! ! Blue Chairs ! begun 29 Feb 2004 ! Ifndef VN_1630; Message warning "This probably won't compile correctly under anything but Inform 6.30"; Endif; Constant Story = "Blue Chairs"; Constant Headline = " by Chris Klimas^"; Release 1; Constant DIALECT_US; Constant NO_PLACES; Constant NO_SCORE; ! These constants tell the AfterLife() entry point what to do -- take ! the player to the cubicle or just print the restart, restore, quit ! prompt. Constant DEAD_CUBICLE = 1; Constant DEAD_JUSTPRINT = 3; Replace DrawStatusLine; Include "Parser"; Object LibraryMessages with before [; Examine: ! Kill "The blah is currently on" messages if (lm_n == 3) rtrue; Attack: "You've never been a very violent kind of guy."; Burn: "You don't have a match or anything."; Buy: "Nobody's selling anything, as far as you can see."; Climb: "That wouldn't really help."; Consult: print_ret "There's nothing cool in ", (the) noun, "."; Cut: <>; Dig: <>; Drink: "There's nothing around worth drinking, as far as you can tell."; Eat: if (lm_n == 1) print_ret (The) noun, " doesn't look too tasty."; Fill: <>; Jump: "You hop a little, just because."; JumpOver: <>; Kiss: "No thanks."; Listen: "You don't hear anything weird."; Mild: "Yup."; Miscellany: switch (lm_n) { 10: "Hunh?"; 23: "It seems like you want to talk to someone, but it's unclear who you're referring to."; 28: print "Sorry, I only understood you as far as "; 30: "You don't see anything like that around."; }; Pray: "You've never been really religious."; Search: if (lm_n == 4) "You don't see anything unusual."; Sing: "You're not very good at singing."; Sleep: "You don't feel sleepy."; Smell: "You don't smell anything interesting."; Sorry: "No worries."; Squeeze: if (lm_n == 1) "That'd be kind of rude."; Strong: "Fuckin' A."; Take: if (lm_n == 2) "Dude, that's kind of metaphysical."; Touch: switch (lm_n) { 1: "That would be kind of rude."; 2: "It doesn't feel out of the ordinary."; }; VagueGo: "Which way do you want to go?"; Wake: "You don't know how."; WaveHands: "You wave, feeling kind of dumb."; Yes: "If you say so."; ]; Include "Verblib"; Include "menus.h"; Include "abbrevs.inf"; Include "help.inf"; Include "cubicle.inf"; ! ! Global functions and variables ! ! Set to hide status bar display Global hide_status = false; [ Initialise; clr_on = true; ! use color lookmode = 2; ! verbose move dante to pre_attic; ChangePlayer(dante); location = pre_attic; print "^~Twenty-three dollars,~ he's saying. ~Twenty-three dollars for the best dream of your life.~^^You don't know his name or anything -- he's just the guy you always meet at parties thrown by people you've never met. He's nobody's friend, exactly, but everyone knows who he is when it's time. Probably doesn't even have a name, probably has bagged groceries at some godforsaken Shopper's Food Warehouse since high school, but who cares? He's here to help you in your hour of need.^^~What do you say?~ he asks, holding up a repurposed cough syrup bottle with something green inside. Green like candy almost never is.^"; return 2; ]; [ ParserError; ! See driving.inf or work.inf for info on why this part is ! here. I'm using provides here instead of ofclass || for ! simplicity. goto_next_room probably is a poorly-chosen name, but ! what are you gonna do? if (location provides goto_next_room) { location.goto_next_room(); rtrue; }; rfalse; ]; [ AfterLife i; switch (deadflag) { DEAD_CUBICLE: print "[...]"; @read_char 1 -> i; @erase_window -1; deadflag = 0; ChangePlayer(cubicle_dante); print "^^It's hard to explain how you found your way back to your apartment and slept until your mind ran out of dreams -- hard to say how you are here again, where everything is safe and temperate. The office has a way of making memory slip from your fingers, of erasing everything but a present that plods forward.^"; PlayerTo(death_cubicle); DEAD_JUSTPRINT: ! I had to go looking through parser.h to find the right ! routine to call print "^^"; AfterGameOver(); default: "*** AfterLife(): weird deadflag value"; }; ]; [ abs i; if (i < 0) return -i; else return i; ]; [ isodd i; return (i % 2); ]; [ iseven i; return (~~ isodd(i)); ]; [ ContainsLight obj i; ! This is sort of like ProvidesLight(), but only checks what is ! inside the object, not the object itself. It returns a light ! source, and false if it nothing gives off light. objectloop (i in obj) if (HasLightSource(i)) return i; rfalse; ]; ! ! Global objects ! Class FarScenery with before [; if (action ~= ##Examine) "That's too far away."; ], has scenery; Class BlueCard with text, sub_text, display [ i y; if ((ScreenWidth() < 40) || (ScreenHeight() < 10)) { ClearScreen(); for (i = 0 : i < (self.