!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags // !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.5.4 // ACTION_DBR infix.c 69;" d file: ALIAS inform.c 9;" d file: ANDAND inform.c 74;" d file: ARRAY_DBR infix.c 73;" d file: ATTRIBUTE objects.c 23;" d file: ATTR_COUNT objects.c /^static zword PROP_NUM_MASK, ATTR_COUNT;$/;" v file: ATTR_DBR infix.c 66;" d file: AUTOMAP inform.c 13;" d file: BACKTRACE inform.c 52;" d file: BFALSE inform.c 67;" d file: BREAK inform.c 36;" d file: BREAKPOINTS inform.c 41;" d file: BTRUE inform.c 66;" d file: BYTEARRAY inform.c 78;" d file: CACHE_SIZE zscii.c 28;" d file: CHILD inform.c 70;" d file: CHILD objects.c 34;" d file: CHILDP objects.c 29;" d file: CHILDREN inform.c 72;" d file: CLASS_DBR infix.c 63;" d file: COMP portfunc.c 546;" d file: COND inform.c 39;" d file: CONDITION inform.c 8;" d file: CONT inform.c 29;" d file: CONT_FINISH debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_GO debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_NEXT debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_NEXTI debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_STEP debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_STEPI debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: CONT_UNTIL debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" e file: COPYING inform.c 20;" d file: Cont_type debug.c /^typedef enum { CONT_GO, CONT_STEP, CONT_NEXT, CONT_FINISH, CONT_UNTIL, CONT_STEPI, CONT_NEXTI } Cont_type;$/;" t file: DECREMENT inform.c 88;" d file: DELETE inform.c 37;" d file: DFILE inform.c 7;" d file: DIR_DOWN automap.c 53;" d file: DIR_UP automap.c 52;" d file: DIR_WAIT automap.c 54;" d file: DISABLE_BREAK inform.c 61;" d file: DISABLE_DISPLAY inform.c 59;" d file: DISPLAY inform.c 57;" d file: DOWN_FRAME inform.c 54;" d file: DOWN_SILENTLY inform.c 56;" d file: DO_TANDY init.c /^ DO_TANDY,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: DUMPMEM inform.c 12;" d file: ENABLE_BREAK inform.c 62;" d file: ENABLE_DISPLAY inform.c 60;" d file: END zscii.c 79;" d file: EOF_DBR infix.c 61;" d file: E_CORRUPT errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: E_DEBUG errmesg.c /^ E_DEBUG } errortypes;$/;" e file: E_INSTR errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_MATH errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_MEMORY errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_OBJECT errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_OUTPUT errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: E_SAVE errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: E_SOUND errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: E_STACK errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_STRING errmesg.c /^typedef enum { E_INSTR, E_OBJECT, E_STACK, E_MEMORY, E_MATH, E_STRING,$/;" e file: E_SYSTEM errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: E_VERSION errmesg.c /^ E_OUTPUT, E_SOUND, E_SYSTEM, E_VERSION, E_CORRUPT, E_SAVE,$/;" e file: FAKE_ACTION_DBR infix.c 68;" d file: FILE_DBR infix.c 62;" d file: FIND inform.c 64;" d file: FINISH inform.c 35;" d file: FORCE_FIXED init.c /^ HAS_DEFVAR, IS_TRANS, FORCE_FIXED, HAS_UNDO, HAS_MENU,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: FRAME inform.c 50;" d file: GIVE inform.c 26;" d file: GLOBAL inform.c 85;" d file: GLOBAL_DBR infix.c 65;" d file: HAS_BOLD init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_CHARGRAPH init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_COLOR init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_DEFVAR init.c /^ HAS_DEFVAR, IS_TRANS, FORCE_FIXED, HAS_UNDO, HAS_MENU,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_ENDNUM init.c /^ HAS_ENDNUM };$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_FIXED init.c /^ HAS_FIXED, HAS_SOUND, HAS_GRAPHICS, HAS_TIMER, HAS_MOUSE,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_GRAPHICS init.c /^ HAS_FIXED, HAS_SOUND, HAS_GRAPHICS, HAS_TIMER, HAS_MOUSE,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_ITALIC init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_MENU init.c /^ HAS_DEFVAR, IS_TRANS, FORCE_FIXED, HAS_UNDO, HAS_MENU,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_MOUSE init.c /^ HAS_FIXED, HAS_SOUND, HAS_GRAPHICS, HAS_TIMER, HAS_MOUSE,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_SOUND init.c /^ HAS_FIXED, HAS_SOUND, HAS_GRAPHICS, HAS_TIMER, HAS_MOUSE,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_STATUSLINE init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_TIMER init.c /^ HAS_FIXED, HAS_SOUND, HAS_GRAPHICS, HAS_TIMER, HAS_MOUSE,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HAS_UNDO init.c /^ HAS_DEFVAR, IS_TRANS, FORCE_FIXED, HAS_UNDO, HAS_MENU,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: HEADER_DBR infix.c 70;" d file: HELP inform.c 14;" d file: IF inform.c 38;" d file: IGNORE inform.c 40;" d file: INCREMENT inform.c 87;" d file: INFINITY automap.c 839;" d file: INFOSOURCE inform.c 18;" d file: INFOSOURCES inform.c 19;" d file: IS_TRANS init.c /^ HAS_DEFVAR, IS_TRANS, FORCE_FIXED, HAS_UNDO, HAS_MENU,$/;" e enum:z_caps file: JUMP inform.c 28;" d file: LANGUAGE inform.c 17;" d file: LINEREF_DBR infix.c 71;" d file: LIST_GLOBALS inform.c 65;" d file: LOCAL inform.c 86;" d file: LOWER_WINDOW z_io.c 23;" d file: LOWO objects.c /^zword LOWO(zword p)$/;" f LOWOcopy objects.c /^void LOWOcopy(zword a, zword b)$/;" f LOWOwrite objects.c /^void LOWOwrite(zword p, zword n)$/;" f MAP_DBR infix.c 74;" d file: MAX_DBR infix.c 76;" d file: MOVE inform.c 24;" d file: NEXT inform.c 31;" d file: NEXTI inform.c 34;" d file: NOTHING inform.c 68;" d file: NOTNOT inform.c 76;" d file: NULL portfunc.c 266;" d file: NUM inform.c 6;" d file: NUMBER inform.c 81;" d file: NUM_CACHE zscii.c 27;" d file: NUM_DIRS automap.c 49;" d file: NUM_EXITS automap.c 46;" d file: NUM_WALK automap.c 50;" d file: OBJECT inform.c 82;" d file: OBJECT_DBR infix.c 64;" d file: OBJECT_TREE inform.c 63;" d file: OBJSIZE objects.c /^static zword OBJSIZE;$/;" v file: OBJ_ADDR objects.c 25;" d file: OFFSET_0OP oplist.c 33;" d file: OFFSET_1OP oplist.c 34;" d file: OFFSET_2OP oplist.c 35;" d file: OFFSET_END oplist.c 38;" d file: OFFSET_EXT oplist.c 37;" d file: OFFSET_VAR oplist.c 36;" d file: OR inform.c 77;" d file: OROR inform.c 75;" d file: PARENT inform.c 69;" d file: PARENT objects.c 32;" d file: PARENTP objects.c 27;" d file: PC debug.c /^ offset PC;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: PC globals.c /^offset PC;$/;" v PC infix.c /^ offset PC;$/;" m file: PC undo.c /^ offset PC;$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: PC undo.c /^ offset PC;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: PC_in_instruction undo.c /^ BOOL PC_in_instruction;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: PRINT inform.c 22;" d file: PROPADDR inform.c 89;" d file: PROPLENGTH inform.c 90;" d file: PROPS objects.c 35;" d file: PROPSP objects.c 30;" d file: PROP_DBR infix.c 67;" d file: PROP_NUM_MASK objects.c /^static zword PROP_NUM_MASK, ATTR_COUNT;$/;" v file: QUIT inform.c 44;" d file: RALIAS inform.c 10;" d file: RANDOM inform.c 73;" d file: RECORDOFF inform.c 46;" d file: RECORDON inform.c 45;" d file: REDO inform.c 16;" d file: REMOVE inform.c 27;" d file: REPLAY inform.c 47;" d file: REPLAYOFF inform.c 48;" d file: RESTART inform.c 43;" d file: RESTORE inform.c 42;" d file: REVERSE_DIR automap.c 47;" d file: ROOM_SYMBOL automap.c 58;" d file: ROUTINE inform.c 83;" d file: ROUTINE_DBR infix.c 72;" d file: ROUTINE_END_DBR infix.c 75;" d file: SELECT_FRAME inform.c 51;" d file: SET inform.c 23;" d file: SIBLING inform.c 71;" d file: SIBLING objects.c 33;" d file: SIBLINGP objects.c 28;" d file: STEP inform.c 30;" d file: STEPI inform.c 33;" d file: STREAM1 z_io.c 29;" d file: STREAM2 z_io.c 30;" d file: STREAM3 z_io.c 31;" d file: STREAM4 z_io.c 32;" d file: STRING inform.c 84;" d file: SUPERCLASS inform.c 91;" d file: SWAP portfunc.c 543;" d file: SYMBOL_FILE inform.c 49;" d file: Stack_frame stack.c /^struct Stack_frame {$/;" s file: Stack_frame stack.c /^typedef struct Stack_frame Stack_frame;$/;" t file: T portfunc.c 548;" d file: TO inform.c 25;" d file: Typocorrection tokenise.c /^struct Typocorrection {$/;" s file: UNALIAS inform.c 11;" d file: UNDISPLAY inform.c 58;" d file: UNDO inform.c 15;" d file: UNTIL inform.c 32;" d file: UPPER_WINDOW z_io.c 22;" d file: UP_FRAME inform.c 53;" d file: UP_SILENTLY inform.c 55;" d file: WARRANTY inform.c 21;" d file: WORDARRAY inform.c 79;" d file: YYABORT inform.c 701;" d file: YYACCEPT inform.c 700;" d file: YYBACKUP inform.c 708;" d file: YYBISON inform.c 4;" d file: YYCOPY inform.c 647;" d file: YYCOPY inform.c 650;" d file: YYDEBUG inform.c 196;" d file: YYDPRINTF inform.c 772;" d file: YYDPRINTF inform.c 781;" d file: YYEMPTY inform.c 698;" d file: YYEOF inform.c 699;" d file: YYERRCODE inform.c 726;" d file: YYERROR inform.c 702;" d file: YYERROR_VERBOSE inform.c 169;" d file: YYFAIL inform.c 706;" d file: YYFINAL inform.c 201;" d file: YYFLAG inform.c 202;" d file: YYFPRINTF inform.c 769;" d file: YYINITDEPTH inform.c 786;" d file: YYLAST inform.c 460;" d file: YYLEX inform.c 748;" d file: YYLEX inform.c 750;" d file: YYLEX inform.c 754;" d file: YYLEX inform.c 756;" d file: YYLEX inform.c 760;" d file: YYLLOC_DEFAULT inform.c 737;" d file: YYMAXDEPTH inform.c 797;" d file: YYMAXDEPTH inform.c 801;" d file: YYNTBASE inform.c 203;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG inform.c 867;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG inform.c 870;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG inform.c 874;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL inform.c 868;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL inform.c 871;" d file: YYPARSE_PARAM_DECL inform.c 875;" d file: YYPOPSTACK inform.c 961;" d file: YYPOPSTACK inform.c 963;" d file: YYRECOVERING inform.c 707;" d file: YYSIZE_T inform.c 606;" d file: YYSIZE_T inform.c 681;" d file: YYSIZE_T inform.c 684;" d file: YYSIZE_T inform.c 689;" d file: YYSIZE_T inform.c 693;" d file: YYSTACK_ALLOC inform.c 587;" d file: YYSTACK_ALLOC inform.c 591;" d file: YYSTACK_ALLOC inform.c 594;" d file: YYSTACK_ALLOC inform.c 608;" d file: YYSTACK_BYTES inform.c 634;" d file: YYSTACK_BYTES inform.c 638;" d file: YYSTACK_FREE inform.c 602;" d file: YYSTACK_FREE inform.c 609;" d file: YYSTACK_GAP_MAX inform.c 629;" d file: YYSTACK_RELOCATE inform.c 1067;" d file: YYSTACK_RELOCATE inform.c 666;" d file: YYSTYPE inform.c 192;" d file: YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL inform.c 193;" d file: YYTERROR inform.c 725;" d file: YYTRANSLATE inform.c 206;" d file: YY_DECL_NON_LSP_VARIABLES inform.c 890;" d file: YY_DECL_VARIABLES inform.c 901;" d file: YY_DECL_VARIABLES inform.c 907;" d file: Z_ARRAY infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_ATTR infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_BOOLEAN infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_BYTEARRAY infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_GLOBAL infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_LOCAL infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_NUMBER infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_OBJECT infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_OBJPROP infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_PROP infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_ROUTINE infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_STRING infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_UNKNOWN infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: Z_WORDARRAY infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" e file: a automap.c /^ loc_node *a, *b;$/;" m struct:interlist file: abort_output z_io.c /^static BOOL abort_output = FALSE; \/* quickly stop outputting *\/$/;" v file: actual io.c /^ colorstyle actual;$/;" m struct:z_window file: add_alias z_io.c /^void add_alias(const char *from, const char *to, BOOL is_recursive)$/;" f add_piece op_v6.c /^static void add_piece(struct graph_piece new_piece)$/;" f file: add_stack_frame stack.c /^void add_stack_frame(offset return_PC, unsigned num_locals, zword *locals,$/;" f addparsed tokenise.c /^static void addparsed(zword *parse_dest, int word_num, int length, int off)$/;" f file: address infix.c /^ zword address;$/;" m file: alias_entry z_io.c /^struct alias_entry$/;" s file: alias_entry z_io.c /^typedef struct alias_entry alias_entry;$/;" t file: alias_list z_io.c /^static alias_entry *alias_list = NULL;$/;" v file: all_edges automap.c /^static edgelist *all_edges;$/;" v file: allow_output globals.c /^BOOL allow_output = TRUE; \/* Otherwise, ignore all output *\/$/;" v allow_saveundo globals.c /^BOOL allow_saveundo = TRUE; \/* Otherwise, ignore all @save_undo opcodes *\/$/;" v alphabetsoup zscii.c /^static unsigned char alphabetsoup(unsigned spoon, unsigned char letter)$/;" f file: arguments stack.c /^ zword arguments; \/* Number of