This folder contains additional "external" libraries that this project depends upon. In some cases these are published, third-party extension libraries. In other cases, these are private libraries created by the project's author, to share common code with the author's other projects. In any case, these libraries aren't directly part of the project - they were designed as separate packages. For your convenience, though, they're bundled here, so that this source package contains everything needed to compile the project. You'll still need to install these libraries by "unzipping" each of these ZIP files: You must decide *where* to unzip these files. You have two main options: 1. The easiest way is simply to unzip all of these into the same folder as the rest of the project's source code. This will put a private copy of each library into the project folder. 2. If you use other third-party extension libraries, you can unzip these files into the same folder tree where you keep your other extensions. This will allow you to share these extensions with other projects. If you choose option 2, you might find that you already have one or more of the third-party extensions already installed. In this case, you can skip unzipping the duplicated library or libraries. Note that you might want to check versions to make sure that your previously installed version is at least as recent as the version bundled with the project.