If you're reading this file, you've either unpacked an archive copy of Inform6 for Unix or cloned the Github repository. You will need to do some setup before you can build the package. ========== ARCHIVE || ========== If you unpacked an archive copy, everything you need is right here. Type 'make install' as root to install Inform6. ========= GITHUB || ========= If you cloned the Github repository, things are bit more complicated, but not onorously so. To end up with a viable local repository, a bit more work has to be done than simply doing a git clone. To start off, let's assume you haven't cloned the repository yet: 1) Clone the repository: git clone git@github.com:DavidGriffith/inform6unix.git You'll notice that the lib/ and src/ directories are empty. This is because the Inform6 library and Inform6 compiler development are done in other repositories. This repository is only for putting Inform6 into a package convenient for installing on Unix systems. To get those two components, a second step is needed: 2) Pull in the submodules: cd inform6unix git submodule init git submodule update You may need to issue that last command twice. Git is just like that. From this point, build and installation is exactly as in the first section. If you want to clean up things and delete files that weren't here when you cloned the repository, use this command: git clean -fdx For more information on submodules, see http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Tools-Submodules