arguments used for check_count *\/$/;" m struct:Stack_frame file: auto_display debug.c /^struct auto_display {$/;" s file: auto_display debug.c /^typedef struct auto_display auto_display;$/;" t file: auto_save_undo globals.c /^BOOL auto_save_undo = TRUE;$/;" v auto_save_undo_char globals.c /^BOOL auto_save_undo_char = FALSE;$/;" v automap_add_cycle solve.c /^void automap_add_cycle(cycleequation *cycle)$/;" f automap_adjust_length automap.c /^static void automap_adjust_length(loc_node *location, int dir, int newlen)$/;" f file: automap_calc_cycles automap.c /^static void automap_calc_cycles(loc_node *start)$/;" f file: automap_calc_distances automap.c /^static void automap_calc_distances(loc_node *location, glui32 distance,$/;" f file: automap_calc_exits automap.c /^static void automap_calc_exits(loc_node *location, int depth)$/;" f file: automap_calc_location automap.c /^static void automap_calc_location(loc_node *location, loc_node *last,$/;" f file: automap_cycle_elimination solve.c /^void automap_cycle_elimination(void)$/;" f automap_cycles_fill_values solve.c /^void automap_cycles_fill_values(void)$/;" f automap_delete_cycles solve.c /^void automap_delete_cycles(void)$/;" f automap_dir automap.c /^static int automap_dir = NUM_EXITS;$/;" v file: automap_draw_callback automap.c /^glui32 automap_draw_callback(winid_t win, glui32 width, glui32 height)$/;" f automap_draw_edge automap.c /^static BOOL automap_draw_edge(loc_node *location, int dir, int *x, int *y)$/;" f file: automap_edge_follow automap.c /^static loc_node *automap_edge_follow(loc_node *location, int dir)$/;" f file: automap_edge_length automap.c /^static int automap_edge_length(loc_node *location, int dir)$/;" f file: automap_edge_oneway automap.c /^static int automap_edge_oneway(loc_node *location, int dir)$/;" f file: automap_edges_mindist automap.c /^static void automap_edges_mindist(void)$/;" f file: automap_edges_untouch automap.c /^static void automap_edges_untouch(void)$/;" f file: automap_explore automap.c /^const char *automap_explore(void)$/;" f automap_explored automap.c /^static BOOL automap_explored = FALSE;$/;" v file: automap_find_and_count_interference automap.c /^static int automap_find_and_count_interference(loc_node *center)$/;" f file: automap_find_cycles automap.c /^static void automap_find_cycles(loc_node *location, automap_path *curpath)$/;" f file: automap_find_path automap.c /^static automap_path *automap_find_path(loc_node *location, loc_node *dest,$/;" f file: automap_forget_interference automap.c /^static void automap_forget_interference(void)$/;" f file: automap_get_cookie automap.c /^static glui32 automap_get_cookie(void) {$/;" f file: automap_get_edge automap.c /^static edge *automap_get_edge(loc_node *location, int dir)$/;" f file: automap_get_height automap.c /^int automap_get_height(void)$/;" f automap_increase_along_path automap.c /^static BOOL automap_increase_along_path(automap_path *path, int oldcount,$/;" f file: automap_init automap.c /^BOOL automap_init(int numobj, const char *location_exp)$/;" f automap_kill automap.c /^void automap_kill(void)$/;" f automap_location automap.c /^zword automap_location = 0;$/;" v automap_mouse_callback automap.c /^BOOL automap_mouse_callback(BOOL is_char_event,$/;" f automap_new_edge automap.c /^static edge *automap_new_edge(loc_node *src, loc_node *dest, BOOL is_oneway)$/;" f file: automap_path automap.c /^struct automap_path {$/;" s file: automap_path automap.c /^typedef struct automap_path automap_path;$/;" t file: automap_remember_interference automap.c /^static void automap_remember_interference(loc_node *a, loc_node *b)$/;" f file: automap_remove_edge automap.c /^static void automap_remove_edge(edge *e)$/;" f file: automap_resolve_interference automap.c /^static BOOL automap_resolve_interference(loc_node *center, int effort)$/;" f file: automap_set_connection automap.c /^static void automap_set_connection(int location, int d, int dest, BOOL is_real)$/;" f file: automap_set_locations automap.c /^void automap_set_locations(int center)$/;" f automap_set_virtual_connection automap.c /^static void automap_set_virtual_connection(loc_node *location, int d,$/;" f file: automap_size globals.c /^int automap_size = 12;$/;" v automap_split globals.c /^glui32 automap_split = winmethod_Above;$/;" v automap_undoslot undo.c /^static struct fast_undoslot automap_undoslot = { NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0 };$/;" v file: automap_unexplore automap.c /^BOOL automap_unexplore(void)$/;" f automap_win automap.c /^static zwinid automap_win;$/;" v file: automap_write_loc automap.c /^static void automap_write_loc(int x, int y)$/;" f file: aye_matey globals.c /^BOOL aye_matey = FALSE;$/;" v b automap.c /^ loc_node *a, *b;$/;" m struct:interlist file: back io.c /^ char back;$/;" m file: bgcolortable io.c /^glsi32 bgcolortable[] = {$/;" v biggest_height io.c /^ glui32 biggest_height;\/* The biggest it's been since *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: bit init.c /^ int bit;$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: bitmap_to_style io.c /^static glui32 bitmap_to_style[16] = {$/;" v file: blorb_file globals.c /^strid_t blorb_file;$/;" v bp_access_watch debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" e file: bp_break debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" e file: bp_none debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" e file: bp_read_watch debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" e file: bp_write_watch debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" e file: bpdisp debug.c /^typedef enum { del, del_at_next_stop, disable, donttouch } bpdisp;$/;" t file: bptype debug.c /^typedef enum { bp_none, bp_break, bp_write_watch, bp_read_watch, bp_access_watch } bptype;$/;" t file: break_frame debug.c /^ int break_frame; \/* If not -1, only break at this depth *\/$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: breaklist debug.c /^static breakpoint *breaklist;$/;" v file: breaknumber debug.c /^static int breaknumber = 1;$/;" v file: breakpoint debug.c /^struct breakpoint {$/;" s file: breakpoint debug.c /^typedef struct breakpoint breakpoint;$/;" t file: bucket hash.c /^typedef struct bucket {$/;" s file: bucket hash.c /^} bucket;$/;" t file: buffer_size io.c /^ glui32 buffer_size; \/* max_offset must stay < buffer_size *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: c init.c /^ enum z_caps c;$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: changedto tokenise.c /^ char changedto[13];$/;" m struct:Typocorrection file: channel sound.c /^static schanid_t channel;$/;" v file: check_ascii_mode init.c /^static void check_ascii_mode(void)$/;" f file: check_attr_valid objects.c /^static BOOL check_attr_valid(zword attr)$/;" f file: check_attr_valid objects.c 74;" d file: check_game_for_save op_save.c /^BOOL check_game_for_save(strid_t gamefile, zword release, const char serial[6],$/;" f check_obj_valid objects.c /^static BOOL check_obj_valid(zword object)$/;" f file: check_obj_valid objects.c 73;" d file: check_set_var stack.c /^void check_set_var(int var, zword val)$/;" f check_sound no_snd.c /^void check_sound(event_t unused)$/;" f check_sound sound.c /^void check_sound(event_t moo) \/* called from main event loop *\/$/;" f check_stack_stack stack.c /^static void check_stack_stack(offset addsize)$/;" f file: check_valid_for_input io.c /^zwinid check_valid_for_input(zwinid window)$/;" f check_watches debug.c /^void check_watches(void)$/;" f check_window_prop op_v6.c /^static BOOL check_window_prop(int prop_num)$/;" f file: checkforblockquote io.c /^static void checkforblockquote(zwinid window, zwinid dest_win)$/;" f file: cmpdictentry tokenise.c /^static int cmpdictentry(const void *a, const void *b)$/;" f file: code_alias startdos.c /^static void code_alias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_alias startunix.c /^static void code_alias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_alias startwin.c /^static void code_alias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_autoundo startdos.c /^static void code_autoundo(int flag)$/;" f file: code_autoundo startunix.c /^static void code_autoundo(int flag)$/;" f file: code_autoundo startwin.c /^static void code_autoundo(int flag)$/;" f file: code_command startdos.c /^static void code_command(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_command startunix.c /^static void code_command(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_command startwin.c /^static void code_command(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_debug startdos.c /^static void code_debug(int flag)$/;" f file: code_debug startunix.c /^static void code_debug(int flag)$/;" f file: code_debug startwin.c /^static void code_debug(int flag)$/;" f file: code_expand startdos.c /^static void code_expand(int flag)$/;" f file: code_expand startunix.c /^static void code_expand(int flag)$/;" f file: code_expand startwin.c /^static void code_expand(int flag)$/;" f file: code_fullname startdos.c /^static void code_fullname(int flag)$/;" f file: code_fullname startunix.c /^static void code_fullname(int flag)$/;" f file: code_fullname startwin.c /^static void code_fullname(int flag)$/;" f file: code_ignore startdos.c /^static void code_ignore(int flag)$/;" f file: code_ignore startunix.c /^static void code_ignore(int flag)$/;" f file: code_ignore startwin.c /^static void code_ignore(int flag)$/;" f file: code_maploc startdos.c /^static void code_maploc(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_maploc startunix.c /^static void code_maploc(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_maploc startwin.c /^static void code_maploc(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_mapsize startdos.c /^static void code_mapsize(int number)$/;" f file: code_mapsize startunix.c /^static void code_mapsize(int number)$/;" f file: code_mapsize startwin.c /^static void code_mapsize(int number)$/;" f file: code_mapsym startdos.c /^static void code_mapsym(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_mapsym startunix.c /^static void code_mapsym(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_mapsym startwin.c /^static void code_mapsym(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_path startdos.c /^static void code_path(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_path startunix.c /^static void code_path(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_path startwin.c /^static void code_path(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_pirate startdos.c /^static void code_pirate(int flag)$/;" f file: code_pirate startunix.c /^static void code_pirate(int flag)$/;" f file: code_pirate startwin.c /^static void code_pirate(int flag)$/;" f file: code_prompt startdos.c /^static void code_prompt(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_prompt startunix.c /^static void code_prompt(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_prompt startwin.c /^static void code_prompt(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_quiet startdos.c /^static void code_quiet(int flag)$/;" f file: code_quiet startunix.c /^static void code_quiet(int flag)$/;" f file: code_quiet startwin.c /^static void code_quiet(int flag)$/;" f file: code_ralias startdos.c /^static void code_ralias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_ralias startunix.c /^static void code_ralias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_ralias startwin.c /^static void code_ralias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_random startdos.c /^static void code_random(int number)$/;" f file: code_random startunix.c /^static void code_random(int number)$/;" f file: code_random startwin.c /^static void code_random(int number)$/;" f file: code_spell startdos.c /^static void code_spell(int flag)$/;" f file: code_spell startunix.c /^static void code_spell(int flag)$/;" f file: code_spell startwin.c /^static void code_spell(int flag)$/;" f file: code_stacklimit startdos.c /^static void code_stacklimit(int number)$/;" f file: code_stacklimit startunix.c /^static void code_stacklimit(int number)$/;" f file: code_stacklimit startwin.c /^static void code_stacklimit(int number)$/;" f file: code_start infix.c /^static offset code_start = 0;$/;" v file: code_symbols startdos.c /^static void code_symbols(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_symbols startunix.c /^static void code_symbols(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_symbols startwin.c /^static void code_symbols(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_tandy startdos.c /^static void code_tandy(int flag)$/;" f file: code_tandy startunix.c /^static void code_tandy(int flag)$/;" f file: code_tandy startwin.c /^static void code_tandy(int flag)$/;" f file: code_terpnum startdos.c /^static void code_terpnum(int number)$/;" f file: code_terpnum startunix.c /^static void code_terpnum(int number)$/;" f file: code_terpnum startwin.c /^static void code_terpnum(int number)$/;" f file: code_terpver