> look The Pub You are in a pub. A cool dartboard hangs on the wall. You can also see a silver coin, a table (on which are a gold coin, a dart and two silver coins), a box (which contains a gold coin), two darts and three gold coins here. > x coin Do you mean the silver coin or the gold coin? > silver The silver coins look all alike. > x coins Do you mean the silver coin or the gold coin? > gold The gold coins look all alike. > take silver Taken. > take silver coins silver coin: Taken. silver coin: Taken. > take gold coin Taken. > take coins gold coin: Taken. gold coin: Taken. gold coin: Taken. gold coin: Taken. > x dart The darts look all alike. > x darts The darts look all alike. > search dart The darts are solid - no hidden compartments. > search darts The darts are solid - no hidden compartments. > get darts dart: Taken. dart: Taken. dart: Taken. > throw dart at board You hit the board, yay! > look The Pub You are in a pub. A cool dartboard hangs on the wall, with a dart protruding from it. You can also see a table and a box (which is empty) here. > throw dart at board You hit the board, yay! > look The Pub You are in a pub. A cool dartboard hangs on the wall, with two darts protruding from it. You can also see a table and a box (which is empty) here. > throw dart at board You hit the board, yay! > look The Pub You are in a pub. A cool dartboard hangs on the wall, with three darts protruding from it. You can also see a table and a box (which is empty) here. > take all darts dart: Taken. dart: Taken. dart: Taken. > look The Pub You are in a pub. A cool dartboard hangs on the wall. You can also see a table and a box (which is empty) here. > quit Are you sure you want to quit? yes