------------------------ HUGO.KEY ------------------------ [-COMMENT-:GLOBAL] # HUGO LANGUAGE KEYWORDS FILE FOR CRIMSON EDITOR -COMMENT-:RESERVED WORDS [KEYWORDS5:GLOBAL] routine print return true false object property higher if and or not parent sibling child younger youngest elder children in nearby move to remove attribute alias object xobject class inherits replace global local constant enumerate locate is number array string dict for select case else elseif while do random break jump run event daemon fuse timer tick scriptdata setscript nothing verb held notheld multiheld multinotheld word removal punctuation synonym ~and ~any ~all ~except ~oops screenheight screenwidth linelength windowlines cursor_column cursor_row statusline_height title_caption window save restore writefile writeval readfile readval resource picture sound music anything call capital cls color colour eldest hex input multi parse$ pause playback printchar quit recordoff recordon restart restore run runevents scriptoff scripton serial$ system text undo xverb switches version include set clear ifset endif ifclear message else link -COMMENT-:LIBRARY CLASSES [KEYWORDS1:GLOBAL] room door scenery vehicle character female_character player_character component plural_class identical_class remote_object plural_class component direction display -COMMENT-:LIBRARY PROPERTIES [KEYWORDS9:GLOBAL] name before after noun adjective article nouns noun adjectives adjective preposition prep pronoun pronouns react_before react_after short_desc initial_desc long_desc found_in type size capacity holding reach list_contents in_scope parse_rank exclude_from_all door_to n_to ne_to e_to se_to s_to sw_to w_to nw_to u_to d_to in_to out_to cant_go extra_scenery each_turn key_object when_open when_closed ignore_response order_response contains_desc inv_desc desc_detail misc -COMMENT-:LIBRARY ATTRIBUTES [KEYWORDS8:GLOBAL] known moved visited static plural living female openable open lockable locked unfriendly light readable switchable switchedon clothing worn mobile enterable container platform hidden quiet transparent workflag already_listed special -COMMENT-:LIBRARY GLOBAL VARIABLES [KEYWORDS2:GLOBAL] self words player actor location verbroutine endflag prompt objects system_status player_person MAX_SCORE FORMAT DEFAULT_FONT STATUSTYPE UNDO_OFF counter score verbosity list_nest light_source event_flag speaking old_location last_object obstacle list_count need_newline override_indent best_parse_rank customerror_flag number_scripts MAX_RANK it_obj them_obj him_obj her_obj general TEXTCOLOR BGCOLOR SL_TEXTCOLOR SL_BGCOLOR INPUTCOLOR INVENTORY_MASK MENU_TEXTCOLOR MENU_BGCOLOR MENU_SELECTCOLOR MENU_SELECTBGCOLOR -COMMENT-:LIBRARY CONSTANTS [KEYWORDS6:GLOBAL] INDENT_SIZE AFTER_PERIOD FILE_CHECK BOLD_ON BOLD_OFF ITALIC_ON ITALIC_OFF UNDERLINE_ON UNDERLINE_OFF PROP_ON PROP_OFF UP_ARROW DOWN_ARROW LEFT_ARROW RIGHT_ARROW ESCAPE_KEY ENTER_KEY MOUSE_CLICK AND_WORD ARE_WORD HERE_WORD IN_WORD IS_WORD ON_WORD LIST_F NORECURSE_F NOINDENT_F DESCFORM_F GROUPPLURALS_F NOPARENTHESES_F INVENTORY_F FIRSTCAPITAL_F ISORARE_F ISORAREHERE_F USECHARNAMES_F TEMPLIST_F PARSER_RESET PARSER_ACTIVE PRONOUNS_SET FINDOBJECT_KNOWN FINDOBJECT_NONLIVING PERFORM_QUEUE BLACK BLUE GREEN CYAN RED MAGENTA BROWN WHITE DARK_GRAY LIGHT_BLUE LIGHT_GREEN LIGHT_CYAN LIGHT_RED LIGHT_MAGENTA YELLOW BRIGHT_WHITE MAX_WORDS BANNER HUGO_VERSION PARSER_STATUS LAST_PARSER_STATUS BEST_PARSE_RANK PARSE_RANK_TESTS LAST_SINGLE_OBJECT VERB_IS_XVERB MAX_SCRIPTS MAX_SCRIPT_STEPS DEF_FOREGROUND DEF_BACKGROUND DEF_SL_FOREGROUND DEF_SL_BACKGROUND MATCH_FOREGROUND ---------------------------------------------------------