Constant Story "ChooseObjectsFinal demo"; Constant Headline "^A sample game which uses PunyInform.^"; Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_METAVERBS; Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = Pub; Constant DEBUG; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEANDPERFORM; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEPATTERN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSETOKEN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSENOUNPHRASE; !Constant DEBUG_GETNEXTNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_SCOPE; include "globals"; [ ChooseObjectsFinal p_arr p_len _i _o; print "*** ChooseObjectsFinal, action is ",(DebugAction) action,", object count is ", p_len, ": ^"; for(_i = 0: _i < p_len: _i++) { _o = p_arr-->_i; print " Object# ", _o, ": ", (the) _o; if(parent(_o)) print " in ",(the) parent(_o); new_line; } "*** End of list"; ]; include "puny"; Object Pub "The Pub" with description "You are in a pub." has light; Object -> Table "table" with name 'table' has supporter; Object -> -> RedBall "red ball" with name 'red' 'ball'; Object -> Box "box" with name 'box', inside_description "It feels so nice, standing in the box.", has container open openable enterable; Object -> -> GreenBall "green ball" with name 'green' 'ball'; Object PinkBall "pink ball" with name 'pink' 'ball'; [Initialise; move PinkBall to player; "This game shows which objects ChooseObjectsFinal gets to choose from."; ];