.You are outdoors in a thunderstorm. Your clothes are soaking wet and you are shivering with cold. The flashes of lightening show a dark, gloomy castle before you. A large door is to the north. .You see many cloaks hanging from rods here. The only door is to the east. .There is assorted pieces or armor and weapons scattered about the room. The exits are to the north & west. .There are many tubs filled with fresh wax here. The exits are at the east & west. .There is a large table and a stove here. There is a walkway to the west and a door to the SOUTH. .There is a crystal chandelier in the middle of the room. There are doors to the north & south. .You see many broken bottles here. There are doors to the east & west. .There are two planter boxes here. The doors are at the south, east & west. .This room is covered with dust. Exits are at the east & west .This is a small, short room. Doors are at the south & east sides of the room. .You see many instruments on the walls of this room. Exits are at the north & south. .There are things of value here. Doors are to the east and south. .There is a large bath tub and towels here. The exit is to your north. .You are in a small, dimly lit room. An exit can barely be seen to the north. .You see yourself reflected over and over in the many mirrors. Which way was that exit? .You are in a long, narrow east west hallway. .Warning! Construction area. There are doors to the east, west and south. .There is a table with ledger books and an abacus here. Exits are to the east and south. .The king size four poster bed has an errie glow about it. Doors to the north and west. .Cages keep ferocious, snarling dogs from attacking you. To your west is an exit. .You are at an intersection of passages from the north, east and west. .There is a big crack in the north wall. There is an exit to the west. .There is a large throne here. The door is to the west. .You are in an east-west hallway. There is a door to the south. .You are in a circular room high in the castle. Doors are to the north & west. .You see lumber and wood-cutting tools here. At the north, east & west are exits. .You see empty book cases. The doors are east and south. .The large keg in the middle of the room has a spigot. When you turn the spigot only a drop appears. The exits are to the north, east and west. .The ceiling in this east, west hall is very low. You'd better duck. .You see a large table with torn charts on it. The exits are to west, north and east. .You are in a stark, moldy cell. An iron door is west of you. .There are chains with cuffs attached to the walls. Exits are to the north, east and west. .You see a rack for straightening the spine of unfortunate souls. Door to the east. .As you enter the castle you begin to feel warmer. The large entrance door is to the south. Other doors lead to the north, east and west. .You are in a dimly lit stairway. The air smells of mold. .You are on a winding staircase.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .