FLIGHT OF THE HUMMINGBIRD Release 2 by Michael Martin This is an Inform 7 project intended for use with Inform v8.5 (6G60). It will probably not build on later versions. It relies on a number of unique Extensions; these extensions are contained in the Materials directory and may need to be installed manually before a build works. The "Hummingbird Materials" directory also includes some Python scripts that were used to automatically generate some of the more tediously mechanical parts of the source text. These are Python 2 scripts and will not run in modern Python 3-based environments. Non-Release builds require you to uncomment "Use memory economy," as described in the source code. This source code, overall, is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license. If you wish to excerpt components of it that do not directly generate story text, you may do so under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license. In short, don't sell fanfic, but if you see some mechanics you like, feel free to loot them, just give credit.