This is an unofficial archive of the postings to the Z-Machine mailing list, from June 1997 until August 2002. This archive was taken straight from the files my email client (Eudora) uses to store email; I've been told that it's probably similar to the UNIX standard "mailbox" format, but I don't know for sure. Certainly it probably contains Eudora-isms -- I know that it includes several tags, for example. The names herein have not been changed, to avoid protecting the guilty ;) I can make no guarantees that this archive is comprehensive -- in fact, I probably have missed some messages along the way. All I can say is that it's the best that I have, and has been posted in its entirety -- except that I removed the "Received:" headers, since they didn't seem very useful. I hope somebody at least finds this archive useful -- and maybe someone could even distill some FAQs or something out of it :) ----- Gavin Lambert 9 August 2002