startdos.c /^static void code_terpver(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_terpver startunix.c /^static void code_terpver(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_terpver startwin.c /^static void code_terpver(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_transcript startdos.c /^static void code_transcript(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_transcript startunix.c /^static void code_transcript(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_transcript startwin.c /^static void code_transcript(strid_t stream)$/;" f file: code_unalias startdos.c /^static void code_unalias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_unalias startunix.c /^static void code_unalias(const char *string)$/;" f file: code_unalias startwin.c /^static void code_unalias(const char *string)$/;" f file: coefficient solve.c /^ rational coefficient;$/;" m struct:equation file: color op_v6.c /^ int color; \/* -1 means erase to background color *\/$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: color_buffer io.c /^ colorstyle *color_buffer;$/;" m struct:z_window file: coloreq io.c /^static BOOL coloreq(colorstyle a, colorstyle b) \/* return true if colors are equivalent *\/$/;" f file: colorstyle io.c /^} colorstyle;$/;" t file: command_matches inform.c /^static match_type command_matches(const char *command, const char *expression,$/;" f file: cond inform.c /^ } cond;$/;" m file: cond_list inform.c /^ struct cond_list {$/;" s file: cond_list inform.c /^ typedef struct cond_list cond_list;$/;" t file: condfunc inform.c /^ BOOL (*condfunc)(zword a, zword b);$/;" m file: condfunc inform.c /^ BOOL (*condfunc)(zword a, zword b);$/;" m struct:cond_list file: condfunc inform.c /^ BOOL (*condfunc)(zword a, zword b);$/;" m file: condition debug.c /^ char *condition;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: condition inform.c /^} condition;$/;" t file: conditionlist inform.c /^condition conditionlist[] = {$/;" v condlist inform.c /^ cond_list *condlist;$/;" v count solve.c /^ int count; \/* Number of times variable is used *\/$/;" m struct:equation file: counting_glk_put_char z_io.c /^static void counting_glk_put_char(int ch)$/;" f file: cur_break debug.c /^int cur_break;$/;" v cur_cap init.c /^static BOOL cur_cap[HAS_ENDNUM];$/;" v file: cur_file debug.c /^infix_file *cur_file;$/;" v cur_line debug.c /^int cur_line;$/;" v cur_stack_depth debug.c /^int cur_stack_depth;$/;" v curr_offset io.c /^ glui32 curr_offset; \/* offset into text_buffer\/color_buffer *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: current io.c /^ colorstyle current;$/;" m struct:z_window file: current_window op_v6.c /^static int current_window;$/;" v file: current_window z_io.c /^static zwinid current_window;$/;" v file: current_zfile globals.c /^strid_t current_zfile;$/;" v cycleequation solve.c /^struct cycleequation {$/;" s file: cycleequation solve.c /^typedef struct cycleequation cycleequation;$/;" t file: data hash.c /^ void *data;$/;" m struct:bucket file: data portfunc.c /^ void *data;$/;" m struct:rmmalloc_entry file: db_prompt globals.c /^char *db_prompt; \/* Defaults to "(nitfol) " *\/$/;" v debug_attrib debug.c /^void debug_attrib(zword attribnum, zword objectnum)$/;" f debug_attrib debug.c 27;" d file: debug_cont debug.c /^static Cont_type debug_cont = CONT_GO;$/;" v file: debug_decode_number debug.c /^const char *debug_decode_number(unsigned number)$/;" f debug_object debug.c /^void debug_object(zword objectnum, watchinfo type)$/;" f debug_object debug.c 26;" d file: debug_prompt debug.c /^void debug_prompt(void)$/;" f decode decode.c /^void decode(void)$/;" f decodezscii zscii.c /^int decodezscii(offset zscii, void (*putcharfunc)(int))$/;" f defined io.c /^ BOOL defined; \/* Is our location well defined? *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: defint startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defint startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defint startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstream startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstream startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstream startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstring startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstring startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: defstring startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: del debug.c /^typedef enum { del, del_at_next_stop, disable, donttouch } bpdisp;$/;" e file: del_at_next_stop debug.c /^typedef enum { del, del_at_next_stop, disable, donttouch } bpdisp;$/;" e file: delta undo.c /^ zbyte *delta; \/* Encoded like quetzal mixed with UTF-8 *\/$/;" m struct:move_difference file: deltalength undo.c /^ glui32 deltalength;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: deltax automap.c /^ int deltax, deltay;$/;" m struct:dirinfo file: deltay automap.c /^ int deltax, deltay;$/;" m struct:dirinfo file: den solve.c /^ int den;$/;" m struct:rational file: description startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: description startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: description startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: dest automap.c /^ loc_node *dest[2]; \/* Two endpoints of passage *\/$/;" m struct:edge file: dictentry_len tokenise.c /^static int dictentry_len;$/;" v file: dir automap.c /^ int dir; \/* And the direction we're going from it *\/$/;" m struct:automap_path file: dirinfo automap.c /^struct dirinfo {$/;" s file: dirty io.c /^ BOOL dirty; \/* Has window been changed since last redraw? *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: dirways automap.c /^static const struct dirinfo dirways[] = {$/;" v file: disable debug.c /^typedef enum { del, del_at_next_stop, disable, donttouch } bpdisp;$/;" e file: displist debug.c /^static auto_display *displist;$/;" v file: dispnumber debug.c /^static int dispnumber = 1;$/;" v file: disposition debug.c /^ bpdisp disposition;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: dist automap.c /^ glui32 dist; \/* For automap_find_path *\/$/;" m struct:loc_node file: do_automap globals.c /^BOOL do_automap = TRUE;$/;" v do_check_watches globals.c /^BOOL do_check_watches = FALSE; \/* Preventing check_watches from being$/;" v do_expand globals.c /^BOOL do_expand = TRUE;$/;" v do_spell_correct globals.c /^BOOL do_spell_correct = TRUE;$/;" v do_tandy globals.c /^BOOL do_tandy = FALSE;$/;" v donttouch debug.c /^typedef enum { del, del_at_next_stop, disable, donttouch } bpdisp;$/;" e file: draw_callback io.c /^ glui32 (*draw_callback)(winid_t win, glui32 width, glui32 height);$/;" m struct:z_window file: draw_intext_picture io.c /^void draw_intext_picture(zwinid window, glui32 picture, glui32 alignment)$/;" f draw_picture io.c /^void draw_picture(zwinid window, glui32 picture, glui32 x, glui32 y)$/;" f draw_upper_callback z_io.c /^glui32 draw_upper_callback(winid_t win, glui32 width, glui32 height)$/;" f dynamic_size globals.c /^offset dynamic_size;$/;" v edge automap.c /^struct edge {$/;" s file: edge automap.c /^typedef struct edge edge;$/;" t file: edgelist automap.c /^struct edgelist {$/;" s file: edgelist automap.c /^typedef struct edgelist edgelist;$/;" t file: emptystruct struct.c /^glui32 emptystruct(strid_t stream, const unsigned *info, const glui32 *src)$/;" f enabled debug.c /^ BOOL enabled;$/;" m struct:auto_display file: enabled debug.c /^ BOOL enabled;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: enablefont3 globals.c /^BOOL enablefont3 = FALSE; \/* Enables font3 -> ascii conversion.$/;" v encodezscii zscii.c /^int encodezscii(zbyte *dest, int mindestlen, int maxdestlen,$/;" f end_PC infix.c /^ offset end_PC;$/;" m file: end_line infix.c /^ unsigned end_line;$/;" m file: end_x infix.c /^ unsigned end_x;$/;" m file: enter_debugger debug.c /^BOOL enter_debugger = FALSE;$/;" v eq solve.c /^ equation *eq;$/;" m struct:equalist file: equalist solve.c /^struct equalist {$/;" s file: equalist solve.c /^typedef struct equalist equalist;$/;" t file: equation solve.c /^struct equation {$/;" s file: equation solve.c /^typedef struct equation equation;$/;" t file: equats solve.c /^static equalist *equats = NULL;$/;" v file: errortypenames errmesg.c /^static const char *errortypenames[] = {$/;" v file: errortypes errmesg.c /^ E_DEBUG } errortypes;$/;" t file: evaluate_expression inform.c /^z_typed evaluate_expression(const char *exp, unsigned frame)$/;" f exit_debugger debug.c /^BOOL exit_debugger = FALSE;$/;" v exit_decoder globals.c /^BOOL exit_decoder; \/* To let the decoder know we're done *\/$/;" v exits automap.c /^ loc_node *exits[NUM_EXITS]; \/* Actual connections *\/$/;" m struct:loc_node file: exp debug.c /^ char *exp;$/;" m struct:auto_display file: exp_has_locals inform.c /^BOOL exp_has_locals(const char *exp)$/;" f faked_random_seed globals.c /^int faked_random_seed = 0; \/* If nonzero, use this as a seed instead of time *\/$/;" v false_undo globals.c /^BOOL false_undo = FALSE; \/* We just did a fake undo *\/$/;" v fast_restoreundo undo.c /^BOOL fast_restoreundo(void)$/;" f fast_saveundo undo.c /^BOOL fast_saveundo(void)$/;" f fast_undoslot undo.c /^struct fast_undoslot {$/;" s file: fgcolortable io.c /^glsi32 fgcolortable[] = {$/;" v file debug.c /^ infix_file *file;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: file infix.c /^ infix_file *file;$/;" m file: filename infix.c /^ const char *filename;$/;" m file: filenum infix.c /^ unsigned filenum;$/;" m file: filenum inform.c /^ infix_file *filenum;$/;" m file: fillstruct struct.c /^glui32 fillstruct(strid_t stream, const unsigned *info, glui32 *dest,$/;" f find_alias z_io.c /^static alias_entry *find_alias(const char *text, int length)$/;" f file: find_auto_display debug.c /^static auto_display *find_auto_display(int displaynum)$/;" f file: find_breakpoint debug.c /^static breakpoint *find_breakpoint(int breaknum)$/;" f file: find_word tokenise.c /^static zword find_word(zword dictionarytable, const char *word, int length)$/;" f file: flag inform.c /^ BOOL flag;$/;" m file: flagnum init.c /^ int flagnum; \/* 1 or 2 *\/$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: font z_io.c /^static int font = 1;$/;" v file: fore io.c /^ char fore;$/;" m file: forget_corrections tokenise.c /^void forget_corrections(void)$/;" f found automap.c /^ BOOL found, real, touched;$/;" m struct:loc_node file: frame_count stack.c /^static zword frame_count; \/* number of frames on the stack *\/$/;" v file: frame_get_PC stack.c /^offset frame_get_PC(unsigned frame)$/;" f frame_get_var stack.c /^zword frame_get_var(unsigned frame, int var)$/;" f frame_is_valid stack.c /^BOOL frame_is_valid(unsigned frame)$/;" f frame_max stack.c /^static zword frame_max;$/;" v file: frame_set_var stack.c /^void frame_set_var(unsigned frame, int var, zword val)$/;" f free_node hash.c /^static void free_node(const char *key, void *data)$/;" f file: free_undo undo.c /^BOOL free_undo(void)$/;" f free_windows io.c /^void free_windows(void)$/;" f from z_io.c /^ char *from;$/;" m struct:alias_entry file: fullname globals.c /^BOOL fullname = FALSE;$/;" v func_name infix.c /^ const char *func_name;$/;" m file: func_num infix.c /^ unsigned func_num;$/;" m file: function hash.c /^static my_function function = NULL;$/;" v file: g_print_number z_io.c /^void g_print_number(unsigned n)$/;" f g_print_snumber z_io.c /^void g_print_snumber(int n)$/;" f g_print_znumber z_io.c /^void g_print_znumber(zword n)$/;" f game_filename startdos.c /^static char *game_filename = NULL;$/;" v file: game_filename startunix.c /^static char *game_filename = NULL;$/;" v file: game_size globals.c /^offset game_size;$/;" v game_use_file main.c /^int game_use_file(strid_t file)$/;" f game_windows io.c /^static struct z_window game_windows[num_z_windows];$/;" v file: gamehandle startmac.c /^static AliasHandle gamehandle;$/;" v file: gcd solve.c /^static int gcd(int a, int b)$/;" f file: get_prop_length objects.c /^static zword get_prop_length(zword propoffset, int *size_length)$/;" f file: get_prop_offset objects.c /^static zword get_prop_offset(zword object, zword property, zword *length)$/;" f file: get_quetzal_stack_size stack.c /^glui32 get_quetzal_stack_size(void)$/;" f get_var stack.c /^N_INLINE zword get_var(int var)$/;" f get_window_num op_v6.c /^static int get_window_num(int arg)$/;" f file: getstring zscii.c /^int getstring(zword packedaddress)$/;" f glk_input_pending io.c /^ BOOL glk_input_pending;$/;" m struct:z_window file: glk_main main.c /^void glk_main(void)$/;" f glkunix_arguments startdos.c /^glkunix_argumentlist_t glkunix_arguments[] = {$/;" v glkunix_arguments startunix.c /^glkunix_argumentlist_t glkunix_arguments[] = {$/;" v glkunix_startup_code startdos.c /^int glkunix_startup_code(glkunix_startup_t *data)$/;" f glkunix_startup_code startunix.c /^int glkunix_startup_code(glkunix_startup_t *data)$/;" f grab_command inform.c /^static int grab_command(void)$/;" f file: grab_number inform.c /^static int grab_number(z_typed *val)$/;" f file: granularity globals.c /^int granularity;$/;" v graph_piece op_v6.c /^struct graph_piece {$/;" s file: guess_length automap.c /^ int guess_length;$/;" m struct:edge file: handle_word tokenise.c /^static void handle_word(zword dictionarytable, const char *text,$/;" f file: has_done_save_undo globals.c /^BOOL has_done_save_undo; \/* the game has done a save_undo since last move *\/$/;" v hash hash.c /^static unsigned hash(const char *string)$/;" f file: hash_table hash.c /^typedef struct hash_table {$/;" s file: hash_table hash.c /^} hash_table;$/;" t file: hashandle startmac.c /^static BOOL hashandle = FALSE;$/;" v file: header_extension_read op_table.c /^zword header_extension_read(unsigned w)$/;" f header_extension_write op_table.c /^void header_extension_write(zword w, zword val)$/;" f height io.c /^ glui32 width, height;$/;" m file: height io.c /^ glui32 width, height;$/;" m struct:z_window file: height op_v6.c /^ zword width, height;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: high_mem_mark globals.c /^offset high_mem_mark;$/;" v hit_count debug.c /^ unsigned hit_count;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: ifffindchunk iff.c /^BOOL ifffindchunk(strid_t stream, const char *type, glui32 *length, glui32 loc)$/;" f iffgetchunk iff.c /^BOOL iffgetchunk(strid_t stream, char *desttype, glui32 *ulength,$/;" f iffpadend iff.c /^void iffpadend(strid_t stream)$/;" f iffputchunk iff.c /^void iffputchunk(strid_t stream, const char *type, glui32 ulength)$/;" f ignore_count debug.c /^ unsigned ignore_count; \/* Don't break until 0 *\/$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: ignore_errors globals.c /^BOOL ignore_errors = FALSE;$/;" v ignoreeffects inform.c /^ int ignoreeffects;$/;" v image_num io.c /^ glui32 image_num;$/;" m file: imagecount globals.c /^glui32 imagecount = 0;$/;" v images io.c /^ z_image images[12];$/;" m struct:z_window file: in_timer globals.c /^BOOL in_timer; \/* True if we're inside a timer routine *\/$/;" v in_use z_io.c /^ BOOL in_use, is_recursive;$/;" m struct:alias_entry file: infix_add_string infix.c /^static glui32 infix_add_string(strid_t infix)$/;" f file: infix_add_stringchar infix.c /^static void infix_add_stringchar(int c)$/;" f file: infix_add_zstring infix.c /^static glui32 infix_add_zstring(zword paddr)$/;" f file: infix_arrayref infix.c /^} infix_arrayref;$/;" t file: infix_arrays infix.c /^static infix_arrayref *infix_arrays;$/;" v file: infix_arrayscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_arrayscount;$/;" v file: infix_assign infix.c /^void infix_assign(z_typed *dest, zword val)$/;" f infix_attrs infix.c /^static char **infix_attrs;$/;" v file: infix_attrscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_attrscount;$/;" v file: infix_auto_display debug.c /^int infix_auto_display(const char *expression)$/;" f infix_auto_undisplay debug.c /^void infix_auto_undisplay(int displaynum)$/;" f infix_backtrace debug.c /^void infix_backtrace(int start, int length)$/;" f infix_child objects.c /^zword infix_child(zword object)$/;" f infix_clear_attrib objects.c /^void infix_clear_attrib(zword object, zword attrib)$/;" f infix_commands inform.c /^static name_token infix_commands[] = {$/;" v file: infix_compare_linerefs infix.c /^static int infix_compare_linerefs(const void *a, const void *b)$/;" f file: infix_copy_short_name objects.c /^static void infix_copy_short_name(int ch)$/;" f file: infix_decode_PC infix.c /^BOOL infix_decode_PC(infix_location *dest, offset thisPC)$/;" f infix_decode_fileloc infix.c /^BOOL infix_decode_fileloc(infix_location *dest, const char *filename,$/;" f infix_decode_func_name infix.c /^BOOL infix_decode_func_name(infix_location *dest, const char *file_name,$/;" f infix_delete_breakpoint debug.c /^void infix_delete_breakpoint(int breaknum)$/;" f infix_display infix.c /^void infix_display(z_typed val)$/;" f infix_draw_branch objects.c /^static void infix_draw_branch(int depth)$/;" f file: infix_draw_object objects.c /^static void infix_draw_object(zword object, int depth)$/;" f file: infix_draw_trunk objects.c /^static void infix_draw_trunk(int depth)$/;" f file: infix_file infix.c /^} infix_file;$/;" t file: infix_file_print_line infix.c /^void infix_file_print_line(infix_file *f, int line)$/;" f infix_files infix.c /^static infix_file *infix_files;$/;" v file: infix_filescount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_filescount;$/;" v file: infix_find_file infix.c /^int infix_find_file(infix_file **dest, const char *name)$/;" f infix_find_symbol infix.c /^BOOL infix_find_symbol(z_typed *val, const char *name, int len)$/;" f infix_get_name infix.c /^const char *infix_get_name(z_typed val)$/;" f infix_get_prop objects.c /^zword infix_get_prop(zword object, zword prop)$/;" f infix_get_proptable objects.c /^zword infix_get_proptable(zword object, zword prop, zword *length)$/;" f infix_get_routine_PC infix.c /^offset infix_get_routine_PC(zword routine)$/;" f infix_get_string infix.c /^void infix_get_string(char *dest, int maxlen)$/;" f infix_get_val infix.c /^void infix_get_val(z_typed *val)$/;" f infix_globals infix.c /^static char **infix_globals;$/;" v file: infix_globalscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_globalscount;$/;" v file: infix_gprint_loc infix.c /^void infix_gprint_loc(int frame, offset thisPC)$/;" f infix_in inform.c /^static BOOL infix_in(zword a, zword b)$/;" f file: infix_keywords inform.c /^static name_token infix_keywords[] = {$/;" v file: infix_linerefs infix.c /^static infix_sequence *infix_linerefs;$/;" v file: infix_linerefscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_linerefscount;$/;" v file: infix_list_files infix.c /^void infix_list_files(void)$/;" f infix_load_file_info infix.c /^static infix_file infix_load_file_info(const char *filename)$/;" f file: infix_load_records infix.c /^static BOOL infix_load_records(strid_t infix)$/;" f file: infix_location infix.c /^} infix_location;$/;" t file: infix_move objects.c /^void infix_move(zword dest, zword object)$/;" f infix_object_display objects.c /^void infix_object_display(zword object)$/;" f infix_object_find objects.c /^void infix_object_find(const char *description)$/;" f infix_object_tree objects.c /^void infix_object_tree(zword object)$/;" f infix_objects infix.c /^static char **infix_objects;$/;" v file: infix_objectscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_objectscount;$/;" v file: infix_operators inform.c /^static name_token infix_operators[] = {$/;" v file: infix_parent objects.c /^zword infix_parent(zword object)$/;" f infix_print_char infix.c /^void infix_print_char(int blah)$/;" f infix_print_fixed_char infix.c /^void infix_print_fixed_char(int blah)$/;" f infix_print_fixed_string infix.c /^void infix_print_fixed_string(const char *blah)$/;" f infix_print_number infix.c /^void infix_print_number(zword blah)$/;" f infix_print_offset infix.c /^void infix_print_offset(zword blah)$/;" f infix_print_string infix.c /^void infix_print_string(const char *blah)$/;" f infix_print_znumber infix.c /^void infix_print_znumber(zword blah)$/;" f infix_property_display objects.c /^static void infix_property_display(unsigned prop,$/;" f file: infix_property_loop objects.c /^BOOL infix_property_loop(zword object, zword *propnum, zword *location, zword *len, zword *nonindivloc, zword *nonindivlen)$/;" f infix_props infix.c /^static char **infix_props;$/;" v file: infix_propscount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_propscount;$/;" v file: infix_provides inform.c /^static BOOL infix_provides(zword o, zword p)$/;" f file: infix_put_prop objects.c /^void infix_put_prop(zword object, zword prop, zword val)$/;" f infix_remove objects.c /^void infix_remove(zword object)$/;" f infix_routines infix.c /^static routineref *infix_routines;$/;" v file: infix_routinescount infix.c /^static unsigned infix_routinescount;$/;" v file: infix_search_linerefs infix.c /^static infix_sequence *infix_search_linerefs(offset thisPC)$/;" f file: infix_select_frame debug.c /^void infix_select_frame(int num)$/;" f infix_selected_frame debug.c /^int infix_selected_frame;$/;" v infix_sequence infix.c /^} infix_sequence;$/;" t file: infix_set_attrib objects.c /^void infix_set_attrib(zword object, zword attrib)$/;" f infix_set_break debug.c /^int infix_set_break(offset location)$/;" f infix_set_break_enabled debug.c /^void infix_set_break_enabled(int breaknum, BOOL enabled)$/;" f infix_set_cond debug.c /^void infix_set_cond(int breaknum, const char *condition)$/;" f infix_set_display_enabled debug.c /^void infix_set_display_enabled(int displaynum, BOOL enabled)$/;" f infix_set_ignore debug.c /^void infix_set_ignore(int breaknum, int count)$/;" f infix_show_all_breakpoints debug.c /^void infix_show_all_breakpoints(void)$/;" f infix_show_break debug.c /^static void infix_show_break(breakpoint *b)$/;" f file: infix_show_breakpoint debug.c /^void infix_show_breakpoint(int breaknum)$/;" f infix_show_frame debug.c /^void infix_show_frame(int frame)$/;" f infix_show_object objects.c /^static void infix_show_object(zword object)$/;" f file: infix_sibling objects.c /^zword infix_sibling(zword object)$/;" f infix_stringdata infix.c /^static char *infix_stringdata;$/;" v file: infix_strlen infix.c /^static glui32 infix_strlen;$/;" v file: infix_temp_string_buffer infix.c /^static char infix_temp_string_buffer[45];$/;" v file: infix_temp_string_build infix.c /^static void infix_temp_string_build(int ch)$/;" f file: infix_temp_strlen infix.c /^static unsigned infix_temp_strlen;$/;" v file: infix_test_attrib objects.c /^BOOL infix_test_attrib(zword object, zword attrib)$/;" f infix_unload_file_info infix.c /^static void infix_unload_file_info(infix_file *f)$/;" f file: inform_help inform.c /^static void inform_help(void)$/;" f file: inform_result inform.c /^ static z_typed inform_result;$/;" v file: init_infix infix.c /^BOOL init_infix(strid_t infix)$/;" f init_infix infix.c /^BOOL init_infix(strid_t unused)$/;" f init_lower io.c /^void init_lower(zwinid *lower)$/;" f init_sound no_snd.c /^void init_sound(void)$/;" f init_sound sound.c /^void init_sound(void)$/;" f init_stack stack.c /^void init_stack(offset initialstack_stack_size, zword initialframe_size)$/;" f init_undo undo.c /^void init_undo(void)$/;" f init_upper io.c /^void init_upper(zwinid *upper)$/;" f init_windows z_io.c /^void init_windows(BOOL dofixed, glui32 maxwidth, glui32 maxheight)$/;" f input_stream1 globals.c /^strid_t input_stream1;$/;" v int_func startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: int_func startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: int_func startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: intd_filehandle_make startdos.c /^void intd_filehandle_make(strid_t savefile)$/;" f intd_filehandle_make startmac.c /^void intd_filehandle_make(strid_t savefile)$/;" f intd_filehandle_make startunix.c /^void intd_filehandle_make(strid_t savefile)$/;" f intd_filehandle_make startwin.c /^void intd_filehandle_make(strid_t savefile)$/;" f intd_filehandle_open startdos.c /^strid_t intd_filehandle_open(strid_t savefile, glui32 operating_id,$/;" f intd_filehandle_open startmac.c /^strid_t intd_filehandle_open(strid_t savefile, glui32 operating_id,$/;" f intd_filehandle_open startunix.c /^strid_t intd_filehandle_open(strid_t savefile, glui32 operating_id,$/;" f intd_filehandle_open startwin.c /^strid_t intd_filehandle_open(strid_t savefile, glui32 operating_id,$/;" f intd_get_size startdos.c /^glui32 intd_get_size(void)$/;" f intd_get_size startmac.c /^glui32 intd_get_size(void)$/;" f intd_get_size startunix.c /^glui32 intd_get_size(void)$/;" f intd_get_size startwin.c /^glui32 intd_get_size(void)$/;" f interferences automap.c /^static interlist *interferences = NULL;$/;" v file: interlist automap.c /^struct interlist {$/;" s file: interlist automap.c /^typedef struct interlist interlist;$/;" t file: interp_num globals.c /^int interp_num = 2;$/;" v interp_ver globals.c /^char interp_ver = 'N';$/;" v investigate_suckage init.c /^static void investigate_suckage(glui32 *wid, glui32 *hei)$/;" f file: is_command_identifier inform.c /^static BOOL is_command_identifier(char c)$/;" f file: is_fixed io.c /^BOOL is_fixed; \/* If we are forcing output to be fixed-width *\/$/;" v is_identifier inform.c /^static BOOL is_identifier(char c)$/;" f file: is_in_bounds op_v6.c /^int is_in_bounds(glui32 x1, glui32 y1, glui32 width1, glui32 height1,$/;" f is_longer_identifier inform.c /^static BOOL is_longer_identifier(char c)$/;" f file: is_oneway automap.c /^ BOOL is_oneway; \/* Oneway passages are always created dest[0]--->dest[1] *\/$/;" m struct:edge file: is_recursive z_io.c /^ BOOL in_use, is_recursive;$/;" m struct:alias_entry file: is_transcripting z_io.c /^BOOL is_transcripting(void)$/;" f item inform.c /^ zword item;$/;" m struct:zword_list file: key hash.c /^ char *key;$/;" m struct:bucket file: kill_infix infix.c /^void kill_infix(void)$/;" f kill_sound no_snd.c /^void