#text / 2) : i++) print (string) self.&text-->i, "^"; print "[...]"; KeyCharPrimitive(); rtrue; }; SetColour(CLR_BLACK, CLR_BLACK, WIN_STATUS); SetColour(CLR_BLACK, CLR_BLACK, WIN_MAIN); ClearScreen(); SetColour(CLR_BLUE, CLR_BLACK, WIN_STATUS); ClearScreen(WIN_STATUS); StatusLineHeight(ScreenHeight()); self.dots(); SetColour(CLR_BLUE, CLR_BLACK, WIN_STATUS); y = ScreenHeight() - ((self.#text) / 2) - 2; MoveCursor(y, 1); spaces(ScreenWidth()); new_line; for (i = 0 : i < (self.#text) / 2 : i++) { if (i == 0) style bold; spaces((ScreenWidth() - Length(self.&text-->i)) - 1); print " ", (string) self.&text-->i, "^"; style roman; }; self.pause(); SetColour(CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_DEFAULT, WIN_ALL); StatusLineHeight(0); ClearScreen(); MainWindow(); ], dots [ i j density x y; SetColour(CLR_WHITE, CLR_BLACK, WIN_STATUS); density = (ScreenWidth() * ScreenHeight()) / 50; for (i = 0: i < density: i++) { x = random(ScreenWidth()); y = random(Screenheight()); MoveCursor(y, x); if (random(2) == 1) style bold; print "."; style roman; }; for (i = 0: i < density: i++) { x = random(ScreenWidth() - 10); y = random(ScreenHeight()); MoveCursor(y, x); if (random(2) == 1) style bold; j = random((self.#sub_text) / 2) - 1; print (string) self.&sub_text-->j; style roman; }; ], pause [; MoveCursor(ScreenHeight() - 1, 1); spaces(ScreenWidth()); new_line; spaces(ScreenWidth() - 26); print "Press any key to continue."; MoveCursor(0, 0); KeyCharPrimitive(); ]; Class Protagonist with orders [ i should_print; Inv: ! it is currently beyond my comprehension why this is ! necessary, but it's releasin' time if (dante_shirt hasnt concealed) give dante_shirt concealed; should_print = false; objectloop (i in player) if (i hasnt concealed) should_print = true; if (should_print) { L__M(##Inv, 2); print " "; WriteListFrom(child(self), ENGLISH_BIT + CONCEAL_BIT); "."; } else { L__M(##Inv, 1); rtrue; }; ], before [; Play: "Now's not the time."; ], number 0, has light; Protagonist dante "Dante" with description [; if (darkened_entrance hasnt visited) { if (self hasnt general) { give self general; print "You're Dante Hicks. No, not the main character from "; style underline; print "Clerks"; style roman; print ". You're at least ten times too smart to be working a convenience store. Instead you're maxing it as a sysadmin for this local real-estate company. This will probably be important to remember at some point in the future, but until then:^^"; }; "You're in full party dress uniform: black jeans and neo-geek T-shirt (tonight, ~THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE which is admittedly Not Cool At All, but you've always held out hope that the shirt will someday flag down some amazingly hot chick who also happens to be a closet Unix freak. It could happen. Until then, it at least confuses people into thinking you might be cool."; } else "Dante is lost. He has a collection of belongings, a place to live, a job, even a retirement plan. But he's never tasted hardship -- the real kind, that leaves scars -- and never really tasted happiness either -- the real kind, that lasts forever.^^He wants to have a story. So badly. He tries not to think of himself as a princess trapped in a tower, though he surely is trapped. Maybe he can be a pilgrim lost in the dark, or an antihero waiting for the right moment to stage his return. These are all fictions -- not stories. They are comfortable.