COMMAND ANY ANY NewLife TurnFlagON 1 TurnFlagON 2 TurnFlagON 3 TurnFlagON 4 TurnFlagON 5 TurnFlagON 6 TurnFlagON 8 TurnFlagON 10 SetVariableTo 1 2 SetVariableTo 2 4 SetVariableTo 3 13 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 1 (* Elizabeth Frost is going to start moving around *) TurnsGT 75 Chance 3 TurnFlagOFF 1 TurnCounterON 1 (* Elizabeth Frost's movement counter *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 1 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 35 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 3 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 37 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 7 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 39 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 10 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 12 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 13 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 11 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 16 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 15 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 18 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 16 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 21 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 17 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 24 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 18 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 30 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 17 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 33 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 19 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 36 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 20 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 40 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 19 (* Send her to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 1 43 (* Elizabeth's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 307 17 (* Send her to room xx. *) TurnFlagON 1 (* Let her come out again later *) TurnCounterOFF 1 (* Turn her counter off *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 2 (* Gavin's allowed to move around *) TurnsGT 120 Chance 2 TurnFlagOFF 2 TurnCounterON 2 (* Turn Gavin's counter on *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 1 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 37 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 3 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 39 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 6 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 12 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 9 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 11 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 12 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 10 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 15 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 4 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 18 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 6 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 21 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 8 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 24 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 9 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 2 74 (* Gavin's counter equals the number *) SendToRoom 315 36 (* Send Gavin to room xx. *) TurnCounterOFF 2 TurnFlagON 2 (* Let Gavin come out again later *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 6 (* Ballon vendor is able to come to park *) Chance 6 SendToRoom 322 8 (Send him to the park *) TurnFlagOFF 6 (* He's in the park *) TurnCounterON 4 (* Turn his counter on *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterGT 4 45 (* He's been there more than 45 turns *) Chance 12 TurnFlagON 6 (* Make it so he can come back later *) TurnCounterOFF 4 (* Turn his counter off *) Destroy 322 (* Send him to room 0 *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY AtLocationLT 9 AtLocationGT 4 TurnsGT 200 Chance 3 PrintMessage 1 (* Someone brushes against your arm. You whirl around, but *) SendTreasuresToRoom 47 4 (* Thief steals your stuff and hides it at dam *) VariableGT 1 8 SubtractFromVariable 1 8 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY AtLocation 171 (* At the fortune teller's shop *) NOT Present 323 (* Fortune teller *) InRoom 284 (* Crystal ball *) Chance 25 SendToRoom 323 171 (* Fortune teller enters the room from the back *) PrintMessage 2 (* There is a rustling of cloth, and a gypsy woman enters *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY NOT AtLocation 171 (* You aren't at the fortune teller's shop. *) IsLocated 323 171 (* Fortune teller's in her shop *) Destroy 323 (* Send her to room 0 *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY AtLocation 32 (* You're in the park at the fountain *) Present 305 (* The magician is in the room *) Chance 41 RandomMessage 16 19 (* The magician does some tricks *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY AtLocation 32 (* You're in the park at the fountain *) Present 305 (* The magician is in the room *) Chance 7 PrintMessage 20 (* Do you want to step into the disappearing box? *) PromptForYES GoToRandomRoom 2 30 (* Teleport around the town *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 7 (* Final storm's happening *) FlagON 8 (* Test for locking doors *) TurnCounterON 5 (* Storm counter *) TurnFlagOFF 8 (* All the stores have been closed *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 7 (* Final storm is occuring *) FlagOFF 9 (* Test flag is off *) Destroy 320 (* Send old man to Room 0 *) Destroy 312 (* Send guard at Winterborn mansion to Room 0 *) Destroy 305 (* Send magician to Room 0 *) Destroy 265 (* Send crowd to Room 0 *) TurnFlagON 9 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 7 (* The final storm is occuring *) NOT IsWearing 262 (* You're not wearing the moon pendant *) Chance 20 RandomMessage 13 15 (* Player is struck by lightning, hit by hail, etc. *) KillPlayer (* Send player to limbo *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 7 (* The final storm is occuring *) Chance 33 RandomMessage 8 12 (* Storm plays out its fury *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 5 80 (* Storm counter equals 80 *) PrintMessage 25 (* The storm seems to be increasing in intensity! *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 5 125 (* Storm counter's reached max limit *) PrintMessage 13 (* You are hit by a piece of debris *) TurnCounterOFF 5 (* Turn the storm off *) KillPlayer (* Send player to limbo *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY TurnsEquals 240 SendToRoom 320 28 (* Send the old man to the graveyard *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 15 (* The continuation flag is on *) PrintMessage 68 (* The panel begins to emit a high-pitched BEEP. You *) GoToRoom 143 (* Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not *) TurnFlagOFF 15 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY IsNowhere 269 (* Pear is gone *) Chance 2 SendToRoom 269 5 (* Put the pear on the tree in the park *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY VariableLT 3 2 (* Wand has less than 1 charge in it *) IsSomewhere 280 (* Wand is somewhere *) Destroy 280 (* Send the wand to room 0 *) PrintMessage 102 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagOFF 24 TurnCounterON 6 SetVariableTo 4 7 TurnFlagON 24 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 6 0 TurnCounterON 6 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY VariableEquals 4 11 CounterEquals 6 60 FlagOFF 25 TurnFlagON 25 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY VariableEquals 4 12 CounterEquals 6 60 SetVariableTo 4 1 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 6 60 VariableLT 4 12 TurnCounterOFF 6 AddToVariable 4 1 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY VariableEquals 4 11 CounterEquals 6 2 FlagON 25 (* 11:03 P.M. *) PrintMessage 131 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY VariableEquals 4 11 CounterEquals 6 30 FlagON 25 (* 11:30 P.M. *) PrintMessage 130 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 27 (* Match is lit *) PrintMessage 139 (* You are holding a lit match *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 7 4 (* Match is burned out *) PrintMessage 138 TurnFlagOFF 27 (* Turn off lit match *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagON 30 (* You've breathed helium *) CounterEquals 10 14 (* Helium counter *) TurnFlagOFF 30 TurnCounterOFF 10 PrintMessage 158 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY CounterEquals 11 38 SwapLocations 230 317 (* Swap locations with the real cat and china cat *) TurnCounterOFF 11 Present 230 (* The green cat *) PrintMessage 181 END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY Present 237 (* Glass orb *) Present 317 (* Green cat *) FlagON 7 (* Storm is on *) FlagON 35 (* WB's been arrested *) Present 316 (* Professor Nightshade *) PrintMessage 198 PrintMessage 220 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY Present 237 (* Glass orb *) Present 317 (* Green cat *) FlagON 7 (* Storm is on *) FlagON (* WB'S been arrested *) NOT Present 316 (* Professor Nightshade *) PrintMessage 198 PrintMessage 222 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY Present 237 (* Glass orb *) Present 317 (* Green cat *) FlagON 7 (* Storm is on *) FlagOFF 35 (* WB Hasn't been arrested *) NOT Present 316 (* Professor Nightshade *) PrintMessage 198 PrintMessage 221 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY Present 237 (* Glass orb *) Present 317 (* Green cat *) FlagON 7 (* Storm is on *) FlagOFF 35 (* WB Hasn't been arrested *) Present 316 (* Professor Nightshade *) PrintMessage 198 PrintMessage 246 EndGame DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY TurnsEquals 4 PrintMessage 216 (* You are feeling faintly ill *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagOFF 199 (* Peanuts sick flag *) TurnsEquals 9 OR TurnsEquals 16 OR TurnsEquals 21 OR TurnsEquals 26 PrintMessage 217 (* You are feeling strongly ill *) END_COMMAND COMMAND ANY ANY FlagOFF 199 (* Peanuts sick flag *) TurnsEquals 29 PrintMessage 218 (* You die of food poisoning! *) KillPlayer DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 5 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 32 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 9 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 25 (* On Hensings road; trying to enter bank *) PrintMessage 22 (* The bank is closed for the day *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 18 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 3 (* Trying to enter flower shop *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores are closed *) PrintMessage 37 (* The store is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 22 (* Trying to enter museum *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed *) PrintMessage 38 (* The museum is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 46 (* You're at the front of the Tower Dam *) Present 272 (* The padlock's secured on the gate *) PrintMessage 75 (* The gate is locked by a padlock. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 23 (* Pheauzalt Blvd. *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 4 (* Creek/Fleming *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 14 (* Greymist Road *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 39 (* Hallway of Stars Hotel *) PrintMessage 110 (* You quickly walk up the stairs. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 88 (* Entry hall *) Present 321 (* Butler *) PrintMessage 164 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NORTH AtLocation 68 (* Trying to enter music room *) FlagOFF 19 (* Music room is locked *) PrintMessage 78 (* The door is locked *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 5 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 32 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 18 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 14 (* Trying to enter antique store *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed *) PrintMessage 37 (* The shop has been closed due to the storm *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 154 (* Trying to leave Winter Creek *) PrintMessage 43 (* You aren't finished in Winter Creek yet. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 35 (* Trying to enter Elizabeth's room *) IsLocated 307 34 (* Elizabeth's in her room *) PrintMessage 47 (* The door is locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 37 (* Trying to enter Gavin Temple's room *) IsLocated 315 36 (* Gavin Temple's in his room *) PrintMessage 47 (* The door is locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 105 (* At WM, in front of black bedroom *) FlagOFF 17 (* The door's locked *) PrintMessage 78 (* The door is locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 13 (* Greymist road, on corner *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 10 (* Fleming Avenue *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 15 (* Fleming Avenue *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WEST AtLocation 142 (* Police Station *) PrintMessage 119 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 32 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 7 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 9 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 20 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 18 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 21 (* Trying to enter library *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed due to storm *) PrintMessage 39 (* The library is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 143 (* Jail cell *) PrintMessage 70 (* The cell door has been bolted shut *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 26 (* End of Hensings *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 14 (* Greymist Road *) PrintMessage 85 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 84 (* Trying to enter library *) FlagOFF 18 (* Library's locked *) PrintMessage 78 (* The door has been locked *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 51 (* Hall of museum *) FlagOFF 26 (* The door is locked *) PrintMessage 78 (* The door has been locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLocation 88 (* Entry hall *) Present 321 (* Butler *) PrintMessage 164 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAST AtLOcation 10 FlagOFF 8 PrintMessage 37 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 6 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 8 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 9 (* At the park *) PrintMessage 21 (* Your way is blocked by an iron fence *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 13 (* On corner of Greymist Road, trying to enter restaurant *) PrintMessage 23 (* The restaurant is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 19 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 20 (* At the amusement park *) PrintMessage 24 (* Why would you want to wander around in the ruins of the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 2 (* Trying to enter police station *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed due to storm *) PrintMessage 40 (* Police station is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 3 (* Trying to enter post office *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed due to storm *) PrintMessage 41 (* Post office is closed *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 172 (* Trying to enter fortune teller's shop *) FlagOFF 8 (* Stores have been closed due to storm *) PrintMessage 42 (* The fortune teller's door is locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 154 (* Trying to follow road *) IsCarrying 257 (* You've got the antique mirror *) PrintMessage 45 (* Lightning bounces off of mirror *) END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 154 (* Trying to follow road *) NOT IsCarrying 257 (* You don't have the antique mirror *) PrintMessage 44 (* You're struck by lightning *) KillPlayer (* Send player to limbo *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 37 (* Hotel hall *) PrintMessage 109 (* You quickly walk down the stairs. *) END_COMMAND COMMAND SOUTH AtLocation 88 (* Entry hall *) Present 321 (* Butler *) PrintMessage 164 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UP AtLocation 81 (* Stairs *) FlagON 5 (* Trap door flag *) PrintMessage 173 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND INVENTORY ShowInventory (* Show current inventory *) BlankLine PrintMessage 60 (* You have VAR1 dollars *) BlankLine DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND STATUS PrintMessage 61 (* ***** *) ShowInventory Blankline ShowScore BlankLine PrintMessage 60 (* You have VAR1 dollars *) PrintMessage 62 (* ***** *) BlankLine DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND VERSION PrintMessage 73 (* STORMS *** Version Number xxx *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET MIRROR AtLocation 129 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 132 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 130 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 133 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 134 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 135 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 136 (* Hall of mirrors *) DescribeThing 286 (* It's not important *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET MIRROR AtLocation 137 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 138 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 139 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 140 (* Hall of mirrors *) OR AtLocation 131 (* Hall of mirrors *) DescribeThing 286 (* It's not important *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET POT AtLocation 120 (* Kitchen in Winterborn Mansion *) FlagON 4 (* Cook won't let you get the pot *) PrintMessage 26 (* "QUIT LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER!" booms the cook. You *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET STATUE AtLocation 50 (* Winter Museum *) FlagON 10 (* Museum alarm is ON *) PrintMessage 27 (* Better not touch the statue. You don't want to set *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET STATUETTE AtLocation 53 (* Winter Museum *) FlagON 10 (* Museum alarm is ON *) PrintMessage 27 (* Better not touch the statuette. You don't want to set *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET PAINTING AtLocation 54 (* Winter Museum *) FlagON 10 (* Museum alarm is ON *) PrintMessage 27 (* Better not touch the painting. You don't want to set *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET PAINTING AtLocation 54 (* Winter Museum *) FlagOFF 10 (* Museum alarm is OFF *) IsNowhere 262 (* Moon pendant hasn't been found yet *) PrintMessage 28 (* You lift the painting, and are startled by a loud clink *) PutInCurrentRoom 262 (* Drop the moon pendant in the room *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET FLOWER AtLocation 31 (* Flower shop *) FlagOFF 11 (* You haven't bought the flower yet *) PrintMessage 31 (* "Please do not handle the merchandise," says the clerk *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET URN AtLocation 40 (* Etta's Antique Shop *) FlagOFF 14 (* You haven't bought the antique urn yet *) PrintMessage 32 (* "Don't pick up any of the antiques, please," says the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET MIRROR AtLocation 40 (* Etta's Antique Shop *) FlagON 23 (* You can't get the mirror *) PrintMessage 32 (* "Don't pick up any of the antiques, please," says the *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET ENVELOPE AtLocation 141 (* At the post office *) NOUNPresent (* The letter's there *) FlagOFF 16 (* You can't get the letter *) PrintMessage 71 (* The clerk won't let you *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET STACK AtLocation 58 FlagOFF 50 PrintMessage 212 AddToVariable 1 20 TurnFlagON 50 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET STACK AtLocation 58 FlagON 50 PrintMessage 213 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GET ALL PrintMessage 237 (* You must get everything one at a time here. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIFT PAINTING ReDirectTo GET PAINTING END_COMMAND COMMAND LIFT ANY NOUNPresent PrintMessage 29 (* You don't need to lift anything! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OOPS PrintMessage 30 (* Screwed up again, did you? *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND STEAL PrintMessage 33 (* How absolutely amusing... *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY FLOWER AtLocation 31 (* Flower Shop *) VariableGT 1 4 (* You have more than four dollars *) InRoom 202 (* The rose is there *) FlagOFF 11 (* You haven't bought it yet *) PrintMessage 34 (* The clerk looks interested for the first time. "That *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 35 (* "Very well, sir. " The clerk takes your money. *) SubtractFromVariable 1 5 (* Take five dollars from your finances *) TurnFlagON 11 (* You may now take the rose *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY FLOWER AtLocation 31 (* Flower Shop *) VariableLT 1 5 (* You don't have five dollars *) InRoom 202 (* The rose is there *) FlagOFF 11 (* You haven't bought it yet *) PrintMessage 34 (* The clerk looks interested for the first time. "That *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 36 (* "I am afraid that you don't have enough money," states *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY BALLOON Present 322 (* Balloon vendor's in the room *) IsNowhere 282 (* Balloon is in room 0 *) VariableGT 1 2 (* You've got more than three dollars. *) PrintMessage 48 (* Do you really want to buy the balloon? *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 49 (* "Thanks!" Vendor gives you balloon *) SubtractFromVariable 1 3 (* Take three dollars away from you *) GetIt 282 (* Get the balloon *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY BALLOON Present 322 (* Balloon vendor's in the room *) IsNowhere 282 (* Balloon is in room 0 *) VariableLT 1 3 (* You don't have three dollars *) PrintMessage 48 (* Do you really want to buy the balloon? *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 50 (* You don't have enough money to buy the balloon. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY BALLOON Present 322 (* Balloon vendor's in the room *) IsCarrying 282 (* You've got the balloon *) PrintMessage 53 (* You've already got one! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY URN AtLocation 40 (* You're at the antique shop *) FlagOFF 14 (* You haven't bought the urn yet *) VariableGT 1 149 (* You've got more than 149 dollars *) PrintMessage 54 (* The urn is priced at 150 dollars *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 55 (* "Very good." She takes your money. *) SubtractFromVariable 1 150 (* Take 150 dollars away from you *) TurnFlagON 14 (* You've now bought the urn *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY URN AtLocation 40 (* Antique shop *) FlagOFF 14 (* You haven't bought the urn yet *) VariableLT 1 150 (* You don't have 150 dollars *) PrintMessage 54 (* The urn is priced at 150 dollars *) PromptForYES PrintMessage 56 (* You don't have enough money to purchase the urn *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY FORTUNE AtLocation 171 (* In the fortune teller's shop *) Present 323 (* Fortune teller *) VariableGT 1 3 (* You have more than 3 dollars *) SubtractFromVariable 1 4 (* It cost you 4 dollars *) PrintMessage 114 RandomMessage 115 117 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY FORTUNE AtLocation 171 (* In the fortune teller's shop *) Present 323 (* Fortune teller *) VariableLT 1 4 (* You have less than 4 dollars *) PrintMessage 118 (* You don't have enough money *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY ANY NOUNIsCarrying (* You're carrying it *) PrintMessage 53 (* You've already got one! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BUY ANY PrintMessage 98 (* Interesting thought. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND DROP BALLOON IsCarrying 282 (* You've got the balloon. *) PrintMessage 52 (* The balloon soars up into the air *) Destroy 282 (* Send balloon to room zero. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND DROP NEEDLE AtLocation 142 (* Police station *) IsCarrying 277 (* You're carrying the needle *) Present 314 (* The sleeping officer is there *) PrintMessage 58 (* You drop the pin. It lands with a slight *clink* and *) Destroy 314 (* Move the sleeping officer to room 0 *) DropIt 277 (* Drop the needle in the room *) PutInCurrentRoom 313 (* Send the awakened officer to the station *) PlusScore 5 (* Add 5 points to your score *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND DROP CAT IsCarrying 230 PrintMessage 72 (* The cat breaks *) Destroy 230 (* Send cat to room 0 *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND POP BALLOON ReDirectTo BREAK BALLOON END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK BALLOON Present 282 (* You've got the balloon. *) PrintMessage 51 (* The balloon pops with a sudden explosion *) Destroy 282 (* Destroy balloon *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK POT Present 249 (* Flower Pot *) Destroy 249 (* Send flower pot to room 0 *) PutInCurrentRoom 210 (* Send the ornate key to your current room *) PrintMessage 63 (* You smash the pot into a million cheap pottery shards. A *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK MIRROR IsCarrying 212 (* Round stone *) FlagOFF 40 AtLocation 136 (* Hall of mirrors *) ChangePassageway 1 135 PrintMessage 170 TurnFlagON 40 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK MIRROR IsCarrying 212 (* Round stone *) FlagOFF 41 AtLocation 136 (* Hall of mirrors *) ChangePassageway 3 130 PrintMessage 170 TurnFlagON 41 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK MIRROR IsCarrying 212 (* Round stone *) FlagOFF 42 AtLocation 130 (* Hall of mirrors *) ChangePassageway 3 131 PrintMessage 170 TurnFlagON 42 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK MIRROR IsCarrying 212 (* Round stone *) AtLocationGT 128 AtLocationLT 141 PrintMessage 170 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND BREAK MIRROR AtLocationGT 128 AtLocationLT 141 PrintMessage 169 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND ATTACK ANY PrintMessage 33 (* How absolutely amusing... *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CUT PADLOCK AtLocation 46 (* At gate in front of dam *) InRoom 272 (* The padlock is secured to the gate *) IsCarrying 259 (* You've got the metal cutters *) Destroy 272 (* Send the padlock to room 0 *) PrintMessage 228 PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND AWAKEN OFFICER AtLocation 142 (* Police station *) Present 314 (* The sleeping officer is present *) PrintMessage 59 (* You shake the officer several times, but nothing *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TURN DIAL AtLocation 52 (* You're in the museum back room *) TurnFlagON 15 (* Test flag for combination *) GetNumberInput 1 1000 (* Get number input, one to 1000 *) NumberEquals 367 (* The number equals the combination *) ToggleFlag 10 (* Turn the alarm either OFF or ON *) TurnFlagOFF 15 (* Turn the test flag OFF *) PrintMessage 69 (* You hear a click come from the alarm panel *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK GATE AtLocation 46 (* At the dam gate *) PrintMessage 76 (* You can't unlock