kill_sound(void)$/;" f kill_sound sound.c /^void kill_sound(void)$/;" f kill_stack stack.c /^void kill_stack(void)$/;" f kill_undo undo.c /^void kill_undo(void)$/;" f kill_windows io.c /^void kill_windows(void)$/;" f killglkwithcolor io.c /^static void killglkwithcolor(glui32 styl, int fore, int back)$/;" f file: last_height io.c /^ glui32 last_height; \/* What the height was last time we got input *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: lcm solve.c /^static int lcm(int a, int b)$/;" f file: lex_expression inform.c /^ static const char *lex_expression;$/;" v file: lex_offset inform.c /^ static int lex_offset;$/;" v file: lex_tail inform.c /^ static const char *lex_tail(void) {$/;" f file: line debug.c /^ int line;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: line infix.c /^ unsigned line;$/;" m file: line_locations infix.c /^ glui32 *line_locations;$/;" m file: line_num infix.c /^ int line_num;$/;" m file: line_x infix.c /^ int line_x;$/;" m file: load_header init.c /^BOOL load_header(strid_t zfile, offset filesize, BOOL report_errors)$/;" f loc automap.c /^ loc_node *loc; \/* A location *\/$/;" m struct:automap_path file: loc_exp automap.c /^static char *loc_exp;$/;" v file: loc_node automap.c /^struct loc_node {$/;" s file: loc_node automap.c /^typedef struct loc_node loc_node;$/;" t file: local_names_info infix.c /^static unsigned local_names_info[] = { 0x8000, 0 };$/;" v file: local_vars stack.c /^static zword *local_vars; \/* Pointer to local variables for current frame *\/$/;" v file: localnames infix.c /^ const char *localnames[15];$/;" m file: longname startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: longname startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: longname startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: lower_block_quotes globals.c /^BOOL lower_block_quotes; \/* put block quotes in lower window *\/$/;" v lower_win op_v6.c /^static zwinid lower_win;$/;" v file: lower_win z_io.c /^static zwinid lower_win, upper_win;$/;" v file: mac_gamefile startmac.c /^static strid_t mac_gamefile;$/;" v file: mac_whenbuiltin startmac.c /^static Boolean mac_whenbuiltin()$/;" f file: mac_whenselected startmac.c /^static Boolean mac_whenselected(FSSpec *file, OSType filetype)$/;" f file: macglk_startup_code startmac.c /^Boolean macglk_startup_code(macglk_startup_t *data)$/;" f make_distant automap.c /^static void make_distant(const char *unused_key, void *r)$/;" f file: make_untouched automap.c /^void make_untouched(const char *unused_key, void *r)$/;" f map_info infix.c /^static unsigned map_info[] = { 0x8000, 3, 0 };$/;" v file: mapheight automap.c /^static int mapheight;$/;" v file: mapwidth automap.c /^static int mapwidth;$/;" v file: match_Complete inform.c /^typedef enum { match_None, match_Partial, match_Complete } match_type;$/;" e file: match_None inform.c /^typedef enum { match_None, match_Partial, match_Complete } match_type;$/;" e file: match_Partial inform.c /^typedef enum { match_None, match_Partial, match_Complete } match_type;$/;" e file: match_type inform.c /^typedef enum { match_None, match_Partial, match_Complete } match_type;$/;" t file: max_offset io.c /^ glui32 max_offset; \/* curr_offset must stay < max_offset *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: max_zversion init.c /^ int max_zversion;$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: maxobjs globals.c /^zword maxobjs; \/* Maximum number of objects that could fit *\/$/;" v method io.c /^ glui32 method;$/;" m struct:z_window file: min solve.c /^ const int *min;$/;" m struct:cycleequation file: min solve.c /^ const int *min;$/;" m struct:equation file: min_length automap.c /^ int min_length;$/;" m struct:edge file: min_zversion init.c /^ int min_zversion;$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: mop_call op_call.c /^void mop_call(zword dest, unsigned num_args, zword *args, int result_var)$/;" f mop_cond_branch op_jmp.c /^void mop_cond_branch(BOOL cond)$/;" f mop_func_return stack.c /^void mop_func_return(zword ret_val)$/;" f mop_skip_branch op_jmp.c /^void mop_skip_branch(void)$/;" f mop_store_result stack.c /^void mop_store_result(zword val)$/;" f mop_take_branch op_jmp.c /^void mop_take_branch(void)$/;" f mouse_callback io.c /^ BOOL (*mouse_callback)(BOOL is_char_event, winid_t win, glui32 x, glui32 y);$/;" m struct:z_window file: move_difference undo.c /^struct move_difference {$/;" s file: move_difference undo.c /^typedef struct move_difference move_difference;$/;" t file: move_index undo.c /^static int move_index;$/;" v file: movelist undo.c /^static move_difference *movelist = NULL;$/;" v file: my_function hash.c /^typedef void (*my_function)(void *);$/;" t file: mymap automap.c /^static char *mymap = NULL;$/;" v file: mymap_draw automap.c /^static void mymap_draw(void)$/;" f file: mymap_init automap.c /^void mymap_init(int width, int height)$/;" f mymap_kill automap.c /^void mymap_kill(void)$/;" f mymap_plot automap.c /^static BOOL mymap_plot(int x, int y, char symbol, loc_node *node)$/;" f file: mymap_read automap.c /^static char mymap_read(int x, int y)$/;" f file: mymap_reinit automap.c /^void mymap_reinit(void)$/;" f mymapnode automap.c /^static loc_node **mymapnode = NULL;$/;" v file: n_bsearch portfunc.c /^void *n_bsearch(const void *key, const void *base, int nmemb, int size,$/;" f n_bsearch portfunc.c 294;" d file: n_calloc portfunc.c /^void *n_calloc(int nmemb, int size)$/;" f n_file_name portfunc.c /^strid_t n_file_name(glui32 usage, glui32 fmode, const char *name)$/;" f n_file_name_or_prompt portfunc.c /^strid_t n_file_name_or_prompt(glui32 usage, glui32 fmode, const char *name)$/;" f n_file_prompt portfunc.c /^strid_t n_file_prompt(glui32 usage, glui32 fmode)$/;" f n_free portfunc.c /^void n_free(void *ptr)$/;" f n_hash_construct_table hash.c /^hash_table *n_hash_construct_table(hash_table *table, size_t size)$/;" f n_hash_del hash.c /^void *n_hash_del(const char *key, hash_table *table)$/;" f n_hash_enumerate hash.c /^void n_hash_enumerate( hash_table *table, void (*func)(const char *, void *))$/;" f n_hash_free_table hash.c /^void n_hash_free_table(hash_table *table, void (*func)(void *))$/;" f n_hash_insert hash.c /^void *n_hash_insert(const char *key, void *data, hash_table *table)$/;" f n_hash_lookup hash.c /^void *n_hash_lookup(const char *key, hash_table *table)$/;" f n_lfind portfunc.c /^void *n_lfind(const void *key, const void *base, int *nmemb, int size,$/;" f n_lfind portfunc.c 303;" d file: n_malloc portfunc.c /^void *n_malloc(int size)$/;" f n_memcmp portfunc.c /^int n_memcmp(const void *s1, const void *s2, int n)$/;" f n_memcmp portfunc.c 282;" d file: n_memcpy portfunc.c /^void *n_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, int n)$/;" f n_memcpy portfunc.c 277;" d file: n_memmove portfunc.c /^void *n_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, int n)$/;" f n_memmove portfunc.c 278;" d file: n_memset portfunc.c /^void *n_memset(void *s, int c, int n)$/;" f n_memset portfunc.c 279;" d file: n_memswap portfunc.c /^void n_memswap(void *a, void *b, int n)$/;" f n_print_number z_io.c /^void n_print_number(unsigned n)$/;" f n_print_znumber z_io.c /^void n_print_znumber(zword n)$/;" f n_qsort portfunc.c /^void n_qsort(void *basep, int nelems, int size,$/;" f n_qsort portfunc.c 293;" d file: n_read z_io.c /^int n_read(zword dest, unsigned maxlen, zword parse, unsigned initlen,$/;" f n_realloc portfunc.c /^void *n_realloc(void *ptr, int size)$/;" f n_rmfree portfunc.c /^void n_rmfree(void)$/;" f n_rmfreeone portfunc.c /^void n_rmfreeone(void *m)$/;" f n_rmmalloc portfunc.c /^void *n_rmmalloc(int size)$/;" f n_show_debug errmesg.c /^void n_show_debug(errortypes type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f n_show_error errmesg.c /^void n_show_error(errortypes type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f n_show_fatal errmesg.c /^void n_show_fatal(errortypes type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f n_show_port errmesg.c /^void n_show_port(errortypes type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f n_show_warn errmesg.c /^void n_show_warn(errortypes type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f n_static_number portfunc.c /^const char *n_static_number(const char *preface, glui32 n)$/;" f n_strcasecmp portfunc.c /^int n_strcasecmp(const char *a, const char *b)$/;" f n_strcasecmp portfunc.c 298;" d file: n_strcat portfunc.c /^char *n_strcat(char *dest, const char *src)$/;" f n_strcat portfunc.c 284;" d file: n_strchr portfunc.c /^char *n_strchr(const char *s, int c)$/;" f n_strchr portfunc.c 283;" d file: n_strcmp portfunc.c /^int n_strcmp(const char *a, const char *b)$/;" f n_strcmp portfunc.c 280;" d file: n_strcpy portfunc.c /^char *n_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src)$/;" f n_strcpy portfunc.c 275;" d file: n_strdup portfunc.c /^char *n_strdup(const char *s)$/;" f n_strlen portfunc.c /^unsigned n_strlen(const char *s)$/;" f n_strlen portfunc.c 274;" d file: n_strlower portfunc.c /^char *n_strlower(char *s)$/;" f n_strmatch portfunc.c /^BOOL n_strmatch(const char *target, const char *starting, unsigned len)$/;" f n_strncasecmp portfunc.c /^int n_strncasecmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n)$/;" f n_strncasecmp portfunc.c 299;" d file: n_strncmp portfunc.c /^int n_strncmp(const char *a, const char *b, int n)$/;" f n_strncmp portfunc.c 281;" d file: n_strncpy portfunc.c /^char *n_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, int len)$/;" f n_strncpy portfunc.c 276;" d file: n_strpbrk portfunc.c /^char *n_strpbrk(const char *s, const char *accept)$/;" f n_strpbrk portfunc.c 285;" d file: n_strrchr portfunc.c /^char *n_strrchr(const char *s, int c)$/;" f n_strrchr portfunc.c 290;" d file: n_strspn portfunc.c /^int n_strspn(const char *s, const char *accept)$/;" f n_strspn portfunc.c 286;" d file: n_strstr portfunc.c /^char *n_strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle)$/;" f n_strstr portfunc.c 288;" d file: n_strtok portfunc.c /^char *n_strtok(char *s, const char *delim)$/;" f n_strtok portfunc.c 287;" d file: n_strtol portfunc.c /^long int n_strtol (const char *nptr, char **endptr, int base)$/;" f n_strtol portfunc.c 289;" d file: n_strupper portfunc.c /^char *n_strupper(char *s)$/;" f n_to_decimal portfunc.c /^int n_to_decimal(char *buffer, unsigned n)$/;" f name automap.c /^ const char *name;$/;" m struct:dirinfo file: name infix.c /^ const char *name;$/;" m file: name inform.c /^ const char *name;$/;" m file: name_token inform.c /^} name_token;$/;" t file: next automap.c /^ automap_path *next;$/;" m struct:automap_path file: next automap.c /^ edgelist *next;$/;" m struct:edgelist file: next automap.c /^ interlist *next;$/;" m struct:interlist file: next debug.c /^ auto_display *next;$/;" m struct:auto_display file: next debug.c /^ breakpoint *next;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: next hash.c /^ struct bucket *next;$/;" m struct:bucket file: next inform.c /^ cond_list *next;$/;" m struct:cond_list file: next inform.c /^ zword_list *next;$/;" m struct:zword_list file: next op_v6.c /^ struct graph_piece *next;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: next portfunc.c /^ rmmalloc_entry *next;$/;" m struct:rmmalloc_entry file: next solve.c /^ cycleequation *next;$/;" m struct:cycleequation file: next solve.c /^ equalist *next;$/;" m struct:equalist file: next solve.c /^ equation *next;$/;" m struct:equation file: next tokenise.c /^ struct Typocorrection *next;$/;" m struct:Typocorrection file: next undo.c /^ move_difference *next;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: next z_io.c /^ alias_entry *next;$/;" m struct:alias_entry file: node automap.c /^ edge *node;$/;" m struct:edgelist file: num solve.c /^ int num;$/;" m struct:rational file: num_lines infix.c /^ int num_lines;$/;" m file: num_locals stack.c /^ int num_locals;$/;" m struct:Stack_frame file: num_z_windows io.c 225;" d file: number automap.c /^ zword number;$/;" m struct:loc_node file: number debug.c /^ int number;$/;" m struct:auto_display file: number debug.c /^ int number;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: numoperands globals.c /^int numoperands;$/;" v o infix.c /^ zword o, p; \/* location of value (if t is appropriate) *\/$/;" m struct:z_typed file: oCHILD objects.c /^static zword oPARENT, oSIBLING, oCHILD, oPROPS;$/;" v file: oPARENT objects.c /^static zword oPARENT, oSIBLING, oCHILD, oPROPS;$/;" v file: oPROPS objects.c /^static zword oPARENT, oSIBLING, oCHILD, oPROPS;$/;" v file: oSIBLING objects.c /^static zword oPARENT, oSIBLING, oCHILD, oPROPS;$/;" v file: obj_first_prop_addr globals.c /^zword obj_first_prop_addr = 0; \/* Location of start of first property *\/$/;" v obj_last_prop_addr globals.c /^zword obj_last_prop_addr = ZWORD_MASK; \/* Location of start of last property *\/$/;" v object_count globals.c /^zword object_count = 0; \/* Objects before first property *\/$/;" v object_name objects.c /^offset object_name(zword object)$/;" f