! ! Blue Chairs ! the sequence in which you dream you are president ! Class DesertRoom with cant_go [; print "No, in that direction is "; switch (random(5)) { 1: print "your old elementary school"; 2: print "Taco Bell"; 3: print "your grandmother's grave"; 4: print "Cape Canaveral"; 5: print "the gorilla"; }; ". There's no time -- you have a job to do."; ]; Class DesertObject with found_in [; return (location ofclass DesertRoom); ], has scenery; Class DesertSign with article "the", initial "A sign is stuck in the sand here.", description [; print "~", (string) self.text, ",~ the sign"; if (self hasnt moved) print ", half-sunk in the sand,"; print " reads"; if (self in player) ". It's mounted on a thin steel pole."; "."; ], before [; Pull: <>; ], after [; Take: if (self hasnt moved) print_ret (The) self, " comes free of the sand easily."; ]; Class WhiteHouseRoom class DesertRoom; Class WhiteHouseObject with found_in [; return (location ofclass WhiteHouseRoom); ], has scenery; ! This class is hard-coded to whitehouse_doors. ! I could make it more abstract, but who cares? Class WhiteHouseStatueHole (4) with name 'circular' 'small' 'hole', short_name "hole", description [; if (self.empty()) "It's perfectly circular, and maybe a few inches deep."; else print_ret "There is a sign that reads ~", (string) child(self).text, "~ placed in the hole,"; ], before [; Receive: if (~~ self.empty()) "There already is a sign in the hole below the statue."; else if (~~ noun ofclass DesertSign) "It doesn't seem to fit."; ], after [; Receive: if (self.right_gender(noun)) print (The) noun, " slips into the hole easily.^"; else print "It doesn't feel like it wants to fit, but with a little effort, it does.^"; whitehouse_doors.check(); rtrue; LetGo: if (self.right_gender(noun)) print (The) noun, " seems to come out of the hole reluctantly.^"; else print (The) noun, " comes out with a little tug.^"; whitehouse_doors.check(); rtrue; ], empty [; return (children(self) == 0); ], sign [; return child(self); ], sign_text [; if (child(self)) return child(self).text; else rfalse; ], right_gender [ i; ! This is implementation-specific. if (((parent(self) has male) && (i == sign1 or sign3)) || ((parent(self) has female) && (i == sign2 or sign4))) rtrue; else rfalse; ], has scenery container open; Class WhiteHouseStatue with each_turn [; ! This seems to be the best way to instantiate a hole for ! the statue, since the statue itself is not created ! dynamically. if (~~ self.has_hole) { self.hole = WhiteHouseStatueHole.create(); move self.hole to self; self.has_hole = true; }; ], before [; Receive: ! We need to be a container because the hole is a ! container too. If we're just transparent, L__M(##Insert, 2, self); rtrue; Examine: print (string) self.description; if (self.hole.empty()) "^^There's a small circular hole at the statue's feet. Not quite wide enough for a broomstick, but larger than, say, the point of a sword."; else print_ret "^^~", (string) self.hole.sign_text(), ",~ a sign in front of the statue reads."; ], correct [; if (~~ self.hole) rfalse; else return (self.hole.sign() == self.correct_sign); ], has_hole false, correct_sign, hole, has static container open; CarRoom driving_to_donuts "Driving Through Baltimore" with description [; SetPronoun('him', driving_to_donuts_chris); "You're cruising through some side streets -- turns out Chris knows an easier way to 83 than you do. He seems to have come out of whatever weird state he was in back at the party. Though he hasn't said that much so far, he at least seems alert and somewhat coherent.^^His car is kind of nice, though not quite nice enough to write home about: there's a decent aftermarket stereo in the middle of the dash and only the very bare minimum of crud on the floor. A couple Blockbuster receipts, an ice scraper in the back seat. That kind of thing.^^You've both got your windows up, so the scene is silent and almost tranquil."; ], before [; Exit: "Hey, the car's still moving."; ], each_turn [; switch (++self.number) { 1, 2: rtrue; 3: "^It's sort of warm in here, now that you think of it -- which is weird, considering that the heat's off."; 4: "^It's getting warmer, and you don't understand why."; 5: "^Goddamn, it's warm."; default: "^It's unbearably warm. You've got to do something about it."; }; ], cant_go "Hey, you managed to get a ride here. Let's not screw it up already.", number 0; Object -> driving_to_donuts_window "window" with parse_name [ i definite_match; while (true) switch (NextWord()) { 'car': i++; 'window', 'windows', 'outside': definite_match = true; i++; default: if (definite_match) return i; else return 0; }; ], description "So many buildings. So many it's hard to begin to count.", before [; Open: print "You crack the window. For some reason, the air outside is freezing cold. Cold even for nighttime, cold even for:^"; move bush to limo; ChangePlayer(bush); StartTimer(limo, 2); PlayerTo(limo); rtrue; ], has scenery; Object -> driving_to_donuts_climate "climate controls" with name 'air' 'conditioning' 'ac' 'heat' 'heater', description "The car's climate controls are pretty straightforward-looking.", before [; if (action ~= ##Examine) if (self hasnt general) { give self general; "Hey, don't mess with another man's climate control. Best to ask first."; } else "Chris swats away your hand. ~I mean, seriously,~ he says, ~leave it be.~"; ], has scenery; Object -> driving_to_donuts_stereo "stereo" with name 'stereo' 'aftermarket' 'decent' 'radio', description [; if (self has on) "The display reads ~TR-01.~"; else print_ret "Right now, ", (the) self, "'s display is blank -- it's off."; ], before [; Listen: if (self has on) "Don't torture yourself. It's probably only going to get worse."; else "It would probably be more rewarding if said stereo was on."; ], after [; SwitchOn: give self on; "You lean over, click on the stereo. The dulcet voice of Avril Lavigne fills the car, which causes your jaw to instinctually clench."; SwitchOff: "You jab at the power button, but for some reason, it doesn't turn off. Well damn. The Avril front is not looking so good."; ], has scenery switchable; Object -> driving_to_donuts_receipts "Blockbuster receipts" with name 'blockbuster' 'receipt' 'receipts', description "They lie in a tangled-up dirty pile near your feet.", before [; Take: "If you possessed an inclination toward identity theft, then the receipts would probably be of some use -- but as a mild-mannered, drug-addled kid, they're just some receipts."; Read: "Meh, it's not worth the time."; ], has scenery pluralname; Object -> ice_scraper "ice scraper" with name 'ice' 'scraper', description "It's kind of goofy-looking, actually. There's a snow brush on one end, a ice scraper on the other. The whole shebang is cheap black plastic.", before [; Take: "~Hey,~ Chris says. ~I'll probably need that.~^^~It's April, man,~ you reply.^^~You never know,~ he says, giving you a brief look."; ], has scenery; Object -> driving_to_donuts_chris "Chris" with name 'chris' 'klimas' 'guy' 'man' 'dude', description "He looks straight ahead at the road, barely blinking.", each_turn [; if ((--self.number == 0) && (driving_to_donuts_stereo hasnt on)) { give driving_to_donuts_stereo on; "^Chris leans over and turns the stereo on. What is this? None other that Miss Avril Lavigne. Jesus."; } else if (random(3) == 1) "^Chris scratches at his ear a little anxiously."; ], life [; Attack, Kiss: "Come on, that's totally inappropriate. The man is trying to drive here."; Give, Show: "~Hey, I'm trying to drive here,~ he says."; Ask: self.number = 3; switch (second) { 'heat', 'warm', 'warmth', 'hot', 'air', 'conditioning', 'temperature': "~Hey, can you turn on the AC or something? I'm really warm,~ you say.^^Chris gives you a weird look. ~Come on, man. It's fifty out there. If you're too hot, open a window or something.~"; 'party', 'house', 'tonight': self.talked_party = true; "~What were you doing at that party?~ you ask.^^~Just chilling, mostly,~ he says. ~One of those things you get invited to through a friend of a friend.~^^He's been hesitant to talk about where you found him -- you're not sure exactly why."; 'friend': if (self.talked_party) "~What's your friend's name?~ you ask. ~Just wondering. Maybe I know them.~^^~I actually don't know her last name... Alice?~"; else "~Did you come with any friends?~ you ask.^^~Nah, they all ditched me tonight. What are you gonna do?~"; 'alice', 'alicia': "~Do you know Alice?~ you ask.^^~No, not really,~ Chris says. ~Just another pretty girl I don't know all that well.~"; 'dance', 'dancing', 'living', 'room': "~What were you doing out on the dance floor?~ you ask.^^~I'm not really much of a dancer,~ he says. ~You blink once, and all of a sudden, you're surrounded by a whole lot of people you don't know and the music's so loud.~"; 'car', 'corolla', 'vehicle': "~Nice car,~ you note.^^~Thanks,~ Chris says. ~I've had it for a couple years now.~"; 'avril', 'lavigne', 'music', 'stereo', 'radio': if (driving_to_donuts_stereo has on) "~What's up with Avril?~ you ask.^^~Hey,~ he says. ~Everybody's got a band they love but don't want anyone else to know about. What's yours?~^^~Christina,~ you admit."; else "~Mind if I turn on the stereo?~ you ask.^^~Sure,~ he says. ~Go ahead.~"; 'drug', 'drugs', 'green', 'liquid': "~Hey, just wondering, but are you at all knowledgable about drugs?~ you ask.^^~Not really,~ he says."; 'ear', 'ears': "~Is your ear okay?~ you ask.^^~Yeah, it's just a habit,~ he says."; default: "~Hmm,~ Chris says."; }; Tell: self.number = 3; switch (second) { 'beatrice': "~Beatrice is up near the PA border,~ you explain. ~It'll take a while to get up there.~^^~It's cool,~ Chris replies. ~I don't mind the drive.~"; 'me', 'myself': "~I feel like I should tell you about myself or something,~ you say. ~What with you giving me a ride. So, uh, I'm an IT person for this real estate company.~^^~Do you like it?~ he asks.^^~Nah, not really.~"; 'drug', 'drugs', 'green', 'liquid': "~To be totally fair,~ you say, ~I think I'm high right now.~^^~Oookay,~ Chris says, and seems remarkably unperturbed."; 'avril', 'lavigne', 'music', 'song': if (driving_to_donuts_stereo has on) "~Dude, Avril Lavigne blows,~ you say.^^~What can I say?~ Chris says. ~Everybody's allowed to like bad music.