! IAGE Template Library 020326 ! Written by R.Rawson-Tetley ! ====================================== ! Modifications: ! 26 Mar 02 Few new synonym verbs added. ! New "pronouns" verb and action. ! Fix to it pronoun where it would wipe out the last noun if ! no noun was entered. ! Better sub-location support for exiting state items. ! Default help message and support for credits ! 22 Mar 02 Fixed bug in nearby item scoping check ! 20 Mar 02 Added calls so parser can understand answers to its questions ! 19 Mar 02 Added SynonymMapper routine to simplify some player statements ! Fixed bug in NearbyItems scoping check ! Changed a few messages prior to parser question-answering ! support being implemented ! Added error message for get all with no available items. ! 21 Feb 02 Added CustomDeath and addverb for "over" ! 19 Feb 02 Fixed death and won routines to use correct score routine. ! Fixed "it" pronoun bug. ! 11 Nov 01 Additional adverbs ! 09 Nov 01 Added Score updater (AddScore) ! 31 Oct 01 Fix to bodypart code ! 29 Oct 01 Added routine to consolidate movements - easier for location trapping. ! 28 Oct 01 Added consult, ask and tell to override secondary noun checks. ! 19 Oct 01 Moved dictionary into code GameCode { Name "Library" MaxItemsCanCarry 15 MaxWeightCanCarry 50 MaxSizeCanCarry 50 StartingLocation limbo ShowAvailableExits no AllowPersist yes SinglePlayerGame no MaxUsers 128 RealTimeNPCs no UsingIAGECombat yes UsingIAGEMoney no WideInventoryDisplay yes PlayersStayDead no NPCsStayDead no AfterInputImmediate: Override [ ' This line handles the use of the "it" pronoun. call ITPronoun.updateit ' This line performs replacement checks for the use of ' male/female pronouns when dealing with NPCs. call NPCPronouns.replacenouns ' This line maps various ways the player can say ' the same thing to an easier form for the author ' and library to pick up and use call SynonymMapper.map ' This line calls the routine which handles tighter object ' scoping by checking that objects referenced actually reside ' near the player before allowing them to do anything ' with them. call NearbyItems.scopecheck ] Start: Override [ ' Show the game version, the library version ' and output the start location to the player game.displayversion call StandardLib.DisplayLibraryVersion game.displaycurrentlocation ' default male/female pronouns call NPCPronouns.init ] DisplayBanner: Override [ ' Display score / turns returnvalue = currentplayer.score_&_message(25).text_&_currentplayer.turns ] Score: Override [ call StandardLib.ShowScore ] Initialise: Override [ ' Build our dictionary on startup call StandardLib.createverbs call StandardLib.createadverbs call StandardLib.createnouns ] AfterInput: Override [ ' This line calls the standard AfterInput library, which generates ' stock responses. You can edit these responses by changing the ' messages 1 - 200 call StandardLib.AfterInput ] } !! IAGE Standard Library Responses !! LibraryMessage 2 "You are carrying too much to take that." LibraryMessage 3 "Your load is too heavy to take that." LibraryMessage 4 "You can't see any %s here!" LibraryMessage 5 "[ What do you want to %s? ]" LibraryMessage 6 "%s: Taken." LibraryMessage 7 "You have:" LibraryMessage 8 "  Nothing" LibraryMessage 9 "[ Where do you want to go? ]" LibraryMessage 10 "You can't go that way." LibraryMessage 11 "%s: Dropped." LibraryMessage 12 "You aren't carrying any %s!" LibraryMessage 13 "It is pitch black and you cannot see." LibraryMessage 14 "You can't %s that!" LibraryMessage 15 "%s: Worn." LibraryMessage 16 "[ You must supply a verb! ]" LibraryMessage 17 "[ I don't understand. ]" LibraryMessage 18 "[ What do you want to put the %s into? ]" LibraryMessage 19 "%s: Done." LibraryMessage 20 "%s: It doesn't fit." LibraryMessage 21 "You can't put an object inside itself!" LibraryMessage 22 "[ What do you want to remove items from? ]" LibraryMessage 23 "Flailing wildly in fresh air will not help you." LibraryMessage 24 "Bizarrely, you can't." LibraryMessage 25 "/" LibraryMessage 26 "You have scored" LibraryMessage 27 "(out of a possible 350) in" LibraryMessage 28 "turns." LibraryMessage 29 "Score Build Buffer" LibraryMessage 30 "That was a rhetorical question." LibraryMessage 31 "You sound very negative." LibraryMessage 32 "I'm afraid you will have to help yourself." LibraryMessage 33 "As good-looking as ever." LibraryMessage 34 "%s entered the game." LibraryMessage 35 "The player named ~%s~ is now known as ~%s~." LibraryMessage 36 "[ That was not a valid player alias. ]" LibraryMessage 37 "[ This game is now in Verbose mode. Location descriptions will be shown with as much detail as possible - even for locations you have already visited. ]" LibraryMessage 38 "[ This game is now in brief mode. Detailed location descriptions will not be shown for locations you have already visited. ]" LibraryMessage 39 "[ I do not understand the word ~%s~ ]" LibraryMessage 40 "Dark" LibraryMessage 41 "Exits Lead:" LibraryMessage 42 "North" LibraryMessage 43 "South" LibraryMessage 44 "East" LibraryMessage 45 "West" LibraryMessage 46 "Up" LibraryMessage 47 "Down" LibraryMessage 48 "Northeast" LibraryMessage 49 "Northwest" LibraryMessage 50 "Southeast" LibraryMessage 51 "Southwest" LibraryMessage 52 "Nowhere." LibraryMessage 53 "and" LibraryMessage 54 "There is" LibraryMessage 55 "here." LibraryMessage 56 "(which is providing light)" LibraryMessage 57 "is here." LibraryMessage 58 "follows" LibraryMessage 59 "enters." LibraryMessage 60 "The %s contains:" LibraryMessage 61 "goes" LibraryMessage 62 "You can't attack someone with %s!" LibraryMessage 63 "%s attacks %s and misses." LibraryMessage 64 "%s attacks %s for %s points of damage." LibraryMessage 65 "%s is dead." LibraryMessage 66 "%s drops all their objects." LibraryMessage 67 "%s pops into existence." LibraryMessage 68 "%s has quit." LibraryMessage 69 "You have been killed." LibraryMessage 70 "You now have %s's money. Your potential damage and hit points have been increased accordingly." LibraryMessage 71 "Opened." LibraryMessage 72 "It's already open." LibraryMessage 73 "Closed." LibraryMessage 74 "It's already closed." LibraryMessage 75 "The %s is open." LibraryMessage 76 "The %s is closed." LibraryMessage 77 "takes" LibraryMessage 78 "(being worn)" LibraryMessage 79 "(which is open)" LibraryMessage 80 "(which is closed)" LibraryMessage 81 "You can't put things in the %s." LibraryMessage 82 "You can't put things on the %s." LibraryMessage 83 "[ You can only put items into or onto other items - other prepositions are not supported. ]" LibraryMessage 84 "On the %s is:" LibraryMessage 85 "You are now laid on the %s." LibraryMessage 86 "%s lays down on the %s." LibraryMessage 87 "You are now sat on the %s." LibraryMessage 88 "%s sits down on the %s." LibraryMessage 89 "You are now stood on the %s." LibraryMessage 90 "%s stands on the %s." LibraryMessage 91 "%s stands up." LibraryMessage 92 "You stand up." LibraryMessage 93 "You can't %s on that!" LibraryMessage 94 "(sat on the %s)" LibraryMessage 95 "(stood on the %s)" LibraryMessage 96 "(laid on the %s)" LibraryMessage 97 "You have been hit for %s points of damage by %s!" LibraryMessage 98 "You have %s hit points remaining.
You can cause a maximum of %s damage points without weaponry.
In combat, you have a %s% chance of hitting your target." LibraryMessage 99 "You have %s gold pieces." LibraryMessage 100 "(Weapon, max %s damage points)" LibraryMessage 101 "Hmm.. Tasty!" LibraryMessage 102 "Suicide isn't the answer." LibraryMessage 103 "You don't notice anything special about the %s." LibraryMessage 104 "Opening the %s reveals:" LibraryMessage 105 "%s hit points remaining.
