! IAGE Debugging controls ! R.Rawson-Tetley 011017 GameCode { AfterInputImmediate: CodeExtend [ ' Either comment out or remove the line ' below when you are ready for distribution. ' - This enables debugging controls. call DebugControls.checkdebugcommand ] Initialise: CodeExtend [ ' Debug verbs addverb 500 dbg-goitem addverb 501 dbg-goloc addverb 502 dbg-gonpc ] } Module DebugControls { ' IAGE Standard Debug Controls 011017 ' R.Rawson-Tetley ' Feel free to expand on these and if you have ' any good ideas, post to either the forum ' at www.robin.rawsontetley.btinternet.co.uk/iage/ ' or mail me at iage@btinternet.com proc checkdebugcommand ;dbg-goitem ' Ask which item they want to go to var imno = ask Which^item^would^you^like^to^go^to? currentplayer.currentlocation = item(imno).currentlocation game.displaylocation end endif ;dbg-goloc ' Ask the player which location they ' want to go to. var locno = ask Which^location^do^you^want^to^go^to? currentplayer.currentlocation = locno game.displaylocation end endif ;dbg-gonpc ' Ask which npc to go to var npcno = ask Which^NPC^do^you^want^to^be^taken^to? currentplayer.currentlocation = character(npcno).currentlocation game.displaylocation end endif end }