CAW's (Creative Adventure Writer) method of adventure writing was based on Peter Voke's Imagen on the BBC Micro (Acorn User October 1988) which used one trigger string to define locations. As you will discover, CAW goes much further to the extent that is essentially a different 'language'.It works by storing the location seperate to the (two) trigger actions and objects which both have many options. This is the concern of the manual so I shall not go into details. CAW is Freeware, ie you can copy it and use it for whatever purpose you want but I retain copyright. As CAW is needed to play adventures you can still release them Shareware if you wish provided all the CAW files are present on the disk - they are still Freeware! This disk should contain the following: CAW.EXE Main program CROWN.CAW Caw adventure - find the King's crown OGRE.CAW Caw adventure - investigate strange noises in the mountain and take appropiate action MANUAL.TXT Ascii manual README.TXT This file This PC version is 100% compatible with the original ST version although graphics and windowing commands will not apply (it's too much trouble to accomodate all cards - sorry). It should run on any PC compatible with any graphics/text card - the current mode is used when CAW is run. CAW was written and compiled with MicroSoft QuickBasic 4.5. The adventures supplied are converted from the old ST format (pre V3.6) and so do not have any extra functions that are in this version of CAW. Because of this there are several niggles with location descriptions. You could if you wanted alter this so that everything was consistant, the password for the CROWN adventure (a first attempt) is CROWN. The manual is 8 computer paper (66 lines) pages long and also includes hints and tips as to how to get the most out of CAW. Because of the system CAW uses it is ideal for writing quick, small adventures. I would very much like to see these type of adventures, say taking half an hour to an hour to complete appearing with others on further PD disks. Have fun, Richard Hunt, November 1993.