! ! Blue Chairs ! the cubicle where unwary players go to die ! ! can't use the Protagonist class here for inclusion order reasons (I ! think), but it doesn't matter since he can't do anything anyway. Object death_cubicle "Half-Asleep" with description "It gets warm down here in the afternoon -- something to do with poor ventilation, maintenance told you once. The day has been slow, thankfully. A chance to get yourself together, to re-establish a sense of reality.", cant_go "It isn't time to go home yet."; Object -> cubicle_dante "Dante" with description "You look the same as you always have.", orders [; Take: print_ret "You don't have anywhere to take ", (the) noun, "."; ], number 0, has light; Object -> death_cubicle_chair "chair" with name 'chair', description "Your chair has never been particularly nice to you.", react_before [; Exit: <>; ], has scenery supporter; Object -> death_cubicle_desk "desk" with name 'desk' 'unimportant' 'stuff', description "Your desk's full of unimportant stuff.", has scenery supporter; ! Tecnically, I should put this inside the desk, but I need its ! initial property to trigger. Object -> death_cubicle_computer "computer" with name 'computer' 'pc' 'monitor' 'screen' 'alert' 'message' 'box', initial [; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; "The computer on your desk beeps and brings up an alert box you've never seen before: ~Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game or QUIT?~"; } else "The alert on your computer screen beckons to you."; ], description [; print "You've just tooling around on the Web for past hour or so, catching up on news. You don't know where that alert message came from -- maybe some screwy form of spyware? It still says: ~"; L__M(##Miscellany, 5); "~"; ], before [; SwitchOff: <>; ], each_turn [; if (self.should_beep) { self.should_beep = false; "^Your computer beeps again."; } else self.should_beep = true; ], should_beep false, has static switchable on;