This is the README file for the WinPaw IDE This is the 6.2 version of the WinPaw IDE The WinPaw IDE is the Adventure Game Creation portion of WinPaw. It may be run on Windows 95 or later and any version of Windows NT. To install the IDE, UnZip and run the setup program. If you have not installed the MDAC 2.5 libraries, (see the note below) install them FIRST or you will get an error installing the WinPaw IDE. The executable will be installed to your c:\Program Files\WinPawIDE folder, unless you change it. This program requires the Microsoft MDAC 2.5 libraries to run the program and the HTML Help Viewer to use Help. The Help Viewer has been included in the .CAB. The MDAC library has not. The installation program for this can be found from the http:\\ Downloads page. Details on what changes are in the different versions is in the Help under WinPaw Version History and on the Web Site. This is the Update version of the WinPaw IDE. It should only be installed if you HAVE installed the WinPaw IDE before. Support for problems with the WinPaw IDE or Engine will be handled by E-Mail to See the Help for information to include when reporting bugs or problems. This 6.2 version is a maintenance version correcting some bugs. The main bugs were with loading inports. A list of the files in this ZipFile follows: setup.exe SETUP.LST WinPAWIDE.CAB WinPawIDE.ReadMe