# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Big fat Jamfile for all the minor terps, so we don't need to # mess with the original files and directories more than we have to. # SubDir TOP terps ; MAKE_ADVSYS ?= yes ; MAKE_AGILITY ?= yes ; MAKE_ALAN2 ?= yes ; MAKE_ALAN3 ?= yes ; MAKE_BOCFEL ?= yes ; MAKE_FROTZ ?= yes ; MAKE_GEAS ?= yes ; MAKE_GIT ?= yes ; MAKE_GLULXE ?= yes ; MAKE_HUGO ?= yes ; MAKE_JACL ?= yes ; MAKE_LEVEL9 ?= yes ; MAKE_MAGNETIC ?= yes ; MAKE_NITFOL ?= yes ; MAKE_SCARE ?= yes ; MAKE_SCOTT ?= yes ; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # AdvSys 1.2 + ANSI + NewParser + parts of glkize # if $(MAKE_ADVSYS) = yes { SubDir TOP terps advsys ; ObjDir advsys ; SubDirCcFlags -w ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)advsys : advmsg.c advtrm.c advprs.c advdbs.c advint.c advjunk.c advexe.c glkstart.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)advsys ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Agility with Glk # # Agility uses some bad voodoo to get filenames back from glk filerefs. # We have three options: # 1) use the bad voodoo (only works on unixes) # 2) don't use glk file prompts (GLK_ANSI_ONLY) # 3) use garglk extension garglk_fileref_get_name (GARGLK) # if $(MAKE_AGILITY) = yes { SubDir TOP terps agility ; ObjDir agility ; SubDirCcFlags -DGLK ; SubDirCcFlags -DGLK_ANSI_ONLY ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)agility : agtread.c gamedata.c util.c agxfile.c auxfile.c filename.c parser.c exec.c runverb.c metacommand.c savegame.c debugcmd.c agil.c token.c disassemble.c object.c interface.c os_glk.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)agility ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Alan interpreter 2.8.6 # # Fixed a couple of bugs (needsp needs resetting in a few places). # Added glk file prompts for gargoyle using garglk_fileref_get_name. # if $(MAKE_ALAN2) = yes { SubDir TOP terps alan2 ; ObjDir alan2 ; SubDirCcFlags -funsigned-char -Wno-parentheses -DGLK -DREVERSED ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)alan2 : arun.c main.c debug.c args.c exe.c inter.c parse.c rules.c stack.c decode.c term.c reverse.c readline.c params.c sysdep.c glkstart.c glkio.c alan.version.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)alan2 ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Alan interpreter 3 beta 2 # if $(MAKE_ALAN3) = yes { SubDir TOP terps alan3 ; ObjDir alan3 ; SubDirCcFlags -funsigned-char -DGLK -DHAVE_GARGLK -DBUILD=0 ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)alan3 : alan.version.c act.c actor.c args.c arun.c attribute.c checkentry.c class.c current.c debug.c decode.c dictionary.c event.c exe.c glkio.c glkstart.c instance.c inter.c lists.c literal.c main.c memory.c msg.c options.c output.c params.c parse.c readline.c reverse.c rules.c save.c scan.c score.c set.c stack.c state.c syntax.c sysdep.c syserr.c term.c utils.c word.c compatibility.c AltInfo.c Container.c Location.c ParameterPosition.c StateStack.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)alan3 ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Bocfel 0.6.0 # if $(MAKE_BOCFEL) = yes { SubDir TOP terps bocfel ; ObjDir bocfel ; SubDirCcFlags -std=c99 -DZTERP_GLK -DGARGLK ; if $(OS) = MINGW { SubDirCcFlags -DZTERP_WIN32 ; } else if $(OS) != MACOSX { SubDirCcFlags -DZTERP_UNIX ; } Main $(GARGLKPRE)bocfel : blorb.c branch.c dict.c glkstart.c iff.c io.c math.c memory.c objects.c osdep.c process.c random.c screen.c stack.c table.c unicode.c util.c zoom.c zterp.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)bocfel ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Frotz 2.50 / glk port # if $(MAKE_FROTZ) = yes { SubDir TOP terps frotz ; ObjDir frotz ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)frotz : buffer.c err.c fastmem.c files.c input.c main.c math.c object.c process.c quetzal.c random.c redirect.c sound.c stream.c table.c text.c variable.c glkscreen.c glkmisc.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)frotz ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Geas 0.4 # if $(MAKE_GEAS) = yes { SubDir TOP terps geas ; ObjDir geas ; SubDirCcFlags -DUSE_INLINE ; if $(OS) = MACOSX { SubDirCcFlags -headerpad_max_install_names $(MAINARCH) $(ALTARCH) ; LINKFLAGS = -headerpad_max_install_names $(MAINARCH) $(ALTARCH) ; } SUBDIRC++FLAGS = $(SUBDIRCCFLAGS) ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)geas : geasfile.cc geas-runner.cc geas-state.cc geas-util.cc geasglk.cc geasglkterm.c istring.cc readfile.cc ; LINK on $(GARGLKPRE)geas$(SUFEXE) = $(CXX) ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)geas ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Git 1.2.9 # # Reworked startup code to redirect errors to Glk windows. # if $(MAKE_GIT) = yes { SubDir TOP terps git ; ObjDir git ; SubDirCcFlags -DUSE_INLINE -DUSE_OWN_POWF ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)git : git.c memory.c compiler.c opcodes.c operands.c peephole.c terp.c glkop.c search.c git_unix.c savefile.c saveundo.c gestalt.c heap.c accel.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)git ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Glulxe 0.4.7 # if $(MAKE_GLULXE) = yes { SubDir TOP terps glulxe ; ObjDir glulxe ; SubDirCcFlags -DFLOAT_COMPILE_SAFER_POWF ; if $(OS) != MINGW { SubDirCcFlags -DOS_UNIX ; } Main $(GARGLKPRE)glulxe : main.c files.c vm.c exec.c funcs.c operand.c string.c glkop.c heap.c serial.c search.c gestalt.c osdepend.c unixstrt.c accel.c profile.c float.