object_property_loop objects.c /^static BOOL object_property_loop(zword object, zword *propnum,$/;" f file: objects_init objects.c /^void objects_init(void)$/;" f oldPC globals.c /^offset oldPC;$/;" v oldPC undo.c /^ offset oldPC;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: older_pieces op_v6.c /^static struct graph_piece *older_pieces;$/;" v file: oneway automap.c /^ char oneway;$/;" m struct:dirinfo file: op_XXX oplist.c /^static void op_XXX(void)$/;" f file: op_add op_math.c /^void op_add(void)$/;" f op_and op_math.c /^void op_and(void)$/;" f op_aread z_io.c /^void op_aread(void)$/;" f op_art_shift op_math.c /^void op_art_shift(void)$/;" f op_buffer_mode z_io.c /^void op_buffer_mode(void)$/;" f op_call_n op_call.c /^void op_call_n(void)$/;" f op_call_s op_call.c /^void op_call_s(void)$/;" f op_catch stack.c /^void op_catch(void)$/;" f op_check_arg_count stack.c /^void op_check_arg_count(void)$/;" f op_check_unicode z_io.c /^void op_check_unicode(void)$/;" f op_clear_attr objects.c /^void op_clear_attr(void)$/;" f op_copy_table op_table.c /^void op_copy_table(void)$/;" f op_dec op_math.c /^void op_dec(void)$/;" f op_dec_chk op_math.c /^void op_dec_chk(void)$/;" f op_div op_math.c /^void op_div(void)$/;" f op_draw_picture op_v6.c /^void op_draw_picture(void)$/;" f op_encode_text zscii.c /^void op_encode_text(void)$/;" f op_erase_line z_io.c /^void op_erase_line(void)$/;" f op_erase_picture op_v6.c /^void op_erase_picture(void)$/;" f op_erase_window z_io.c /^void op_erase_window(void)$/;" f op_func oplist.c /^typedef void (*op_func)(void);$/;" t file: op_get_child objects.c /^void op_get_child(void)$/;" f op_get_cursor z_io.c /^void op_get_cursor(void)$/;" f op_get_next_prop objects.c /^void op_get_next_prop(void)$/;" f op_get_parent objects.c /^void op_get_parent(void)$/;" f op_get_prop objects.c /^void op_get_prop(void)$/;" f op_get_prop_addr objects.c /^void op_get_prop_addr(void)$/;" f op_get_prop_len objects.c /^void op_get_prop_len(void)$/;" f op_get_sibling objects.c /^void op_get_sibling(void)$/;" f op_get_wind_prop op_v6.c /^void op_get_wind_prop(void)$/;" f op_inc op_math.c /^void op_inc(void)$/;" f op_inc_chk op_math.c /^void op_inc_chk(void)$/;" f op_input_stream z_io.c /^void op_input_stream(void)$/;" f op_insert_obj objects.c /^void op_insert_obj(void)$/;" f op_je op_jmp.c /^void op_je(void)$/;" f op_jg op_jmp.c /^void op_jg(void)$/;" f op_jin objects.c /^void op_jin(void)$/;" f op_jl op_jmp.c /^void op_jl(void)$/;" f op_jump op_jmp.c /^void op_jump(void)$/;" f op_jz op_jmp.c /^void op_jz(void)$/;" f op_load op_math.c /^void op_load(void)$/;" f op_loadb op_table.c /^void op_loadb(void)$/;" f op_loadw op_table.c /^void op_loadw(void)$/;" f op_log_shift op_math.c /^void op_log_shift(void)$/;" f op_make_menu op_v6.c /^void op_make_menu(void)$/;" f op_mod op_math.c /^void op_mod(void)$/;" f op_mouse_window op_v6.c /^void op_mouse_window(void)$/;" f op_move_window op_v6.c /^void op_move_window(void)$/;" f op_mul op_math.c /^void op_mul(void)$/;" f op_new_line z_io.c /^void op_new_line(void)$/;" f op_nop oplist.c /^static void op_nop(void) { ; }$/;" f file: op_not op_math.c /^void op_not(void)$/;" f op_or op_math.c /^void op_or(void)$/;" f op_output_stream z_io.c /^void op_output_stream(void)$/;" f op_picture_data op_v6.c /^void op_picture_data(void)$/;" f op_picture_table op_v6.c /^void op_picture_table(void)$/;" f op_piracy op_jmp.c /^void op_piracy(void)$/;" f op_pop stack.c /^void op_pop(void)$/;" f op_pop_stack stack.c /^void op_pop_stack(void)$/;" f op_print z_io.c /^void op_print(void)$/;" f op_print_addr z_io.c /^void op_print_addr(void)$/;" f op_print_char z_io.c /^void op_print_char(void)$/;" f op_print_form op_v6.c /^void op_print_form(void)$/;" f op_print_num z_io.c /^void op_print_num(void)$/;" f op_print_obj objects.c /^void op_print_obj(void)$/;" f op_print_paddr z_io.c /^void op_print_paddr(void)$/;" f op_print_ret z_io.c /^void op_print_ret(void)$/;" f op_print_table z_io.c /^void op_print_table(void)$/;" f op_print_unicode z_io.c /^void op_print_unicode(void)$/;" f op_pull stack.c /^void op_pull(void)$/;" f op_push stack.c /^void op_push(void)$/;" f op_push_stack stack.c /^void op_push_stack(void)$/;" f op_put_prop objects.c /^void op_put_prop(void)$/;" f op_put_wind_prop op_v6.c /^void op_put_wind_prop(void)$/;" f op_quit op_save.c /^void op_quit(void)$/;" f op_random op_math.c /^void op_random(void)$/;" f op_read_char z_io.c /^void op_read_char(void)$/;" f op_read_mouse op_v6.c /^void op_read_mouse(void)$/;" f op_remove_obj objects.c /^void op_remove_obj(void)$/;" f op_restart op_save.c /^void op_restart(void)$/;" f op_restore1 op_save.c /^void op_restore1(void)$/;" f op_restore4 op_save.c /^void op_restore4(void)$/;" f op_restore5 op_save.c /^void op_restore5(void)$/;" f op_restore_undo op_save.c /^void op_restore_undo(void)$/;" f op_ret op_call.c /^void op_ret(void)$/;" f op_ret_popped stack.c /^void op_ret_popped(void)$/;" f op_rfalse op_call.c /^void op_rfalse(void)$/;" f op_rtrue op_call.c /^void op_rtrue(void)$/;" f op_save1 op_save.c /^void op_save1(void)$/;" f op_save4 op_save.c /^void op_save4(void)$/;" f op_save5 op_save.c /^void op_save5(void)$/;" f op_save_undo op_save.c /^void op_save_undo(void)$/;" f op_scan_table op_table.c /^void op_scan_table(void)$/;" f op_scroll_window op_v6.c /^void op_scroll_window(void)$/;" f op_set_attr objects.c /^void op_set_attr(void)$/;" f op_set_colour z_io.c /^void op_set_colour(void)$/;" f op_set_cursor z_io.c /^void op_set_cursor(void)$/;" f op_set_font z_io.c /^void op_set_font(void)$/;" f op_set_margins op_v6.c /^void op_set_margins(void)$/;" f op_set_text_style z_io.c /^void op_set_text_style(void)$/;" f op_set_window z_io.c /^void op_set_window(void)$/;" f op_set_window6 op_v6.c /^void op_set_window6(void)$/;" f op_show_status z_io.c /^void op_show_status(void)$/;" f op_sound_effect no_snd.c /^void op_sound_effect(void)$/;" f op_sound_effect sound.c /^void op_sound_effect(void)$/;" f op_split_window z_io.c /^void op_split_window(void)$/;" f op_sread z_io.c /^void op_sread(void)$/;" f op_store op_math.c /^void op_store(void)$/;" f op_storeb op_table.c /^void op_storeb(void)$/;" f op_storew op_table.c /^void op_storew(void)$/;" f op_sub op_math.c /^void op_sub(void)$/;" f op_test op_jmp.c /^void op_test(void)$/;" f op_test_attr objects.c /^void op_test_attr(void)$/;" f op_throw stack.c /^void op_throw(void)$/;" f op_tokenise tokenise.c /^void op_tokenise(void)$/;" f op_verify op_jmp.c /^void op_verify(void)$/;" f op_window_size op_v6.c /^void op_window_size(void)$/;" f op_window_style op_v6.c /^void op_window_style(void)$/;" f opcode_counters debug.c /^unsigned opcode_counters[OFFSET_END];$/;" v opcodelist oplist.c /^opcodeinfo opcodelist[] = {$/;" v opcodetable oplist.c /^op_func opcodetable[] = {$/;" v operand globals.c /^zword operand[16];$/;" v opposite inform.c /^ BOOL opposite;$/;" m file: opposite inform.c /^ BOOL opposite;$/;" m struct:cond_list file: opposite inform.c /^ BOOL opposite;$/;" m file: option_file startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_file startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_file startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_flag startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_flag startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_flag startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_number startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_number startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_number startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_option startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" t file: option_option startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" t file: option_option startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" t file: option_string startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_string startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_string startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_type startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" t file: option_type startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" t file: option_type startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" t file: option_wfile startdos.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_wfile startunix.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: option_wfile startwin.c /^typedef enum { option_flag, option_file, option_wfile, option_number, option_string } option_type;$/;" e file: options startdos.c /^static option_option options[] = {$/;" v file: options startunix.c /^static option_option options[] = {$/;" v file: options startwin.c /^static option_option options[] = {$/;" v file: original tokenise.c /^ char original[13];$/;" m struct:Typocorrection file: outgoing automap.c /^ edge *outgoing[NUM_DIRS]; \/* Drawn map connections *\/$/;" m struct:loc_node file: output_char z_io.c /^void output_char(int c)$/;" f output_stream z_io.c /^static int output_stream;$/;" v file: output_string z_io.c /^void output_string(const char *s)$/;" f p infix.c /^ zword o, p; \/* location of value (if t is appropriate) *\/$/;" m struct:z_typed file: parse_commands startdos.c /^static BOOL parse_commands(int argc, char **argv)$/;" f file: parse_commands startunix.c /^static BOOL parse_commands(int argc, char **argv)$/;" f file: parse_commands startwin.c /^static BOOL parse_commands(int argc, char **argv)$/;" f file: parse_new_alias z_io.c /^void parse_new_alias(const char *aliascommand, BOOL is_recursive)$/;" f pcoffset inform.c /^ glui32 pcoffset;$/;" m file: pending_input_length io.c /^ glui32 pending_input_length;$/;" m struct:z_window file: pending_input_type io.c /^ glui32 pending_input_type;$/;" m struct:z_window file: perform_displays debug.c /^void perform_displays(void)$/;" f picnum op_v6.c /^ zword picnum;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: precNEG inform.c 80;" d file: prev op_v6.c /^ struct graph_piece *prev;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: prev tokenise.c /^ struct Typocorrection *prev;$/;" m struct:Typocorrection file: prevstate undo.c /^static zbyte *prevstate = NULL;$/;" v file: process_debug_command inform.c /^void process_debug_command(const char *buffer)$/;" f prop_table_end globals.c /^zword prop_table_end = ZWORD_MASK;\/* End of property table *\/$/;" v prop_table_start globals.c /^zword prop_table_start = 0; \/* Beginning of property table *\/$/;" v qargs stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" e enum:qstacknames file: qchecksum quetzal.c /^enum qifhdnames { qrelnum, qsernum, qchecksum = qsernum + 6, qinitPC };$/;" e enum:qifhdnames file: qcontid quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" e enum:qintdnames file: qeval stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" e enum:qstacknames file: qflags quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" e enum:qintdnames file: qflags stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" e enum:qstacknames file: qifhd quetzal.c /^static unsigned qifhd[] = { 2, 6, 2, 3, 0 };$/;" v file: qifhdnames quetzal.c /^enum qifhdnames { qrelnum, qsernum, qchecksum = qsernum + 6, qinitPC };$/;" g file: qinitPC quetzal.c /^enum qifhdnames { qrelnum, qsernum, qchecksum = qsernum + 6, qinitPC };$/;" e enum:qifhdnames file: qintd quetzal.c /^static unsigned qintd[] = { 4, 1, 1, 2, 4 };$/;" v file: qintdnames quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" g file: qintid quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" e enum:qintdnames file: qopid quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" e enum:qintdnames file: qrelnum quetzal.c /^enum qifhdnames { qrelnum, qsernum, qchecksum = qsernum + 6, qinitPC };$/;" e enum:qifhdnames file: qresrvd quetzal.c /^enum qintdnames { qopid, qflags, qcontid, qresrvd, qintid };$/;" e enum:qintdnames file: qreturnPC stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" e enum:qstacknames file: qsernum quetzal.c /^enum qifhdnames { qrelnum, qsernum, qchecksum = qsernum + 6, qinitPC };$/;" e enum:qifhdnames file: qstackframe stack.c /^const unsigned qstackframe[] = { 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0 };$/;" v qstacknames stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" g file: quetzal_diff quetzal.c /^BOOL quetzal_diff(const zbyte *a, const zbyte *b, glui32 length,$/;" f quetzal_findgamefile quetzal.c /^strid_t quetzal_findgamefile(strid_t stream)$/;" f quetzal_stack_restore stack.c /^BOOL quetzal_stack_restore(strid_t stream, glui32 qsize)$/;" f quetzal_stack_save stack.c /^BOOL quetzal_stack_save(strid_t stream)$/;" f quetzal_undiff quetzal.c /^BOOL quetzal_undiff(zbyte *dest, glui32 length,$/;" f quiet globals.c /^BOOL quiet = TRUE;$/;" v qvar stack.c /^enum qstacknames { qreturnPC, qflags, qvar, qargs, qeval };$/;" e enum:qstacknames file: rational solve.c /^struct rational {$/;" s file: rational solve.c /^typedef struct rational rational;$/;" t file: rational_add