^^He reads so many books now. He watches so many people."; ], beers 0, drank_wine false; Object -> wallet "wallet" with article "your", name 'wallet', description [; if (money in wallet) "You've got exactly twenty-three dollars. How convenient and weird."; else if (chris_money in wallet) print_ret "Right now, you've got Chris' money in ", (the) self, ". You sly dog, you."; else print_ret "Right now, ", (the) self, " is empty."; ], before [; Open: <>; Close: print_ret "With a quick flourish, you close ", (the) self, "."; Drop, Insert, ThrowAt: print_ret "You'd better hold onto it -- it's got, you know, important things in it."; Receive: if (noun == photograph) "You think about it for a moment, then decide not to."; if (noun ~= money or chris_money) "Come on, man, wallets are for storing money. Why are you trying to get all complicated about things?"; Search: <>; ], after [; Receive: switch (noun) { money: print_ret "You slide your money back into ", (the) self, ", apparently reconsidering the state of the financial union."; chris_money: print_ret "You cram Chris' money into your wallet."; }; ], has container open; Object -> -> money "twenty-three dollars" with name 'dollars' 'money' 'cash' 'twenty' 'three' 'dollar' '23', description "Ben Franklin grins at you, that lecherous bastard.", before [; Insert: if (second == wallet) rfalse; else <>; Drop, ThrowAt: "You're a little too poor to be leaving cash around for no reason."; ]; Object -> keys "keys" with article "your", parse_name [ i definite_match; while (true) switch (NextWord()) { 'key': i++; 'keys': definite_match = true; i++; default: if (definite_match) return i; else return 0; }; ], description "You've got five useful keys and twenty you've only used once in the course of your life, and as such, their purpose has been lost entirely.", before [; Drop, Insert, ThrowAt: print_ret "You'd better hold onto your ", (name) self, "."; ]; Object -> pager "pager" with name 'pager' 'beeper' 'bleeper', description [; if (epilogue_in_chair has visited) "The pager is dead, inert."; if ((fuckfuckfuck has visited) && (station_revisited hasnt visited)) { "For the first time ever, the little fucker is actually doing something. ~narcissus is lonely,~ it says -- narcissus being the mail server at work. You got bored one day and programmed the machines to send you cute messages instead of actual error messages -- you think this means its network card is fucked, only you have no idea how it could page you if it can't even find the LAN."; }; if (self hasnt general) { give self general; print "You're fundamentally opposed to cell phones, Palm Pilots, and even those Blackberries you've seen a couple jackasses at work using. But you're willing to make an exception for this beauty of a pager. All it ever does is tell you if any of the servers at work go down, which they never do. The upside of all this being that this little device has enabled you to spend countless hours ~telecommuting~... what a dumb word.^^"; }; print_ret (The) self, "'s screen is blank right now."; ], before [; Drop, Insert, ThrowAt: if ((fuckfuckfuck has visited) && (station_revisited hasnt visited)) "If only it was that easy -- problems don't get fixed just because you want to forget them..."; else print_ret (The) self, " technically belongs to your company, so probably you ought to not lose it if at all possible."; SwitchOff, SwitchOn: "Dude, you have no idea how to do anything with this thing."; ]; Object -> dante_shirt "shirt" with article "your", name 'shirt' 't-shirt' 't//' 'black', description "~There's no place like,~ it says.", before [; Disrobe: "You've always been kind of self-conscious about your pale chest."; ], has worn clothing concealed; Class CarRoom; Class CarObject with found_in [; return (location ofclass CarRoom); ]; CarObject car_car "car" with name 'car' 'vehicle' 'interior', before [; Examine: <>; Take: "That's kind of a weird concept."; ], has scenery; ! aliced is a small object that keeps track of what Alice's name is ! (currently), and what the player thinks it is. Instances of the ! class Alice and a couple other objects refer to it. ! ! Though I'm calling it a daemon, it only does anything when a request ! is made. It looks at the turns global variable. Object aliced with short_name [; self.check_time(); if (self.state == 1) return "Alice"; else return "Alicia"; ], wrong_name [; self.check_time(); if (self.state == 1) return "Alicia"; else return "Alice"; ], grammar_name [; self.check_time(); if (self.state == 1) return 'alice'; else return 'alicia'; ], wrong_grammar_name [; self.check_time(); if (self.state == 1) return 'alicia'; else return 'alice'; ], capped_name [; self.check_time(); if (self.state == self.ALICE_STATE) return "ALICE"; else return "ALICIA"; ], believed_name [ capped; if (self.believed_state == self.ALICE_STATE) return "Alice"; if (self.believed_state == self.ALICIA_STATE) return "Alicia"; if (capped) return "The girl"; else return "the girl"; ], check_time [; ! We freeze things for one turn after syncing belief -- ! this is so the player can look at the key and then refer ! to Alice correctly, even if she should have changed ! names immediately after he looked at the key. if (turns == self.synced_turn + 1) rtrue; if ((self.state == self.ALICE_STATE) && (isodd(turns / self.period))) self.state = self.ALICIA_STATE; else if (iseven(turns / self.period)) self.state = self.ALICE_STATE; ], sync_belief [; self.check_time(); self.synced_turn = turns; self.believed_state = self.state; ], set_period [ i; self.period = i; ], set_believed_state [ i; self.believed_state = i; ], period 3, state 1, believed_state 0, synced_turn 0, ! These are faked constants ALICE_STATE 1, ALICIA_STATE -1, UNKNOWN_STATE 0; Include "epilogue.inf"; Include "beatrice.inf"; Include "work.inf"; Include "gas-station.inf"; Include "inaugural.inf"; Include "driving.inf"; Include "party.inf"; ! ! Library replacements and other hooks ! ! This centers the location on the status line. [ DrawStatusLine; if (hide_status) { ClearScreen(WIN_STATUS); StatusLineHeight(0); rtrue; }; StatusLineHeight(1); MoveCursor(1, 1); style reverse; spaces(ScreenWidth()); MoveCursor(1, 1); Centre(location); style roman; MainWindow(); ]; ! This makes 'take' prefer objects not in hand ! (this crops up with identical objects, some held, some not) ! It also penalizes anything with a dont_take attribute set to true ! ! Also, drink prefers objects without the general attribute ! (which I'm using to correspond to 'empty') [ ChooseObjects obj code; switch (code) { true, false: ! whether to include stuff in 'all' if (action_to_be == ##Take) if ((IndirectlyContains(player, obj)) || (obj has scenery) || (obj has concealed)) return 0; 2: ! choosing between many objects if (action_to_be == ##Take) if ((IndirectlyContains(player, obj)) || (obj has scenery) || (obj has concealed)) return 0; else if ((obj provides dont_take) && (obj.dont_take)) return 1; else return 2; if (action_to_be == ##Drink) if (obj has general) return 0; else return 1; }; ]; ! ! Grammar ! Include "Grammar"; ! Meta verbs Verb meta 'help' 'info' 'about' * -> Help; [ HelpSub; hint_menu.sync(); help_menu.select(); ]; Verb meta 'hint' 'hints' * -> Hint; [ HintSub; hint_menu.sync(); hint_menu.select(); ]; Verb meta 'monochrome' 'mono' * -> Monochrome * 'on' -> Monochrome * 'off' -> Color; [ MonochromeSub; clr_on = false; "Color display has been disabled."; ]; verb meta 'color' * -> Color * 'on' -> Color * 'off' -> Monochrome; [ ColorSub; clr_on = true; "Color display has been enabled."; ]; ! Generally useful verbs Verb 'xyzzy' * -> Xyzzy; [ XyzzySub; "You used to play text adventures, used to remember words like that. But the appeal fell away from them at some point, some night you no longer recall..."; ]; Verb 'yell' = 'shout'; Verb 'talk' * 'to' creature -> Talk; [ TalkSub; if (noun == player) "~So, how's it going?~ you ask yourself."; print "Try asking or telling "; if (noun has pluralname) print "them"; else if (noun has male) print "him"; else if (noun has female) print "her"; else print "it"; " about a particular subject."; ]; Verb 'haggle' 'negotiate' * 'with' creature -> Haggle; [ HaggleSub; "Enh... you've never been the haggling type, honestly."; ]; Verb 'knock' * 'on' noun -> Attack * noun -> Attack; Verb 'play' * noun -> Play * 'with' noun -> Play; [ PlaySub; "How do you want to play with that?"; ]; Extend 'read' replace * noun -> Read; [ ReadSub; <>; ]; Extend 'look' * 'out' noun -> Examine; Extend 'climb' * 'on'/'in'/'into'/'through' noun -> Enter; Verb 'extinguish' * noun -> Extinguish; Extend 'blow' * 'out'/'on' noun -> Extinguish * noun 'out' -> Extinguish; [ ExtinguishSub; "Yeah, okay, that sounds like fun."; ]; Verb 'count' * noun -> Count; [ CountSub; "So the question is: are you borderline obsessive compulsive, or just bored?"; ]; Extend 'clean' * 'up' noun -> Rub * noun 'up' -> Rub; Verb 'arrange' * noun -> Rub; Verb 'organize' * noun -> Rub; Verb 'straighten' * 'up' noun -> Rub * noun 'up' -> Rub; Extend 'attack' * noun 'with'/'using' noun -> Attack; Verb 'kick' = 'attack'; Extend 'jump' * 'in'/'into' noun -> Enter * 'off' noun -> Exit * 'off' 'of' noun -> Exit * 'to'/'toward'/'towards' noun -> JumpTo; [ JumpToSub; "You don't see the point in it."; ]; Verb 'leap' = 'jump'; Verb 'step' * 'off' noun -> Exit * 'off' 'of' noun -> Exit; Verb 'let' * 'go' 'of' creature -> LetGoAnimate * creature 'go' -> LetGoAnimate * 'go' 'of' noun -> Drop; [ LetGoAnimateSub; print_ret "But you aren't holding ", (the) noun, "."; ]; Verb 'fly' * -> Fly; [ FlySub; "Sorry, you left your wings at home."; ]; Extend 'pay' first * animate -> Pay; [ PaySub; if (IndirectlyContains(player, money)) { move money to player; <>; } else if (IndirectlyContains(player, chris_money)) { move chris_money to player; <>; } else "But you don't have any money on you."; ]; Extend 'examine' * 'the' 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * 'at'/'on' 'the' 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * 'at'/'on' 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * 'at'/'on' noun 'bottom' -> LookUnder * 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * noun 'bottom' -> LookUnder * 'inside' 'of' noun -> Search * 'inside' noun -> Search; Extend 'look' * 'at'/'on' 'the' 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * 'at'/'on' 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * 'at'/'on' noun 'bottom' -> LookUnder * 'bottom' 'of' noun -> LookUnder * noun 'bottom' -> LookUnder * 'behind' noun -> Search; Extend 'get' * 'off'/'out' 'of' noun -> Exit * 'off' noun -> Exit; Extend 'put' first * noun 'near'/'beside'/'by' noun -> PutNear * noun 'next'/'near' 'to' noun -> PutNear; [ PutNearSub old_keep_silent receiver; if (noun notin player) return L__M(##Drop, 2, noun); old_keep_silent = keep_silent; receiver = parent(second); if (noun has worn) { L__M(##Drop, 3, noun); keep_silent = true; ; keep_silent = old_keep_silent; }; if (receiver has container) { keep_silent = true; ; keep_silent = old_keep_silent; ! did it actually make it inside? if (noun notin receiver) rtrue; } else if (receiver has supporter) { keep_silent = true; ; keep_silent = old_keep_silent; if (noun notin receiver) rtrue; } else ! if it isn't a container or a supporter, then it has to ! be a room -- otherwise we're trying to put something in ! a transparent object if (~~ parent(receiver)) move noun to receiver; else "You don't see how you could do that."; print_ret "You put ", (the) noun, " next to ", (the) second, "."; ]; Extend 'take' * noun 'out' 'of' noun -> Remove * noun 'from' noun -> Remove; Extend 'take' * 'off' noun -> Disrobe * noun 'off' -> Disrobe; Verb 'roll' * noun 'up' -> Close * 'up' noun -> Close * noun 'down' -> Open * 'down' noun -> Open * noun -> Open; ! Dance-related verbs Verb 'dance' * -> Dance * 'with' creature -> Dance * noun=aDirection -> Go; Verb 'start' * 'dancing' -> Dance * 'to' 'dance' -> Dance; [ DanceSub; "You do a half-hearted little bop."; ]; Verb 'stop' * 'dancing' -> StopDancing * noun -> Stop; Extend 'stand' * 'still' -> StopDancing; [ StopSub; "How would you do that?"; ]; [ StopDancingSub; "Except you aren't dancing right now, dude."; ]; Extend 'ask' * creature 'for' 'a//' 'ride' -> AskForRide * creature 'for' 'ride' -> AskForRide * creature 'for' 'help' -> AskforRide; [ AskForRideSub; "You don't need a ride right now."; ]; ! Car-oriented verbs Extend 'run' * 'over' noun -> Attack; Verb 'slam' * noun -> Attack * 'on' noun -> Attack; Extend 'turn' * noun 'left' -> TurnLeft * noun 'to' 'the' 'left' -> TurnLeft * noun 'to' 'left' -> TurnLeft * noun 'right' -> TurnRight * noun 'to' 'the' 'right' -> TurnRight * noun 'to' 'right' -> TurnRight * noun 'to' number -> SetTo * noun 'left' 'to' number -> SetTo * noun 'left' number -> SetTo * noun 'right' 'to' number -> SetTo * noun 'right' number -> SetTo * noun number -> SetTo; [ TurnLeftSub; "It isn't clear what you'd accomplish by doing that."; ]; [ TurnRightSub; TurnLeftSub(); ]; Extend 'straighten' * noun -> Straighten; [ StraightenSub; "Any particular reason why?"; ]; Verb 'swerve' * 'left' -> SwerveLeft * 'right' -> SwerveRight; [ SwerveLeftSub; "You dodge something imaginary -- you've always been good at that`."; ]; [ SwerveRightSub; SwerveLeftSub(); ]; Verb 'honk' * noun -> Honk; [ HonkSub; "That doesn't really make sense."; ];