Well if it isn't your old room! Ever since your cat got shipped off to Siberia for violating the 'Purina' cat chow contest things haven't been this unsettled. There is a dresser drawer near the back wall while a large closet is set in the west wall. This is the hallway in your parent's house. It is much cleaner than your bedroom. Up ahead is the living room just west of the kitchen. You are standing inside the living room. A large black and white tv is visible near the fireplace while a small couch rests nearby. No doubt this bathroom could use some cleaning. Shaving cream is smeared on the east mirror while toothpaste is spilled on the tile floor. A towel rack is visible near the bathtub. The smell of fresh bread dominates the interior of this kitchen. The counter is meticulously clean although a few bread crumbs can be seen on the kitchen table. The usual appliances are around including a rather spacious refrigerator. Apparently this pantry was designed after the house was built. It's rather odd having to walk outside to get to bread but then again it's not that big a deal. A sprinkler sprays water nearby while a small treehouse can be seen near a wooden picket fence. As you stare down high from the treehouse you sense what it must be like for a bird which drops packages on unsuspecting people. There are several loose nails and splintered wood around the treehouse but it is much prettier than you remember. The only way down is the slide. You are walking down the street just east of your house. It is a fairly quiet neighborhood with few disturbances. Up ahead you notice a small school while southeast of here stands a large park. Turnip avenue is a small street with odd looking palm trees. Not much traffic goes down this road but a few bicycles wiz by you as you ponder this strange idea. South of here a few miles stands the neighborhood park. As the street continues toward your school you almost forget that school is out for the summer. A crosswalk is visible nearby while a metal fence guards the entrance to the school. The end of Turnip avenue is just south of here. You can turn around and return home if you wish but it's such a nice and sunny day it would be a waste of valuable time. You are walking along a path in the neighborhood park. Several rows of park benches can be seen nearby while several pedestrians jog past you. There is a fountain in the center of the park and a small crowd has gathered around two big people in funny uniforms. You feel weird walking into this secluded area with a bunch of busy teenagers but then again you've always been one for peep shows. There is a small trail to the north. This lovely area is just south of a large pond. There are a few roses growing here in a nice garden while a hanging vine grows on a wall nearby. You are standing in front of a large fountain smack dab in the middle of the park. A statue of a woman is here pouring what appears to be green water into the mottled basin below. The fountain is covered with leaves and could use a good cleaning. You are walking along a paved bicycle path just north of a small duck pond. It is a sunny day and several people are about getting their daily exercise. To the south stands an ice cream truck. You are standing on the center of a paved bicycle path barely twenty yards north of a large fountain. Many people are walking around and you narrowly miss a young woman on roller blades. I doubt she noticed your bulging sword. The bicycle path turns here and heads past an official looking building with clean windows. There is a small sign above the doorway. You are standing inside the Park Office. A receptionist sits behind the counter here while a large soda machine stands near the back wall. There is a large trophy case here which appears to display the local elementary school's soccer trophies. You have come to a small pond near the east end of the park. A few ducks wade around lazily in the water while some naughty kids chuck rocks at their heads. On the other side of the pond is a small but well kept garden. The park cuts off here near a chain linked fence. The only exit is back north. A chain linked fence prevents further travel to the south. Your only exit is to the north. You are standing in an alleyway just behind the secluded make out area. All kinds of trash and debris litter the ground while the putrid stench of rotting food nearly makes you sick to your stomach. You feel like a child again as you enter into this school yard. A few swingsets can be seen while a small sand castle rests near the middle of the sandbox. To the east lies the school quad. School quads aren't normally this big but then again this isn't your normal elementary school. Several trees sit in boxed pots near the middle of the quad while a large geometric figure can be seen near the lockers to the south. You feel really nervous standing inside the principal's office. It might be worth noting that you had quite a reputation during your stay here. A counter is near the back wall. Ah yes...Detention! You spent much of your youth inside this humble adobe. Besides the mass vandalism and unrelenting teachers this room housed some of the toughest kids around. The walls haven't been cleaned in a very long time. You are standing in the middle of a row of lockers. There is writing everywhere and some of the handles have been broken off. You notice your old locker designated '0248'. To the east stands a very small library. You have entered into the Dorkville Elementary school library. Many shelves dominate the room while a few computer terminals can be seen near the very back of the library. You are standing in the middle of Dorkville library. A few tables line the area while a small grandfather clock stands near the west wall. A study area is west. You are inside a small study area near the back of the library. This room is also lined with vandalism and obscene writing. There is a small hand drawn picture on one of the walls. You have reached a small bathroom inside this library. There isn't much you haven't seen before. The only exit is west. This study area is lined with tables. A few computer terminals are visible on most of them. The only exit is north. This is a small hallway between classrooms. Several rows of lights are visible neat the ceiling. True to Dorkville form the carpet is an ugly brownish color and the walls are blue and green. You are walking down a hallway. Several rows of lights are visible near the ceiling while a smaller light fixture can be seen near the west walls. You have walked into a small closet. Except for a few items there is nothing here of interest. What a nice classroom! A large green chalkboard is set into the front wall while the teacher's desk rests near the door. There is a globe on top of the desk. The only exit is south. You have entered into a large classroom with a double chalkboard. A small desk sits near the back wall while ontop of it rests a small fishtank. The only exit is north. You are standing in the hallway of this sand castle. You notice the walls caving in slowly around you, but it's just sand (not like it's two tons of brick. The Entrance Way is north. This entrance way is carved out of rustic looking metal. Up ahead you notice a narrow hallway that leads into the largest area of the sand castle. You are walking up a winding staircase that heads into the east tower of this castle. To the west lies the Entrance Way. You are walking up a long staircase which heads up to the east tower in this sand castle. There is a torch holder here. You are continuing to walk up a long and winding staircase in this immense sand castle. The going gets a bit steeper to the east. You are walking up a winding staircase that heads into the west tower of this castle. To the east lies the Entrance Way. You are walking up a long staircase which heads up to the west tower in this sand castle. The going gets tougher west. You are continuing to walk up a long and winding staircase in this immense sand castle. The going gets a bit steeper to the west. What is this? Apparently nobody told you climbing a staircase could take so long. You can go up or down from this point. At last you reach the top of this tower. Looking over the edge you can see the school playground. Suddenly the swingsets look very small. The last stretch of this staircase is probably the most strenuous to your body. You wonder if your legs can hold up until you reach the top. The last leg of this staircase offers some unique physical problems. You really need to get more exercise especially with all of this heavy armor on. You have finally reached the top of this tower. Looking out you notice the school library. It's quite small from your vantage point. Then again everything seems small from up here. What the heck is with this thing? Staircases weren't built to be leg killers. Where they? You can go up or down from this point. You are continuing your trek up a long staircase. Several cobwebs line the walls while a small torch holder is visible a few flights down. The walls seems to close in on you as you make your way up this terribly long staircase. You almost hope it ends right here. These walls are getting closer with every step. Is this castle crumbling? Or does it have a mind of its own? A sharp turn leads into a steady climb up these staircase steps. Given the distance remaining you might be wise to drop a few items. Egad! More stairs? This is getting out of control. You can go up or down from here. What is this? Another turn? Someone forgot to tell you that excessive climbing may be hazardous to your health. This hallway resembles all the ancient castles you remember during your tour of Europe last summer. There are a few flags draped down from the ceiling while a large chandelier is visible to the north. You have entered into the meager surroundings of the Knight's bedroom. Nothing remarkable adorns the room. You wonder why a bishop would be figured so prominently in a sand castle. A small bed lies near the back wall while a large mirror hangs on the wall. Curiously this room is empty. And yet the door clearly reads 'Queen'. This is the Duke's room. Not much other than a few common items. There is a small book resting on a shelf above the bed. You are walking down a narrow hallway in this sand castle. A few rooms are visible on either side of the hallway. You have entered into the plush surroundings of the King's bedroom. The King of Hearts obviously has a death wish though because everything in this room reminds you of blood. Red sheets. Red walls. Red dresser. Wow. You are walking down a narrow hallway in this sand castle. Odd lights dance about without any visible source. There is a magic feeling in the air. You are walking down a narrow hallway in this sand castle. To the north lies a small room. This is the Jester's quarters. All kinds of funny looking things adorn the room. Unfortunately none of them are of interest to you. You are walking down a large hallway that widens into an immense parlor to the north. Two smaller hallways heads east and west. You are walking down a narrow hallway in this sand castle. There is a small room to the north. You are walking down a narrow hallway in this sand castle. A small piano room can be seen directly to the north. This room is currently empty. Sorry. You have entered into the royal bathroom. All kinds of plush luxuries mix with the stark surroundings of the sand walls. A sink and basin rest near the front door while a small toilet can be seen in the back. You are standing inside a small piano room. Curiously where the piano once resided there is nothing but a pile of leaves. You are standing inside a small library. Several rows of shelves line the walls. The area is covered in dust and cobwebs. Apparently no one has bothered to clean in some time. You are admiring this immense parlor when you notice something very strange about it...It seems that unless the chandelier is magically suspended in midair there is no way for it to stay put. To the north lies a small throne room. Ah yes. What castle wouldn't be complete without a throne room? Two thrones rest side by side on a raised pedestal some five feet above the floor. A large red curtain hangs down on either side while a very immense painting towers above the main throne. You have entered into a radiant forest. Hundreds of trees grow close together with long vines, providing a thick canopy for the ground below. The area feels almost alive as you wander about the forest. Hundreds of small pools are here, glowing a strange yellow. You stand at the foot of a large hill. Far below you is a mighty canyon with rushing water that widens into a lake at canyon's end. There is a small forest to the north, while a rogue trail heads east. As you descend into the canyon below, you notice a few loose branches protruding from the cliff's edge. The ground is quick treacherous, with a steep incline either way. You are about 200 feet down, hoping that you can retain your footing. A fall would be potentially fatal. You have reached the bottom of this massive canyon. A fast moving river runs by your vision as storm clouds loom ominously in the near distance. There is a small waterfall to the north. You are walking along the bottom of a large canyon, just north of a small waterfall. The river is quite muddy and seems to run for several miles in either direction. The canyon walls are a mixture of basalt, granite and fossilized rock fragments. You stand beneath the rushing sound of splashing water in one of the smallest openings you've ever seen. No more than six feet wide and with a depth of only eight, this small cave provides little protection from the elements. You notice a small rainbow shimmer lightly by the east wall of the cave. This man-made trail is crude at best, with basalt rocks strewn haphazardly across each side marking the proposed line. Recent rainfall has reduced the soft ground into a mushy troth. The trail continues east into an immense forest. You walk a few hundred yards until you reach an immense forest. It is quite dark within the branches and bramble of the forest, while the heavy foliage provides a nice canopy. Several small vines hang down from the trees. The vegetation is quite lush, with large ferns, emerald bushes, and Venus fly traps. The traps are somewhat of a surprise, while the vines provide a safehaven from predators. You are wandering about a large forest with very little light. The foliage is quite lush, with many large ferns, bushes and bramble amidst the forest floor. A large canopy is visible above you while several large vines hang down from the trees. Kind of small for a thatched roof hut, but the surroundings aren't common. An oak table rests near the back wall and a small pit is set into the straw laden floor. A small hammock is swinging, by itself it seems, near the front door.