solve.c /^static rational rational_add(rational a, rational b)$/;" f file: rational_div solve.c /^static rational rational_div(rational a, rational b)$/;" f file: rational_int solve.c /^static rational rational_int(int i)$/;" f file: rational_isone solve.c /^static BOOL rational_isone(rational r)$/;" f file: rational_iszero solve.c /^static BOOL rational_iszero(rational r)$/;" f file: rational_mult solve.c /^static rational rational_mult(rational a, rational b)$/;" f file: rational_reduce solve.c /^static rational rational_reduce(rational r)$/;" f file: rational_sub solve.c /^static rational rational_sub(rational a, rational b)$/;" f file: read_abort globals.c /^BOOL read_abort; \/* quickly stop reading *\/$/;" v read_textpref startdos.c /^static void read_textpref(strid_t pref, const char *progname)$/;" f file: read_textpref startunix.c /^static void read_textpref(strid_t pref, const char *progname)$/;" f file: real automap.c /^ BOOL found, real, touched;$/;" m struct:loc_node file: recent_corrections tokenise.c /^struct Typocorrection *recent_corrections; \/* Inform requests two parses of$/;" v record_info infix.c /^static unsigned record_info[][9] = {$/;" v file: remove_alias z_io.c /^BOOL remove_alias(const char *from)$/;" f remove_stack_frame stack.c /^void remove_stack_frame(void)$/;" f restoregame op_save.c /^BOOL restoregame(void)$/;" f restorequetzal quetzal.c /^BOOL restorequetzal(strid_t stream)$/;" f restoreredo undo.c /^BOOL restoreredo(void)$/;" f restoreundo undo.c /^BOOL restoreundo(void)$/;" f result_variable stack.c /^ int result_variable; \/* Where to place the result upon returning *\/$/;" m struct:Stack_frame file: return_PC stack.c /^ offset return_PC;$/;" m struct:Stack_frame file: reverse init.c /^ BOOL reverse;$/;" m struct:z_cap_entry file: rmmalloc_entry portfunc.c /^struct rmmalloc_entry {$/;" s file: rmmalloc_entry portfunc.c /^typedef struct rmmalloc_entry rmmalloc_entry;$/;" t file: rmmalloc_list portfunc.c /^static rmmalloc_entry *rmmalloc_list = NULL;$/;" v file: room_find automap.c /^static loc_node *room_find(glui32 location, BOOL is_real)$/;" f file: room_find_or_create automap.c /^static loc_node *room_find_or_create(glui32 location, BOOL is_real)$/;" f file: room_remove automap.c /^static void room_remove(loc_node *room)$/;" f file: rooms automap.c /^static hash_table rooms;$/;" v file: roomsymbol automap.c /^char *roomsymbol = NULL;$/;" v routine infix.c /^ unsigned routine;$/;" m file: routineref infix.c /^} routineref;$/;" t file: rstart globals.c /^offset rstart;$/;" v sBOLD io.c 124;" d file: sFIXE io.c 126;" d file: sITAL io.c 125;" d file: sREVE io.c 127;" d file: savefile main.c /^static strid_t savefile;$/;" v file: savegame op_save.c /^BOOL savegame(void)$/;" f savequetzal quetzal.c /^BOOL savequetzal(strid_t stream)$/;" f saveundo undo.c /^BOOL saveundo(BOOL in_instruction)$/;" f search_for_aliases z_io.c /^int search_for_aliases(char *text, int length, int maxlen)$/;" f search_path globals.c /^char *search_path; \/* Path in which to look for games *\/$/;" v search_soup zscii.c /^static BOOL search_soup(zbyte c, int *rspoon, int *rletter)$/;" f file: select_edge solve.c /^static equation *select_edge(equation *cycle, int *need_recalc)$/;" f file: selected_room_number automap.c /^static glui32 selected_room_number = 0;$/;" v file: sequence_point_info infix.c /^static unsigned sequence_point_info[] ={ 1, 2, 1, 2, 0 };$/;" v file: set_defaults startdos.c /^static void set_defaults(void)$/;" f file: set_defaults startunix.c /^static void set_defaults(void)$/;" f file: set_defaults startwin.c /^static void set_defaults(void)$/;" f file: set_fixed io.c /^void set_fixed(BOOL p)$/;" f set_game_filename startdos.c /^static void set_game_filename(const char *name)$/;" f file: set_game_filename startunix.c /^static void set_game_filename(const char *name)$/;" f file: set_glk_stream_current io.c /^void set_glk_stream_current(void)$/;" f set_header init.c /^void set_header(glui32 width, glui32 height)$/;" f set_step debug.c /^void set_step(Cont_type t, int count)$/;" f set_stylehints io.c /^static void set_stylehints(char fore, char back)$/;" f file: set_transcript z_io.c /^void set_transcript(strid_t stream)$/;" f set_var stack.c /^N_INLINE void set_var(int var, zword val)$/;" f set_volume sound.c /^static void set_volume(zword zvolume)$/;" f file: set_zfile main.c /^static void set_zfile(strid_t file)$/;" f file: shift_string_left startwin.c /^void shift_string_left(char *str)$/;" f short_name objects.c /^static char *short_name;$/;" v file: short_name_i objects.c /^static unsigned short_name_i;$/;" v file: short_name_length objects.c /^static unsigned short_name_length;$/;" v file: shortname startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: shortname startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: shortname startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: show_copying copying.c /^void show_copying(void)$/;" f show_help startdos.c /^static void show_help(void)$/;" f file: show_help startunix.c /^static void show_help(void)$/;" f file: show_help startwin.c /^static void show_help(void)$/;" f file: show_warranty copying.c /^void show_warranty(void)$/;" f showstuff io.c /^void showstuff(const char *title, const char *type, const char *message, offset number)$/;" f showstuffcount io.c /^static int showstuffcount = 0;$/;" v file: sighandle startdos.c /^static void sighandle(int unused)$/;" f file: sighandle startunix.c /^static void sighandle(int unused)$/;" f file: size hash.c /^ size_t size;$/;" m struct:hash_table file: skip_branch op_jmp.c /^N_INLINE static void skip_branch(zbyte branch)$/;" f file: smart_timed globals.c /^BOOL smart_timed = TRUE; \/* redraw the prompt *\/$/;" v smart_tokeniser tokenise.c /^static zword smart_tokeniser(zword dictionarytable,$/;" f file: sstart globals.c /^offset sstart;$/;" v stack_frames stack.c /^static Stack_frame *stack_frames = NULL;$/;" v file: stack_get_depth stack.c /^unsigned stack_get_depth(void)$/;" f stack_get_numlocals stack.c /^unsigned stack_get_numlocals(int frame)$/;" f stack_max stack.c /^static offset stack_max; \/* Maximum for stack_pointer (size of stack) *\/$/;" v file: stack_min stack.c /^static offset stack_min; \/* Minimum for stack_pointer (how much we can pop) *\/$/;" v file: stack_pointer stack.c /^static offset stack_pointer; \/* Current offset into stack_stack *\/$/;" v file: stack_pop stack.c /^static zword stack_pop(void)$/;" f file: stack_push stack.c /^static void stack_push(zword n)$/;" f file: stack_stack stack.c /^static zword *stack_stack = NULL; \/* Holds local variables and pushed values *\/$/;" v file: stack_stack_start stack.c /^ offset stack_stack_start; \/* points into stack_stack to local variables$/;" m struct:Stack_frame file: stackchunk undo.c /^ zbyte *stackchunk; \/* Quetzal encoded *\/$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: stackchunk undo.c /^ zbyte *stackchunk; \/* Quetzal encoded *\/$/;" m struct:move_difference file: stackchunksize undo.c /^ glui32 stackchunksize;$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: stacklength undo.c /^ glui32 stacklength;$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: stacklength undo.c /^ glui32 stacklength;$/;" m struct:move_difference file: stacklimit globals.c /^int stacklimit = 0;$/;" v start_PC infix.c /^ offset start_PC;$/;" m file: start_x infix.c /^ unsigned start_x;$/;" m file: startline infix.c /^ unsigned startline;$/;" m file: startup_findfile startdos.c /^strid_t startup_findfile(void)$/;" f startup_findfile startmac.c /^strid_t startup_findfile(void)$/;" f startup_findfile startunix.c /^strid_t startup_findfile(void)$/;" f startup_findfile startwin.c /^strid_t startup_findfile(void)$/;" f startup_open startdos.c /^strid_t startup_open(const char *name)$/;" f startup_open startunix.c /^strid_t startup_open(const char *name)$/;" f startup_open startwin.c /^strid_t startup_open(const char *name)$/;" f startup_wopen startdos.c /^static strid_t startup_wopen(const char *name)$/;" f file: startup_wopen startunix.c /^static strid_t startup_wopen(const char *name)$/;" f file: startup_wopen startwin.c /^static strid_t startup_wopen(const char *name)$/;" f file: step_count debug.c /^static int step_count = 0;$/;" v file: str io.c /^ strid_t str;$/;" m struct:z_window file: str_func startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: str_func startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: str_func startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: strcat inform.c 120;" d file: strcpy inform.c 126;" d file: stream infix.c /^ strid_t stream;$/;" m file: stream2 z_io.c /^static strid_t stream2, stream4;$/;" v file: stream3_nesting_depth z_io.c /^static int stream3_nesting_depth;$/;" v file: stream3_table_locations z_io.c /^static zword stream3_table_locations[16];$/;" v file: stream3_table_starts z_io.c /^static zword stream3_table_starts[16];$/;" v file: stream4 z_io.c /^static strid_t stream2, stream4;$/;" v file: stream4line z_io.c /^void stream4line(const char *buffer, int length, char terminator)$/;" f stream4number z_io.c /^void stream4number(unsigned c)$/;" f string_bad globals.c /^BOOL string_bad = FALSE; \/* If it turns out to not be a bad string *\/$/;" v string_func startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: string_func startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: string_func startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: string_start infix.c /^static offset string_start = 0;$/;" v file: strlen inform.c 123;" d file: style io.c /^ unsigned char style;$/;" m file: swap_chars portfunc.c /^static void swap_chars(char *a, char *b, int nbytes)$/;" f file: symbol automap.c /^ char symbol;$/;" m struct:dirinfo file: t infix.c /^ z_type t;$/;" m struct:z_typed file: table hash.c /^ bucket **table;$/;" m struct:hash_table file: take_branch op_jmp.c /^N_INLINE static void take_branch(zbyte branch)$/;" f file: testing_string globals.c /^BOOL testing_string = FALSE; \/* If we're uncertain this is really a string *\/$/;" v text op_v6.c /^ char *text;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: text_buffer io.c /^ unsigned char *text_buffer; \/* whole window for grid, current line for buffer *\/$/;" m struct:z_window file: the_table hash.c /^static hash_table *the_table = NULL;$/;" v file: thisPC infix.c /^ offset thisPC;$/;" m file: time_ret globals.c /^zword time_ret; \/* Get the return value back to the timer *\/$/;" v timer_callback z_io.c /^static BOOL timer_callback(zword routine)$/;" f file: to z_io.c /^ char *to;$/;" m struct:alias_entry file: token inform.c /^ int token;$/;" m file: tokenise tokenise.c /^static int tokenise(zword dictionarytable, const char *text, int length,$/;" f file: total_size globals.c /^offset total_size;$/;" v touched automap.c /^ BOOL found, real, touched;$/;" m struct:loc_node file: touched automap.c /^ BOOL touched;$/;" m struct:edge file: transcript io.c /^ strid_t transcript;$/;" m struct:z_window file: transcript_getchar z_io.c /^unsigned char transcript_getchar(unsigned *num)$/;" f transcript_getline z_io.c /^unsigned char transcript_getline(char *dest, glui32 *length)$/;" f tripletize zscii.c /^static void tripletize(zbyte **location, unsigned *triplet, int *count,$/;" f file: trunk objects.c /^static char *trunk = NULL;$/;" v file: trunksize objects.c /^static int trunksize = 128;$/;" v file: type debug.c /^ bptype type;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: type op_v6.c /^ z6_type type;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: type startdos.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: type startunix.