%s maximum damage.
%s chance of hitting." LibraryMessage 106 "%s is carrying:" LibraryMessage 107 "You can't get inside that!" LibraryMessage 108 "%s gets inside the %s." LibraryMessage 109 "You get inside the %s." LibraryMessage 110 "%s gets out of %s." LibraryMessage 111 "You get out of %s." LibraryMessage 112 "You aren't inside anything!" LibraryMessage 113 "(inside the %s)" LibraryMessage 114 "There's nothing under there." LibraryMessage 115 "[ What do you want to look under? ]" LibraryMessage 116 "There's nothing behind there." LibraryMessage 117 "[ What do you want to look behind? ]" LibraryMessage 118 "There's nothing through there." LibraryMessage 119 "[ What do you want to look through? ]" LibraryMessage 120 "You don't smell anything interesting." LibraryMessage 121 "You don't hear anything interesting." LibraryMessage 122 "Now is not the time for napping!" LibraryMessage 123 "Time passes..." LibraryMessage 124 "[ Who do you want to ask? ]" LibraryMessage 125 "[ What you want to ask about? ]" LibraryMessage 126 "[ Who do you want to tell? ]" LibraryMessage 127 "[ What do you want to tell them about? ]" LibraryMessage 128 "Feeling slightly foolish, you give a wave." LibraryMessage 129 "No need for apologies." LibraryMessage 130 "You jump in the air." LibraryMessage 131 "Swearing shows a lack of vocabulary." LibraryMessage 132 "[ Please enter the password for your save: ]" LibraryMessage 133 "
*** You have died ***
" LibraryMessage 134 "Press ENTER to end your session:" LibraryMessage 135 "
*** You have won! ***
" LibraryMessage 136 "Don't strain yourself." LibraryMessage 137 "What a beautiful singing voice you have." LibraryMessage 138 "But nothing is on sale here." LibraryMessage 139 "The prayer has little effect, but at least YOU feel better." LibraryMessage 140 "[ Who do you want to wake? ]" LibraryMessage 141 "Now is not the time for such things." LibraryMessage 142 "Taken." LibraryMessage 143 "Done." LibraryMessage 144 "Dropped." LibraryMessage 145 "There is nothing here you can take." LibraryMessage 146 "
This game uses the IAGE Interactive Fiction engine. IAGE games can be played simultaneously with friends or by yourself.

listplayers - Displays a list of everyone currently in the game.
savestate - Saves your position for later. Note that you will need to use the same nickname for future sessions to restore this position. Also note that saved games require a password.
restorestate - Restores a saved position.
setalias ~newname~ - Changes your in-game nickname to ~newname~.
say ~text~ - (or $) Says ~text~ to everyone in the location.
shout ~text~ - (or %) Shouts ~text~ to everyone in surrounding locations.
do ~text~ - Outputs text of an action to everyone in the location.

This game understands ~normal~ interactive fiction commands - imperative statements to your player character to perform actions.

Compass directions (n,s,e,w,u,d,ne,nw,se,sw) move around the map. In addition, you may ENTER or GET IN things.
You may (for example) TAKE, DROP, PUT, REMOVE and EXAMINE items, among many other accepted verbs.
In addition, IAGE will happily understand TAKE ALL, TAKE ALL BUT THE SWORD, or even TAKE THE APPLE, THE COIN AND THE SWORD.
INVENTORY (or ~i~) tells you what you are carrying,
AGAIN (or ~g~) will repeat your last command.
LOOK, REDESCRIBE (or ~l~, or ~r~) will redisplay your surroundings.
To speak to nearby players and NPCs, use the ~SAY ~ command - free, English text is expected.
VERBOSE and BRIEF allow you to change whether room descriptions are displayed in their entirity on subsequent visits.
SCORE or FULLSCORE displays your score to you.
STATUS or DIAGNOSE will report your current state of health if this game supports combat.
