! Testing what is/SopeWithin and custom meta ! #Iftrue (#version_number == 8); Constant USEINFORM; #Endif; Constant Story "Parser test"; Constant Headline "^A parser test suite for PunyInform.^"; Serial "200827"; Constant INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE = LitRoom; ! Uncomment to show time instead of score/turns !Statusline time; !Constant DEBUG; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEANDPERFORM; !Constant DEBUG_PARSEPATTERN; !Constant DEBUG_PARSETOKEN; !Constant DEBUG_CHECKNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_GETNEXTNOUN; !Constant DEBUG_SCOPE; ! Uncomment to add optional features to PunyLib !Constant DEBUG; !Constant CUSTOM_ABBREVIATIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_ALLOW_WRITTEN_NUMBERS; Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_METAVERBS; !Constant OPTIONAL_EXTENDED_VERBSET; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_SCORE; !Constant OPTIONAL_FULL_DIRECTIONS; !Constant OPTIONAL_GUESS_MISSING_NOUN; !Constant OPTIONAL_MANUAL_SCOPE; !Constant RUNTIME_ERRORS = 0; #Ifdef USEINFORM; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; #IfNot; Include "globals.h"; #EndIf; #Ifndef USEINFORM; Include "puny.h"; #EndIf; ! Uncomment to add PunyLib extensions !Include "ext_menu.h"; !Include "ext_flags.h"; !Include "ext_quote_box.h"; !Include "ext_cheap_scenery.h"; Object questions "questions"; Object -> "long count" with name 'long' 'count', description "The Long Count is the great Mayan cycle of time, which began in 3114 BC and will finish with the world's end in 2012 AD."; Object -> "grue" with name 'grue', description "Don't tell me you don't know."; Object -> "samarkand" with name 'samarkand', description "Samarkand is a city in south-eastern Uzbekistan."; ! -- testing scope grammar token ! See: https://www.inform-fiction.org/manual/html/s32.html [ QueryTopic; switch (scope_stage) { 1: rfalse; 2: ScopeWithin(questions); rtrue; 3: "At the moment, even the simplest questions confuse you."; } ]; [ QuerySub; noun.description();]; Verb 'what' * 'is'/'was' scope=QueryTopic -> Query; #Ifdef USEINFORM; Include "Grammar"; #Endif; ! http://www.firthworks.com/roger/informfaq/vv.html ! (meta discussion at the end) ! ! but since restart is already orginally defined as meta ! we have to reinvert the logic here, and add a notMeta ! (to disable meta) instead. [ isMeta; meta = true; return GPR_PREPOSITION; ]; [ notMeta; meta = false; return GPR_PREPOSITION; ]; Extend 'restart' replace * -> Restart * notMeta noun -> SwitchOn; Object LitRoom "Lit Room" with description [; print "You are in a brightly lit room.^"; ], has light; Object -> LightSwitch "LightSwitch" with short_name "light switch", description "It's a switch located on the wall.", name 'light' 'switch', has switchable static; [Initialise; print "^^The testsuite is open for business!^^"; print "If you drop the ball in the dark room it will still be in scope.^"; #IfDef USEINFORM; location=INITIAL_LOCATION_VALUE;; #EndIf; ];