! testing 'get red book and ladder from box' ! and 'put john on box' response Constant Story "Minimal"; Constant Headline "^A sample game which uses PunyInform.^"; Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = example_room; Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_METAVERBS; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEANDPERFORM; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEPATTERN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSETOKEN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSENOUNPHRASE; !Constant DEBUG_GETNEXTNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_SCOPE; Include "globals.h"; Include "puny.h"; Class Book with name 'books//p', description [; print "Self is ", self, "^"; if(self provides hello) { print (The) self, " has a Hello value of ", self.hello, ". ^"; } rfalse; ], hello 0, party [a; print "Self is ", self, "^"; print "a is ", a, "^"; ! print "b is ", b, "^"; ! print "c is ", c, "^"; ], before [; Open: "You've never been much of a reader."; ], has openable; Object example_room "Example Room" with description "You are in an example room, for test purposes.", has light; Object -> LargeBox "The box" ! Set the object name to the name we want on the z3 status line when we're in the box. short_name will be used for all other cases. with short_name "box", name 'box', inside_description "The box looked pretty big from the outside, but you feel really confined in here.", description "It's a large box. You could probably fit several people in there.", time_out [; print "^The box goes BOOM.^"; ], before [; ! LetGo: ! "No can do!"; ], after [; LetGo: "Yay, got rid of ", (the) noun, "!"; Open: #IfDef OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; Achieved(0); ! opening the box is an achievement #EndIf; Receive: ++score; ! win if you put two things in the box if(score >= MAX_SCORE) deadflag = 2; ], time_left 0, has container openable enterable static; Book -> -> RedBook "red book" with name 'red' 'book', initial "On the bottom of the box, there is a red book.", description "The book is old and worn.", before [; Take: if(player in LargeBox) { "It's too hard to pick it up while inside the box."; } ]; Object -> Ladder "ladder" with name 'ladder', description [; print "It's very sturdy. "; ; ! if(_PrintContents(" (which contains ", p_obj)) print ")"; ], after [; Receive: "Wow, you put ",(a) noun," on ", (the) self, "..."; ], inside_description "It's a really good ladder for standing on.", has supporter enterable; Object -> John "John" with name 'john' has proper animate; [Initialise; return 2; ];