Module PushableItems { ' Allows the player to push items around ' R.Rawson-Tetley, 16/10/01 ' To use, make a call to PushableItems.before_push ' in the OnAction code for your item, trapping ' the push verb: ' eg: ' ;push ' call PushableItems.before_push 16 input.adverb ' endif ' ' Modifications: ' ' 011104 Informs other players of pushing ' 011016 Initial version proc before_push itemno if ( input.adverb = 0 ) then currentplayer.print Which^direction^would^you^like^to^push^the^_&_item(itemno).thename_&_? end endif ' Tell other players in this location that player is pushing an object printallinexcept currentplayer.currentlocation currentplayer.index currentplayer.name_&_^pushes^the^_&_item(itemno).thename_&_. #n internal.go n endif #s internal.go s endif #e internal.go e endif #w internal.go w endif #u internal.go u endif #d internal.go d endif #ne internal.go ne endif #nw internal.go nw endif #se internal.go se endif #sw internal.go sw endif item(itemno).currentlocation = currentplayer.currentlocation currentplayer.print Pushed. printallinexcept currentplayer.currentlocation currentplayer.index currentplayer.name_&_^is^pushing^the^_&_item(itemno).thename_&_. game.displaycurrentlocation end }