PIRATE'S PLUNDER! by Tiberius Thingamus ----------------- Ahoy! Prepareth fer some island lootin' good times, me matey. What interpreter be ye sailin', today? If yer usin' the ADRIFT Runner, open ye "plunder_adrift.taf" file. If yer usin' Gargoyle or some such, open "plunder_gargoyle.taf". Ye may notice some differences! In this game, it be yer goal to findeth ye olde, cursed treasure on Loot Island and taketh it fer yer own. Not even that evil Captain Hookhead can stoppeth ye once ye put ye mind to it. Know why? If ye guessed "Because I'm a pirate," yer on the right track, me hearty! Remember that ye can typeth TUT at any time to looketh at ye olde tutorial message. X an object to findeth out how ye might use it properly. Ye might typeth HINT, too, if ye getteth truly stuck in ye game. To all me sea dogs, enjoy! Yo ho! Yr. most humble, ob't serv't, Tiberius Thingamus!