~"; else <>; default: <>; }; ], talked_party false, number 3, has concealed proper animate transparent; Object -> -> driving_to_donuts_chris_ear "ear" with name 'ear' 'chris^s', description "You don't see anything wrong with it..."; Protagonist bush with description "You're dressed in your finest, of course. Laura helped pick the suit out with you, a long time ago, a nice afternoon it must have been though you don't quite recall..."; Object -> bush_suit "suit" with name 'blue' 'finest' 'suit' 'clothes', description "It's blue, my friend, the color of the working man.", before [; Disrobe: "No, that would be a terrible idea."; ], has worn clothing concealed; CarRoom limo "January 20, in a Limousine" with description [; if (self hasnt general) "It's just before dawn, but you can tell it's going to be a fine day for an inauguration, finer by far than 2000 -- too cold that day, too many signs held up by the haters, the people who never understood that you won it fair and square. Their time has passed. The stars outside are magnificent. They all love you.^^You decided to ride shotgun this time since Laura and the kids couldn't make it, and there's nothing worse than sitting in the back of an empty limo."; else "The limo's stopped now, right at the beginning of the final leg to the White House. The engine purrs just audibly; the driver taps a finger against the wheel, "; ], time_left 3, time_out [; give self general; "^The limo comes to a stop. ~Congratulations, Mr. President,~ the driver says.^^It's time to take the last leg of the journey from the ceremony to the White House; it's time to take a walk."; ], out_to [; if (self hasnt general) "The limo's still moving."; else { print "~Good luck, sir,~ the driver says. ~I've been praying for you ever since the day I turned twenty-three.~^"; return desert1; }; ]; Object -> limo_window "windows" with name 'window' 'windows' 'outside' 'out', description "Through the sliver of open window, you can see just the faintest shade of blue. The sun must be just ready to rise.", before [; Open, Close: "~Sorry, sir,~ the driver says. ~The windows aren't working. Not sure why.~^^Dammit."; ], has scenery; Object -> limo_door "door" with name 'door', description "It's just a door, my friend. No need to get fancy about it.", before [; Open: <>; ], has scenery; Object -> limo_limo "limo" with name 'limo' 'limousine', before [; Examine: <>; ], has scenery; Object -> limo_stars "stars" with name 'stars' 'star' 'sky' 'night', description "They glitter and glimmer.", has scenery pluralname; Object -> limo_motorcade "motorcade" with name 'motorcade' 'cars', description "You barely even notice them anymore, to tell the truth. All you really need to know is that they keep you safe.", has scenery; Object -> limo_driver "limo driver" with name 'driver' 'man' 'guy', initial [; give self concealed; "The limo driver beside you scowls a little at the pace of the motorcade and scratches his head. Nervous twitch that guy's got. He's been putting you on edge all day with that. Needs to calm down."; ], description "An ordinary sort of guy, with a meek face and hands that have never seen a day of real labor. The kind of kid that thrives in Washington, the kind who will have a job just five inches from the famous all his life.", life "~Yes sir,~ the driver says, not really paying attention.", orders "~In just a moment, sir,~ the driver says.", each_turn [; if ((limo has general) && (random(5) == 1)) "^~Mr. President,~ the driver says, looking at the door. ~They're waiting for you.~"; ], has animate; DesertObject desert_sand "sand" with name 'sand' 'dune' 'desert', description "God, if you wanted to, you could stare it all day. America is more beautiful than it knows.", before [; Take: "You let a few grains fall through your fingers. Kind of a nice sensation."; ]; DesertObject desert_sun "sun" with name 'sun' 'sky', description "You can't see the sun itself -- it must just be rising now behind the White House. But there's a lovely orange glow to the sky now and a barely perceivable warmth in the air."; DesertObject desert_horizon "horizon" with name 'horizon', description "A line drawn by a shaking hand -- or maybe a graph of a single heartbeat..."; Object desert_whitehouse "White House" with name 'white' 'house' 'whitehouse', description "It is the most perfect sandcastle you have ever seen.", before [; Enter: "You have to walk there first, of course."; ], found_in [; ! This is more restrictive than a normal DesertObject, in ! that it doesn't appear in WhiteHouseRooms. This is ! because there's two versions -- one very far off, one ! sort of near. return ((location ofclass DesertRoom) && (~~ (location ofclass WhiteHouseRoom))); ], has scenery; DesertRoom desert1 "On the Path to the White House" with description [; print "It's a desert. Sand the color of cocoa, as fine a powder as a man can ask for. It stretches to the horizon in every direction. Fortunately, the White House is exactly due east -- maybe a half hour's leisurely walk"; if ((sign1 notin player) && (sign2 notin player) && (sign3 notin player) && (sign4 notin player)) print " -- and there seem to be signs stuck in the sand along the way, so there's no chance you'll get lost"; ".