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)glulxe ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Hugo 3.1.03 # # Include hemedia.c from heglk.c for sound/graphics support. # Added set_base_file so it can find resource files. # if $(MAKE_HUGO) = yes { SubDir TOP terps hugo ; ObjDir hugo ; SubDirHdrs $(SUBDIR) source ; SubDirHdrs $(SUBDIR) heglk ; SubDirCcFlags -DGLK -DCOMPILE_V25 -DNO_KEYPRESS_CURSOR "-DHUGO_INLINE=\"static inline\"" ; SEARCH_SOURCE = [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) source ] [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) heglk ] ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)hugo : he.c heexpr.c hemisc.c heobject.c heparse.c heres.c herun.c heset.c stringfn.c heglk.c heglkunix.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)hugo ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # JACL 2.8.5 for JACL games # if $(MAKE_JACL) = yes { SubDir TOP terps jacl ; ObjDir jacl ; SubDirCcFlags -DGLK -DGARGLK ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)jacl : jacl.c glk_startup.c findroute.c interpreter.c loader.c glk_saver.c logging.c parser.c display.c utils.c jpp.c resolvers.c errors.c encapsulate.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)jacl ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Level9 4.1 # # Disabled the status bar that just contained a static version string. # Added graphics support. # if $(MAKE_LEVEL9) = yes { SubDir TOP terps level9 ; ObjDir level9 ; SubDirCcFlags -DBITMAP_DECODER -DNEED_STRICMP_PROTOTYPE -Dstricmp=gln_strcasecmp -Dstrnicmp=gln_strncasecmp ; SEARCH_SOURCE = $(SUBDIR) [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) Glk ] ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)level9 : bitmap.c level9.c glk.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)level9 ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Magnetic 2.3 # # Disable layered drawing, because that is slower than drawing # all the pixels with fill_rect -- the opposite of Xglk. # # Delay opening the status window, because for games that don't use it # magnetic shows a static version string only. I don't like that. # # Made shaded border around pictures if-defable. # if $(MAKE_MAGNETIC) = yes { SubDir TOP terps magnetic ; ObjDir magnetic ; SubDirHdrs $(SUBDIR) Generic ; SEARCH_SOURCE = [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) Generic ] [ FDirName $(SUBDIR) Glk ] ; # SubDirCcFlags -DNOBORDER ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)magnetic : emu.c glk.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)magnetic ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Nitfol 0.5 + lots of patches # # Define the stuff you want: # # DEBUGGING Compile in the debugger. See DEBUG for details # SMART_TOKENISER Tries to correct typos. # TWOS16SHORT Try to speed up some operations if 'short' is a 16 bit two's # complement number on your system. Note that this might slow down # Pentium IIs. # FAST_SIGNED If you're on something which does signed math much faster than # unsigned, define this # FAST Normally, nitfol does lots of tests to make sure values are in # range, both to alert games of unportable actions and to prevent # nitfol from crashing. Defining this removes those tests, so will # speed up the game a bit. Completely legal games should run # exactly the same with or without this flag, so if you have a # slow computer and you know all the games you will be running are # completely legal, define this. # USE_INLINE If your C compiler uses the keyword 'inline' to inline functions # NO_LIBC Cause nitfol to use its own functions rather than your libc # NO_TICK If you don't need glk_tick, define this (minor speed improvement) # _GNU_SOURCE Use GNU functions (currently just canonicalize_file_name) # _BSD_SOURCE Use BSD functions (just realpath) # _XOPEN_SOURCE (also lets nitfol use realpath) if $(MAKE_NITFOL) = yes { SubDir TOP terps nitfol ; ObjDir nitfol ; SubDirCcFlags -DSMART_TOKENISER -DDEBUGGING -DFAST -DUSE_INLINE -DNO_TICK ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)nitfol : automap.c solve.c infix.c copying.c debug.c inform.c quetzal.c undo.c op_call.c decode.c errmesg.c globals.c iff.c init.c io.c z_io.c op_jmp.c op_math.c op_save.c op_table.c op_v6.c oplist.c stack.c zscii.c tokenise.c struct.c objects.c portfunc.c hash.c sound.c graphics.c blorb.c main.c startunix.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)nitfol ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # SCARE 1.3.10 for Adrift games # if $(MAKE_SCARE) = yes { SubDir TOP terps scare ; ObjDir scare ; if $(OS) = MINGW { SubDirHdrs $(TOP) support zlib ; } Main $(GARGLKPRE)scare : sctafpar.c sctaffil.c scprops.c scvars.c scexpr.c scprintf.c scinterf.c scparser.c sclibrar.c scrunner.c scevents.c scnpcs.c scobjcts.c sctasks.c screstrs.c scgamest.c scserial.c scresour.c scutils.c scdebug.c sclocale.c scmemos.c os_glk.c ; if $(OS) = MINGW { SharedLinkLibraries $(GARGLKPRE)scare : zlib1.dll ; } APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)scare ; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ScottFree 1.14 for Scott Adams games # if $(MAKE_SCOTT) = yes { SubDir TOP terps scott ; ObjDir scott ; Main $(GARGLKPRE)scott : scott.c ; APPS += $(GARGLKPRE)scott ; }