PRONOUNS will output what IAGE thinks the current pronouns are for it/them/those/him/her.
EXAMINE and SEARCH allow you to look at items closely.
It is also possible to LOOK IN, LOOK AT, LOOK UNDER and LOOK BEHIND objects.
Senses are supported through the SMELL, LISTEN, TOUCH, FEEL and TASTE commands.
You may also send a number of commands at once, breaking them with a full-stop (.) or the word ~then~ - eg. ~open mailbox. get leaflet then read it~.

Good luck!
" Module StandardLib { proc DisplayLibraryVersion currentplayer.print IAGE^Library^Version^020326
end proc ShowScore ' Display the score to the player currentplayer.print message(26).text_&_^_&_currentplayer.score_&_^_&_message(27).text_&_^_&_currentplayer.turns_&_^_&_message(28).text end proc AddScore scamount ' Adds to player's score and tells them currentplayer.score = currentplayer.score_+_scamount currentplayer.print [^Your^score^just^went^up^by^_&_scamount_&_^points.^] end proc AfterInput ;version,credits message(1).show end endif ;swim message(23).show end endif ;score currentplayer.showscore end endif ;fly message(24).show end endif ;yes message(30).show end endif ;no message(31).show end endif ;help,info message(146).show game.displaycurrentlocation end endif ' Examine myself -- ;examine if ( input.noun = 4 ) then message(33).show end endif endif ' Look at me -- ;look if ( input.noun = 4 ) then message(33).show end endif endif ' Attack myself -- ;attack if ( input.noun = 4 ) then message(102).show end endif endif ' Attack -- ;attack if ( input.noun = currentplayer.index_+_1000000 ) then message(102).show end endif endif ' Look under -- ;look #under if ( input.noun <> 0 ) then message(114).show end else message(115).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif endif endif ' Look behind -- ;look #behind if ( input.noun <> 0 ) then message(116).show end else message(117).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif endif endif ' Look through -- ;look #through if ( input.noun <> 0 ) then message(118).show end else message(119).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif endif endif ' Smell -- ;smell message(120).show end endif ' Listen -- ;listen message(121).show end endif ' Sleep -- ;sleep message(122).show end endif ' Wait -- ;wait message(123).show end endif ' Show -- ;show if ( input.noun2 = 0 ) then var iid = getitemfromnoun(input.noun) currentplayer.print [^Who^do^you^want^to^show^the^_&_item(iid).thename_&_^to?^] currentplayer.askparserquestion 2 end endif endif ' Ask -- ;ask if ( input.noun = 0 ) then message(124).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif if ( input.noun2 = 0 ) then message(125).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 2 end endif endif ' Tell -- ;tell if ( input.noun = 0 ) then currentplayer.print message(126).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif if ( input.noun2 = 0 ) then currentplayer.print message(127).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 2 end endif endif ' Think -- ;think message(136).show end endif ' Wave -- ;wave message(128).show end endif ' Sorry -- ;sorry message(129).show end endif ;jump message(130).show end endif ;fuck message(131).show end endif ;sing message(137).show end endif ;buy message(138).show end endif ;pray message(139).show end endif ;wake if ( input.noun = 0 ) then message(140).show currentplayer.askparserquestion 1 end endif endif ;kiss message(141).show end endif ' Get all - make sure there is something to get ;get if ( input.noun = 2 ) then var curobj = 1 var fndone = 0 while ( curobj < |item(1).count + 1| ) then if ( item(curobj).currentlocation = currentplayer.currentlocation ) then if ( item(curobj).invisible = false ) then fndone = 1 endif endif curobj = |curobj + 1| endwhile if ( fndone = 0 ) then message(145).show end endif endif endif ' Requesting pronouns ;pronouns call ITPronoun.showpronouns end endif ' Getting up/down off things that are stood, sat or laid on ' -- exiting state items. ;get,climb,stand #down,off,up var nono = getitemfromnoun input.noun if ( input.noun = 0 ) and ( currentplayer.stateitem <> 0 ) and ( currentplayer.state > 1 ) then currentplayer.print "Ok." currentplayer.state = 1 currentplayer.stateitem = 0 game.displaycurrentlocation endif if ( currentplayer.stateitem = nono ) and ( currentplayer.state > 1 ) then currentplayer.print "Ok." currentplayer.state = 1 currentplayer.stateitem = 0 game.displaycurrentlocation endif endif endif ' Player State Saving ' ================================ ' Quick note on state saving - the save/restore state commands ' require an identifier and a password. This default trap ' always gives the same identifier, meaning the same person can ' only have one save on the server. ' Saves are stored in the same location as the game file with the ' extension .STATE and the game name, player's name and identifier. ;savestate var pass = ask message(132).text currentplayer.savestate 00 pass end endif ;restorestate var pass = ask message(132).text currentplayer.restorestate 00 pass end endif end proc Dead message(133).show currentplayer.showscore var death = ask message(134).text currentplayer.quit end proc Won message(135).show currentplayer.showscore var death = ask message(134).text currentplayer.quit end proc CustomDeath dmess currentplayer.print |"
***" & dmess & "***
"| currentplayer.showscore var death = ask message(134).text currentplayer.quit end proc createverbs addverb 1 go addverb 1 walk addverb 1 run addverb 2 look addverb 2 l addverb 2 redescribe addverb 2 r addverb 3 version addverb 3 ver addverb 4 help addverb 5 get addverb 5 grab addverb 5 take addverb 6 drop addverb 7 put addverb 8 remove addverb 9 light addverb 10 extinguish addverb 11 switch addverb 11 turn addverb 11 rotate addverb 12 inventory addverb 12 i addverb 13 examine addverb 13 x addverb 13 watch addverb 13 describe addverb 13 check addverb 14 say addverb 15 shout addverb 16 wear addverb 16 don addverb 18 open addverb 18 unwrap addverb 19 close addverb 19 wrap addverb 19 shut addverb 19 cover addverb 20 read addverb 21 smash addverb 21 break addverb 21 destroy addverb 22 eat addverb 23 drink addverb 23 swallow addverb 23 sip addverb 24 lock addverb 25 unlock addverb 26 kill addverb 26 attack addverb 27 throw addverb 28 push addverb 28 shove addverb 29 pull addverb 30 kick addverb 30 smack addverb 30 hit addverb 30 punch addverb 30 fight addverb 31 what addverb 32 where addverb 33 who addverb 34 how addverb 35 why addverb 36 swim addverb 37 fly addverb 38 yes addverb 39 no addverb 40 climb addverb 40 scale addverb 41 score addverb 41 fullscore addverb 42 jump addverb 42 skip addverb 42 hop addverb 43 smell addverb 44 listen addverb 45 "." addverb 45 then addverb 46 setalias addverb 47 listplayers addverb 48 getscore addverb 49 say addverb 49 $ addverb 50 shout addverb 50 % addverb 51 quit addverb 52 run_on_start addverb 53 verbose addverb 54 brief addverb 55 again addverb 55 g addverb 56 lie addverb 57 sit addverb 58 stand addverb 59 status addverb 59 diagnose addverb 60 move addverb 61 do addverb 63 sleep addverb 63 doze addverb 63 nap addverb 64 fuck addverb 64 piss addverb 64 shit addverb 64 cunt addverb 64 bastard addverb 65 wait addverb 66 consult addverb 67 show addverb 67 present addverb 67 display addverb 68 ask addverb 69 tell addverb 70 wave addverb 71 burn addverb 72 set addverb 73 search addverb 74 blow addverb 75 stroke addverb 75 fuss addverb 75 pet addverb 76 fix addverb 77 sorry addverb 79 dig addverb 80 cut addverb 80 chop addverb 80 slice addverb 80 prune addverb 83 oops addverb 84 inflate addverb 85 screw addverb 85 tighten addverb 86 unscrew addverb 87 savestate addverb 88 restorestate addverb 89 doff addverb 89 unwear addverb 89 disrobe addverb 90 give addverb 90 feed addverb 90 offer addverb 91 touch addverb 91 feel addverb 91 fondle addverb 91 grope addverb 92 taste addverb 93 think addverb 93 contemplate addverb 93 cogitate addverb 93 pontificate addverb 94 sing addverb 95 buy addverb 95 purchase addverb 95 pay addverb 96 answer addverb 97 squeeze addverb 97 squash addverb 98 set addverb 99 rub addverb 100 blow addverb 101 swing addverb 102 fill addverb 103 tie addverb 103 fasten addverb 103 attach addverb 103 fix addverb 104 untie addverb 105 pray addverb 106 wake addverb 107 burn addverb 108 kiss