^^This is different from four years ago, of course, but wasn't everything? It was so gray then."; ], each_turn [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; "^The motorcade speeds off into the distance."; }; ], e_to desert2; FarScenery -> desert1_signs "sighs" with name 'sign' 'signs', description "The signs are plain white -- that's all you can make out at this distance."; DesertRoom desert2 "A Bit Closer to the White House" with description "The desert has a way of clouding a man's mind -- more so even than the string of McDonald'ses and churches that once constituted America could. There's no dimension to it, no geography beyond sun and horizon. You're lucky you know where you're going. To the east, toward the White House.", e_to [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; give reporter general; move reporter to self; reporter.question1(); rtrue; } else return desert3; ], w_to "There's nothing there, son. Not anymore."; DesertSign -> sign1 "first sign" with name 'one' 'first' '1//' 'sign' 'trapped' 'steel' 'pole', text "I want to be rescued"; DesertRoom desert3 "Further in the Desert" with description "You're at the peak of a dune, a pretty high one at that -- you can see for miles and miles perhaps. Shame there's really not too much to see: just sand and more sand. Not even footprints. Folks must have packed it in this year. Ah well. No sense in worrying about it. To the east is the White House, and you can perhaps pick out the way you came to the west.", each_turn [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; reporter.question2(); }; ], w_to desert1, e_to desert4; DesertSign -> sign2 "second sign" with name 'two' 'second' '2//' 'sign' 'name' 'steel' 'pole', text "No one knows my name"; DesertRoom desert4 "Halfway to the White House" with description "It's only maybe another fifteen minutes' walk to the White House. The sand rises and falls around you and for some reason, you are acutely aware that the air is still cool, that this is the desert's resting point. There's a smell of cinnamon in the air for some reason -- just a faint smell, the kind that ought to trigger an old memory but doesn't. You can continue to the east, to where the sun is rising -- but then you could always try west.", each_turn [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; reporter.question3(); }; ], w_to desert3, e_to desert5; DesertSign -> sign3 "third sign" with name 'three' 'third' '3//' 'sign' 'different' 'steel' 'pole', text "I'm dreaming"; DesertRoom desert5 "Close to the White House" with description "A man could go mad trying to describe the desert to another man -- it's easy enough to talk sand, mind you. It's harder to get down to brass tacks with endlessness and loneliness, to talk the truth about anything, really, except the long white curves of the desert. But they're not even curves, really. Maybe closer to waves, maybe closer to doodles drawn by a half-asleep Picasso.^^The White House is just a little bit to the east, and you can follow the trail of footsteps you left behind to the west.", each_turn [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; reporter.question4(); }; ], e_to [; if (reporter has general) { give reporter ~general; remove reporter; print "There's a weird noise behind you -- you look, and the reporter's gone.^"; }; return whitehouse_west; ], w_to desert4; DesertSign -> sign4 "fourth sign" with name 'four' 'real' 'fourth' '4//' 'sign' 'steel' 'pole', text "I'm waiting for you"; WhiteHouseObject whitehouse_whitehouse "White House" with name 'white' 'house' 'building' 'wall' 'walls' 'window' 'windows' 'frame' 'filigree' 'sandcastle' 'blank', description "The White House had windows once, you know. Back when it was made of sandstone, not sand; back when you were a real human being and not president. But be rational about it. In the middle of a desert, windows are a bad idea, a desperate attempt to believe you still live in a temperate clime. The White House is dark, cool, and quiet inside. So few things are all three simultaneously.^^The walls of the White House are ragged -- the result of nearly a quarter-century in the desert -- but still seem stable.", before [; Enter, Open: "IF you want to get in, you'll have to use the door."; ]; WhiteHouseRoom whitehouse_west "Outside the White House" with description "Steps -- milky white sand, packed tightly -- rise from the desert in front of you. It takes a careful eye to tell sand from sand, to see where nature ends and man's work begins. How long did it take to build all the pillars that support the White House's pediment? How long to pack all the sand as tight as a man's last breath, to carve perfect grooves from top to bottom, and to make sure it never falls?^^The great iron doors of the White House are beneath the pediment to the east. If you'd like, you can also walk around the White House to the northeast and southeast.", w_to desert5, e_to beneath_pediment, ne_to whitehouse_north, se_to whitehouse_south; WhiteHouseStatue -> dante_statue "statue of a young man" with name 'young' 'man' 'statue' 'black' 'metal' 'scraggly' 'hair' 'eyes' 'jeans' 't-shirt' 'shirt', initial "A statue of a young man is a few feet in front of the steps. Funny. It wasn't here four years ago.", description "It's made from an almost black metal -- you're terrible with the names of metals once you get past the Olympics. But whoever made this spent a lot of time on it. The young man depicted looks like he's just woken up, with scraggly hair and half-closed eyes. As if he's afraid to even look to