Dragons in Chocolate land is a text adventure game, created with AGT (the Adventure Game Toolkit). It is a world all its own, filled with strange and beautiful places, things and creatures. Your quest should become apparent as the game progresses. Winning requires intelligence and creativity. Violence is not encouraged unless absolutely necessary. -------------------------------------- You interact with the game world by typing in commands. Your commands can be expressed in the format: <(multiple) noun phrase(s)> For example: PUT THE GREEN ROCK BEHIND THE OAK TREE READ MY POETRY BOOK SWIM IN THE SWIMMING POOL EXAMINE THE GOLD RING, THE DWARF AND THE SILVER NECKLACE EAT THE CELERY AND THE ONION SHOOT THE BURGLAR WITH THE REVOLVER ATTACK HIM ("HIM" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the burglar) GET THE BOOK (also: TAKE THE BOOK) READ IT ("IT" will refer to last noun mentioned, e.g., the book) Compound commands can be created by connecting single commands (like those above) with "AND", "THEN" or the punctuation symbols "," or ";" to connect two or more separate commands, such as: CLIMB DOWN THE LADDER THEN SOUTH, WEST AND NORTHWEST GET THE CLOAK AND THEN EXAMINE IT; READ THE LABEL DROP THE FOOD AND THE BOTTLE THEN UNLOCK THE DOOR AND THEN LEAVE The game uses a number of special commands for various "housekeeping" chores. These are all pretty standard for most adventure games. Specifically: HELP, SCORE, INVENTORY, VERBOSE, LIST EXITS, SAVE, RESTORE, SCRIPT, UNSCRIPT and QUIT. The function keys have been predefined to stand for several of the most frequently used commands. Similarly, the cursor keys correspond to the various movement/compass directions. Hitting the '?' key (during the game) will display a diagram of keys and their definitions. ------- !!! Special Commands for Dragons In Chocolate Land !!! ------ DAY will tell you what day it is. TIME will tell you what time of day it is. HELP will let you look for useful information in The Big Book of Dragons, which you carry around with you. These aren't real hints, but they might give you some useful help if you get stuck. They're also fun to read. (Note: The Big Book of Dragons doesn't weigh anything. I did that to be fair, since you can't drop it.) STRENGTH will tell you what your current strength/stamina is. (This function is currently on, but incomplete.) There are many other things you can do... you'll simply have to play and explore to find them all! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Save your game often, and.... Good Luck!