addverb 108 embrace addverb 108 hug addverb 109 pronouns addverb 110 pick addverb 111 info addverb 112 credits addverb 113 knock addverb 114 talk addverb 114 speak end proc createnouns addnoun 1 it addnoun 1 them addnoun 1 those addnoun 2 all addnoun 2 everything addnoun 3 except addnoun 3 but addnoun 4 me addnoun 4 myself addnoun 5 him addnoun 5 his addnoun 5 he addnoun 6 her addnoun 6 hers addnoun 6 she end proc createadverbs addadverb 1 north addadverb 1 n addadverb 2 south addadverb 2 s addadverb 3 east addadverb 3 e addadverb 4 west addadverb 4 w addadverb 5 up addadverb 5 u addadverb 6 down addadverb 6 d addadverb 7 northeast addadverb 7 ne addadverb 8 northwest addadverb 8 nw addadverb 9 southeast addadverb 9 se addadverb 10 southwest addadverb 10 sw addadverb 11 on addadverb 12 off addadverb 13 in addadverb 13 enter addadverb 14 out addadverb 14 leave addadverb 15 from addadverb 16 and addadverb 17 the addadverb 18 to addadverb 19 with addadverb 20 at addadverb 21 under addadverb 22 behind addadverb 23 through addadverb 24 about addadverb 25 of addadverb 26 is addadverb 27 a addadverb 28 for addadverb 29 over end } Module NearbyItems { ' IAGE Nearby Items 011116 ' R.Rawson-Tetley. ' For use when you want to show an item as a near to a player, but that player is ' unable to do anything but look at it. ' Also contains routines for item scoping checks. ' To use: ' 1. Add a call to NearbyItems.nearbyhandler in your OnAction code for the item. ' 2. You must provide the inline events before_get, before_put and before_remove in your OnAction ' code and add a call to NearbyItems.nearby_beforemove in EACH one, otherwise some ' humourous results will ensue :-) ' This may seem a little strange, but all you have to do is just have a flag on your object ' that stops these routines being called once whatever condition is satisfied (be it the player ' climbing on something, etc.). proc nearbyhandler itemno ' Only let through examine instructions - you can look at it and that's about it. ;examine else currentplayer.print You^can't^reach^the^_&_item(itemno).thename_&_. end endif end proc nearby_beforemove itemno returnvalue = You^can't^reach^the^_&_item(itemno).thename_&_. cancelevent end ' This routine is called to allow tighter scoping checks when dealing with items. ' It will check all referenced nouns and produce failures for the following: ' 1. Reference to any object which is not carried by the player or contained ' by the stateitem the player is occupying. If the player is not occupying ' a stateitem, they can pretty much do anything not protected by other ' NearbyItem code. proc scopecheck ' doesn't apply to examines ;examine else if ( currentplayer.stateitem <> 0 ) then var nit = getitemfromnoun input.noun if ( nit <> 0 ) then ' Item not contained by player state item if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).containedlocation ) then ' Item not on surface of player state item if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).surfacelocation ) then ' Item not carried by player if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> currentplayer.containerlocation ) then ' Item not the state item itself if ( nit <> currentplayer.stateitem ) then currentplayer.print |"You can't reach the " & item(nit).thename & "."| end endif endif endif endif endif var nit = getitemfromnoun input.noun2 if ( nit <> 0 ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).containerlocation ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).surfacelocation ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> currentplayer.containerlocation ) then if ( nit <> currentplayer.stateitem ) then currentplayer.print |"You can't reach the " & item(nit).thename & "."| end endif endif endif endif endif var nit = getitemfromnoun input.noun3 if ( nit <> 0 ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).containerlocation ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> item(currentplayer.stateitem).surfacelocation ) then if ( item(nit).currentlocation <> currentplayer.containerlocation ) then if ( nit <> currentplayer.stateitem ) then currentplayer.print |"You can't reach the " & item(nit).thename & "."