see that he's still alive. He's got on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, of all things, with this mysterious message: ~THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE", correct_sign sign3, has male; Object -> whitehouse_west_steps "steps" with parse_name [ i definite_match; while (true) switch (NextWord()) { 'sand': i++; 'step', 'steps': definite_match = true; i++; default: if (definite_match) return i; else return 0; }; ], description "The steps are mostly decorative -- there are only three of them.", before [; Climb: <>; ], has scenery; Object -> whitehouse_west_pillars "pillars" with parse_name [ i definite_match; while (true) switch (NextWord()) { 'sand': i++; 'pillar', 'pillars', 'groove', 'grooves': i++; definite_match = true; default: if (definite_match) return i; else return 0; }; ], description "There are nine pillars, evenly spaced out, supporting the White House's pediment.", has scenery; Object -> whitehouse_west_pediment "pediment" with name 'pediment' 'roof', description "It's a -- wait, that can't be right. The White House doesn't have one of those. It's the Jefferson Memorial that has one, like on the nickel. But this looks right to you. It doesn't seem that anything's changed. But it isn't right.", has scenery; FarScenery -> whitehouse_west_doors "White House doors" with name 'iron' 'door' 'doors', description [; if (whitehouse_doors hasnt open) "The doors would be sort of forbidding, if they weren't so familiar."; else "Hey, it looks like the doors are open now."; ]; WhiteHouseRoom beneath_pediment "Beneath the Pediment" with description "There would be shade here if it were afternoon. But it isn't, and instead it feels almost clammy. The warmth you felt walking the desert is gone. The main doors -- two stories tall, plain iron -- are the main feature of this face of the White House. The sand wall still holds some suggestion of what this house once was: a filigree here, a window frame directly above you. But soon it'll all be gone. Sand can only hold memory for so long.^^You can head back out to the west. ", w_to whitehouse_west, e_to [; <>; ], in_to whitehouse_doors, cant_go "The only way into the White House seems to be the iron doors in front of you."; Object -> whitehouse_doors "iron doors" with name 'iron' 'cellar' 'flat' 'doors' 'door' 'handle' 'handles', describe [; if (self has open) "^The doors leading inside are open, but you can't see inside. It's too dark."; rtrue; ], description "The doors are flat iron, almost like the kind of thing you'd see leading to a cellar. There are barely handles on the doors, let alone a keyhole or knocker.", before [; Open: if (self hasnt open) "The doors don't budge when you pull on them."; else "The doors are already open."; Close: if (self has open) "You can't seem to move the doors."; else "Mission accomplished: the doors are already closed."; Attack: "The sound is like a church bell. There's no response from inside -- but then, your staff haven't arrived yet."; ], check [; if ((self has open) && ((~~ dante_statue.correct()) || (~~ beatrice_statue.correct()) || (~~ chris_statue.correct()) || (~~ alice_statue.correct()))) { give self ~open; if (location == whitehouse_west) "^The doors to the White House slide closed."; else "^You hear a dull, scraping-metal kind of noise. You're not exactly sure where it came from."; }; if ((self hasnt open) && (dante_statue.correct() && beatrice_statue.correct() && chris_statue.correct() && alice_statue.correct())) { give self open; if (location == whitehouse_west) "^With an uneasy rustling noise, the doors beneath the pediment open."; else "^There's a dull, scraping-metal kind of noise. It's coming from somewhere nearby, but you're not sure where exactly."; }; ], door_dir in_to, door_to whitehouse_darkness, has static door; WhiteHouseRoom whitehouse_north "White House, North Side" with description "This side of the White House is a blank wall, as if someone didn't feel up to finishing the blueprint. Quirky. That's what the word for it might be. Modern life demands quirkiness -- and what you end up with is a blank face and perfect corners. To the southwest is the front of the White House; southeast is the rear.", s_to "There isn't any way into the White House on this side.", sw_to whitehouse_west, se_to whitehouse_east; WhiteHouseStatue -> beatrice_statue "statue of a beautiful woman" with name 'beautiful' 'woman' 'statue' 'hands' 'dress' 'body' 'face', initial "A statue of a beautiful woman stares into the desert.", description "She peers into the distance through her hands, as if she cannot believe what she is seeing. Waiting for someone, maybe, who may not be coming. Her dress clings to her body, caught in a slow breeze forever.