the gate *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 51 (* Hallway of museum *) FlagOFF 26 IsCarrying 248 (* Master museum key *) PrintMessage 81 (* You have now unlocked the door. *) TurnFlagON 26 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 51 (* Hallway of museum *) FlagON 26 PrintMessage 79 (* The door is already unlocked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 51 (* Hallway of museum *) FlagOFF 26 PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 52 (* Storage room in museum *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 35 (* Hallway of Stars Hotel *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 37 (* Hallway of Stars Hotel *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) IsCarrying 210 (* You have the ornate key *) PrintMessage 81 (* You unlock the door. *) TurnFlagON 17 (* The room is now unlocked *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) FlagON 17 (* The room is unlocked *) PrintMessage 79 (* The door is already unlocked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) NOT IsCarrying 210 (* You've don't have the ornate key *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 102 (* Inside the black bedroom in WM *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 84 (* Study in NM *) IsCarrying 275 (* You've got the black key *) FlagOFF 18 (* The library is locked *) TurnFlagON 18 (* Unlock the door *) PrintMessage 81 (* The door is now unlocked *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 84 (* Study in NM *) IsCarrying 275 (* You've got the black key *) FlagON 18 (* The library is unlocked *) PrintMessage 79 (* The door is already unlocked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 84 (* Study in NM *) NOT IsCarrying 210 (* You've don't have the black key *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 85 (* Library in NM *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 68 (* Hall in front of Music Room *) IsCarrying 250 (* Music Room Key *) FlagOFF 19 (* Music room is locked *) PrintMessage 81 (* The door is now unlocked *) TurnFlagON 19 (* Unlock the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 68 (* Hall in front of Music Room *) IsCarrying 250 (* Music Room Key *) FlagON 19 (* The Music Room is unlocked *) PrintMessage 79 (* The door is already unlocked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 68 (* Hall in front of Music Room *) NOT IsCarrying 250 (* You've don't have the Music Room key *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK DOOR AtLocation 64 (* Music Room *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNLOCK MAUSOLEUM AtLocation 29 (* At the Cemetary near mausoleum *) PrintMessage 77 (* You don't have anything that will unlock it. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) IsCarrying 210 (* You've got the ornate key *) FlagON 17 (* The room is unlocked *) PrintMessage 82 (* The door is now locked. *) TurnFlagOFF 17 (* Lock the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) FlagOFF 17 (* The room is locked *) PrintMessage 80 (* The door is already locked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 68 (* In hallway in front of Music Room *) IsCarrying 250 (* Music room key *) FlagON 19 (* The Music Room is unlocked *) PrintMessage 82 (* The door is now locked. *) TurnFlagOFF 19 (* Lock the Music Room *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 68 (* In hallway in front of Music Room *) FlagOFF 19 (* Music Room is locked *) PrintMessage 80 (* The door is already locked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of Winterborn Manor, in front of bedroom *) IsCarrying 210 (* You've got the ornate key *) FlagON 17 (* The room is unlocked *) TurnFlagOFF 17 (* Lock the room *) PrintMessage 82 (* The door is now locked. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 105 (* In the hallway of WM, in front of the bedroom *) FlagOFF 17 (* The room is locked *) PrintMessage 80 (* The door is already locked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 102 (* Inside the black bedroom in WM *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 84 (* Study in NM *) IsCarrying 275 (* You've got the black key *) FlagON 18 (* The library is unlocked *) TurnFlagOFF 18 (* Lock the door *) PrintMessage 82 (* The door is now locked *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 84 (* Study in NM *) FlagON 18 (* The library is locked *) PrintMessage 80 (* The door is already locked! *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 85 (* Library in NM *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 64 (* Music Room *) PrintMessage 83 (* There is no lock on this side of the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 51 (* Hallway of museum *) IsCarrying 248 (* Master museum key *) FlagON 26 PrintMessage 82 (* You have now locked the door. *) TurnFlagOFF 26 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 51 FlagOFF 26 PrintMessage 80 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LOCK DOOR AtLocation 52 PrintMessage 83 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH DEVICE IsCarrying 273 (* Push the figure eight on the Moebius Device *) FlagON 20 (* It's been charged *) FlagOFF 7 (* The final storm hasn't started *) DropIt 273 (* Drop the Moebius Device *) PrintMessage 91 GoToRoom 170 (* Ethereal Void *) TurnFlagOFF 20 (* Uncharge Moebius Device *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH DEVICE IsCarrying 273 (* Device *) FlagOFF 20 (* Has not been charged *) PrintMessage 93 (* You hear a clicking noise *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH BUTTON AtLocation 47 (* Power Room in dam *) ToggleFlag 29 (* Power in Nightshade Manor is on if ON *) PrintMessage 248 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH CLEAR BUTTON NounIsNumber 238 Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagON 29 (* The flag is on *) PrintMessage 193 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH WHITE BUTTON NounIsNumber 239 Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagON 29 (* The flag is on *) PrintMessage 194 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH BLUE BUTTON NounIsNumber 240 Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagON 29 (* The flag is on *) PrintMessage 195 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH RED BUTTON NounIsNumber 241 Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagON 29 (* The flag is on *) PrintMessage 196 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH BLACK BUTTON NounIsNumber 242 Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagON 29 (* The flag is on *) PrintMessage 197 TurnFlagON 7 TurnFlagOFF 29 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUSH BUTTON Present 237 (* Glass orb *) FlagOFF 29 PrintMessage 192 (* You hear a loud click *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL LEVER AtLocation 48 (* Mausoleum *) IsLocated 230 270 (* The cat is inside the machine *) Destroy 230 (* Get rid of the cat *) PrintMessage 250 SendToRoom 317 48 (* Green cat *) TurnCounterON 11 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PULL LEVER AtLocation 48 (* Mausoleum *) PrintMessage 249 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ROSE IN VASE AtLocation 28 (* You're at the cemetary *) IsCarrying 202 (* Rose *) Destroy 202 (* Send the rose to room 0 *) PrintMessage 132 (* You hear a clicking noise *) TurnFlagON 21 (* Open the mausoleum -- kind of *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT PEAR IN DEVICE Present 273 (* Device *) Present 269 (* Pear *) PrintMessage 92 (* You put the pear in the Moebius Device *) Destroy 269 (* Destroy the pear *) TurnFlagON 20 (* Charge the Moebius Device *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PUT ANY IN DEVICE Present 273 (* Device *) NOUNPresent (* The ANY to put into the device *) PrintMessage 94 (* It dosen't fit *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND DAMBANI AtLocation 29 (* You're at the mausoleum *) FlagON 21 (* The rose has been put into the vase *) PrintMessage 133 ChangePassageway 11 48 (* ENTER The mausoleum *) TurnFlagOFF 21 (* Rose flag is OFF *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND DAMBANI PrintMessage 95 (* Nothing happens. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND NEVERMORE AtLocation 81 (* Top of stairs *) FlagON 5 (* You can't enter the tower *) PrintMessage 174 TurnFlagOFF 5 (* You may now enter the tower *) PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE URN AtLocation 32 (* Fountain *) IsCarrying 208 (* Urn *) Destroy 208 (* Send urn to room 0 *) GetIt 280 (* White wand *) PrintMessage 97 PlusScore 5 (* Add 5 points to your score *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE LICENSE AtLocation 141 (* Post Office *) FlagOFF 16 (* You can't get the letter *) Present 267 (* The license *) TurnFlagON 16 PrintMessage 129 PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE FORM AtLocation 40 (* Antique shop *) Present 252 (* Request form *) PrintMessage 136 Destroy 252 PlusScore 5 TurnFlagON 14 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE LETTER AtLocation 88 (* Entry hall *) Present 321 (* Butler *) Present 281 (* Letter *) PrintMessage 165 SendToRoom 321 72 (* Send butler to bedroom *) PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE LETTER AtLocation 72 (* Bedroom *) Present 321 (* Butler *) Present 281 (* Letter *) PrintMessage 166 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND GIVE LETTER AtLocation 142 (* Police station *) Present 313 (* Awake officer *) Present 281 (* Letter *) PrintMessage 167 TurnFlagON 35 (* Winterborn in jail flag *) TurnFlagON 200 TurnFlagOFF 3 Destroy 308 (* Winterborn *) SendToRoom 308 143 Destroy 281 (* Letter *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SELL ANY PrintMessage 135 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE WAND AT PADLOCK AtLocation 46 (* Gate *) IsCarrying 280 (* ivory wand *) Present 272 (* The padlock *) SubtractFromVariable 3 3 (* Take lots of energy from the wand *) Destroy 272 (* The padlock *) PrintMessage 103 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE WAND AT WALL AtLocation 9 (* Brick wall *) IsCarrying 280 (* ivory wand *) FlagOFF 22 (* Money flag is off *) PrintMessage 105 (* You find money! *) AddToVariable 1 10 (* Give you a $10 bill *) SubtractFromVariable 3 2 (* Take medium energy from the wand *) TurnFlagON 22 (* You've found money *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE WAND AT WOODPILE AtLocation 97 (* Woodpile *) IsCarrying 280 (* Ivory Wand *) IsNowhere 273 (* Moebius Device is in room 0 *) PrintMessage 100 SendToRoom 273 97 (* Put the Device in the room *) SubtractFromVariable 3 4 (* Take lots of energy from the wand *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE WAND IsCarrying 280 (* Ivory Wand *) GoToRandomRoom 2 30 (* Go somewhere in town *) SubtractFromVariable 3 2 (* Take medium energy from the wand *) PrintMessage 104 (* The wand begins to glow with a bright silver light. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND WAVE WAND AT ANY IsCarrying 280 (* Ivory wand *) PrintMessage 101 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TIME FlagOFF 25 CounterLT 6 10 PrintMessage 122 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TIME FlagOFF 25 PrintMessage 120 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TIME FlagON 25 CounterLT 6 10 PrintMessage 123 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TIME FlagON 25 PrintMessage 121 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SEARCH UNDER BED ReDirectTo LOOK UNDER BED END_COMMAND COMMAND LOOK UNDER BED AtLocation 38 (* Your bedroom *) IsNowhere 267 (* Driver's license *) PrintMessage 124 GetIt 267 (* Driver's license *) PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SEARCH STACK AtLocation 58 (* Library *) FlagOFF 50 PrintMessage 212 AddToVariable 1 20 TurnFlagON 50 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SEARCH PrintMessage 125 (* You discover nothing. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN DOOR PrintMessage 126 (* That would be useless. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN MAUSOLEUM PrintMessage 128 (* You can't open the door *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN PADLOCK AtLocation 46 (* Dam gate *) PrintMessage 126 (* That would be useless. *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN BOX AtLocation 120 (* Kitchen of WM *) IsCarrying 253 (* Small box *) PrintMessage 171 Destroy 253 (* Small box *) Destroy 310 (* Cook *) TurnFlagOFF 4 (* You may now get the pot *) PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN BOX Present 253 (* Small box *) PrintMessage 172 Destroy 253 (* Small Box *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND OPEN ENVELOPE AtLocation 141 (* Post office *) FlagOFF 16 PrintMessage 211 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND CLOSE MAUSOLEUM PrintMessage 126 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT MATCH IsCarrying 255 (* Small matchbook *) VariableGT 2 0 PrintMessage 134 TurnCounterON 7 (* Match counter *) TurnFlagON 27 (* Match is lit - Flag *) SubtractFromVariable 2 1 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT MATCH IsCarrying 255 (* Small matchbook *) VariableLT 2 1 PrintMessage 137 Destroy 255 (* Small matchbook *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT TORCH FlagON 27 (* Match is lit *) Present 288 (* Burned torch *) PrintMessage 149 SwapLocations 288 289 TurnCounterON 8 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT TORCH FlagON 27 (* Match is lit *) Present 289 (* Lit torch *) PrintMessage 150 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT TORCH FlagOFF 27 (* Torch is out *) Present 288 (* Burned torch *) PrintMessage 152 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND LIGHT ANY NOUNPresent PrintMessage 156 (* It's not flammable *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO FROST Present 307 PrintMessage 199 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO TEMPLE Present 315 PrintMessage 200 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO TALBOT Present 320 PrintMessage 201 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO WINTERBORN Present 308 PrintMessage 203 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO FREEMAN Present 321 PrintMessage 204 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO TELLER Present 323 PrintMessage 205 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO PROFESSOR Present 316 PrintMessage 240 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO VENDOR Present 322 PrintMessage 226 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO OFFICER Present 313 PrintMessage 207 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO OFFICER Present 314 PrintMessage 168 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO ANY FlagON 30 (* You've breathed helium. *) PrintMessage 159 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND TALK TO ANY FlagON 30 (* You've breathed helium *) AtLocation 171 (* Fortune teller's shop *) PrintMessage 160 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SCREAM AtLocation 171 (* Fortune teller's shop *) FlagON 30 (* Helium flag *) Present 323 (* Fortune teller *) PrintMessage 161 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SCREAM AtLocation 171 (* Fortune teller's shop *) FlagON 30 (* Helium flag *) Present 284 (* Crystal ball *) PrintMessage 229 SwapLocations 284 291 (* Swap crystal ball with crystal shards *) AddToVariable 1 146 PlusScore 5 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND SCREAM FlagON 30 (* Helium flag *) PrintMessage 162 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND UNTIE BALLOON ReDirectTo BREATHE HELIUM END_COMMAND COMMAND BREATHE HELIUM IsCarrying 282 (* Orange balloon *) TurnCounterON 10 (* Helium counter *) TurnFlagON 30 (* Helium flag *) PrintMessage 157 Destroy 282 (* Orange Balloon *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND COMPLETE THE MOVE AtLocation 85 (* Library *) Present 223 (* Chess piece *) PrintMessage 187 ChangePassageway 5 93 (* Open passageway to Bottom of Stairs in tower *) Destroy 223 (* Chess piece *) DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND COMPLETE THE MOVE AtLocation 85 (* Library *) PrintMessage 188 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND PET CAT Present 317 (* Green cat *) PrintMessage 189 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND COMMAND EAT PEAR Present 269 (* Pear *) FlagOFF 199 (* Peanuts sick flag *) Destroy 269 (* Pear *) PrintMessage 219 (* Yay! *) PlusScore 3 TurnFlagON 199 DoneWithTurn END_COMMAND