Hello, and welcome to the walkthrough for Ailihphilia, an IFComp 2018 game by Andrew Schultz. I didn't intend this game to be overly difficult or to have any weird profound meanings, but I had good laughs putting the puzzles together, and I hope you have fun solving them, even if you see what is going on and how there aren't THAT many possibilities to solve them. It may be a bit on the long side for two hours, and so I don't mind if you need to look for a walkthrough, or if I may lose scoring for that. Just one thing...TIP IT is a useful command to help push you through, and if you look through the VERBS, you will find other warp commands. There should be no way to die or be locked out of a win in Ailihphilia. Ailihphilia is also decidedly nonlinear. This creates some problems with a plain text document. I doubt that you proceeded in the way I organized the puzzles for my main tests, so you may wind up skipping around a bit. I can only recommend the Invisiclues-style HTML hints that come with the build, if you want a more thorough approach to the game. It is room-based, so it may not be perfect, but you should be able to tell if something is blocking you. The in-game hints should work as well. This walkthrough is designed to be turn-saving in the extreme. In other words, using this walkthrough, you will get stuff to help Person X before visiting Person X. I've tried to describe what's going on, so you can see a bit of detail if you want to. Also, this game does not cover any of the eleven unnecessary points, nor does it cover how to get the very best ending once you have all those points. If you want, you can poke at the source code to see the final puzzle's solution. I don't mind. The best way to look for what you need is to search for something that is blocking you. For instance, if you are stuck by the s-c-o-r-n r-o-c-s, you could search for either word. Without the dashes, of course. If you are technically inclined, you can grep -i "^>" walkthrough.txt | sed "s/.*>//" to plow through. Or grep -i ">.*(item name)" to see what to do with a specific item. So, if you want the quick way without comments, there it is. While it could be quicker, turn-wise, with the GT command--I've gotten under 200--you might not actually save keystrokes. Some particular spoilers, such as the general procedure for puzzles, may be encoded in ROT13. You'll know them, because they look like gibberish. Copy and paste them to Rot13.com to see what happens. Many point scoring commands will be palindromes. Most of the others are of the form USE X ON Y. You can shorten them by just using one word. In other words, to bowdlerize from Kingdom of Loathing's Palindome, USE EVIL OLIVE ON TACO CAT could be shortened to USE OLIVE ON CAT. (I used the full names because I wrote a script to make sure the walkthrough and source were relatively synced, and I didn't want to cross up namespaces e.g. the Gulf Lug and Flu Gulf could both be GULF.) So let's get started. First of all, this walkthrough is brought to you by KLU-BULK ... wait, no it isn't, but I couldn't help myself. Fun Enuf is, well, not fun enough to start. And worse yet, you can't leave until you know what to do with the Pact Cap! Well, you can leave through the Tix Exit, but that's no fun, unless you like seeing bad ends. Flat out TAKEing the Pact Cap doesn't work. TAKE says maybe if it were a KAT. GET says "Get, e.g. ..." You need some sort of palindrome ending in CAP, and the simplest is PAC? CAP. (+1) >PACK CAP lets you take it. Note if you examine it, you may be unhappy with it. You feel like it can do more. You'll need it to, later. Maybe you can guess, but that's not necessary now. There are not too many immediate possibilities, and two work. You also get a set-o-notes to replace the darer ad. They're still a bit vague, so we'll see wheat we can do with them, later. That's all the points you can get for the Dim Mid region, for now. In fact, Fun Enuf is the only room in the Dim Mid...until the end. Now you're kind of blocked at the Seer Trees in Grebeberg