX = 0 Window(WindowNo).CurrentY = 0 InvalidateRect lWnd, rt, 0 DoEvents End Function Public Function EraseLine(ByVal value As Long, ByVal Ver As Long) End Function Public Function SetCursor(ByVal Ln As Long, ByVal Cl As Long, ByVal Ver As Long, Optional ByVal WindowNo As Long) If WindowNo <> 0 Then ActiveWindow = WindowNo If Ln < Window(ActiveWindow).Top Then Ln = Window(ActiveWindow).Top If Ln > Window(ActiveWindow).Top + Window(ActiveWindow).Height Then Ln = Window(ActiveWindow).Top + Window(ActiveWindow).Height If Cl < Window(ActiveWindow).Left Then Ln = Window(ActiveWindow).Left If Cl > Window(ActiveWindow).Left + Window(ActiveWindow).Width Then Ln = Window(ActiveWindow).Left + Window(ActiveWindow).Width Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = (Cl - 1) * CharWidth Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY = (Ln - 1) * CharHeight End Function Public Function GetCursor(ByRef Row As Long, ByRef Col As Long) Row = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY \ CharHeight + 1 Col = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX \ CharWidth + 1 End Function Public Function GetTextStyle() As Long GetTextStyle = Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle End Function Public Function SetTextStyle(ByVal style As Long) Dim Italics As Long Dim Bold As Long Dim Fixed As Long If style = 0 Then Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle = 0 Else Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle = (Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle Or style) End If If (Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle And 2) = 2 Then Bold = 700 Else Bold = 400 If (Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle And 4) = 4 Then Italics = 1 Else Italics = False If (Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle And 8) = 8 Or ActiveWindow = 2 Then Fixed = 1 Else Fixed = 2 SetOutputFont 15, Fixed, Bold, Italics If (Window(ActiveWindow).TextStyle And 1) = 1 Then SetTextColor lDC, BackColor SetBkColor lDC, TextColor Else SetTextColor lDC, TextColor SetBkColor lDC, BackColor End If End Function Public Function OutPut(ByVal OutStr As String, Optional EraseLastLine As Boolean) As String Dim sz As Size Dim i As Integer Dim a As String Dim rt As RECT Dim TempStr As String If Not bSetup Then SetupScreen rt.Top = (Window(ActiveWindow).Top - 1) * CharHeight rt.Left = (Window(ActiveWindow).Left - 1) * CharWidth rt.Bottom = (Window(ActiveWindow).Top + Window(ActiveWindow).Height + -1) * CharHeight rt.Right = (Window(ActiveWindow).Left + Window(ActiveWindow).Width + -1) * CharWidth If EraseLastLine Then Rectangle lDC, rt.Left, rt.Bottom, rt.Right, rt.Bottom + CharHeight * 2 'OutStr = Replace(OutStr, "^", vbCrLf) For i = 1 To Len(OutStr) If Mid(OutStr, i, 2) = vbCrLf Then Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = 0 GetTextExtentPoint32 lDC, OutStr, Len(OutStr), sz Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY + CharHeight If ActiveWindow = 1 Then LinesPrinted = LinesPrinted + 1 If LinesPrinted > Window(ActiveWindow).Height - 1 Then TextOut lDC, 0, Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY, "[**MORE**]", 10 OutPut = Mid(OutStr, i + 1) Exit Function End If If Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY + CharHeight > rt.Bottom And ActiveWindow = 1 Then BitBlt lDC, rt.Left, rt.Top, rt.Right - rt.Left, rt.Bottom - CharHeight, lDC, rt.Left, rt.Top + CharHeight, SRCCOPY Rectangle lDC, rt.Left, rt.Bottom - CharHeight, rt.Right, rt.Bottom Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY = rt.Bottom - CharHeight End If i = i + 1 Else TempStr = SeperateWord(Mid(OutStr, i)) GetTextExtentPoint32 lDC, TempStr, Len(TempStr), sz If Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX + > rt.Right Then Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = 0 Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY + CharHeight If ActiveWindow = 1 Then LinesPrinted = LinesPrinted + 1 End If If Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY + CharHeight > rt.Bottom And ActiveWindow = 1 Then BitBlt lDC, rt.Left, rt.Top, rt.Right - rt.Left, rt.Bottom - CharHeight, lDC, rt.Left, rt.Top + CharHeight, SRCCOPY Rectangle lDC, rt.Left, rt.Bottom - CharHeight, rt.Right, rt.Bottom Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY = rt.Bottom - CharHeight If ActiveWindow = 1 Then LinesPrinted = LinesPrinted + 1 If LinesPrinted > Window(ActiveWindow).Height - 1 Then TextOut lDC, 0, Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY, "[**MORE**]", 10 OutPut = Mid(OutStr, i + 1) Exit Function End If End If TextOut lDC, Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX, Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentY, TempStr, Len(TempStr) Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX + i = i + Len(TempStr) - 1 End If Next End Function Property Let hdc(value As Long) Dim hBrush As Long lDC = value SetBkMode lDC, OPAQUE BackColor = GetBkColor(lDC) TextColor = GetTextColor(lDC) hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(BackColor) SelectObject lDC, hBrush hBrush = CreatePen(0, 1, BackColor) SelectObject lDC, hBrush End Property Property Let hWnd(value As Long) lWnd = value End Property Public Sub SetupScreen() Dim sz As Size SetOutputFont 15, 1, 400, 0 GetTextExtentPoint32 lDC, "0", 1, sz SetOutputFont 15, 2, 400, 0 CharWidth = CharHeight = Window(1).Top = 1 Window(1).Left = 1 Window(1).Width = ScreenWidth \ CharWidth Window(1).Height = ScreenHeight \ CharHeight ActiveWindow = 1 bSetup = True End Sub Public Function UpdateDisplay() Dim rt As RECT If Not bSetup Then SetupScreen rt.Top = 0 rt.Left = 0 rt.Bottom = ScreenHeight + 100 rt.Right = ScreenWidth + 100 InvalidateRect lWnd, rt, 0 End Function Public Function DeleteChar(char As String) Dim sz As Size Dim delx As Long GetTextExtentPoint32 lDC, char, Len(char), sz delx = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX - delx GetTextExtentPoint32 lDC, " ", 1, sz OutPut String((delx \ + 1, " ") Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX = Window(ActiveWindow).CurrentX - * ((delx \ + 1) End Function Private Function SeperateWord(szStr As String) As String Dim i As Integer If ActiveWindow <> 1 Or Window(1).BufferMode = 0 Then SeperateWord = Left(szStr, 1) Exit Function End If For i = 1 To Len(szStr) If Mid(szStr, i, 2) = vbCrLf Then SeperateWord = Left(szStr, i - 1): Exit Function If Mid(szStr, i, 1) = " " Then SeperateWord = Left(szStr, i): Exit Function Next SeperateWord = szStr End Function Private Function SetOutputFont(Height As Long, Fixed As Long, Bold As Long, Italics As Long) Dim hFont As Long Dim FontName As String If Fixed = 2 Then FontName = "Arial" Else FontName = "Courier New" hFont = CreateFont(20, 0, 0, 0, Bold, Italics, 0, 0, 162, 7, 0, 2, Fixed, FontName) SelectObject lDC, hFont End Function Public Function BufferMode(Flag As Long) Window(1).BufferMode = Flag End Function