Scott2Zip, version 1.00 ----------------------- (RCS ID: $Id: README,v 1.2 1995/11/07 06:08:53 bjorn Exp $) Here is the first production version of Scott2Zip, a converter of the classic Scott Adams adventures to source which can be compiled with Inform. The original adventure can be in either the TRS-80 or TI-99/4 format. The Brian Howarth's adventures, which are free and can be found at GMD, can also be translated by Scott2Zip. Note that the Scott Adams adventures are still copyrighted. The translated version obtained by Scott2Zip is for your personal use only; it must not be distributed to others in any way. To use Scott2Zip, you'll need: * Perl 4.036 * Inform 5.5 (no library needed) * An adventure in the TRS-80 format * A good Z-machine interpreter (Zip recommended) There are versions of Perl available for most operating systems, including Unix, MS-DOS, and VMS. Do like this to convert an adventure: scott2zip pirate.dat > pirate.inf inform pirate.inf Usually, Scott2Zip is able to find the title of the adventure in the game file itself (for most Scott Adams adventures). If that doesn't work, you can set the title yourself with the -t option. scott2zip -t'The Time Machine' 2_timemachine.dat > timemachine.inf In addition, there is a an debugging option (-d), which will add debugging commands to the translated game. scott2zip -d pirate.dat > pirate.inf Commands for recording and replay command scripts will be available. For further information, select the "Info about playing" item in the game itself. Scott2Zip is provided under the GNU General Public License. For further information, see the start of the scott2zip program and the file COPYING. Bug reports and suggestions can be sent to the address found below. Credits ------- For help to understand the TRS-80 format, thanks to Paul David Doherty, who wrote the decompiler ScottDec, and to Alan Cox, who wrote the game driver ScottFree. Thanks to Graham Nelson, for creating Inform, and for documenting the Z-machine. Thanks to Graham Nelson and Gareth Rees, for suggesting how word-wrapping in the upper window could be done. Changes in 0.91 --------------- - TRS-80 format: The action 'Refill lamp' was not correctly translated, causing a compilation error. - TRS-80 format: When the owner of an item was set to -1 (meaning player), it was not correctly understood, aborting Scott2Zip. - Empty descriptions for items are converted to 'ITEMnn', where 'nn' is the number of the items. (Emtpy strings are not allowed by Inform and the Z-machine.) An earlier attempt to not include such items in the converted file failed, because of a bug in 'Golden Odyssey', there typing 'get sandals' would give you item 0 which has an empty description. You will never notice it, though, because you are immediately thereafter killed for stealing! - TRS-80 format: Action 71, 'Save', was not translated correctly, causing other trouble as well. - To avoid cluttering up the screen when compiling, any warnings about strange things in the adventure being translated are now printed at the end of the converted file. In particular, that applies to verbs without action. - The message "I'm carrying too much" was shown with an extra carriage return. - Scott Adams' Adventure 14 contains an item belonging to room 50; but the highest room number is 35. Since the item obviously should be in room zero (object store), Scott2Zip now changes the owner in such cases to 0. A warning will be shown at the end of the converted file. - TRS-80 format: Action 89, 'Draw picture', is now properly ignored. - If an adventure defines a verb more than once, a warning message will be written to the end of the converted file and all but the first definition will be ignored. (Earlier, Scott2Zip didn't write the warning message.) Example: In 'Savage Island', part 1, 'yell' is first defined as a separate verb, then later as a synonym to 'ask'. - If an action references a noun which has too high number, the action will be ignored and a message written to the end of the converted file. (4_arrow2) - All items with the description 'ITEMnn' (empty in the original game file) and not referenced from any action will be listed at the end of the file. - TRS-80 format: Continued actions didn't really work; now they do (I hope). There were several bugs. - TRS-80 format: Action 75, 'Put item x with item y', got the arguments in the wrong order. - TRS-80 format: Empty actions (all zeros) was interpreted as an each-turn action and causing trouble (resetting the address for each-turn actions). - TRS-80 format: The argument to action 79, 'Set current counter value', was truncated to an 8-bit value, making 'Mission Impossible' really impossible (44 turns instead of 300 before the bomb explodes). Changes in 0.92 --------------- Reading of player commands rewritten, fixing the following: - A word beginning with digits will have the letter 'd' prepended to it. Similarly, all dictionary words starting with digits also have 'd' prepended. That is a workaround for the limitation in Inform that dictionary words must start with a letter. - The complete typed verb will be retained in a buffer, so that it can be printed if it turns out to be unknown. (I don't know how to "VERB".) - The meta-commands reimplemented. They now all start with '$', e.g. $replay. The reading routine will strip the '$', but retain all other letters in the word (note that ordinary games words are truncated to 3, 4, or 5 letters). - Added the meta-commands $replay, $record, $norecord, $script, and $noscript (aka $unscript). - Fixed a stupid bug in the word_wrap routine (it caused two character in the "visible items" list to be wiped out if the list was long). - Added the 'invent_order' property to each item, giving the order in which items should be shown in inventory lists. - Changed inventory printing to print items sorted by the 'invent_order' property. This makes sures that we get 'space suit, which I'm wearing', and not 'which I'm wearing, space suit' in 'Strange Odyssey'. - The status window is now only redrawn when something in it has changed. This might speed up things on computers with slow screens, but far more important is the next item. - If a game transcript is activated, the text in the status window will be printed to the game transcript, but only when the contents has actually changed. (The routine to update the status window is now called RefreshStatusWindow, instead of DrawStatusLine.) - Removed the confusing temp_light flag, used to provide light temporarily even in darkness. It shouldn't be there; games that need light for a few shorts moments will fix that themeselves ('The Count', where you can light a match in the dark pit to be able to see what's there). - Eliminated unecessary blank lines between turns. - Scott2Zip will now try to find the name of the adventure and show it when the game starts. This is done by searching for a string similar to: "Welcome to Adventure number 2: `Pirate Adventure`". If none is found, the title will be set to 'ADVENTURE nn', where nn is the number of the adventure. This can be overridden with the command line option -t to set the title to anything. - TRS-80 format: The comments for actions (if any) will printed before the translated action. - The parser somewhat cleaned up and commented. Also added a check to ensure that nouns have the noun bit set. (Thus, 'get get' will be rejected with the message: I don't know what a "get" is.) - Most of the meta-commands is now only included if the constant DEBUG is defined in the translated game. To set the constant, give the command line switch -d when running scott2zip. - Added the meta-command $random, to make the random number generator predictable. Given an optional numeric argument N, random(-N) will be called. $random will only be available in DEBUG-mode. - TRS-80 format: Improved error checking and error messages. Now missing quotation marks will be reported (Scott2Zip used to go on processing forever). Note that this is an issue only if you have a corrupt game file or you try to translate something that is not a game file. Bjorn Gustavsson