to the west, so maybe we can figure out how to get past the STARK RATS. We can explore a bit, too, first. >E.N The Revolt Lover says the trap art is a useless design that didn't quite work. Maybe it'll work for you. It's not nailed down, so take it. >GET TRAP ART Now let's open up the part of Yelpley that lets you fiddle with the items you've got. Note you can go north so you can use GT later, or you can just GT LOVER once you reach a dead end, By the way, the X/Y Pyx to the south is not critical, and you won't need it if you stick to this walkthrough, but it's helpful. >S.S So Dave won't let you go west. You need to do something to him. Something in the spirit of the game. If you examine Dave with the Pact Cap set to Love Vol, you hear a noise which means you need to do something weird. (+1) >EVADE DAVE >W Rob and Dave are two entirely different people, but the strategy is the same. Again, the noise. (+1) >BORE ROB Now Worn Row isn't suitable for getting anything done, yet. It has that redness ender, but that looks kind of dangerous. How would you restore it as a place to BE and DO something constructive? The Bad Dab is a hint. There are two ways, but I'll go with the one that saves a few turns. (+1) >WORD ROW Each book in the Tract Cart is useful for something, except for the one you find that gets you an LLP. However, two are more immediately useful. Backtracking to Word Row shouldn't be too painful, because as you'll later see, there are other things to do here, too. >GET TO IDIOT Note: I had trouble with the parser on typing GET TO or whatever. So "GET TI" or "GET TO IDIOT" is recommended. To Idiot is a book about laughing at people. The Revolt Lover might not like it, but someone else does. >E.N.N.N The Door Frood seems to laugh at people a lot. Aha! (+1) >USE TO IDIOT ON DOOR FROOD >GET BUNK NUB >E The Mayo Yam isn't critical until later, but take it, because hooray free stuff. >GET ALL Note you can't get EVERYTHING. But the pity tip also gives a small clue... (+1) >USE PITY TIP ON EYE The snack cans, like the mayo yam, can be dealt with much later. The rep popper and bomb mob/TNT are way down the line. >W.W What to do with the ten-level net? It looks a bit shaky. Examining with the pact cap on confirms something special needs to be done. (+1) >TEND NET You should probably examine the epicer recipe here. You may remember the TNT just back east in Yell Alley. It's the trickiest of the four parts of the North-Tron to pick up, even though it's the first you found. Not that any one is easy. Let's go back to Worn/Word Row. >E.S.S.S.W (+1) >WORK ROW Hopefully the goings-on make it clear that you can get Word Row back whenever you need. The three machines have possibilities. The trap art is a nice design, but it's not the real thing. What if we put it in a machine? There's no penalty for guessing wrong. (+1) >USE TRAP ART ON REIFIER Maybe the bunk nub could be refurbished, too. It's not quite something anyone can sleep on. (+1) >USE BUNK NUB ON REVIVER Now let's get another book. >WORD ROW >GET EPOCH COPE Now we can not only explore Grebeberg to the west but do a good deal there. >E.N.W.W The rats are in the way. There's a lot of ways to get rid of them, some shorter than this command, but I'm using the full one so this walkthrough is indexed. For instance, DROP works. (+1) >USE PARTY TRAP ON STARK RATS >N If you talk to King Nik, you'll find he's overwhelmed by the responsibility of governing. So... (+1) >USE EPOCH COPE ON KING NIK Spur-ups! Ooh! We'll get to those in a bit. >S.S How to get past the eels? They are sleeping but look a bit uncomfortable. (+1) >USE STOCK COTS ON SLEEP EELS >S The kayo yak is/was harmless, but it'll help you later. Where you'll have to make it a bit harmful. Not so much to you as to someone, or something else. Meanwhile, more stuff to take. >GET STAMP MATS.E.GET POO COOP Time to refill on books! GT might be useful here. >W.N.N.E.E.S.W.GET YOB ATTABOY >E.N Now the Emo Dome pushes us back because it makes us feel ... down. The Spur Ups can't be