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Some items/weapons can be effective when you shoot/fire them, as well as when you throw them at a creature, but be careful, those that fire have a limited number of shots, according to the ammunition available. 2. Read everything carefully!!!!! Hints are provided in certain rooms that reveal the tricks(?) neccessary to win this game! Type or to see if any additional text is available. 3. IMPORTANT!!!!! IF YOU THROW AN ITEM AT SOMETHING, REMEMBER TO PICK IT UP!!! (TYPE AFTER ALL BATTLES) 4. There is a limit on the items you can carry with you. Each item that is carryable has a specific weight and you cannot carry any more than that limit, you must drop something(s) in order to be able to pick up the new item. 5. A hostile creature will block all visible exits until killed. 6. Consider this fair warning!!!!! The agents of the Sheriff or King John will kill you if you are not watchful of your health points as opposed to the health points of your adversary. Type or to check your condition and that of your adversary. Your adversary will not be- gin an attack against you, but if you have not defeated your opponet within a certain number of turns (different for each opponet) , you will be DESTROYED by that opponet!!! 7. There are rooms that contain short cuts (escape routes?) from a few `difficult' situations. Some are rather obvious (boat on the river, for example), while others will involve some experimentation with your items. 8. BASIC OUTLINE OF THE GAME You are returning home to your native England after venturing to the Holy Land with King Richard. While you were away, the evil King John (Richard's brother) has confiscated the estates and lands of your family. You must search the land around Nottingham town and Castle to find your friends who are resisting the evil King John by hiding in Sherwood Forest somewhere. You have heard that King John has imprisoned the Lady Marion in the lowest dungeon of Nottingham Castle. You must release and rescue the Lady Marion from her jail cell and return, with Marion, to the camp in Sherwood Forest and you will have successfully completed this adventure. Time is a factor as the Sheriff is starving Marion and HER health deter- iorates with every passing day (Yes, TIME exists in Sherwood!). As you proceed, the agents of the Sheriff and King John become more and more powerful, but there are weapons available powerful enough to defeat them before you do encounter that agent. All agents are defeatable!!! * * Ü Ü ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ ÜÜÜ Ü Ü Ü Ü ÜÜ * * * * Û\/Û Û * Û * Û* Û * Û Û Û Û Û*Û Û\Û Û Û * * * * Û *Û ÛÜ Û ÛÜ ÛÜ * ÛÜÛ Û*Û Û Û Û Û Û Û * * * Û Û Û * Û * Û * Û * Û\ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û*Û * * * * Û* Û ÛÜÜ ÛÜÛ ÛÜÜ ÛÜÜ Û Û ÛÜÛ ÛÜÛ Û Û ÛÜÛ * * ADVENTURES IN SHERWOOD is the first text adventure (to my know- ledge) that incorporates an honest-to-goodness MELEE ROUND as part of the game!!! However, there are only FIVE opportunities for this as the pro- gramming necessary to implement such a battle sequence is of enormous size, and thus limits what is possible within the parameters of the BIG version of the ADVENTURE GAME TOOLKIT. Within ADVENTURES IN SHERWOOD, there are several types of both weapons and protective clothing that are available for you to choose and use in these MELEE ROUNDS. Each different weapon will cause a different amount of damage to be done to your opponet in the battle sequence. Also, each different type of protective clothing will afford you a different level of protection from the weapons of your opponet in the MELEE ROUND. You must experiment to find what weapons are more powerful and which types of armor will give you the most protection! You will die when your Health Points or your Strength Points reach ZERO, so BEWARE!!! And your opponets will die when THEIR HEALTH POINTS reach ZERO! Even so, you CAN win this game if you are THOROUGH when you are experimenting with everything at your disposal in as many rooms as possible. If you HAVE attempted ALL possible combinations of actions, items and rooms and are still unable to make progress, feel free to call us at (206) 525-9241 and we will provide you with a hint or two to enable you to overcome the impasse. This simulation is played on a rectangular board upon which the terrain of Sherwood Forest and Nottingham town and Castle are placed. There are "natural, physical" obstacles as well as agents of the Sheriff and King John searching for you. The purpose of this simulation is to portray a real-life situation in every aspect. You will fall to your death if you step in the wrong direction from high elevations (Yes, 3-Dimensions exist in Sherwood!). Your health points must be monitored to make sure that you do not die while attacking a foe. If you neglect to monitor your health, you will die in battle against INFERIOR FORCES. With enough experimenting you will discover how to restore your health points - with a little help from your friends!! There are, however, upper limits to your health and strength points. Your dexterity points will vary, as well. Find out how! TO OBTAIN A HARD COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS, TYPE AT THE DOS PROMPT AND A COPY OF THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE SENT TO YOUR PRINTER (IF YOU HAVE ONE). GAME COMMANDS DIRECTION NORTH (N) The four cursor keys SOUTH (S) also control the EAST (E) four cardinal WEST (W) directions. NORTHWEST (NW) NORTHEAST (NE) SOUTHWEST (SW) SOUTHEAST (SE) UP (U) DOWN (D) ENTER/GO IN (direction) EXIT/LEAVE (direction) SINGLE LETTER COMMANDS AGAIN (G) - Repeat last command again QUIT (Q) - Quit game and go home (Save first?) LOOK (L) - Repeats room/place description INVENTORY (I) - Displays possessions and clothing HELP (H) - Displays helpful information on room MISCELLANOUS GAME UTILITIES SAVE - Saves current position and possessions RESTORE - Restores to saved position with possessions BRIEF - Change description mode (short) VERBOSE - Change description mode (long) SCRIPT - Echo all output to printer UNSCRIPT - Cancels all output to printer LIST/SHOW - All visible exits SCORE - displays score (points) and status FUNCTION KEYS F1 - GET F2 - DROP F3 - EXAMINE F4 - READ The function keys are a `shorthand' F5 - OPEN method to converse with the computer. F6 - CLOSE F7 - INVENTORY F8 - LOOK F9 - SCORE F10 - HELP IMPORTANT!!!!! To achieve as low a score as possible you must balance the number of times you save your position and possessions versus the amount of rooms you would have to retrace if you were killed or had typed to escape a trap. Good times to save are after acquiring a new weapon; after defeating a powerful agent; and after attaining the answer to a riddle or a clue/hint. Save in the dungeon!!!!!!!!!! All of the above commands, as well as those listed below are the neccessary words you will need to type on your computer keyboard to move ROBERT from place to place or room to room. You type what you want ROBERT to do (go {direction}, take {item}, attack {creature}, etc) in answer to the `What now?' prompt after each description is completed. The following list should facilitate the majority of the situations you will encounter during this game. Put on/wear {item} Take off/remove {item} Light {item} Extinguish/put out {item} [EXT] Play {item} Push/touch {item} Unlock {item} with {item} Lock {item} with {item} Open {item} Close/shut {item} Get/take/pick up {item/all} Drop/put down {item/all} Shoot/fire {item} at {creature} Shoot {creature} with {item} Read {item} Attack/fight/kill/hit {creature} with {item} Throw/cast/heave {item} at {creature} Examine/search/check/inspect/look in/look at {item/creature} [EX] When you think you are nearing the completion of your adventure, type