TRISTAM ISLAND By Hugo Labrande Manual for : Atari ST version ================================= After crashing your plane at sea, you end up drifting to a small island, with not much to survive. You explore, and find out the island was inhabited, years ago. But why did the people leave? And why is there a fence around that big building at the top of the hill? ================================= NOTE This package contains two things: - a file "", that can be read by an emulator and some systems, but also burned onto a floppy using a tool such as OmniFlop; - a folder "contents", that contains the contents of the floppy the ".st" file is imaging; you can copy these files over to your ST if that's easier for you. ================================= HOW TO PLAY - Insert the disk in your Atari ST (or your emulator). - Start the system. - Press a key when you are done looking at the splash screen. - If you prefer, switch to medium resolution. - Open the disk. - Launch "JZIP.TTP", and supply "tristam.z3" as the argument. - The game then starts. Example of inputs recognized by the game are: go east, examine sky, inventory, enter ocean, take pebble, open matchbook. Around 100 verbs are recognized by the game. There are no built-in hints in the game (there just isn't the space!), so I encourage you to ask other players for help! If you encounter a bug, or if a sensible command wasn't recognized, or if you want to give me any sort of feedback, don't hesitate to send me an email : hugo at hlabrande dot fr. ================================== MANY THANKS TO - Infocom, creators of the Z-Machine and of so many awesome adventure games that we're still using their tools 40 years later; - Graham Nelson, creator of Inform 6; - Andrew Plotkin, for his hard work and dedication to fixing the Inform 6 compiler's bugs that had prevented z3 releases for years; - Fredrik Ramsberg and Johan Berntsson, for the amazing PunyInform library, and many optimizations; - My testers: Manon Burz-Labrande, CrocMiam, Steve Flintham, Grimmnebulin, Brennen Kinch, Juhana Leinonen, Samuel Verschelde, Mark Walker, Jack Welch; - The players who reported bugs in the initial release: Davide Bucci, Chris Carter, Wade Clarke, Denk, Richard Hawkins, Christopher Merrimer, Brian Rushton, Tiffany Zhao; - Stefan Vogt, for his help setting up many ports of this game, and his detailed answers to my technical questions. For the Atari ST port more specifically: - Dancer (@algo_anthill), for compiling JZIP for the Atari ST; - John Holder, for developing JZIP; - Mark Howell and Olaf Barthel, for developing ZIP 2.0, on which JZIP is based; - ggn (from AtariAge), for his help with GFA Basic; - Stefan Vogt, for his help with the splash screen; - Stephen F. Winsor, for the game's logo and graphics conversion; - Karen Christie, for the painting that serves as cover art.