used on anything else, but they help you FEEL up. (+1) >PUFF UP >E There you go! But you still run through the Emo Dome too fast. How to stop yourself? The Spur Ups are half-used. (+1) >PULL UP You now have access to a few more rooms. But let's not cover them all at once. You can't do anything meaningful to the east, yet. The cross orc blocks you. And Red Roses Order to the north is a long way away. You need to fool the DIFF ID. >GET PUCE CUP >W.W.W.N Let's break us off some of that past sap. (+1) >USE WASH SAW ON PAST SAP Now put the sap somewhere its stickiness doesn't matter. (+1) >USE PUCE CUP ON PAST SAP You'll notice that the past sap changes to purist sirup if you move away. >S.E.E.E.S Always take random stuff lying around! >GET TROLL ORT How to rescue the Wordy Drow? Note the past sap has changed, now it's warm. Also note the Liar Grail leaves you feeling twisted by paradoxes, etc. (+1) >USE PUCE CUP ON LIAR GRAIL If you go south, you'll notice the Bond Nob, who is sick and needs medicine. But you don't have to, to save moves. >N.W.W.W.N.E The dose sod can't be handled by itself. The go-by bog can't be dealt with until you know a way through. Also, if you go north of Cold Loc, you'll see someone who needs your help. >USE PUCE CUP ON DOSE SOD Trivia time: you only get a point the first time you fill up the puce cup. So if you'd filled it with the dose sod first, you'd have gotten a point for the sod. Also, if you fill it with sap or sod twice, you don't get an extra point. >W.S.E.E.E.S.S (+1) >USE PUCE CUP ON BOND NOB You can't use the Elan Ale, but maybe someone else can, a bit later. Someone who wants to be posh. Let's get busy with what's behind the nob, now. We can't do get the cassettes sac to the west, but the Demo Med is enough for now. >W.GET ALL.E.E Hmm. The scrap metals are useless without something that can design them. (+1) >USE STAMP MATS ON SLATE METALS Ooh, a key! Not just any key, but YE KEY! And maybe we can help the Gulf Lug in Flu Gulf, north of Cold Loc, now. >W.N.N.W.W.W.N.N (+1) >USE DEMO MED ON GULF LUG A reward! We don't have much to buy for ourselves, and there aren't any actual shops, so ... let's spread the wealth to someone who cares. >S.S.E.E.E.E (+1) >USE CASH SAC ON CROSS ORC Now we can go north or south! >S We can do a bit of the work in Deft Fed. Even change it. Or help Sniffins change it. (+1) >USE YOB ATTABOY ON SNIFFINS You're kicked out, but you can just go back in. The Dirt Rid is not useful in its present state, but maybe you can guess what to do with it. >S You may notice the location name is different. This means nothing other than that I had some really good location names but not enough locations. I hope it's a nice side perk in addition to just scoring points. How can we class up the joint? Sniffins won't give us the Gorge Grog. (+1) >USE ELAN ALE ON SNIFFINS You didn't need to give Sniffins anything to get the Nat's, but you still need Nat's much later. Let's take care of it now, so we won't have to visit Deli, Tiled again. (+1) >STAND NAT'S With another book fobbed off on an NPC, let's get the final one. Okay, there will be Some Demos, too. But that's for something else. We won't be using the last book for a while, but why not take it now? >N.W.W.S.W.GET NULL ILLUN >WORK ROW The Cave Vac is simply not powerful enough to clean anything. But once it is, you may know what to clean. (+1) >USE DIRT RID ON REVIVER >E.N.E.S.S.W (+1) >USE CAVE VAC ON CASSETTES SAC A radar can detect hidden things. What might be hiding something? You may wish to scan random scenery before finding the answer below. >E.N.N.E (+1) >USE RADAR ON CRAG ARC That's four food items you have, now. You may wish to combine them to see what happens or doesn't. Also, let's see what's to the north. If you are using the pyx, you'll notice there are just three rooms left in Yelpley, and the Red Roses Order is probably the last one you'll see. >N Ned wants a fight! The pact cap says you need to do something unusual. You can't fight, so denting him is out. (+1) >DENY NED >GET ALL The stinky knits are, again, not useful as-is. But they are free! That gate, though. What generally opens a gate? (+1) >USE YE KEY ON ETAGE GATE You may or may not have seen the roses, or ... pattern before. >N Now begins a chase! How to get rid of the Psi Wisp? It's reddish--do you remember anything else sort of red? Or something anti-red? You will be able to remove rooms by process of elimination. But you need a really powerful room to get rid of the wisp. >S.S.W.W.S.W The tract cart doesn't seem powerful enough. The RE*ER machines--well, the wisp won't be obliging enough to fit. What does that leave? The redness ender! (+1) >WORN ROW Bam! There goes the Psi Wisp. Back to work. We have something to convert, now, before going back to Pro Corp. The Stinky Knits could use sprucing up. >WORK ROW (+1) >USE STINKY KNITS ON ROTATOR >E.N.E.E.N.N >GET ALL The butene tub may or may not be chemically unstable. Do you have anything else chemically unstable? (+1) >USE GORGE GROG ON BUTENE TUB Science! And hey, a piece of the north-tron! Maybe you can do something else with the junk you have. The gold log is treasure, but you don't need it, and the DNA Band ... well, you can upgrade it now, but it's part of a longer later puzzle. >S.S.W.W.S.W The Gold Log is shiny, but it's not particularly useful, and it's not you. It seems to be rattling, as if it holds something inside, but you can't figure out how to open it. (+1) >USE GOLD LOG ON ROTATOR The dork rod is a bit more your speed. You can use it somewhere else, but again, there are places along the way. >E.N.W.W.S.S.E (+1) >USE SOME DEMOS ON YAHOO HAY >W.N.N.E.E.N (+1) >USE STRAW ARTS ON REVOLT LOVER You could cut a design out of the soot tattoos, but with what? (+1) >USE GATE TAG ON SOOT TATTOOS >S.W.W.W We can stop here to make passage to not one, but two, new places. The third will have to wait. The lie veil is too tricky right now. But the gnu dung and turf rut--too much matter in one, not enough in another. (+1) >USE POO COOP ON GNU DUNG Recycling time! (+1) >USE POO COOP ON TURF RUT >W The made dam may or may not be hiding something. It's made of all sorts of odd materials, some it probably doesn't need. (+1) >USE RADAR ON MADE DAM You can probably guess the eroded ore can be changed into Ore Zero, but getting it now is a bit out of the way for an optimal walkthrough. Let's wait until we have other stuff for the machines, then do it all at once. >N The sim mist blocking the way to the north is annoying. So is the Known Wonk, who says we can't pass it. They're not being rude, just scared. But if we help the Known Wonk out, now, that helps us out in return. (+1) >USE NULL ILLUN ON KNOWN WONK We can see what's behind the mist sim, but ... the edits tide is an odd sort of scenery. Maybe we can do something with it. (+1) >USE EL DOODLE ON EDITS TIDE The spa maps will be useful later once someone helps you decipher them fully, but first, we can do good work north in Lac Oft Focal. >N Now, the kayak doesn't have any oars, but you have a good enough substitute. Something made to help people escape for a bit. (+1) >USE ELOPE POLE ON KAYAK The you buoy isn't useful as-is, as you have no more travels over water. The Tao Boat, on the other hand, wants you to show it something. How would you show it you're happy with who you are and what you're doing? How do you feel peaceful enough to not be disrupted by your enemies, or this quest not having tons of special effects and life-threatening excitement? (+1) >USE DORK ROD ON TAO BOAT This also allows you to do something I flag much later in the walkthrough, but it's out of the way right now. So we'll avoid it. But I'll note it in rot13, because it allows you to kill one of the mini-bosses. Lbh pna tb gb Lryy Nyyrl naq gnxr gur cbccre, naq lbh pna hfr gur gna ba gur ebpf, gura hfr gur cbccre ba gur gbgrz. >S.S.S And now we can do a bit of double duty with the Code Doc. First, help the Code Doc... (+1) >USE TENT NET ON CODE DOC ...and the Code Doc will help you! Do you have any inventory items that might be confusing to you, still? (+1) >USE SPA MAPS ON CODE DOC The spa maps probably can be used on ... scenery in the Apse Spa. Let's go there. >N.E.E.N.E (+1) >USE SPA MAPS ON GO-BY BOG This gets you the Sage Gas, which you can't use right away. Now to get by the Ergot Ogre to the south of the Code Doc. You won't have seen the ogre if you just followed this walkthrough without digressing, but trust me, it's there, and it's in the way! First, though, a detour to the Moo Room. >W.S.S.S.E There's still some hay left, but it's not soft and artsy. (+1) >USE ENACT CANE ON YAHOO HAY You'll clean up somewhere else with the moor broom, but first, let's clean up Grebeberg of a certain blight. You will need the yak's assistance, but the yak can outrun you. (+1) >PACE CAP This makes you go faster. Otherwise, you run out of gas in Swamp Maws. (+1) >USE TROLL ORT ON BRAG GARB Now, run for your life! Okay, not for your life, but run and keep ahead of the yak. >W.N.N.W.W.S.S The ogre is intimidating but seems scared of the yak. How to get the yak to charge? A special command works here. (+1) >YAK OKAY Bye bye, ogre. Happy trails, yak. >E The tame mat doesn't really say anything, and you will want to fix that. (+1) >USE SAGE GAS ON TAME MAT Oops! You have the opposite problem, now. The guru rug is still a bit too pie-in-the-sky. Maybe it would be swell with the Diktat Kid gone, but the Kid's still here, , so it isn't. You need something that brings actions to the ideals of the guru rug. (+1) >USE SHARP RAHS ON GURU RUG There we go! You feel more competent now. More worthy of being able to do things. The stir writs will give you confidence. There is still one place we haven't looked at which is open. South of Dumb Mud. >W.N.N.E.S What do we do about Ian? Once we dispose of him, we can mix foods. But he is in the way! (+1) >NAIL IAN Without Ian, we can experiment some. Mont Nom is about food. You have four food items. Four of the combinations between them work. Other than that, how you pair them together doesn't matter. (+1) >USE SNACK CANS ON UFO TOFU Whatever you do first leaves only one option for the second combination. (+1) >USE GIFT FIG ON MAYO YAM In case you're curious, you need to mix a liquid with a solid. The tofu and yam are considered liquid, or soft. The snack cans and gift fig are considered solid, or hard. After your creations, the Martini Tram is the second part of the North-Tron. But note chasing it sent you back to Fun Enuf. >W.W.W.N The Tru Yurt is messy. You need something that can clean it. (+1) >USE MOOR BROOM ON TRU YURT The Known Wonk suddenly realizes something! Something that could help Dr. D! Let's go visit... You may guess what the Exam Axe is useful for, but again, this walkthrough focuses on turn saving. >S.S The porch crop that sprouted up in Uneven U is new. But there is too much of it. Do we have something that has trimmed other things? Maybe even something that trimmed something before? (+1) >USE WASH SAW ON PORCH CROP The balsa slab will be useful for later. >N.E Finally you can cut through the lie(s)! (+1) >USE EXAM AXE ON LIE VEIL >N The stir writs encourage you to take the Bros' Orb. So you can USE STIR WRITS ON BROS ORB, or you can just save a few keystrokes. Either way, you don't get a point, mostly because I wanted to the game to end with 77 or 88 points, and this was the easiest to avoid rewarding. >GET ALL You can now take down either mini-boss, but that's not quite turn-efficient. >S.E.E.E.S.W Now with all the junk we've accumulated, we can make non-junk. The DNA band in particular can be upgraded. (+1) >USE DNA BAND ON REIFIER The DNA hand isn't quite alive ... yet. (+1) >USE ROTO MOTOR ON DNA HAND How very grabby! Mr. Arm is a lot less visible than you are and probably can get in places you can't. Mr. Arm also gives some nice clues as to what is where if you examine him. But there's more. That eroded ore has potential... (+1) >USE ERODED ORE ON REVIVER Three parts of the north-tron! The fourth is just a bit away. It's the TNT, in case you