-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DS-Frotz (c) papafuji - 2006-2007 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DS-Frotz is papafuji's NDS port of Jonas Minnberg's GBA-Frotz. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Copyright and license - - The games and the source code are totally free. - You can do what you want with it, except making money !!! - - And, please, respect the work of people who have coded before you - thanks. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - GBA-Frotz version : Jonas Minnberg - http://www.nightmode.org/frotz - actual Frotz implementation : David Griffith - 2002 - original Frotz interpreter : Stefan Jokisch - 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - special thanks to : - IF archive : ftp://ftp.ifarchive.org/if-archive/ - BAF's guide to IF archive : http://www.wurb.com/if/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - How to build your own NDS IF compilations with DS-Frotz ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First you need : - the last version of DevKitPro - http://www.devkitpro.org - the last version of PAlib - http://www.palib.com - the last version of Programmer Notepad - http://www.pnotepad.org Then, you must have : - a Z5 ou Z8 Z-machine file for each game you want to put in your menu - put all of them in the 'data' folder - and rename them to .raw - a 256x192 bitmap for each game (8 bits per pixel, less than 256 colors) - a 256x192 bitmap for the main page of the menu - put all of them in the '_data' folder - modify the pagfx.ini file and launch pagfx.exe Then, you must : - modify the 'data.c' file, with all what you want And last, you must : - rebuild the project that's all ! Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DS-Frotz files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- game specific data and code : data.c : the only file you should have to modify contains the data of the game and the data of the menu pages DS-Frotz implementation : draw.c : general drawing source draw.h : general drawing header drawtext.c : drawing text font.c : drawing a font font.h : drawing a font (header) fujiforce.c : rainbow logo source input.c : stylus / button management main.c : main loop main.h : main include file saveload.c : save/load menus and code sound.c : sound load/play/stop sound.h : sounds include file textcompletion.c : text completion source - the implementation of Frotz specific routines for the DS implement.c : interface between Frotz and the DS port - original Frotz code (with some modifs in zfastmem.c and zscreen.c) frotz.h zbuffer.c zcore_init.c zerr.c zfastmem.c zfiles.c zgetopt.h zhotkey.c zinput.c zmain.c zmath.c zobject.c zprocess.c zquetzal.c zrandom.c zredirect.c zscreen.c zsound.c zstream.c ztable.c ztext.c zvariable.c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DS-Frotz (c) papafuji - 2006-2007 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------