Kill Justin!: A Twisted Text Adventure Game 1999 William Mistretta ---Basic Instructions--- Hello all. Welcome to Kill Justin. The object of this game is to use the various items scattered around your house to do away with your annoying stepbrother Justin once and for all. To do this, you'll need to learn how to interact with Kill Justin's text-based environment by inputting valid commands to the parser (computer). Below is a list of the most important verbs used in Kill Justin commands and what each one does: SAVE (Creates a save file, allowing you to continue your game at a later date). RESTORE (Loads a saved game of your choice). QUIT (Quits the game at any time). HELP (Get help at any time during the game). MAP (Displays a map of all the non-secret areas in the game). NORTH (N)/SOUTH (S)/EAST (E)/WEST (W)/UP (U)/DOWN (D) (Moves the player in the direction of choice). LIST EXITS (Lists all the obvious directions in which the player can move). EXAMINE (Examine an object in detail). TAKE (Picks up an object, if possible). DROP (Drops an object currently carried by player). WEAR (Used to wear a piece of clothing). REMOVE (Removes a piece of clothing currently worn by player). LOOK/L (Describes player's surroundings. Also for looking under things). INVENTORY/I (Describes what the player is carrying and wearing). EXIT (Exits an enclosed area, such as an automobile). ENTER (Used to enter a doorway or portal). ATTACK/HIT/KILL (Used to attack a subject of the player's choice). THROW (Throw an object at a target of player's choice). SHOOT (Fire a weapon at a chosen target). GIVE (Present a chosen object to a person of player's choice as a gift). WAIT (Do nothing for one turn). TALK (Speak to an entity of player's choice). OPEN (Opens a single closed object of player's choice). CLOSE (Closes a single object of player's choice). PUSH (Used to push an object). PULL (Used to pull an object). POUR (A liquid). LIGHT (Used to ignite something, a fuse or match, for instance). JUMP (Allows player to jump off something). SLEEP (Used to take a nap. The presence of a bed is usually required). TURN ON/OFF (Used to switch on a device, a radio or television, usually). SIT (Used to sit on something, a chair, for instance). READ (A book). DRINK (Drink a liquid of player's choice). EAT (Consume something edible). Now for some examples of how to use each of these verbs in commands: QUIT HELP MAP NORTH LIST EXITS EXAMINE COUCH TAKE KNIFE DROP GRENADE WEAR TUXEDO REMOVE HAT LOOK LOOK UNDER TABLE INVENTORY EXIT CAR ENTER DOOR ATTACK JUSTIN WITH CLUB THROW BOMB AT JUSTIN SHOOT TANK WITH MACHINE GUN GIVE BRIBE TO COP WAIT TALK TO JUDGE OPEN CHEST CLOSE JAR PUSH COUCH PULL ROPE POUR OIL ON FLOOR LIGHT MATCH JUMP OFF ROOF SLEEP TURN RADIO ON SIT ON CHAIR READ BOOK DRINK COLA EAT PIZZA By inputting commands in this fashion, you can effectively interact with the game environment. ---Scoring--- Scoring in Kill Justin is handled rather simply. Actions that cause Justin harm earn you a certain number of points. The more harm caused, the more points. Silly and/or self-destructive actions (drinking poison, leaping off tall buildings, ect.) result in a loss of one or more points. Points can also be earned in other ways. Many of these involve secret portions of the game not immeadiately obvious to the casual player. ---Hit Points--- Hit Points represent the amount of physical harm a living thing can withstand before dying. Both you and Justin possess a number of Hit Points. When Justin's Hit Points reach zero, he dies and you win the game. Losing all of your Hit Points on the other hand, results in your death and loss of the game. ---Secrets--- There are four secret areas in Kill Justin that are not normally accessable to the player. Locating these areas can be tricky and it is not necessary to do so if winning the basic game is your only goal. For the advanced player, however, discovering these "secret rooms" can be a facinating challenge. And finally... ---The Ultimate Challenge--- It's possible to win the game with a score of 50 points in only six turns, while seeing only three (out of 21 total) areas. Can you do it? ---Special Thanks--- To Ryan Graff, who taught me AGT and programmed much of the earlier versions of Kill Justin. Much of the strangeness that is Kill Justin came straight from him. To Justin Curtis, my inspiration. Crude, immature, and impossibly annoying, my desire to strangle him with my bare hands led directly to this game. To Warwick Davis, for all things Leprechaun. To David R. Malmberg and Mark J. Welch, for dreaming up this crazy AGT stuff to begin with. Thanks, guys! To Bryan (, for a critical bug fix. ---Contact Info--- The latest version of Kill Justin can always be found at: Send all questions and comments regarding this game to: ---Well, on with the game!---