^^How do you know she's beautiful, if you can't see her face? You just -- know. Maybe you've met before and just don't remember. You meet so many people these days.", correct_sign sign4, has female; WhiteHouseRoom whitehouse_south "White House, South Side" with description "The remains of a garden: a square stone wall that once separated dandelions from orchids. Aside from that, there's not much worth remembering here. It's always the inside of things that counts. The east side of the White House is to the northeast; to the northwest is the entrance.", n_to "There isn't any way into the White House on this side.", nw_to whitehouse_west, ne_to whitehouse_east; WhiteHouseStatue -> chris_statue "statue of a tall man" with name 'tall' 'man' 'statue' 't-shirt' 'jeans' 'clothes', initial "A statue of a tall man is here.", description "Oddly, he's wearing a T-shirt and jeans, though his clothes aren't otherwise notable. He clutches a paperback book in his hands. He slouches slightly, as if it had taken him a long time to learn how to be tall.", correct_sign sign1, has male; Object -> -> chris_statue_book "book" with name 'paperback' 'book', description "The book's face is blank.", has static; Object -> whitehouse_south_wall "garden wall" with name 'garden' 'wall' 'walls' 'stone' 'square' 'chunk' 'chunks' 'mortar', description "Your grandfather's house once had a wall like it: individual chunks of stone mortared together. It's covered in sand and grime, and parts of the wall have fallen to the ground entirely.", has scenery; WhiteHouseRoom whitehouse_east "White House, East Side" with description "At last you can see the sun. It's just over the horizon now, and glows a bright orangish red. The back of the White House is all leftovers -- doors that once led somewhere, a balcony without an entrance. All of it is just a surface to reflect the sun's rosy hue. An entire building the color of a heart not yet broken. The only door that works is the front one, back northwest or southwest.", w_to "There isn't any way into the White House on this side.", nw_to whitehouse_north, sw_to whitehouse_south; WhiteHouseStatue -> alice_statue "statue of a young woman" with name 'young' 'woman' 'statue' 'patch' 'jeans' 'metal' 'cold', initial "A statue of a young woman smiles at you.", description "She's got a goofy smile on her face, that kind of look girls take on when they've decided you're cute. And what's more, there's hope in her eyes, that somehow she believes things will be different in a second, that everything from now on will be surprising.^^The jeans she wears are rumpled, with a patch sewn on her left knee. It's amazing how they can capture fabric and skin so realistically with cold metal.", correct_sign sign2, has female; Object -> whitehouse_east_scenery "White House" with name 'balcony' 'door' 'doors' 'leftovers', before [; ! This is kind of lame because I don't know how to use a ! variable in <> notation if (action == ##Examine) <>; else <>; ], has scenery; Object whitehouse_darkness "Darkness" with description "This isn't right. There ought to be gilded halls, red carpets, an agenda and a mission statement. A reason. That's all you really need to get by. All it is is darkness. You can't even really tell how big it is in here -- whether this is the entirety of the White House, or maybe just one room.^^There is one option, however.^^A blue chair waits a few feet from you. It's highlighted by a circle of light whose source you can't see.", each_turn [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; "^There's a noise behind you and the meek light coming from the doors behind you disappears; the doors have closed themselves."; }; ], cant_go [; if (noun ~= u_obj or d_obj or in_obj) "You feel around for the doors, but can't find them."; else L__M(##Go, 2); ]; Object -> whitehouse_darkness_chair "blue chair" with name 'blue' 'chair', description "Simple and ergonomic. The kind you'd see in every cubicle across America -- well, when there were cubicles.", before [; Enter: print "It's so nice to finally sit down after your walk across the desert. The chair is comfortable, but then all blue chairs are.^^~Can you do me a favor?~ a voice asks.^^Familiar. It's familiar.^^~Anything,~ you say.^[...]"; KeyCharPrimitive(); ClearScreen(); print "^~Would you run in and grab me a doughnut?~^^It hurts to wake up. You feel scared but don't know why. Your throat's dry, which always happens to you when you take a nap, and your arms hurt, which is new. You're not sure what to think, what to feel.^^There's not much to see but you feel confused anyway. The car's parked beside a gas pump now, and there's a slight breeze coming through the window beside you. The air is just cold enough to be considered cool. Your eyes keep shifting over the same things, like you're going to catch something being wrong, being fake, being part of the dream still.^^But you're awake. You really are.^^~A doughnut?~ you ask.^^~Yeah, I gotta fill up the tank,~ Chris says. ~If they have Krispy Kreme, that would be ideal.~^^He plops a couple wrinked bills in your hand and gets out of the car. You're still not sure what to do, but what the fuck? Start with something simple. Follow his lead, get out of the car. Standing up feels weird for half a second, like maybe you're going to faint but you've never fainted before or anything, it's just how you imagine it might feel. And then the feeling's gone.^^You are awake. This is an important fact to remember -- you tell yourself this a couple times, to make sure it sinks in.