forgot. But first, let's see what else the machines have to throw out. (+1) >USE YOU BUOY ON ROTATOR Treasure! Cool. You don't need the Me Gem, but maybe you can use it on someone extra selfish. >E.N.N.N.E (+1) >USE MR ARM ON BOMB MOB You can use Mr Arm on the TNT, too, to get the point. And that's probably more intuitive. But long story short: I synced my walkthrough with the code, and the Bomb Mob was an easier default to put in the table of game-advancing acts, since the TNT was in the "what you take" column. Anyway. >GET REP POPPER You could also have taken the rep popper after visiting the Tao Boat, but it wasn't really convenient to swing by until now. >W.S.S.W.W.N.N Those rocs are proud and shiny and hard to get by! Is there any way to deface them? Anything that could make them less purely white? (+1) >USE NAT'S TAN ON SCORN ROCS >W Okay, the Yuge Guy is here, with his Me Totem. You need to cut the Yuge Guy down to size, but nothing seems to work. That's because it's not him, but the idea of him that is intimidating or impressing people. (+1) >USE REP POPPER ON ME TOTEM That does it! Now for Ms. Ism. >E.S.S.E.E.E.N Again, dealing with Ms. Ism doesn't work directly. Is there something else that amplifies things? Try looking at the mirror rim. It shows how silly your pact cap looks. Do you have anything else that gives a vision? (+1) >USE BROS' ORB ON MIRROR RIM Now you have a weapon to take out the Diktat Kid! But it's not loaded. Let's clean some other things up first. The sword rows--what are they useful for? Cutting something up. Nothing too hard. Perhaps you can even use process of elimination at this point. (+1) >USE BALSA SLAB ON SWORD ROWS >S.W.S.W The not-a-baton could use a boost. It isn't anything, and it needs to become something. And there's only one machine left. Again, process of elimination. (+1) >USE NOT-A-BATON ON REIFIER Boom go the machines! Well, the final machine. Now what's this test set for? It's disposable junk, sort of. (+1) >USE MURDERED RUM ON YARD RAY How do you turn it on? EMIT ********. The last four letters are TIME, because palindromes are kind of a theme here. You need something bright and happy and positive--oh, and four letters long. (+1) >EMIT NOONTIME Now we need to practice our aim. We've destroyed most everything, but there's one thing we haven't, and it's not too useful. (+1) >USE YARD RAY ON TEST SET >E.N.W We now have all pieces of the North-Tron. There's no one right way to build it. In fact, there are twenty: you can use any of the epicer recipe and the four north-tron parts with any other. Okay, ten if you count combinations and not permutations. That's still enough, I hope. Oh, and no one way is better than the others. There's no hidden clever text. (+1) >USE TNT ON ORE ZERO >N Now, the grand finale! Conflict! And so on. Either the Knife Fink or Verses Rev can go first, but both have to go before you deal with the Diktat Kid. Trial and error may work. Or you can guess who might like what and also guess the henchmen need to go first. The Knife Fink looks a bit greedy. (+1) >USE ME GEM ON KNIFE FINK The Verses Rev is given to silly, overdone moral outrage. (+1) >USE TABOO BAT ON VERSES REV Similar to the Yuge Guy and Ms. Ism, being direct doesn't work here. If you try to shoot the Diktat Kid, that won't stop what the Kid's unleashed. Disabling one of the side weapons also don't work. You only have one shot. (+1) >USE YARD RAY ON REDIVIDER >S One last thing to do. It's not too tricky, I hope. You can spend time looking for last lousy points you didn't get, or you can wrap things up. (+1) >USE X-ITE TIX ON TIX EXIT There are slightly different endings, based on whether or not you found all the LLPs, as well as one other thing I'll let you work out. If you figure it, the X/O Box has something extra. If you're really curious, you can look through the source. But I don't want to spoil it in a standard walkthrough. I think it's appropriately thematic, though. And I hope you enjoyed Ailihphilia, no matter how much you used the walkthrough.