================= 2.1.3 ============================================= 01-23-2001 + Added EventGenerator class. + Added textStyleVerb to enable the player to toggle between aggregated and traditional text styles. + Added textStyleAggregate attribute to global. + Modified queue to examine textStyleAggregate attribute to determine how to process queued text. + Added addUnique() function, which simplifies the addition of unique elements to a list. + tightened up the #include lists for the following modules: animate.h, composite.h, nestedroomactionable.h, preparseobj.h, command.t, listcontgen.t, deepverb.h, queue.t, and story.h. + Modified Object.h sensing logic to bypass examination of objects already in the path list. This changed scopeLocations() and scopeContents(). + Fixed bug with askVerb and tellVerb to allow the topics to be outside the range of the actor's senses. ================= 2.1.2 ============================================= 10-15-2000 + A comment in listcontgen() has been fixed to reflect that it's actually part of the "tall" listing rather than the "wide" listing. + Thing.thatDesc. The plural form has been changed to display "those" instead of "them"; this provides a better parallel to the singular display ("that"). , + Added Composite and Component classes. Changed Object, DeepVerb classes to accomodate the new classes. Added reparsePronoun preparse object to handle pronouns for composite objects. + Fixed a bug with Container.doSearch(), which was passing the wrong number of arguments to .canSenseContents(). ================= 2.1.1 ============================================= 09-13-2000 + Separated Thing into Object and Thing classes. Object defines the methods for containment, scope(), and object instantiation. Thing inherits from Object. + Added Wall.h, which defines walls and ceiling + changed the way scopePreAction(), scopePostAction() and scopeEndCommand() determine their scopeLists. and scopePostAction() determine scopeList objects + uncommented deepverb.disambDobj(). ================= 2.1.0 ============================================= 07-25-2000 + modified Animate.moveInto() so that actor movement re-adjusts Floating object locations. + Fixed Floating.getLocationsList so that it returns an empty list if the object's location is nil. + modified Animate class canSenseObj() and canSensePreferred() to check the Aminate's sensesList for valid senses. + removed BedDisplayable class, which was redundant with ChairDisplayable. + Added Connection class and modified Connector class to inherit from Connection. + Modified Obstacle making it a mix-in with destination(), findDest, and noExit properties. + Renamed Obstacle class to Destination. + Renamed doorTo propety to leadsTo. + Renamed MultiLoc class to FloatingDestination. + Modifed Passageway, changing inheritance order and removing properties now inherited from Destination. + Changed EnterableActionable to derive from NestedRoomActionable. + Renamed wearableInterface and obstacleInterface to iWearable and iDestination. Removed &destination from iDestination requirements. + Consolidated againppo.t into preparseobj.h; consolidated gameclock.t and gameclockppo.t into clock.h; consolidated idestination.t and iwearable.t into interface.h; consolidated me.t into player.h; consolidated numobj.t into integer.h; consolidated strobj.t into string.h ================= 2.0.0 ============================================= 07-06-2000 + Changed story.initialize so that the player object is moved into its startingLocation + Changed Player class so that travelTo moves the player into room. Removed the override for moveInto(). + Removed isVisible() and isReachable() logic. Removed visibleList() and reachableList(). These have been replaced by scope(). + Removed cantReach() and cantReachRoom from Thing. + Added cantReach() method to DeepVerb. + Added canSenseObj(), canAnySenseObj(), scope(), senseFromAbove() and senseFromBelow() methods to Thing class. + Added Material, Sense, and Connector class. + Moved terminate() function to a method on story + Converted die() and won() to deathMessage() method on story + Removed contentsVisible() and contentsReachable() methods, these are replaced by the canSenseContents() as well as the canSenseLocations(). + Added gLocation() function, which returns actor scope ceiling + Modified the lighting system. Changed isLit to lightsOn for Room, DarkRoom, and Lightsource. Added isLit to Thing class. + Added Callback class. This is used in conjunction with scope() to calculate things like lighting. + Added wrapper function undoTurn() for the undo command. + Changed isActor attribute to isAnimate. + Changed statusPrep and outOfPrep to boardingPrep and unboardingPrep. + Added Posture class and objects. + Added boardingPosture and unboardingPosture and posture. + Added Enterable, EnterableOpenable, EnterableDisplayable, EnterableActionable, and EnterableTravelable classes. ================= 1.0.6 ============================================= 06-21-2000 + Added againPPO, Stringizer class, and modified preCommand() to store global.cmdString for <> processing using stored command string. + Modified Floating and MultiLoc classes. Modified deepVerb.validXoList(), preinit(), and preCommand() to call new moveFloating() function, which moves Floating class objects into their locations. + Redefined Obstacle classes that derive from MultiLoc so that these classes are composed of their non-floating definition + MultiLoc: i.e. LockableDoor is now defined as deriving from MultiLoc, LockableDoorway + Replaced Word generated document on Class Diagrams with Rational Rose UML HTML pages. ================= 1.0.5 ============================================= 06-03-2000 + Changed isIn() removing its dependence upon visibility. This modified definition of DarkRoomActionable and checkReach(). + Added KeyedDoorway, KeyedDoor, KeyedGateway, KeyedGate and KeyedContainer classes. + Converted Readable into Readable mix-in and ReadableItem class. + Changed SeethruItem thrudesc to thruDesc and added attribute to class. Changed Readable readdesc to readDesc. + Fixed definition of Bedable. + Changed BasicStrObj and BasicNumObj to String and Integer classes. ================= 1.0.4 ============================================= 04-28-2000 + Broke out classes into Marker and Mix-in and interface classes. + Added Openable, Lockable, Fixture, and Transparent mix-ins. + Added RoomActionable, RoomDisplayable, and RoomTravelable mix-ins and their derivations. + Added checkForInterface() function. + Added Passageway and Passage classes. + Added MultiLoc, Gateway, Gate, LockableGateway, and LockableGate classes. + Updated Getting Started, Classes, and Markers, Mix-ins, and Interfaces document. ================= 1.0.3 ============================================= 04-15-2000 + Changed SackItem Class to process moving of objects as a preAction. Removed SackItem reference from Thing class. + Fixed bug with command() deleting object that is still referenced. + Fixed queue to display prefix when prefixdesc has received show parameter of true. This fixes <> type commands where all refers to one object. + Changed room display so that actor description is displayed last. + Added trim methods to PreparseObj class. + Implemented HTML support for status and prompt as the default standard. + Added to Getting Started and Classes documentation. ================== 1.0.2 ============================================= 04-05-2000 + Added initial, describe, whenOpen, whenClosed, whenOn, and whenOff attribute display. + Added ListGroup / ListGroupMessage / ListGroupParenCount and modifications to listContGen() to handle group listing. + Added verbAction, postAction and endCommand object reactions. + Added global command variable functions: gActor(), gVerb(), gDoList(), gDobj(), gPrep(), gIobj(), gStatus(), and gCommand(). + Added wrapper functions for yorn(), askdo, askio() input(), quit(), outcapture(), and execCommand(). + Modified class, function, method, object, and local variables to conform to Java-style naming standards. + Renamed MovableActor class to Animate. Renamed BasicMe class to Player. Modified fmt strings on both classes to better reflect pronouns. + Renamed Queue as queue, see naming standards. + Separated timesys into Clock class and gameClock object. + Fixed bug with Clock "wait until 6:00" + Fixed bug with Container class contentsVisible contentsReachable isOpen. + Fixed bug with SackItem class s argument redefined as local. + Fixed bug with queue replaceWith '_it_' for isThem. =================== 1.0.1 ======================================== 03-26-2000 + Added story object to Alt. This change removes mainRestore() and version object, as well as modifying init() and initRestore(). + Converted timesys functions to methods. + Fixed bug with Queue singular/plural display. ==================== 1.0.0 ======================================== 03-19-2000 Creation.