^"; ChangePlayer(dante); move chris_money to player; PlayerTo(outside_station); rtrue; Take: "You can't lift the chair from the ground."; Push, Pull: "You give it a little shove, but it doesn't move. Weird."; ], has scenery supporter; Object -> whitehouse_darkness_light "light" with name 'circle' 'light' 'spotlight' 'spot', description "For some reason, it reminds you of middle school.", before [; if (action ~= ##Examine) "It's just light."; ], has scenery; Object -> whitehouse_darkness_doors "doors" with name 'iron' 'cellar' 'flat' 'doors' 'door' 'handle' 'handles', before [; <>; ], has scenery; Object reporter "reporter" with name 'reporter' 'woman' 'alice' 'alicia', initial "The reporter's not done with you yet, apparently -- she's still following you.", description "She's beautiful, you know. Almost all the Washington press are -- not in a beauty pageant kind of way. More like a sleeping princess. She's got her blonde hair tied tightly back in a bun, and while her slick black suit is certainly professional, she could be so much prettier... if she just changed a little bit...", found_in [; return (self has general); ], life [; Ask, Tell: "Karl warned you: don't try to engage these fuckers in real conversation. Just answer the questions they want to ask you. Things get complicated when you jump off the script."; Show: "She shrugs, doesn't really get it."; Give: "~No thanks,~ she says."; Attack, Kiss: "Oh, the headlines that'd cause."; ], orders [; <>; ], question1 [; print "~Can I ask you a question, Mr. President--~ a voice says from behind you. You turn and smile immediately; there must be cameras watching. A reporter -- she must have run here to catch you, her face is so red -- is a few feet behind you.^^~Anything,~ you say.^^~Were you in love with Beatrice?~ the reporter asks.^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) { self.answer1 = true; "~Yeah,~ you say. ~I thought we were supposed to fall in love with each other. I kept running into her my first year of college. I thought it was fate. I used to believe in it. I used to think things happened for a reason. But it was just that her last name was almost the same as mine.~^^~I never tried to talk to her or anything, even though I thought she was pretty. It was almost sort of a game. Like in the middle of Intro to Poli Sci, I'd glance at her and try to guess what her favorite ice cream flavor was. She looked kind of like a mint chocolate chip girl.~^^~Were you right?~ the reporter asks.^^ ~Close,~ you say. ~Peppermint.~"; } else "~No, it wasn't exactly love,~ you say. ~Not obsession. Not infatuation. Not even yearning...~^^~Were you attract--~ the reporter begins.^^~Enchantment,~ you say. ~That's the right word for it. She was so much better than I was in almost every way I could tell. The only thing I was better at was spelling. Beatrice's dyslexic, but you'd almost never know it.~^^~How'd you meet?~^^~I was out for a walk at dawn and so was she,~ you explain. ~I had seen her around campus a couple times but never talked to her or anything. You know what I mean? All the people you see all the time but never talk to? The guy who works down the hall from you?~^^~What were you doing out there?~^^~I used to do it to help me think. Not so much anymore... I'm a night person.~^^~And why was she there?~^^~I don't know,~ you say. ~I never asked. I just kind of assumed she was there for the same reason I was.~"; ], question2 [; if (self.answer1) { print "^~Did you finally make a move?~ the reporter asks.^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) { self.answer2 = true; "~It took me three years. Can you believe it?~^^The reporter chortles good-naturedly, ingratiatingly, readying herself to ask the deep, incisive question she's waited to ask the leader of the free world all her career.^^~It was all luck, maybe from start to finish. I decided one night senior year to get totally shitfaced. My thesis was done and I was just killing time. And I'd never really gotten trashed before. Never even had a hangover. I was good at drinking.^^~I was walking back, not really knowing where in the hell I was walking, and there she was. Just sitting on a curb.~^^ ~What was she doing there?~^^~I don't know. I didn't even try to guess. I must've said hello or tried to talk to her or something, but all I remember is just kissing her. Just out of nowhere. Or it's just that I don't remember what happened. But somehow it all just... worked.^^ ~I never told her about all the years before then. It would have just been creepy. To her, I was just some kid she found, beginning of the day, just some kid...^^~It was really good,~ you say. ~It was really good for almost a year.~"; } else "~No. I was never that brave. I ran into her at a dance my senior year. Really ran into her. I was in the middle of this insane crowd -- things always get really packed in the last hour or two and I backed right into her.^^~I turned around and must've had the most perfect deer-in-the-headlights look on my face. But she didn't care. She just grabbed me by the hand and said something -- I wish I knew what it was, but I couldn't hear a thing over the music.^^~I thought she must've been trashed because she seemed so happy to see me. But she wasn't. Beatrice never drank, didn't even take aspirin when she had a headache.^^~After it was all over, we took a walk through town right before dawn. And when we reached the water, she turned to me and asked, 'Why didn't we meet each other sooner?'^^~Everything fit so well with us. I really do wish I had asked her out before. It might've gone better. I might not even have to be talking to you now.~"; } else { print "^~So did you hit it off right away?~ the reporter asks.^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) { self.answer2 = true; "~Yeah. It was so weird... I had been a loner almost all the time, ever since middle school. I mean, I had friends, but nobody really close. And all of a sudden, she was there all the time. We spent so much time together. I kept wondering when she was going to get sick of me -- just get tired of me, you know? But it never happened.~^^~Isn't that love?~ the reporter asks.^^~Maybe. I guess you're right. It has to be, doesn't it? I don't know. We were good together, honestly. We were good for each other. We understood each other.^^~It's so hard to find anyone that understands me,~ you say."; } else "~Not at first. We were just strangers, and I was shy. We'd walk places a lot, talk about things, but we didn't really know each other. It was a long time before I even knew her last name, or even what dorm she lived in.^^~I always wondered what she thought of me. Whether she really liked me at all, or if I was just somebody to talk to, just a reason to stop feeling lonely. So one morning, she was there with some flowers in her hand. I asked who they were for -- it was a retarded move, even for then -- and she said they were for me.^^~I asked why -- which probably also was kind of dumb -- and she said it was my birthday. Which was true. How funny is that? I didn't even remember but she did. I didn't even know I had told her.^^~I smiled like a goof and was just about to say something really dumb -- but she kissed me.~^^You stop for a second, just to think.^^~We had a really good relationship,~ you say. ~It was so good when it worked.~"; }; ], question3 [; print "^~Was it her fault that you broke up?~ the reporter asks.^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) { self.answer3 = true; print "~Yeah, it was her fault. I'm not trying to be petty. I know it's not fair because she can't defend herself, but it's the truth. After she decided to spend a year in Toronto.~^^~I asked her why Toronto. She said she always knew there was something she needed to find in Canada. I deserve a fucking Congressional Medal of Honor for not cracking even a single smile when she said that. Like she misplaced her glasses there or something.^^~I asked her why Toronto again. Because if you're going to be romantic, why not be all-the-way romantic? Go to Paris or maybe Morocco or some other place that isn't half as cool as people think it is.^^~She just smiled, told me I would never understand it, told me she was just plain old tired of her life.^^~I figured she was tired of me, too. She never even asked if I wanted to come with her. I never even said goodbye to her. Not a real goodbye. We went out for vanilla milkshakes one night and the next morning, she was gone forever.^^~That was maybe two years ago. I heard she came back eventually, but I never tried to find her again.~^^~Do you regret not saying goodbye to her?~ the reporter asks.^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) "~Yeah,~ you say. ~I always thought there was something I could say to her to make her stay. But what was there that I hadn't already said? I was all out of magic words.~ "; else "~No,~ you say. ~I wouldn't have said the right thing, anyway.~"; } else "~No. It was me. I moved. I got this job up in Philly after college -- turned out to be just another loser startup. Somehow the bust didn't catch everyone it should've. But you have to understand why I left. It felt like I was going to live the dream.~^^~The American dream?~ the reporter asks.^^~No,~ you say. ~The American dream is dead. What used to be the American dream, anyway. There's a new one now.^^~Breaking up was a mutual thing. It was just logical, you know? She liked her life in Maryland. I never liked the state, not even when I was a kid. I promised to call her, but I never did.~^^~Why didn't you?~ the reporter asks.^^~I don't know, you say. I wish I knew. And when the whole job thing fell through and I had to move back in with my parents for a few months, I didn't call her. I was ashamed then. I know that. But I don't know why I didn't try to call her when I moved out again. It's been a long time.^^~But then, she never tried to call me either.~ ";; ], question4 [; print "^~I just have one last question, Mr. President,~ the reporter says.^^~Shoot.~^^~Is any of what you just told me real?~^^>>"; if (YesOrNo()) print "~Yes, yes, of course it is. It's funny you say that."; else print "~I don't like the word 'real' because I don't understand what people mean by it."; " Beatrice told me once that I was the most real person she knew.~^^You turn, look at the reporter squarely.^^~I mean, what does it mean to be real? Something's real if you can touch if you can see it -- isn't that right? So I'm touchable? So people can see me? So I'm really actually a human being? Is that all that means?~^^The reporter says nothing.^^~No more questions,~ you say. ~I've got to get to my office. It's almost certainly not real, but at least it's safe.~"; ], answer1 false, answer2 false, answer3 false, has female animate;