| end endif endif endif endif endif endif endif } Module NPCPronouns { ' IAGE NPC Pronouns 011029 ' R.Rawson-Tetley ' Allows use of him/her pronouns with NPCs. The reason it is done this way ' is so that "it" can refer to another pronoun - funky eh? ' To use: ' 1. At the very top of the OnAction event of your NPCs, add the line ' call NPCPronouns.male or call NPCPronouns.female depending on ' your NPC's sex. ' 2. In the AfterInputImmediate game event, make a call to: ' call NPCPronouns.replacenouns. ' 3. In the OnStart event, make a call to NPCPronouns.init - make sure it is ONSTART - ' not initialise. proc male cid currentplayer.setvalue(malepronoun) = cid end proc female cid currentplayer.setvalue(femalepronoun) = cid end proc init currentplayer.setvalue(malepronoun) = 0 currentplayer.setvalue(femalepronoun) = 0 end proc replacenouns if ( input.noun = 5 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^male^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) input.noun = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif if ( input.noun2 = 5 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^male^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) input.noun2 = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif if ( input.noun3 = 5 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^male^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) input.noun3 = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif if ( input.noun = 6 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^female^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) input.noun = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif if ( input.noun2 = 6 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^female^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) input.noun2 = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif if ( input.noun3 = 6 ) then if ( currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) = 0 ) then currentplayer.print [^There^is^no^female^pronoun^defined.^] end endif var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) input.noun3 = character(cid).nounid currentplayer.print (_&_character(cid).name_&_) currentplayer.outputtoplayer = false end endif end } Module ITPronoun { proc updateit ' If the "it" noun is not the same as the ' actual noun the player used, then ' update what parser thinks the last noun was. if ( currentplayer.lastnoun <> 1 ) and ( currentplayer.lastnoun <> input.noun ) and ( input.noun <> 0 ) then currentplayer.lastnoun = input.noun endif end proc showpronouns ' Outputs the current pronoun settings to the player var outs = "Current Pronouns

" outs = |outs & "It/Them/Those: "| if ( currentplayer.lastnoun <> 0 ) then ' See if it's an item var nono = getitemfromnoun currentplayer.lastnoun if ( nono <> 0 ) then ' It is! Show it outs = |outs & item(nono).thename & "
"| else outs = |outs & "[ Defined non-object, PC or NPC ]
"| endif else outs = |outs & "[ Not defined ]
"| endif outs = |outs & "Him/He/His: "| var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(malepronoun) if ( cid <> 0 ) then outs = |outs & character(cid).name & "
"| else outs = |outs & "[ Not defined ]
"| endif outs = |outs & "She/Her/Hers: "| var cid = currentplayer.getvalue(femalepronoun) if ( cid <> 0 ) then outs = |outs & character(cid).name & "
"| else outs = |outs & "[ Not defined ]
"| endif currentplayer.print outs end } Module SynonymMapper { ' Maps meanings to simpler terms for the parser (and author!) proc map ' NO VERB AND DIRECTION = GO DIRECTION ' ==================================== #n,s,e,w,u,d,ne,se,nw,sw,in,out if ( input.verb = 0 ) then input.verb = 1 end endif endif ' PICK UP = GET ' ================= ;pick #up input.verb = 5 input.adverb = 0 end endif endif ' PUT DOWN = DROP ' ================== ;put #down input.verb = 6 input.adverb = 0 end endif endif ' GET X FROM = REMOVE X FROM ' ========================== ;get #from input.verb = 8 end endif endif ' GET X OFF = REMOVE X FROM ' ========================= ;get #off if ( input.noun <> 0 ) then input.verb = 8 input.adverb = 15 end endif endif endif end }