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: type startwin.c /^typedef struct { const char *longname; char shortname; const char *description; option_type type; void (*int_func)(int); int defint; void (*str_func)(strid_t); strid_t defstream; void (*string_func)(const char *); const char *defstring; } option_option;$/;" m file: untriplet zscii.c /^static char untriplet(offset *location, int *shift_amt)$/;" f file: upper_height io.c /^static glui32 upper_width, upper_height;$/;" v file: upper_mouse_callback z_io.c /^BOOL upper_mouse_callback(BOOL is_char_event, winid_t win, glui32 x, glui32 y)$/;" f upper_roomname_length z_io.c /^static int upper_roomname_length;$/;" v file: upper_width io.c /^static glui32 upper_width, upper_height;$/;" v file: upper_win z_io.c /^static zwinid lower_win, upper_win;$/;" v file: username globals.c /^const char *username;$/;" v using_infix globals.c /^int using_infix;$/;" v v infix.c /^ zword v; \/* The value stored *\/$/;" m struct:z_typed file: v6_main_window_is op_v6.c /^void v6_main_window_is(zwinid win)$/;" f val inform.c /^ zword val;$/;" m struct:cond_list file: val inform.c /^ z_typed val;$/;" m file: var solve.c /^ int *var;$/;" m struct:cycleequation file: var solve.c /^ int *var;$/;" m struct:equation file: verify_stack stack.c /^BOOL verify_stack(void)$/;" f w_attributes op_v6.c /^ w_font_number, w_font_size, w_attributes, w_line_count$/;" e file: w_colour_data op_v6.c /^ w_nl_routine, w_int_count, w_text_style, w_colour_data,$/;" e file: w_font_number op_v6.c /^ w_font_number, w_font_size, w_attributes, w_line_count$/;" e file: w_font_size op_v6.c /^ w_font_number, w_font_size, w_attributes, w_line_count$/;" e file: w_glk_put_buffer portfunc.c /^void w_glk_put_buffer(const char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f w_glk_put_buffer_stream portfunc.c /^void w_glk_put_buffer_stream(strid_t str, const char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f w_glk_put_char portfunc.c /^void w_glk_put_char(int ch)$/;" f w_glk_put_string portfunc.c /^void w_glk_put_string(const char *s)$/;" f w_glk_put_string_stream portfunc.c /^void w_glk_put_string_stream(strid_t str, const char *s)$/;" f w_int_count op_v6.c /^ w_nl_routine, w_int_count, w_text_style, w_colour_data,$/;" e file: w_l_margin op_v6.c /^ w_y_cursor, w_x_cursor, w_l_margin, w_r_margin,$/;" e file: w_line_count op_v6.c /^ w_font_number, w_font_size, w_attributes, w_line_count$/;" e file: w_nl_routine op_v6.c /^ w_nl_routine, w_int_count, w_text_style, w_colour_data,$/;" e file: w_r_margin op_v6.c /^ w_y_cursor, w_x_cursor, w_l_margin, w_r_margin,$/;" e file: w_text_style op_v6.c /^ w_nl_routine, w_int_count, w_text_style, w_colour_data,$/;" e file: w_x_coord op_v6.c /^typedef enum { w_y_coord, w_x_coord, w_y_size, w_x_size,$/;" e file: w_x_cursor op_v6.c /^ w_y_cursor, w_x_cursor, w_l_margin, w_r_margin,$/;" e file: w_x_size op_v6.c /^typedef enum { w_y_coord, w_x_coord, w_y_size, w_x_size,$/;" e file: w_y_coord op_v6.c /^typedef enum { w_y_coord, w_x_coord, w_y_size, w_x_size,$/;" e file: w_y_cursor op_v6.c /^ w_y_cursor, w_x_cursor, w_l_margin, w_r_margin,$/;" e file: w_y_size op_v6.c /^typedef enum { w_y_coord, w_x_coord, w_y_size, w_x_size,$/;" e file: wa_buffered op_v6.c /^typedef enum { wa_wrapping, wa_scrolling, wa_transcript, wa_buffered } win_attributes;$/;" e file: wa_scrolling op_v6.c /^typedef enum { wa_wrapping, wa_scrolling, wa_transcript, wa_buffered } win_attributes;$/;" e file: wa_transcript op_v6.c /^typedef enum { wa_wrapping, wa_scrolling, wa_transcript, wa_buffered } win_attributes;$/;" e file: wa_wrapping op_v6.c /^typedef enum { wa_wrapping, wa_scrolling, wa_transcript, wa_buffered } win_attributes;$/;" e file: waitforinput io.c /^static int waitforinput(zwinid window, glui32 *val,$/;" f file: watch_expression debug.c /^ char *watch_expression;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: watch_frame debug.c /^ int watch_frame; \/* Frame at which to evaluate watch; -1 if no locals *\/$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: watch_value debug.c /^ z_typed watch_value;$/;" m struct:breakpoint file: watchnames debug.c /^const char *watchnames[] = {$/;" v width io.c /^ glui32 width, height;$/;" m file: width io.c /^ glui32 width, height;$/;" m struct:z_window file: width op_v6.c /^ zword width, height;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: win io.c /^ winid_t win;$/;" m struct:z_window file: win_attributes op_v6.c /^typedef enum { wa_wrapping, wa_scrolling, wa_transcript, wa_buffered } win_attributes;$/;" t file: win_prop_names op_v6.c /^} win_prop_names;$/;" t file: window op_v6.c /^ int window;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: window_props op_v6.c /^static zword window_props[8][16];$/;" v file: winglk_startup_code startwin.c /^int winglk_startup_code(void)$/;" f wintype io.c /^ glui32 wintype;$/;" m struct:z_window file: wrap_gib_count_resources blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_count_resources(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 usage, glui32 *num, glui32 *min, glui32 *max)$/;" f wrap_gib_count_resources no_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_count_resources(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 usage, glui32 *num, glui32 *min, glui32 *max)$/;" f wrap_gib_create_map blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_create_map(strid_t file, giblorb_map_t **newmap)$/;" f wrap_gib_create_map no_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_create_map(strid_t file, giblorb_map_t **newmap)$/;" f wrap_gib_destroy_map blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_destroy_map(giblorb_map_t *map)$/;" f wrap_gib_destroy_map no_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_destroy_map(giblorb_map_t *map)$/;" f wrap_gib_load_resource blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_load_resource(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 method, giblorb_result_t *res, glui32 usage, glui32 resnum)$/;" f wrap_gib_load_resource no_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_load_resource(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 method, giblorb_result_t *res, glui32 usage, glui32 resnum)$/;" f wrap_gib_set_resource_map blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_set_resource_map(strid_t file)$/;" f wrap_gib_set_resource_map no_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t wrap_gib_set_resource_map(strid_t file)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_draw graphics.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_draw(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_draw no_graph.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_draw(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_draw_scaled graphics.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_draw_scaled(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2, glui32 width, glui32 height)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_draw_scaled no_graph.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_draw_scaled(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2, glui32 width, glui32 height)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_get_info graphics.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_get_info(glui32 image, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f wrap_glk_image_get_info no_graph.c /^glui32 wrap_glk_image_get_info(glui32 image, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f x infix.c /^ unsigned x;$/;" m file: x io.c /^ glui32 x, y;$/;" m file: x op_v6.c /^ zword x, y;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: x1 io.c /^ glui32 x1, y1, x2, y2;$/;" m struct:z_window file: x2 io.c /^ glui32 x1, y1, x2, y2;$/;" m struct:z_window file: xcoefficient solve.c /^ int xcoefficient;$/;" m struct:cycleequation file: xoffset automap.c /^static int xoffset, yoffset;$/;" v file: y io.c /^ glui32 x, y;$/;" m file: y op_v6.c /^ zword x, y;$/;" m struct:graph_piece file: y1 io.c /^ glui32 x1, y1, x2, y2;$/;" m struct:z_window file: y2 io.c /^ glui32 x1, y1, x2, y2;$/;" m struct:z_window file: ycoefficient solve.c /^ int ycoefficient;$/;" m struct:cycleequation file: yoffset automap.c /^static int xoffset, yoffset;$/;" v file: yyalloc inform.c /^union yyalloc$/;" u file: yycheck inform.c /^static const short yycheck[] =$/;" v file: yyclearin inform.c 697;" d file: yydebug inform.c /^int yydebug;$/;" v yydefact inform.c /^static const short yydefact[] =$/;" v file: yydefgoto inform.c /^static const short yydefgoto[] =$/;" v file: yyerrok inform.c 696;" d file: yyerror inform.c /^static void yyerror(const char *s)$/;" f file: yylex inform.c /^static int yylex(void)$/;" f file: yyls inform.c /^ YYLTYPE yyls;$/;" m union:yyalloc file: yypact inform.c /^static const short yypact[] =$/;" v file: yyparse inform.c /^yyparse (YYPARSE_PARAM_ARG)$/;" f yypgoto inform.c /^static const short yypgoto[] =$/;" v file: yyprhs inform.c /^static const short yyprhs[] =$/;" v file: yyr1 inform.c /^static const short yyr1[] =$/;" v file: yyr2 inform.c /^static const short yyr2[] =$/;" v file: yyrhs inform.c /^static const short yyrhs[] =$/;" v file: yyrline inform.c /^static const short yyrline[] =$/;" v file: yyss inform.c /^ short yyss;$/;" m union:yyalloc file: yystpcpy inform.c /^yystpcpy (char *yydest, const char *yysrc)$/;" f file: yystpcpy inform.c 831;" d file: yystrlen inform.c /^yystrlen (const char *yystr)$/;" f file: yystrlen inform.c 808;" d file: yystype inform.c /^} yystype;$/;" t file: yytable inform.c /^static const short yytable[] =$/;" v file: yytname inform.c /^static const char *const yytname[] =$/;" v file: yytranslate inform.c /^static const char yytranslate[] =$/;" v file: yyvs inform.c /^ YYSTYPE yyvs;$/;" m union:yyalloc file: z6_picture op_v6.c /^typedef enum { z6_text, z6_picture, z6_rectangle } z6_type;$/;" e file: z6_rectangle op_v6.c /^typedef enum { z6_text, z6_picture, z6_rectangle } z6_type;$/;" e file: z6_text op_v6.c /^typedef enum { z6_text, z6_picture, z6_rectangle } z6_type;$/;" e file: z6_type op_v6.c /^typedef enum { z6_text, z6_picture, z6_rectangle } z6_type;$/;" t file: z_cap_entry init.c /^struct z_cap_entry {$/;" s file: z_cap_table init.c /^static const struct z_cap_entry z_cap_table[] = {$/;" v file: z_caps init.c /^enum z_caps { HAS_STATUSLINE, HAS_COLOR, HAS_CHARGRAPH, HAS_BOLD, HAS_ITALIC,$/;" g file: z_checksum globals.c /^zword z_checksum; \/* calculated checksum, not header *\/$/;" v z_clear_window io.c /^void z_clear_window(zwinid window)$/;" f z_close init.c /^void z_close(void)$/;" f z_dictionary globals.c /^zword z_dictionary;$/;" v z_div op_math.c /^zword z_div(zword a, zword b)$/;" f z_draw_all_windows io.c /^void z_draw_all_windows(void)$/;" f z_erase_line io.c /^void z_erase_line(zwinid window)$/;" f z_find_size io.c /^void z_find_size(glui32 *wid, glui32 *hei)$/;" f z_find_win io.c /^zwinid z_find_win(winid_t win)$/;" f z_flush_all_windows io.c /^void z_flush_all_windows(void)$/;" f z_flush_fixed io.c /^void z_flush_fixed(zwinid window)$/;" f z_flush_graphics io.c /^void z_flush_graphics(zwinid window)$/;" f z_flush_text io.c /^void z_flush_text(zwinid window)$/;" f z_getsize io.c /^void z_getsize(zwinid window, unsigned *width, unsigned *height)$/;" f z_getxy io.c /^void z_getxy(zwinid window, zword *x, zword *y)$/;" f z_globaltable globals.c /^zword z_globaltable;$/;" v z_headerext globals.c /^zword z_headerext;$/;" v z_image io.c /^} z_image;$/;" t file: z_init init.c /^void z_init(strid_t zfile)$/;" f z_init_windows io.c /^void z_init_windows(BOOL dofixed,$/;" f z_isequal inform.c /^static BOOL z_isequal(zword a, zword b)$/;" f file: z_isgreat inform.c /^static BOOL z_isgreat(zword a, zword b)$/;" f file: z_isless inform.c /^static BOOL z_isless(zword a, zword b)$/;" f file: z_kill_window io.c /^void z_kill_window(zwinid win)$/;" f z_mem undo.c /^ zbyte *z_mem;$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: z_memory globals.c /^zbyte *z_memory;$/;" v z_memsize undo.c /^ glui32 z_memsize;$/;" m struct:fast_undoslot file: z_mod op_math.c /^zword z_mod(zword a, zword b)$/;" f z_mult op_math.c /^zword z_mult(zword a, zword b)$/;" f z_objecttable globals.c /^zword z_objecttable;$/;" v z_pause_timed_input io.c /^void z_pause_timed_input(zwinid window)$/;" f z_print_number io.c /^void z_print_number(zwinid window, int number)$/;" f z_propdefaults globals.c /^zword z_propdefaults;$/;" v z_put_char io.c /^void z_put_char(zwinid window, unsigned c)$/;" f z_put_styled_string io.c /^static void z_put_styled_string(zwinid window, unsigned char *text,$/;" f file: z_random op_math.c /^zword z_random(zword num)$/;" f z_range_error errmesg.c /^zword z_range_error(offset p)$/;" f z_read io.c /^int z_read(zwinid window, char *dest, unsigned maxlen, unsigned initlen,$/;" f z_read_char io.c /^zword z_read_char(zwinid window,$/;" f z_set_color io.c /^void z_set_color(zwinid window, unsigned fore, unsigned back)$/;" f z_set_height io.c /^void z_set_height(zwinid window, unsigned height)$/;" f z_set_style io.c /^void z_set_style(zwinid window, int style)$/;" f z_set_transcript io.c /^void z_set_transcript(zwinid window, strid_t stream)$/;" f z_setxy io.c /^void z_setxy(zwinid window, zword x, zword y)$/;" f z_split_screen io.c /^zwinid z_split_screen(glui32 wintype, glui32 method,$/;" f z_synonymtable globals.c /^zword z_synonymtable;$/;" v z_terminators globals.c /^zword z_terminators;$/;" v z_tokenise tokenise.c /^void z_tokenise(const char *text, int length, zword parse_dest,$/;" f z_type infix.c /^typedef enum { Z_UNKNOWN, Z_BOOLEAN, Z_NUMBER, Z_OBJECT, Z_ROUTINE, Z_STRING, Z_GLOBAL, Z_LOCAL, Z_BYTEARRAY, Z_WORDARRAY, Z_OBJPROP, Z_ATTR, Z_PROP, Z_ARRAY } z_type;$/;" t file: z_typed infix.c /^struct z_typed {$/;" s file: z_typed infix.c /^typedef struct z_typed z_typed;$/;" t file: z_wait_for_key io.c /^void z_wait_for_key(zwinid window)$/;" f z_window io.c /^struct z_window {$/;" s file: z_write_header op_table.c /^static void z_write_header(zword i, zbyte val)$/;" f file: zfile_offset globals.c /^glui32 zfile_offset;$/;" v zlist inform.c /^ zword_list *zlist;$/;" m file: zversion globals.c /^int zversion;$/;" v zwinid io.c /^typedef struct z_window *zwinid;$/;" t file: zword_list inform.c /^ struct zword_list {$/;" s file: zword_list inform.c /^ typedef struct zword_list zword_list;$/;" t file: