!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/ !_TAG_FILE_SORTED 1 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Darren Hiebert /dhiebert@users.sourceforge.net/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME Exuberant Ctags // !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://ctags.sourceforge.net /official site/ !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION 5.6 // CHANNEL_IDLE garglk.h /^enum { CHANNEL_IDLE, CHANNEL_SOUND, CHANNEL_MUSIC };$/;" e enum:__anon2 CHANNEL_MUSIC garglk.h /^enum { CHANNEL_IDLE, CHANNEL_SOUND, CHANNEL_MUSIC };$/;" e enum:__anon2 CHANNEL_SOUND garglk.h /^enum { CHANNEL_IDLE, CHANNEL_SOUND, CHANNEL_MUSIC };$/;" e enum:__anon2 COLS window.c 8;" d file: FALSE garglk.h 17;" d FALSE gi_blorb.c 25;" d file: FALSE glkstart.h 25;" d FLOWBREAK garglk.h 88;" d GARGLK glk.h 317;" d GLI_SUBPIX garglk.h 64;" d GLK_H glk.h 2;" d GLK_MODULE_HYPERLINKS glk.h 27;" d GLK_MODULE_IMAGE glk.h 25;" d GLK_MODULE_SOUND glk.h 26;" d GT_START_H glkstart.h 17;" d HALFSCALE imgscale.c 28;" d file: HISTORYLEN garglk.h 62;" d ID_ABOUT syswin.c 18;" d file: ID_CONFIG syswin.c 19;" d file: ID_GLUL launcher.c 26;" d file: ID_TOGSCR syswin.c 20;" d file: ID_ZCOD launcher.c 25;" d file: LIG_FI garglk.h 80;" d LIG_FL garglk.h 81;" d LINES window.c 7;" d file: MAGIC_FILEREF_NUM garglk.h 202;" d MAGIC_STREAM_NUM garglk.h 201;" d MAGIC_WINDOW_NUM garglk.h 200;" d MAX wintext.c 8;" d file: MIN wintext.c 7;" d file: MONOB garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 MONOI garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 MONOR garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 MONOZ garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 NULL garglk.h 20;" d NULL gi_blorb.c 19;" d file: NULL gi_dispa.c 21;" d file: NULL glkstart.h 28;" d NUMFUNCTIONS gi_dispa.c 27;" d file: NUMINTCONSTANTS gi_dispa.c 24;" d file: PROPB garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 PROPI garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 PROPR garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 PROPZ garglk.h /^enum { MONOR, MONOB, MONOI, MONOZ, PROPR, PROPB, PROPI, PROPZ };$/;" e enum:__anon1 SCALE imgscale.c 27;" d file: SCROLLBACK garglk.h 61;" d SLOP wintext.c 11;" d file: TBLINELEN garglk.h 60;" d TRUE garglk.h 14;" d TRUE gi_blorb.c 22;" d file: TRUE glkstart.h 22;" d T_ADRIFT launcher.c 11;" d file: T_ADVSYS launcher.c 12;" d file: T_AGT launcher.c 13;" d file: T_ALAN2 launcher.c 14;" d file: T_ALAN3 launcher.c 15;" d file: T_GLULX launcher.c 16;" d file: T_HUGO launcher.c 17;" d file: T_LEV9 launcher.c 18;" d file: T_MGSR launcher.c 19;" d file: T_TADS2 launcher.c 20;" d file: T_TADS3 launcher.c 21;" d file: T_ZCODE launcher.c 22;" d file: T_ZSIX launcher.c 23;" d file: UNI_LDQUO garglk.h 84;" d UNI_LSQUO garglk.h 82;" d UNI_MDASH garglk.h 87;" d UNI_NDASH garglk.h 86;" d UNI_RDQUO garglk.h 85;" d UNI_RSQUO garglk.h 83;" d VERSION garversion.h 1;" d WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN launcher.c 30;" d file: WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN syswin.c 11;" d file: WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN ttswin.c 1;" d file: _GI_BLORB_H gi_blorb.h 2;" d _GI_DISPA_H gi_dispa.h 2;" d acceptline wingrid.c /^static void acceptline(window_t *win)$/;" f file: acceptline wintext.c /^static void acceptline(window_t *win)$/;" f file: advs draw.c /^ int advs[256];$/;" m struct:font_s file: argc glkstart.h /^ int argc;$/;" m struct:glkunix_startup_struct argtype glkstart.h /^ int argtype;$/;" m struct:glkunix_argumentlist_struct argv glkstart.h /^ char **argv;$/;" m struct:glkunix_startup_struct argv0 launcher.c /^char argv0[1024];$/;" v argv0 syswin.c /^static char *argv0;$/;" v file: array gi_dispa.h /^ void *array; \/* all # arguments *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union arrayrock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t arrayrock;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct attrs garglk.h /^ unsigned char *attrs; \/* alias to lines[0].attrs *\/$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s attrs garglk.h /^ unsigned char attrs[256];$/;" m struct:tgline_s attrs garglk.h /^ unsigned char attrs[TBLINELEN];$/;" m struct:tbline_s auxdatnum gi_blorb.c /^ int auxdatnum; \/* entry in the auxsound\/auxpict array; -1 if none.$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: backward garglk.h /^ int vertical, backward; \/* flags *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s bbox garglk.h /^ rect_t bbox;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct bg garglk.h /^ unsigned char bg[3];$/;" m struct:style_s bgnd garglk.h /^ unsigned char bgnd[3];$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s bitmap_s draw.c /^struct bitmap_s$/;" s file: bitmap_t draw.c /^typedef struct bitmap_s bitmap_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:bitmap_s file: blorbfile cgblorb.c /^static strid_t blorbfile = NULL;$/;" v file: blorbmap cgblorb.c /^static giblorb_map_t *blorbmap = NULL;$/;" v file: buf garglk.h /^ unsigned char *buf;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct buf launcher.c /^char buf[1024];$/;" v bufend garglk.h /^ unsigned char *bufend;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct bufeof garglk.h /^ unsigned char *bufeof;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct buflen garglk.h /^ glui32 buflen;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct bufptr garglk.h /^ unsigned char *bufptr;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct calcwidth wintext.c /^static int calcwidth(window_textbuffer_t *dwin,$/;" f file: canvas sysgtk.c /^static GtkWidget *canvas;$/;" v file: ch gi_dispa.h /^ char ch; \/* Cn *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union chain_next garglk.h /^ channel_t *chain_next, *chain_prev;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct chain_prev garglk.h /^ channel_t *chain_next, *chain_prev;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct channel garglk.h /^ int channel;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct channel_t garglk.h /^typedef struct glk_schannel_struct channel_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_schannel_struct char_request garglk.h /^ int char_request;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct char_tolower_table cgmisc.c /^static unsigned char char_tolower_table[256];$/;" v file: char_toupper_table cgmisc.c /^static unsigned char char_toupper_table[256];$/;" v file: charkern draw.c /^static int charkern(font_t *f, int c0, int c1)$/;" f file: chars garglk.h /^ unsigned char *chars; \/* alias to lines[0].chars *\/$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s chars garglk.h /^ unsigned char chars[256];$/;" m struct:tgline_s chars garglk.h /^ unsigned char chars[TBLINELEN];$/;" m struct:tbline_s charstr gi_dispa.h /^ char *charstr; \/* S *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union child1 garglk.h /^ window_t *child1, *child2; $/;" m struct:window_pair_s child2 garglk.h /^ window_t *child1, *child2; $/;" m struct:window_pair_s chunknum gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 chunknum;$/;" m struct:giblorb_resdesc_struct file: chunknum gi_blorb.h /^ glui32 chunknum; \/* The chunk number (for use in $/;" m struct:giblorb_result_struct chunks gi_blorb.c /^ giblorb_chunkdesc_t *chunks; \/* list of chunk descriptors *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: chunktype gi_blorb.h /^ glui32 chunktype; \/* The type of the chunk. *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_result_struct cleanup_channel sndsdl.c /^static void cleanup_channel(schanid_t chan)$/;" f file: curx garglk.h /^ int curx, cury; \/* the window cursor position *\/$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s cury garglk.h /^ int curx, cury; \/* the window cursor position *\/$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s dashed garglk.h /^ int dashed;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s data draw.c /^ unsigned char *data;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: data garglk.h /^ void *data; \/* one of the window_*_t structures *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct data gi_blorb.h /^ } data;$/;" m struct:giblorb_result_struct typeref:union:giblorb_result_struct::__anon3 datpos gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 datpos; \/* start of data (either startpos or startpos+8) *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: desc glkstart.h /^ char *desc;$/;" m struct:glkunix_argumentlist_struct dibinf syswin.c /^static BITMAPINFO *dibinf;$/;" v file: dir garglk.h /^ glui32 dir; \/* winmethod_Left, Right, Above, or Below *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s dir launcher.c /^char dir[1024];$/;" v dirty garglk.h /^ int dirty;$/;" m struct:tgline_s dirty garglk.h /^ int dirty;$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s dirty garglk.h /^ int len, newline, dirty;$/;" m struct:tbline_s disprock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t disprock;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct disprock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t disprock;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct disprock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t disprock;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct disprock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t disprock;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct division garglk.h /^ glui32 division; \/* winmethod_Fixed or winmethod_Proportional *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s draw_bitmap draw.c /^static inline void draw_bitmap(bitmap_t *b, int x, int y, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f file: draw_bitmap_lcd draw.c /^static inline void draw_bitmap_lcd(bitmap_t *b, int x, int y, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f file: drawpicture wingfx.c /^static void drawpicture(picture_t *src, window_graphics_t *dst, $/;" f file: echostr garglk.h /^ stream_t *echostr; \/* the window's echo stream, if any. *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct event_struct glk.h /^typedef struct event_struct {$/;" s event_t glk.h /^} event_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:event_struct evtype_Arrange glk.h 60;" d evtype_CharInput glk.h 57;" d evtype_Hyperlink glk.h 63;" d evtype_LineInput glk.h 58;" d evtype_MouseInput glk.h 59;" d evtype_None glk.h 55;" d evtype_Redraw glk.h 61;" d evtype_SoundNotify glk.h 62;" d evtype_Timer glk.h 56;" d face draw.c /^ FT_Face face;$/;" m struct:font_s file: fg garglk.h /^ unsigned char fg[3];$/;" m struct:style_s file garglk.h /^ FILE *file; $/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct file gi_blorb.c /^ strid_t file;$/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: filedlog sysgtk.c /^static GtkWidget *filedlog;$/;" v file: filemode_Read glk.h 144;" d filemode_ReadWrite glk.h 145;" d filemode_Write glk.h 143;" d filemode_WriteAppend glk.h 146;" d filename garglk.h /^ char *filename;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct filename sysgtk.c /^static char *filename;$/;" v file: fileref_t garglk.h /^typedef struct glk_fileref_struct fileref_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_fileref_struct filetype garglk.h /^ int filetype;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct fileusage_BinaryMode glk.h 141;" d fileusage_Data glk.h 134;" d fileusage_InputRecord glk.h 137;" d fileusage_SavedGame glk.h 135;" d fileusage_TextMode glk.h 140;" d fileusage_Transcript glk.h 136;" d fileusage_TypeMask glk.h 138;" d filterlist launcher.c /^char filterlist[] =$/;" v flushtts ttswin.c /^static void flushtts(int purge)$/;" f file: fnptr gi_dispa.h /^ void *fnptr;$/;" m struct:gidispatch_function_struct font garglk.h /^ int font;$/;" m struct:style_s font2idx config.c /^static int font2idx(char *font)$/;" f file: font_s draw.c /^struct font_s$/;" s file: font_t draw.c /^typedef struct font_s font_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:font_s file: frame sysgtk.c /^static GtkWidget *frame;$/;" v file: frameproc syswin.c /^frameproc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)$/;" f frefid_t glk.h /^typedef struct glk_fileref_struct *frefid_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_fileref_struct ftlib draw.c /^static FT_Library ftlib;$/;" v file: function_table gi_dispa.c /^static gidispatch_function_t function_table[] = {$/;" v file: gammacopy draw.c /^static void gammacopy(unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *src, int n)$/;" f file: gammacopy_lcd draw.c /^static void gammacopy_lcd(unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *src, int w, int h, int pitch)$/;" f file: gammamap draw.c /^static unsigned char gammamap[256];$/;" v file: garglk_color_Black glk.h 344;" d garglk_color_Blue glk.h 340;" d garglk_color_Cyan glk.h 341;" d garglk_color_Green glk.h 339;" d garglk_color_Magenta glk.h 342;" d garglk_color_Red glk.h 338;" d garglk_color_White glk.h 337;" d garglk_color_Yellow glk.h 343;" d garglk_fileref_get_name cgfref.c /^char *garglk_fileref_get_name(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f garglk_font_Bold glk.h 330;" d garglk_font_BoldItalic glk.h 331;" d garglk_font_Italic glk.h 329;" d garglk_font_MonoBold glk.h 334;" d garglk_font_MonoBoldItalic glk.h 335;" d garglk_font_MonoItalic glk.h 333;" d garglk_font_MonoRoman glk.h 332;" d garglk_font_Roman glk.h 328;" d garglk_set_program_info cgmisc.c /^void garglk_set_program_info(const char *info)$/;" f garglk_set_program_name cgmisc.c /^void garglk_set_program_name(const char *name)$/;" f garglk_set_story_name cgmisc.c /^void garglk_set_story_name(const char *name)$/;" f gcmd_accept_scroll wintext.c /^static void gcmd_accept_scroll(window_t *win, glui32 arg)$/;" f file: gcmd_buffer_accept_readchar wintext.c /^void gcmd_buffer_accept_readchar(window_t *win, glui32 arg)$/;" f gcmd_buffer_accept_readline wintext.c /^void gcmd_buffer_accept_readline(window_t *win, glui32 arg)$/;" f gcmd_grid_accept_readchar wingrid.c /^void gcmd_grid_accept_readchar(window_t *win, glui32 arg)$/;" f gcmd_grid_accept_readline wingrid.c /^void gcmd_grid_accept_readline(window_t *win, glui32 arg)$/;" f gestalt_CharInput glk.h 37;" d gestalt_CharOutput glk.h 39;" d gestalt_CharOutput_ApproxPrint glk.h 41;" d gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint glk.h 40;" d gestalt_CharOutput_ExactPrint glk.h 42;" d gestalt_DrawImage glk.h 46;" d gestalt_Graphics glk.h 45;" d gestalt_GraphicsTransparency glk.h 53;" d gestalt_HyperlinkInput glk.h 51;" d gestalt_Hyperlinks glk.h 50;" d gestalt_LineInput glk.h 38;" d gestalt_MouseInput glk.h 43;" d gestalt_Sound glk.h 47;" d gestalt_SoundMusic glk.h 52;" d gestalt_SoundNotify glk.h 49;" d gestalt_SoundVolume glk.h 48;" d gestalt_Timer glk.h 44;" d gestalt_Version glk.h 36;" d gfont_table draw.c /^static font_t gfont_table[8];$/;" v file: giblorb_ID_ANNO gi_blorb.h 43;" d giblorb_ID_AUTH gi_blorb.h 42;" d giblorb_ID_Copyright gi_blorb.h 41;" d giblorb_ID_Exec gi_blorb.h 39;" d giblorb_ID_FORM gi_blorb.c 38;" d file: giblorb_ID_FORM sndfmod.c 12;" d file: giblorb_ID_FORM sndsdl.c 18;" d file: giblorb_ID_IFRS gi_blorb.c 39;" d file: giblorb_ID_JPEG imgload.c 12;" d file: giblorb_ID_MIDI sndfmod.c 16;" d file: giblorb_ID_MOD sndfmod.c 11;" d file: giblorb_ID_MOD sndsdl.c 16;" d file: giblorb_ID_MP3 sndfmod.c 17;" d file: giblorb_ID_MP3 sndsdl.c 21;" d file: giblorb_ID_OGG sndfmod.c 13;" d file: giblorb_ID_OGG sndsdl.c 17;" d file: giblorb_ID_PNG imgload.c 13;" d file: giblorb_ID_Pict gi_blorb.h 40;" d giblorb_ID_RIdx gi_blorb.c 40;" d file: giblorb_ID_Snd gi_blorb.h 38;" d giblorb_ID_WAVE sndfmod.c 18;" d file: giblorb_ID_WAVE sndsdl.c 22;" d file: giblorb_Inited_Magic gi_blorb.c 77;" d file: giblorb_bsearch gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_resdesc_t *giblorb_bsearch(giblorb_resdesc_t *sample, $/;" f giblorb_chunkdesc_struct gi_blorb.c /^typedef struct giblorb_chunkdesc_struct {$/;" s file: giblorb_chunkdesc_t gi_blorb.c /^} giblorb_chunkdesc_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: giblorb_count_resources gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_count_resources(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 usage,$/;" f giblorb_create_map gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_create_map(strid_t file, giblorb_map_t **newmap)$/;" f giblorb_destroy_map gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_destroy_map(giblorb_map_t *map)$/;" f giblorb_err_Alloc gi_blorb.h 22;" d giblorb_err_CompileTime gi_blorb.h 21;" d giblorb_err_Format gi_blorb.h 25;" d giblorb_err_None gi_blorb.h 20;" d giblorb_err_NotAMap gi_blorb.h 24;" d giblorb_err_NotFound gi_blorb.h 26;" d giblorb_err_Read gi_blorb.h 23;" d giblorb_err_t gi_blorb.h /^typedef glui32 giblorb_err_t;$/;" t giblorb_free gi_blorb.c /^static void giblorb_free(void *ptr)$/;" f file: giblorb_get_resource cgblorb.c /^void giblorb_get_resource(glui32 usage, glui32 resnum, $/;" f giblorb_get_resource_map cgblorb.c /^giblorb_map_t *giblorb_get_resource_map()$/;" f giblorb_initialize gi_blorb.c /^static giblorb_err_t giblorb_initialize()$/;" f file: giblorb_initialize_map gi_blorb.c /^static giblorb_err_t giblorb_initialize_map(giblorb_map_t *map)$/;" f file: giblorb_is_resource_map cgblorb.c /^int giblorb_is_resource_map()$/;" f giblorb_load_chunk_by_number gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_load_chunk_by_number(giblorb_map_t *map, $/;" f giblorb_load_chunk_by_type gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_load_chunk_by_type(giblorb_map_t *map, $/;" f giblorb_load_resource gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_load_resource(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 method, $/;" f giblorb_make_id gi_blorb.h 35;" d giblorb_malloc gi_blorb.c /^static void *giblorb_malloc(glui32 len)$/;" f file: giblorb_map_struct gi_blorb.c /^struct giblorb_map_struct {$/;" s file: giblorb_map_t gi_blorb.h /^typedef struct giblorb_map_struct giblorb_map_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:giblorb_map_struct giblorb_method_DontLoad gi_blorb.h 29;" d giblorb_method_FilePos gi_blorb.h 31;" d giblorb_method_Memory gi_blorb.h 30;" d giblorb_native4 gi_blorb.c 30;" d file: giblorb_qsort gi_blorb.c /^static void giblorb_qsort(giblorb_resdesc_t **list, int len)$/;" f file: giblorb_realloc gi_blorb.c /^static void *giblorb_realloc(void *ptr, glui32 len)$/;" f file: giblorb_resdesc_struct gi_blorb.c /^typedef struct giblorb_resdesc_struct {$/;" s file: giblorb_resdesc_t gi_blorb.c /^} giblorb_resdesc_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:giblorb_resdesc_struct file: giblorb_result_struct gi_blorb.h /^typedef struct giblorb_result_struct {$/;" s giblorb_result_t gi_blorb.h /^} giblorb_result_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:giblorb_result_struct giblorb_set_resource_map cgblorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_set_resource_map(strid_t file)$/;" f giblorb_unload_chunk gi_blorb.c /^giblorb_err_t giblorb_unload_chunk(giblorb_map_t *map, glui32 chunknum)$/;" f gidisp_Class_Fileref gi_dispa.h 25;" d gidisp_Class_Schannel gi_dispa.h 26;" d gidisp_Class_Stream gi_dispa.h 24;" d gidisp_Class_Window gi_dispa.h 23;" d gidispatch_call gi_dispa.c /^void gidispatch_call(glui32 funcnum, glui32 numargs, gluniversal_t *arglist)$/;" f gidispatch_count_classes gi_dispa.c /^glui32 gidispatch_count_classes()$/;" f gidispatch_count_functions gi_dispa.c /^glui32 gidispatch_count_functions()$/;" f gidispatch_count_intconst gi_dispa.c /^glui32 gidispatch_count_intconst()$/;" f gidispatch_function_struct gi_dispa.h /^typedef struct gidispatch_function_struct {$/;" s gidispatch_function_t gi_dispa.h /^} gidispatch_function_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:gidispatch_function_struct gidispatch_get_function gi_dispa.c /^gidispatch_function_t *gidispatch_get_function(glui32 index)$/;" f gidispatch_get_function_by_id gi_dispa.c /^gidispatch_function_t *gidispatch_get_function_by_id(glui32 id)$/;" f gidispatch_get_intconst gi_dispa.c /^gidispatch_intconst_t *gidispatch_get_intconst(glui32 index)$/;" f gidispatch_get_objrock cgmisc.c /^gidispatch_rock_t gidispatch_get_objrock(void *obj, glui32 objclass)$/;" f gidispatch_intconst_struct gi_dispa.h /^typedef struct gidispatch_intconst_struct {$/;" s gidispatch_intconst_t gi_dispa.h /^} gidispatch_intconst_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:gidispatch_intconst_struct gidispatch_prototype gi_dispa.c /^char *gidispatch_prototype(glui32 funcnum)$/;" f gidispatch_rock_t gi_dispa.h /^} gidispatch_rock_t;$/;" t typeref:union:glk_objrock_union gidispatch_set_object_registry cgmisc.c /^void gidispatch_set_object_registry($/;" f gidispatch_set_retained_registry cgmisc.c /^void gidispatch_set_retained_registry($/;" f gli_baseline config.c /^int gli_baseline = 15;$/;" v gli_border_color config.c /^unsigned char gli_border_color[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };$/;" v gli_calc_padding window.c /^void gli_calc_padding(window_t *win, int *x, int *y)$/;" f gli_caret_color config.c /^unsigned char gli_caret_color[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };$/;" v gli_caret_shape config.c /^int gli_caret_shape = 2;$/;" v gli_cellh draw.c /^int gli_cellh = 8;$/;" v gli_cellw draw.c /^int gli_cellw = 8;$/;" v gli_channellist sndfmod.c /^static channel_t *gli_channellist = NULL;$/;" v file: gli_channellist sndsdl.c /^static channel_t *gli_channellist = NULL;$/;" v file: gli_cols config.c /^int gli_cols = 60;$/;" v gli_conf_gamma config.c /^float gli_conf_gamma = 1.0;$/;" v gli_conf_graphics config.c /^int gli_conf_graphics = 1;$/;" v gli_conf_justify config.c /^int gli_conf_justify = 0;$/;" v gli_conf_lcd config.c /^int gli_conf_lcd = 1;$/;" v gli_conf_monoaspect config.c /^float gli_conf_monoaspect = 1.0;$/;" v gli_conf_monob config.c /^char *gli_conf_monob = "LuxiMonoBold";$/;" v gli_conf_monoi config.c /^char *gli_conf_monoi = "LuxiMonoOblique";$/;" v gli_conf_monor config.c /^char *gli_conf_monor = "LuxiMonoRegular";$/;" v gli_conf_monosize config.c /^float gli_conf_monosize = 12.6; \/* good size for LuxiMono *\/$/;" v gli_conf_monoz config.c /^char *gli_conf_monoz = "LuxiMonoBoldOblique";$/;" v gli_conf_propaspect config.c /^float gli_conf_propaspect = 1.0;$/;" v gli_conf_propb config.c /^char *gli_conf_propb = "CharterBT-Bold";$/;" v gli_conf_propi config.c /^char *gli_conf_propi = "CharterBT-Italic";$/;" v gli_conf_propr config.c /^char *gli_conf_propr = "CharterBT-Roman";$/;" v gli_conf_propsize config.c /^float gli_conf_propsize = 14.7; \/* good size for CharterBT *\/$/;" v gli_conf_propz config.c /^char *gli_conf_propz = "CharterBT-BoldItalic";$/;" v gli_conf_quotes config.c /^int gli_conf_quotes = 1;$/;" v gli_conf_sound config.c /^int gli_conf_sound = 1;$/;" v gli_conf_spaces config.c /^int gli_conf_spaces = 0;$/;" v gli_conf_speak config.c /^int gli_conf_speak = 0;$/;" v gli_conf_stylehint config.c /^int gli_conf_stylehint = 0;$/;" v gli_curevent event.c /^event_t *gli_curevent = NULL; $/;" v gli_currentstr cgstream.c /^static stream_t *gli_currentstr = NULL;$/;" v file: gli_delete_fileref cgfref.c /^void gli_delete_fileref(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f gli_delete_stream cgstream.c /^void gli_delete_stream(stream_t *str)$/;" f gli_delete_window window.c /^void gli_delete_window(window_t *win)$/;" f gli_draw_caret draw.c /^void gli_draw_caret(int x, int y)$/;" f gli_draw_clear draw.c /^void gli_draw_clear(unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f gli_draw_picture draw.c /^void gli_draw_picture(picture_t *src, int x0, int y0, int dx0, int dy0, int dx1, int dy1)$/;" f gli_draw_pixel draw.c /^void gli_draw_pixel(int x, int y, unsigned char alpha, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f gli_draw_pixel_lcd draw.c /^void gli_draw_pixel_lcd(int x, int y, unsigned char *alpha, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f gli_draw_rect draw.c /^void gli_draw_rect(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f gli_draw_string draw.c /^int gli_draw_string(int x, int y, int fidx, unsigned char *rgb,$/;" f gli_event_clearevent garglk.h 194;" d gli_event_store event.c /^void gli_event_store(glui32 type, window_t *win, glui32 val1, glui32 val2)$/;" f gli_filereflist cgfref.c /^static fileref_t *gli_filereflist = NULL; $/;" v file: gli_focuswin window.c /^window_t *gli_focuswin = NULL; \/* The window selected by the player *\/$/;" v gli_force_redraw window.c /^int gli_force_redraw = 1;$/;" v gli_free_tts ttswin.c /^void gli_free_tts(void)$/;" f gli_get_buffer cgstream.c /^static glui32 gli_get_buffer(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f file: gli_get_builtin_font fontdata.c /^void gli_get_builtin_font(int idx, unsigned char **ptr, unsigned int *len)$/;" f gli_get_char cgstream.c /^static glsi32 gli_get_char(stream_t *str)$/;" f file: gli_get_line cgstream.c /^static glui32 gli_get_line(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f file: gli_gstyles config.c /^style_t gli_gstyles[style_NUMSTYLES] =$/;" v gli_image_h draw.c /^int gli_image_h = 0;$/;" v gli_image_rgb draw.c /^unsigned char *gli_image_rgb = NULL;$/;" v gli_image_s draw.c /^int gli_image_s = 0;$/;" v gli_image_w draw.c /^int gli_image_w = 0;$/;" v gli_initialize_fonts draw.c /^void gli_initialize_fonts(void)$/;" f gli_initialize_misc cgmisc.c /^void gli_initialize_misc()$/;" f gli_initialize_sound sndfmod.c /^void gli_initialize_sound(void)$/;" f gli_initialize_sound sndnull.c /^void gli_initialize_sound(void) { }$/;" f gli_initialize_sound sndsdl.c /^void gli_initialize_sound(void)$/;" f gli_initialize_tts ttswin.c /^void gli_initialize_tts(void)$/;" f gli_initialize_windows window.c /^void gli_initialize_windows()$/;" f gli_input_guess_focus event.c /^void gli_input_guess_focus()$/;" f gli_input_handle_click event.c /^void gli_input_handle_click(int x, int y)$/;" f gli_input_handle_key event.c /^void gli_input_handle_key(glui32 key)$/;" f gli_input_next_focus event.c /^void gli_input_next_focus()$/;" f gli_interrupt_handler window.c /^void (*gli_interrupt_handler)(void) = NULL;$/;" v gli_leading config.c /^int gli_leading = 20;$/;" v gli_more_align config.c /^int gli_more_align = 0;$/;" v gli_more_color config.c /^unsigned char gli_more_color[3] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };$/;" v gli_more_font config.c /^int gli_more_font = PROPB;$/;" v gli_more_prompt config.c /^char *gli_more_prompt = "\\207 more \\207";$/;" v gli_new_fileref cgfref.c /^fileref_t *gli_new_fileref(char *filename, glui32 usage, glui32 rock)$/;" f gli_new_stream cgstream.c /^stream_t *gli_new_stream(glui32 type, int readable, int writable, glui32 rock)$/;" f gli_new_window window.c /^window_t *gli_new_window(glui32 type, glui32 rock)$/;" f gli_picture_drop imgload.c /^void gli_picture_drop(picture_t *pic)$/;" f gli_picture_keep imgload.c /^void gli_picture_keep(picture_t *pic)$/;" f gli_picture_load imgload.c /^picture_t *gli_picture_load(unsigned long id)$/;" f gli_picture_scale imgscale.c /^gli_picture_scale(picture_t *src, int newcols, int newrows)$/;" f gli_program_info cgmisc.c /^char gli_program_info[256] = "";$/;" v gli_program_name cgmisc.c /^char gli_program_name[256] = "Unknown";$/;" v gli_put_buffer cgstream.c /^static void gli_put_buffer(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f file: gli_put_char cgstream.c /^static void gli_put_char(stream_t *str, unsigned char ch)$/;" f file: gli_read_config config.c /^void gli_read_config(int argc, char **argv)$/;" f gli_register_arr cgmisc.c /^gidispatch_rock_t (*gli_register_arr)(void *array, glui32 len, $/;" v gli_register_obj cgmisc.c /^gidispatch_rock_t (*gli_register_obj)(void *obj, glui32 objclass) = NULL;$/;" v gli_rootwin window.c /^window_t *gli_rootwin = NULL; \/* The topmost window. *\/$/;" v gli_rows config.c /^int gli_rows = 25;$/;" v gli_scroll_bg config.c /^unsigned char gli_scroll_bg[3] = { 0xb0, 0xb0, 0xb0 };$/;" v gli_scroll_fg config.c /^unsigned char gli_scroll_fg[3] = { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 };$/;" v gli_scroll_width config.c /^int gli_scroll_width = 0;$/;" v gli_select sysgtk.c /^void gli_select(event_t *event, int block)$/;" f gli_select syswin.c /^void gli_select(event_t *event, int block)$/;" f gli_set_style cgstream.c /^static void gli_set_style(stream_t *str, glui32 val)$/;" f file: gli_speak_tts ttswin.c /^void gli_speak_tts(char *buf, int len, int interrupt)$/;" f gli_startup config.c /^void gli_startup(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f gli_story_name cgmisc.c /^char gli_story_name[256] = "";$/;" v gli_stream_close cgstream.c /^void gli_stream_close(stream_t *str)$/;" f gli_stream_echo_line cgstream.c /^void gli_stream_echo_line(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f gli_stream_fill_result cgstream.c /^void gli_stream_fill_result(stream_t *str, stream_result_t *result)$/;" f gli_stream_open_pathname cgstream.c /^stream_t *gli_stream_open_pathname(char *pathname, int textmode, glui32 rock)$/;" f gli_stream_open_window cgstream.c /^stream_t *gli_stream_open_window(window_t *win)$/;" f gli_stream_set_current cgstream.c /^void gli_stream_set_current(stream_t *str)$/;" f gli_streamlist cgstream.c /^static stream_t *gli_streamlist = NULL;$/;" v file: gli_streams_close_all cgstream.c /^void gli_streams_close_all()$/;" f gli_strict_warning garglk.h 27;" d gli_string_width draw.c /^int gli_string_width(int fidx, unsigned char *s, int n, int spw)$/;" f gli_terminated cgmisc.c /^int gli_terminated = 0;$/;" v gli_tmarginx config.c /^int gli_tmarginx = 7;$/;" v gli_tmarginy config.c /^int gli_tmarginy = 7;$/;" v gli_tstyles config.c /^style_t gli_tstyles[style_NUMSTYLES] =$/;" v gli_unregister_arr cgmisc.c /^void (*gli_unregister_arr)(void *array, glui32 len, char *typecode, $/;" v gli_unregister_obj cgmisc.c /^void (*gli_unregister_obj)(void *obj, glui32 objclass, $/;" v gli_wborderx config.c /^int gli_wborderx = 1;$/;" v gli_wbordery config.c /^int gli_wbordery = 1;$/;" v gli_window_click window.c /^void gli_window_click(window_t *win, int x, int y)$/;" f gli_window_close window.c /^static void gli_window_close(window_t *win, int recurse)$/;" f file: gli_window_color config.c /^unsigned char gli_window_color[3] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };$/;" v gli_window_iterate_treeorder window.c /^window_t *gli_window_iterate_treeorder(window_t *win)$/;" f gli_window_put_char window.c /^void gli_window_put_char(window_t *win, char ch)$/;" f gli_window_rearrange window.c /^void gli_window_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f gli_window_redraw window.c /^void gli_window_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f gli_windowlist window.c /^static window_t *gli_windowlist = NULL; $/;" v file: gli_windows_rearrange window.c /^static void gli_windows_rearrange(void)$/;" f file: gli_windows_redraw window.c /^void gli_windows_redraw()$/;" f gli_windows_size_change window.c /^void gli_windows_size_change()$/;" f gli_windows_unechostream window.c /^void gli_windows_unechostream(stream_t *str)$/;" f gli_wmarginx config.c /^int gli_wmarginx = 15;$/;" v gli_wmarginy config.c /^int gli_wmarginy = 15;$/;" v gli_workdir cgfref.c /^char gli_workdir[1024] = ".";$/;" v gli_wpaddingx config.c /^int gli_wpaddingx = 0;$/;" v gli_wpaddingy config.c /^int gli_wpaddingy = 0;$/;" v glk_cancel_char_event window.c /^void glk_cancel_char_event(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_cancel_hyperlink_event nohyper.c /^void glk_cancel_hyperlink_event(winid_t win)$/;" f glk_cancel_line_event window.c /^void glk_cancel_line_event(window_t *win, event_t *ev)$/;" f glk_cancel_mouse_event window.c /^void glk_cancel_mouse_event(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_char_to_lower cgmisc.c /^unsigned char glk_char_to_lower(unsigned char ch)$/;" f glk_char_to_upper cgmisc.c /^unsigned char glk_char_to_upper(unsigned char ch)$/;" f glk_exit cgmisc.c /^void glk_exit()$/;" f glk_fileref_create_by_name cgfref.c /^frefid_t glk_fileref_create_by_name(glui32 usage, char *name,$/;" f glk_fileref_create_by_prompt cgfref.c /^frefid_t glk_fileref_create_by_prompt(glui32 usage, glui32 fmode, glui32 rock)$/;" f glk_fileref_create_from_fileref cgfref.c /^frefid_t glk_fileref_create_from_fileref(glui32 usage, frefid_t oldfref,$/;" f glk_fileref_create_temp cgfref.c /^frefid_t glk_fileref_create_temp(glui32 usage, glui32 rock)$/;" f glk_fileref_delete_file cgfref.c /^void glk_fileref_delete_file(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f glk_fileref_destroy cgfref.c /^void glk_fileref_destroy(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f glk_fileref_does_file_exist cgfref.c /^glui32 glk_fileref_does_file_exist(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f glk_fileref_get_rock cgfref.c /^glui32 glk_fileref_get_rock(fileref_t *fref)$/;" f glk_fileref_iterate cgfref.c /^frefid_t glk_fileref_iterate(fileref_t *fref, glui32 *rock)$/;" f glk_fileref_struct garglk.h /^struct glk_fileref_struct$/;" s glk_gestalt cggestal.c /^glui32 glk_gestalt(glui32 id, glui32 val)$/;" f glk_gestalt_ext cggestal.c /^glui32 glk_gestalt_ext(glui32 id, glui32 val, glui32 *arr, $/;" f glk_get_buffer_stream cgstream.c /^glui32 glk_get_buffer_stream(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f glk_get_char_stream cgstream.c /^glsi32 glk_get_char_stream(stream_t *str)$/;" f glk_get_line_stream cgstream.c /^glui32 glk_get_line_stream(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f glk_image_draw imgnull.c /^glui32 glk_image_draw(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2)$/;" f glk_image_draw window.c /^glui32 glk_image_draw(winid_t win, glui32 image, glsi32 val1, glsi32 val2)$/;" f glk_image_draw_scaled imgnull.c /^glui32 glk_image_draw_scaled(winid_t win, glui32 image,$/;" f glk_image_draw_scaled window.c /^glui32 glk_image_draw_scaled(winid_t win, glui32 image,$/;" f glk_image_get_info imgnull.c /^glui32 glk_image_get_info(glui32 image, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f glk_image_get_info window.c /^glui32 glk_image_get_info(glui32 image, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f glk_objrock_union gi_dispa.h /^typedef union glk_objrock_union {$/;" u glk_put_buffer cgstream.c /^void glk_put_buffer(char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f glk_put_buffer_stream cgstream.c /^void glk_put_buffer_stream(stream_t *str, char *buf, glui32 len)$/;" f glk_put_char cgstream.c /^void glk_put_char(unsigned char ch)$/;" f glk_put_char_stream cgstream.c /^void glk_put_char_stream(stream_t *str, unsigned char ch)$/;" f glk_put_string cgstream.c /^void glk_put_string(char *s)$/;" f glk_put_string_stream cgstream.c /^void glk_put_string_stream(stream_t *str, char *s)$/;" f glk_request_char_event window.c /^void glk_request_char_event(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_request_hyperlink_event nohyper.c /^void glk_request_hyperlink_event(winid_t win)$/;" f glk_request_line_event window.c /^void glk_request_line_event(window_t *win, char *buf, glui32 maxlen, $/;" f glk_request_mouse_event window.c /^void glk_request_mouse_event(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_request_timer_events sysgtk.c /^void glk_request_timer_events(glui32 millisecs)$/;" f glk_request_timer_events syswin.c /^void glk_request_timer_events(glui32 millisecs)$/;" f glk_schannel_create sndfmod.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_create(glui32 rock)$/;" f glk_schannel_create sndnull.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_create(glui32 rock)$/;" f glk_schannel_create sndsdl.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_create(glui32 rock)$/;" f glk_schannel_destroy sndfmod.c /^void glk_schannel_destroy(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_destroy sndnull.c /^void glk_schannel_destroy(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_destroy sndsdl.c /^void glk_schannel_destroy(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_get_rock sndfmod.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_get_rock(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_get_rock sndnull.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_get_rock(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_get_rock sndsdl.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_get_rock(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_iterate sndfmod.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_iterate(schanid_t chan, glui32 *rock)$/;" f glk_schannel_iterate sndnull.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_iterate(schanid_t chan, glui32 *rockptr)$/;" f glk_schannel_iterate sndsdl.c /^schanid_t glk_schannel_iterate(schanid_t chan, glui32 *rock)$/;" f glk_schannel_play sndfmod.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd)$/;" f glk_schannel_play sndnull.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd)$/;" f glk_schannel_play sndsdl.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd)$/;" f glk_schannel_play_ext sndfmod.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play_ext(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd, glui32 repeats, glui32 notify)$/;" f glk_schannel_play_ext sndnull.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play_ext(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd, glui32 repeats,$/;" f glk_schannel_play_ext sndsdl.c /^glui32 glk_schannel_play_ext(schanid_t chan, glui32 snd, glui32 repeats, $/;" f glk_schannel_set_volume sndfmod.c /^void glk_schannel_set_volume(schanid_t chan, glui32 vol)$/;" f glk_schannel_set_volume sndnull.c /^void glk_schannel_set_volume(schanid_t chan, glui32 vol)$/;" f glk_schannel_set_volume sndsdl.c /^void glk_schannel_set_volume(schanid_t chan, glui32 vol)$/;" f glk_schannel_stop sndfmod.c /^void glk_schannel_stop(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_stop sndnull.c /^void glk_schannel_stop(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_stop sndsdl.c /^void glk_schannel_stop(schanid_t chan)$/;" f glk_schannel_struct garglk.h /^struct glk_schannel_struct$/;" s glk_select event.c /^void glk_select(event_t *event)$/;" f glk_select_poll event.c /^void glk_select_poll(event_t *event)$/;" f glk_set_hyperlink nohyper.c /^void glk_set_hyperlink(glui32 linkval)$/;" f glk_set_hyperlink_stream nohyper.c /^void glk_set_hyperlink_stream(strid_t str, glui32 linkval)$/;" f glk_set_interrupt_handler cgmisc.c /^void glk_set_interrupt_handler(void (*func)(void))$/;" f glk_set_style cgstream.c /^void glk_set_style(glui32 val)$/;" f glk_set_style_stream cgstream.c /^void glk_set_style_stream(stream_t *str, glui32 val)$/;" f glk_set_window window.c /^void glk_set_window(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_sound_load_hint sndfmod.c /^void glk_sound_load_hint(glui32 snd, glui32 flag)$/;" f glk_sound_load_hint sndnull.c /^void glk_sound_load_hint(glui32 snd, glui32 flag)$/;" f glk_sound_load_hint sndsdl.c /^void glk_sound_load_hint(glui32 snd, glui32 flag)$/;" f glk_stream_close cgstream.c /^void glk_stream_close(stream_t *str, stream_result_t *result)$/;" f glk_stream_get_current cgstream.c /^stream_t *glk_stream_get_current()$/;" f glk_stream_get_position cgstream.c /^glui32 glk_stream_get_position(stream_t *str)$/;" f glk_stream_get_rock cgstream.c /^glui32 glk_stream_get_rock(stream_t *str)$/;" f glk_stream_iterate cgstream.c /^stream_t *glk_stream_iterate(stream_t *str, glui32 *rock)$/;" f glk_stream_open_file cgstream.c /^stream_t *glk_stream_open_file(frefid_t fref, glui32 fmode,$/;" f glk_stream_open_memory cgstream.c /^stream_t *glk_stream_open_memory(char *buf, glui32 buflen, glui32 fmode, $/;" f glk_stream_set_current cgstream.c /^void glk_stream_set_current(stream_t *str)$/;" f glk_stream_set_position cgstream.c /^void glk_stream_set_position(stream_t *str, glsi32 pos, glui32 seekmode)$/;" f glk_stream_struct garglk.h /^struct glk_stream_struct$/;" s glk_style_distinguish cgstyle.c /^glui32 glk_style_distinguish(winid_t win, glui32 styl1, glui32 styl2)$/;" f glk_style_measure cgstyle.c /^glui32 glk_style_measure(winid_t win, glui32 style, glui32 hint, glui32 *result)$/;" f glk_stylehint_clear cgstyle.c /^void glk_stylehint_clear(glui32 wintype, glui32 styl, glui32 hint)$/;" f glk_stylehint_set cgstyle.c /^void glk_stylehint_set(glui32 wintype, glui32 style, glui32 hint, glsi32 val)$/;" f glk_tick event.c /^void glk_tick()$/;" f glk_window_clear window.c /^void glk_window_clear(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_close window.c /^void glk_window_close(window_t *win, stream_result_t *result)$/;" f glk_window_erase_rect imgnull.c /^void glk_window_erase_rect(winid_t win,$/;" f glk_window_erase_rect window.c /^void glk_window_erase_rect(winid_t win,$/;" f glk_window_fill_rect imgnull.c /^void glk_window_fill_rect(winid_t win, glui32 color,$/;" f glk_window_fill_rect window.c /^void glk_window_fill_rect(winid_t win, glui32 color,$/;" f glk_window_flow_break imgnull.c /^void glk_window_flow_break(winid_t win)$/;" f glk_window_flow_break window.c /^void glk_window_flow_break(winid_t win)$/;" f glk_window_get_arrangement window.c /^void glk_window_get_arrangement(window_t *win, glui32 *method, glui32 *size, $/;" f glk_window_get_echo_stream window.c /^strid_t glk_window_get_echo_stream(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_get_parent window.c /^winid_t glk_window_get_parent(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_get_rock window.c /^glui32 glk_window_get_rock(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_get_root window.c /^winid_t glk_window_get_root()$/;" f glk_window_get_sibling window.c /^winid_t glk_window_get_sibling(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_get_size window.c /^void glk_window_get_size(window_t *win, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f glk_window_get_stream window.c /^strid_t glk_window_get_stream(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_get_type window.c /^glui32 glk_window_get_type(window_t *win)$/;" f glk_window_iterate window.c /^winid_t glk_window_iterate(winid_t win, glui32 *rock)$/;" f glk_window_move_cursor window.c /^void glk_window_move_cursor(window_t *win, glui32 xpos, glui32 ypos)$/;" f glk_window_open window.c /^winid_t glk_window_open(winid_t splitwin,$/;" f glk_window_set_arrangement window.c /^void glk_window_set_arrangement(window_t *win, glui32 method, glui32 size, winid_t key)$/;" f glk_window_set_background_color imgnull.c /^void glk_window_set_background_color(winid_t win, glui32 color)$/;" f glk_window_set_background_color window.c /^void glk_window_set_background_color(winid_t win, glui32 color)$/;" f glk_window_set_echo_stream window.c /^void glk_window_set_echo_stream(window_t *win, stream_t *str)$/;" f glk_window_struct garglk.h /^struct glk_window_struct$/;" s glkunix_arg_End glkstart.h 31;" d glkunix_arg_NoValue glkstart.h 33;" d glkunix_arg_NumberValue glkstart.h 35;" d glkunix_arg_ValueCanFollow glkstart.h 34;" d glkunix_arg_ValueFollows glkstart.h 32;" d glkunix_argumentlist_struct glkstart.h /^typedef struct glkunix_argumentlist_struct {$/;" s glkunix_argumentlist_t glkstart.h /^} glkunix_argumentlist_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glkunix_argumentlist_struct glkunix_arguments glkstart.c /^glkunix_argumentlist_t glkunix_arguments[] = {$/;" v glkunix_set_base_file cgfref.c /^void glkunix_set_base_file(char *filename)$/;" f glkunix_startup_code glkstart.c /^int glkunix_startup_code(glkunix_startup_t *data)$/;" f glkunix_startup_struct glkstart.h /^typedef struct glkunix_startup_struct {$/;" s glkunix_startup_t glkstart.h /^} glkunix_startup_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glkunix_startup_struct glkunix_stream_open_pathname config.c /^strid_t glkunix_stream_open_pathname(char *pathname, glui32 textmode, glui32 rock)$/;" f glsi32 glk.h /^typedef signed long glsi32; $/;" t glui32 glk.h /^typedef unsigned long glui32; $/;" t gluniversal_t gi_dispa.h /^} gluniversal_t;$/;" t typeref:union:gluniversal_union gluniversal_union gi_dispa.h /^typedef union gluniversal_union {$/;" u glyphs draw.c /^ bitmap_t glyphs[256][GLI_SUBPIX];$/;" m struct:font_s file: h draw.c /^ int w, h, lsb, top, pitch;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: h garglk.h /^ int w, h;$/;" m struct:picture_s h garglk.h /^ int w, h;$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s hdc syswin.c /^static HDC hdc;$/;" v file: height garglk.h /^ int width, height;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s height garglk.h /^ int width, height;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s history garglk.h /^ char *history[HISTORYLEN];$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s historyfirst garglk.h /^ int historyfirst, historypresent;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s historypos garglk.h /^ int historypos;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s historypresent garglk.h /^ int historyfirst, historypresent;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s hwndframe syswin.c /^static HWND hwndview, hwndframe;$/;" v file: hwndview syswin.c /^static HWND hwndview, hwndframe;$/;" v file: id gi_dispa.h /^ glui32 id;$/;" m struct:gidispatch_function_struct imagealign_InlineCenter glk.h 270;" d imagealign_InlineDown glk.h 269;" d imagealign_InlineUp glk.h 268;" d imagealign_MarginLeft glk.h 271;" d imagealign_MarginRight glk.h 272;" d inarrayrock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t inarrayrock;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s inarrayrock garglk.h /^ gidispatch_rock_t inarrayrock;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s inbuf garglk.h /^ char *inbuf;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s inbuf garglk.h /^ char *inbuf;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s incurs garglk.h /^ int incurs, inlen;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s incurs garglk.h /^ long incurs;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s infence garglk.h /^ long infence;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s inited gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 inited; \/* holds giblorb_Inited_Magic if the map structure is $/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: inlen garglk.h /^ int incurs, inlen;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s inmax garglk.h /^ int inmax;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s inmax garglk.h /^ int inmax;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s inorgx garglk.h /^ int inorgx, inorgy;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s inorgy garglk.h /^ int inorgx, inorgy;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s intconstant_table gi_dispa.c /^static gidispatch_intconst_t intconstant_table[] = {$/;" v file: isbold cgstyle.c /^static int isbold(int f)$/;" f file: isitalic cgstyle.c /^static int isitalic(int f)$/;" f file: isprop cgstyle.c /^static int isprop(int f)$/;" f file: key garglk.h /^ window_t *key; \/* NULL or a leaf-descendant (not a Pair) *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s keycode_Delete glk.h 77;" d keycode_Down glk.h 75;" d keycode_End glk.h 83;" d keycode_Escape glk.h 78;" d keycode_Func1 glk.h 84;" d keycode_Func10 glk.h 93;" d keycode_Func11 glk.h 94;" d keycode_Func12 glk.h 95;" d keycode_Func2 glk.h 85;" d keycode_Func3 glk.h 86;" d keycode_Func4 glk.h 87;" d keycode_Func5 glk.h 88;" d keycode_Func6 glk.h 89;" d keycode_Func7 glk.h 90;" d keycode_Func8 glk.h 91;" d keycode_Func9 glk.h 92;" d keycode_Home glk.h 82;" d keycode_Left glk.h 72;" d keycode_MAXVAL glk.h 97;" d keycode_PageDown glk.h 81;" d keycode_PageUp glk.h 80;" d keycode_Return glk.h 76;" d keycode_Right glk.h 73;" d keycode_Tab glk.h 79;" d keycode_Unknown glk.h 71;" d keycode_Up glk.h 74;" d keydamage garglk.h /^ int keydamage; \/* used as scratch space in window closing *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s ladjn garglk.h /^ int ladjn;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s ladjw garglk.h /^ int ladjw;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s lastid imgload.c /^static unsigned lastid = 0;$/;" v file: lastpic imgload.c /^static picture_t *lastpic = NULL; \/* cache last one loaded *\/$/;" v file: lastseen garglk.h /^ int lastseen;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s len garglk.h /^ int len, newline, dirty;$/;" m struct:tbline_s len gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 len;$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: length gi_blorb.h /^ glui32 length; \/* The length of the data *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_result_struct lib_inited gi_blorb.c /^static int lib_inited = FALSE;$/;" v file: line_request garglk.h /^ int line_request;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct lines garglk.h /^ tbline_t lines[SCROLLBACK]; \/* XXX make this dynamic *\/$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s lines garglk.h /^ tgline_t lines[256];$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s lm garglk.h /^ int lm, rm;$/;" m struct:tbline_s load_image_jpeg imgload.c /^static void load_image_jpeg(FILE *fl, picture_t *pic)$/;" f file: load_image_png imgload.c /^static void load_image_png(FILE *fl, picture_t *pic)$/;" f file: load_sound_resource sndsdl.c /^static glui32 load_sound_resource(glui32 snd, long *len, char **buf)$/;" f file: loaded draw.c /^ char loaded[256];$/;" m struct:font_s file: loadfont draw.c /^static void loadfont(font_t *f, char *name, float size, float aspect)$/;" f file: loadglyph draw.c /^static void loadglyph(font_t *f, int enc)$/;" f file: loop garglk.h /^ int loop;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct lpic garglk.h /^ picture_t *lpic, *rpic;$/;" m struct:tbline_s lsb draw.c /^ int w, h, lsb, top, pitch;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: m28 draw.c 78;" d file: m56 draw.c 79;" d file: m85 draw.c 80;" d file: magicnum garglk.h /^ glui32 magicnum;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct magicnum garglk.h /^ glui32 magicnum;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct magicnum garglk.h /^ glui32 magicnum;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct main launcher.c /^int main(int argc, char **argv)$/;" f main main.c /^int main(int argc, char *argv[])$/;" f makefont cgstyle.c /^static int makefont(int p, int b, int i)$/;" f file: maxval imgscale.c 29;" d file: mouse_request garglk.h /^ int mouse_request;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct mul255 draw.c 15;" d file: mul255 wingfx.c 7;" d file: music garglk.h /^ void *music; \/* Mix_Music (or FMOD Music) *\/$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct music_channel sndsdl.c /^static channel_t *sound_channels[MIX_CHANNELS], *music_channel;$/;" v file: music_completion_callback sndsdl.c /^static void music_completion_callback()$/;" f file: name gi_dispa.h /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:gidispatch_function_struct name gi_dispa.h /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:gidispatch_intconst_struct name glkstart.h /^ char *name;$/;" m struct:glkunix_argumentlist_struct newline garglk.h /^ int len, newline, dirty;$/;" m struct:tbline_s next garglk.h /^ fileref_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of filerefs *\/$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct next garglk.h /^ stream_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of streams *\/$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct next garglk.h /^ window_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of windows *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct notify garglk.h /^ int notify;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct num gi_dispa.h /^ glui32 num;$/;" m union:glk_objrock_union numchars garglk.h /^ int numchars; \/* number of chars in last line: lines[0] *\/$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s numchunks gi_blorb.c /^ int numchunks;$/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: numresources gi_blorb.c /^ int numresources;$/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: onabout syswin.c /^void onabout(void)$/;" f onbutton sysgtk.c /^static void onbutton(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventButton *event, void *data)$/;" f file: oncancel sysgtk.c /^static void oncancel(GtkFileSelection *widget, void *data)$/;" f file: onconfig syswin.c /^void onconfig(void)$/;" f onexpose sysgtk.c /^static void onexpose(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, void *data)$/;" f file: onkeypress sysgtk.c /^static void onkeypress(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event, void *data)$/;" f file: onokay sysgtk.c /^static void onokay(GtkFileSelection *widget, void *data)$/;" f file: onquit sysgtk.c /^static void onquit(GtkWidget *widget, void *data)$/;" f file: onresize sysgtk.c /^static void onresize(GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *event, void *data)$/;" f file: opaqueref gi_dispa.h /^ void *opaqueref; \/* Qa, Qb, Qc... *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union origstyle garglk.h /^ glui32 origstyle;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s origstyle garglk.h /^ glui32 origstyle;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s owner garglk.h /^ window_t *owner;$/;" m struct:window_blank_s owner garglk.h /^ window_t *owner;$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s owner garglk.h /^ window_t *owner;$/;" m struct:window_pair_s owner garglk.h /^ window_t *owner;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s owner garglk.h /^ window_t *owner;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s parent garglk.h /^ window_t *parent; \/* pair window which contains this one *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct parsecolor config.c /^static void parsecolor(char *str, unsigned char *rgb)$/;" f file: picture_s garglk.h /^struct picture_s$/;" s picture_t garglk.h /^typedef struct picture_s picture_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:picture_s pitch draw.c /^ int w, h, lsb, top, pitch;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: play_music sndsdl.c /^static glui32 play_music(schanid_t chan, glui32 repeats, glui32 notify, $/;" f file: play_sound sndsdl.c /^static glui32 play_sound(schanid_t chan, glui32 repeats, glui32 notify)$/;" f file: prev garglk.h /^ fileref_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of filerefs *\/$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct prev garglk.h /^ stream_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of streams *\/$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct prev garglk.h /^ window_t *next, *prev; \/* in the big linked list of windows *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct ptr gi_blorb.c /^ void *ptr; \/* pointer to malloc'd data, if loaded *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: ptr gi_blorb.h /^ void *ptr; \/* A pointer to the data (if you used $/;" m union:giblorb_result_struct::__anon3 ptr gi_dispa.h /^ void *ptr;$/;" m union:glk_objrock_union ptrflag gi_dispa.h /^ glui32 ptrflag; \/* [ ... ] or *? *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union put_picture wintext.c /^put_picture(window_textbuffer_t *dwin, picture_t *pic, glui32 align)$/;" f file: put_text wintext.c /^static void put_text(window_textbuffer_t *dwin, char *buf, int len, int pos, int oldlen)$/;" f file: radjn garglk.h /^ int radjn;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s radjw garglk.h /^ int radjw;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s readable garglk.h /^ int readable, writable;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct readcount garglk.h /^ glui32 readcount, writecount;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct readcount glk.h /^ glui32 readcount;$/;" m struct:stream_result_struct readoneconfig config.c /^static void readoneconfig(char *fname, char *argv0, char *gamefile)$/;" f file: rect_s garglk.h /^struct rect_s$/;" s rect_t garglk.h /^typedef struct rect_s rect_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:rect_s refcount garglk.h /^ int refcount;$/;" m struct:picture_s reflow wintext.c /^static void reflow(window_t *win)$/;" f file: resid garglk.h /^ int resid; \/* for notifies *\/$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct resnum gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 resnum;$/;" m struct:giblorb_resdesc_struct file: resources gi_blorb.c /^ giblorb_resdesc_t *resources; \/* list of resource descriptors *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: ressorted gi_blorb.c /^ giblorb_resdesc_t **ressorted; \/* list of pointers to descriptors $/;" m struct:giblorb_map_struct file: rgb garglk.h /^ unsigned char *rgb;$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s rgba garglk.h /^ unsigned char *rgba;$/;" m struct:picture_s rm garglk.h /^ int lm, rm;$/;" m struct:tbline_s rock garglk.h /^ glui32 rock;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct rock garglk.h /^ glui32 rock;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct rock garglk.h /^ glui32 rock;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct rock garglk.h /^ glui32 rock;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct rpic garglk.h /^ picture_t *lpic, *rpic;$/;" m struct:tbline_s runblorb launcher.c /^void runblorb(void)$/;" f runterp launcher.c /^void runterp(char *exe, char *flags)$/;" f sample garglk.h /^ void *sample; \/* Mix_Chunk (or FMOD Sound) *\/$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct sch gi_dispa.h /^ signed char sch; \/* Cs *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union schanid_t glk.h /^typedef struct glk_schannel_struct *schanid_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_schannel_struct scrollmax garglk.h /^ int scrollmax;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s scrolloneline wintext.c /^static void scrolloneline(window_textbuffer_t *dwin, int forced)$/;" f file: scrollpos garglk.h /^ int scrollpos;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s sdl_channel garglk.h /^ int sdl_channel;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct sdl_memory garglk.h /^ unsigned char *sdl_memory;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct sdl_rwops garglk.h /^ void *sdl_rwops; \/* SDL_RWops *\/$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct seekmode_Current glk.h 149;" d seekmode_End glk.h 150;" d seekmode_Start glk.h 148;" d sint gi_dispa.h /^ glsi32 sint; \/* Is *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union size garglk.h /^ glui32 size; \/* size value *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s sortsplot gi_blorb.c /^static int sortsplot(giblorb_resdesc_t *v1, giblorb_resdesc_t *v2)$/;" f file: sound_channels sndsdl.c /^static channel_t *sound_channels[MIX_CHANNELS], *music_channel;$/;" v file: sound_completion_callback sndsdl.c /^static void sound_completion_callback(int chan)$/;" f file: spaced garglk.h /^ int spaced;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s startpos gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 startpos; \/* start of chunk header *\/$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: startpos gi_blorb.h /^ glui32 startpos; \/* The position in the file (if you $/;" m union:giblorb_result_struct::__anon3 status garglk.h /^ int status;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct str garglk.h /^ stream_t *str; \/* the window stream. *\/$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct stream_result_struct glk.h /^typedef struct stream_result_struct {$/;" s stream_result_t glk.h /^} stream_result_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:stream_result_struct stream_t garglk.h /^typedef struct glk_stream_struct stream_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_stream_struct strid_t glk.h /^typedef struct glk_stream_struct *strid_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_stream_struct strtype_File garglk.h 204;" d strtype_Memory garglk.h 206;" d strtype_Window garglk.h 205;" d style garglk.h /^ glui32 style;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct style_Alert glk.h 104;" d style_BlockQuote glk.h 106;" d style_Emphasized glk.h 100;" d style_Header glk.h 102;" d style_Input glk.h 107;" d style_NUMSTYLES glk.h 110;" d style_Normal glk.h 99;" d style_Note glk.h 105;" d style_Preformatted glk.h 101;" d style_Subheader glk.h 103;" d style_User1 glk.h 108;" d style_User2 glk.h 109;" d style_s garglk.h /^struct style_s$/;" s style_t garglk.h /^typedef struct style_s style_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:style_s stylehint_BackColor glk.h 160;" d stylehint_Indentation glk.h 152;" d stylehint_Justification glk.h 154;" d stylehint_NUMHINTS glk.h 162;" d stylehint_Oblique glk.h 157;" d stylehint_ParaIndentation glk.h 153;" d stylehint_Proportional glk.h 158;" d stylehint_ReverseColor glk.h 161;" d stylehint_Size glk.h 155;" d stylehint_TextColor glk.h 159;" d stylehint_Weight glk.h 156;" d stylehint_just_Centered glk.h 166;" d stylehint_just_LeftFlush glk.h 164;" d stylehint_just_LeftRight glk.h 165;" d stylehint_just_RightFlush glk.h 167;" d styles garglk.h /^ style_t styles[style_NUMSTYLES];$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s styles garglk.h /^ style_t styles[style_NUMSTYLES];$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s tbline_s garglk.h /^typedef struct tbline_s$/;" s tbline_t garglk.h /^} tbline_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:tbline_s textmode garglk.h /^ int textmode;$/;" m struct:glk_fileref_struct tgline_s garglk.h /^typedef struct tgline_s$/;" s tgline_t garglk.h /^} tgline_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:tgline_s timeout sysgtk.c /^static int timeout(void *data)$/;" f file: timeouts sysgtk.c /^static int timeouts = 0;$/;" v file: timeouts syswin.c /^static int timeouts = 0;$/;" v file: timerid sysgtk.c /^static int timerid = -1;$/;" v file: tmp launcher.c /^char tmp[1024];$/;" v top draw.c /^ int w, h, lsb, top, pitch;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: touch wingrid.c /^static void touch(window_textgrid_t *dwin, int line)$/;" f file: touch wintext.c /^static void touch(window_textbuffer_t *dwin, int line)$/;" f file: touchscroll wintext.c /^static void touchscroll(window_textbuffer_t *dwin)$/;" f file: touni draw.c /^static int touni(int enc)$/;" f file: txtbuf ttswin.c /^static WCHAR txtbuf[4096];$/;" v file: txtlen ttswin.c /^static int txtlen;$/;" v file: type garglk.h /^ glui32 type;$/;" m struct:glk_window_struct type garglk.h /^ int type; \/* file, window, or memory stream *\/$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct type gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 type;$/;" m struct:giblorb_chunkdesc_struct file: type glk.h /^ glui32 type;$/;" m struct:event_struct uch gi_dispa.h /^ unsigned char uch; \/* Cu *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union uint gi_dispa.h /^ glui32 uint; \/* Iu *\/$/;" m union:gluniversal_union usage gi_blorb.c /^ glui32 usage;$/;" m struct:giblorb_resdesc_struct file: val gi_dispa.h /^ glui32 val;$/;" m struct:gidispatch_intconst_struct val1 glk.h /^ glui32 val1, val2;$/;" m struct:event_struct val2 glk.h /^ glui32 val1, val2;$/;" m struct:event_struct vertical garglk.h /^ int vertical, backward; \/* flags *\/$/;" m struct:window_pair_s viewproc syswin.c /^viewproc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)$/;" f voice ttswin.c /^static ISpVoice *voice = NULL;$/;" v file: volume garglk.h /^ int volume;$/;" m struct:glk_schannel_struct w draw.c /^ int w, h, lsb, top, pitch;$/;" m struct:bitmap_s file: w garglk.h /^ int w, h;$/;" m struct:picture_s w garglk.h /^ int w, h;$/;" m struct:window_graphics_s width garglk.h /^ int width, height;$/;" m struct:window_textbuffer_s width garglk.h /^ int width, height;$/;" m struct:window_textgrid_s win garglk.h /^ window_t *win;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct win glk.h /^ winid_t win; $/;" m struct:event_struct win_blank_create winblank.c /^window_blank_t *win_blank_create(window_t *win)$/;" f win_blank_destroy winblank.c /^void win_blank_destroy(window_blank_t *dwin)$/;" f win_blank_rearrange winblank.c /^void win_blank_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f win_blank_redraw winblank.c /^void win_blank_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f win_graphics_click wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_click(window_graphics_t *dwin, int sx, int sy)$/;" f win_graphics_create wingfx.c /^window_graphics_t *win_graphics_create(window_t *win)$/;" f win_graphics_destroy wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_destroy(window_graphics_t *dwin)$/;" f win_graphics_draw_picture wingfx.c /^glui32 win_graphics_draw_picture(window_graphics_t *dwin,$/;" f win_graphics_erase_rect wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_erase_rect(window_graphics_t *dwin, int whole,$/;" f win_graphics_fill_rect wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_fill_rect(window_graphics_t *dwin, glui32 color,$/;" f win_graphics_get_size wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_get_size(window_t *win, glui32 *width, glui32 *height)$/;" f win_graphics_rearrange wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f win_graphics_redraw wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f win_graphics_set_background_color wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_set_background_color(window_graphics_t *dwin, glui32 color)$/;" f win_graphics_touch wingfx.c /^void win_graphics_touch(window_graphics_t *dest)$/;" f win_pair_click winpair.c /^void win_pair_click(window_pair_t *dwin, int x, int y)$/;" f win_pair_create winpair.c /^window_pair_t *win_pair_create(window_t *win, glui32 method, window_t *key, glui32 size)$/;" f win_pair_destroy winpair.c /^void win_pair_destroy(window_pair_t *dwin)$/;" f win_pair_rearrange winpair.c /^void win_pair_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f win_pair_redraw winpair.c /^void win_pair_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textbuffer_cancel_line wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_cancel_line(window_t *win, event_t *ev)$/;" f win_textbuffer_clear wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_clear(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textbuffer_click wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_click(window_textbuffer_t *dwin, int sx, int sy)$/;" f win_textbuffer_create wintext.c /^window_textbuffer_t *win_textbuffer_create(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textbuffer_destroy wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_destroy(window_textbuffer_t *dwin)$/;" f win_textbuffer_draw_picture wintext.c /^glui32 win_textbuffer_draw_picture(window_textbuffer_t *dwin,$/;" f win_textbuffer_flow_break wintext.c /^glui32 win_textbuffer_flow_break(window_textbuffer_t *dwin)$/;" f win_textbuffer_init_line wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_init_line(window_t *win, char *buf, int maxlen, int initlen)$/;" f win_textbuffer_putchar wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_putchar(window_t *win, char ch)$/;" f win_textbuffer_rearrange wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f win_textbuffer_redraw wintext.c /^void win_textbuffer_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textgrid_cancel_line wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_cancel_line(window_t *win, event_t *ev)$/;" f win_textgrid_clear wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_clear(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textgrid_click wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_click(window_textgrid_t *dwin, int sx, int sy)$/;" f win_textgrid_create wingrid.c /^window_textgrid_t *win_textgrid_create(window_t *win)$/;" f win_textgrid_destroy wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_destroy(window_textgrid_t *dwin)$/;" f win_textgrid_init_line wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_init_line(window_t *win, char *buf, int maxlen, int initlen)$/;" f win_textgrid_move_cursor wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_move_cursor(window_t *win, int xpos, int ypos)$/;" f win_textgrid_putchar wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_putchar(window_t *win, char ch)$/;" f win_textgrid_rearrange wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_rearrange(window_t *win, rect_t *box)$/;" f win_textgrid_redraw wingrid.c /^void win_textgrid_redraw(window_t *win)$/;" f winabort sysgtk.c /^void winabort(const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f winabort syswin.c /^void winabort(const char *fmt, ...)$/;" f winblit syswin.c /^static void winblit(RECT r)$/;" f file: window_blank_s garglk.h /^struct window_blank_s$/;" s window_blank_t garglk.h /^typedef struct window_blank_s window_blank_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:window_blank_s window_graphics_s garglk.h /^struct window_graphics_s$/;" s window_graphics_t garglk.h /^typedef struct window_graphics_s window_graphics_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:window_graphics_s window_pair_s garglk.h /^struct window_pair_s$/;" s window_pair_t garglk.h /^typedef struct window_pair_s window_pair_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:window_pair_s window_t garglk.h /^typedef struct glk_window_struct window_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_window_struct window_textbuffer_s garglk.h /^struct window_textbuffer_s$/;" s window_textbuffer_t garglk.h /^typedef struct window_textbuffer_s window_textbuffer_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:window_textbuffer_s window_textgrid_s garglk.h /^struct window_textgrid_s$/;" s window_textgrid_t garglk.h /^typedef struct window_textgrid_s window_textgrid_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:window_textgrid_s winid_t glk.h /^typedef struct glk_window_struct *winid_t;$/;" t typeref:struct:glk_window_struct wininit sysgtk.c /^void wininit(int *argc, char **argv)$/;" f wininit syswin.c /^void wininit(int *argc, char **argv)$/;" f winloop syswin.c /^void winloop(void)$/;" f winmethod_Above glk.h 126;" d winmethod_Below glk.h 127;" d winmethod_DirMask glk.h 128;" d winmethod_DivisionMask glk.h 132;" d winmethod_Fixed glk.h 130;" d winmethod_Left glk.h 124;" d winmethod_Proportional glk.h 131;" d winmethod_Right glk.h 125;" d winopen sysgtk.c /^void winopen(void)$/;" f winopen syswin.c /^void winopen()$/;" f winopenfile sysgtk.c /^void winopenfile(char *prompt, char *buf, int len)$/;" f winopenfile syswin.c /^void winopenfile(char *prompt, char *buf, int len)$/;" f winpoll syswin.c /^void winpoll(void)$/;" f winrepaint sysgtk.c /^void winrepaint(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)$/;" f winrepaint syswin.c /^void winrepaint(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)$/;" f winresize syswin.c /^void winresize(void)$/;" f winsavefile sysgtk.c /^void winsavefile(char *prompt, char *buf, int len)$/;" f winsavefile syswin.c /^void winsavefile(char *prompt, char *buf, int len)$/;" f wintitle sysgtk.c /^void wintitle(void)$/;" f wintitle syswin.c /^void wintitle(void)$/;" f wintype_AllTypes glk.h 117;" d wintype_Blank glk.h 119;" d wintype_Graphics glk.h 122;" d wintype_Pair glk.h 118;" d wintype_TextBuffer glk.h 120;" d wintype_TextGrid glk.h 121;" d writable garglk.h /^ int readable, writable;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct writecount garglk.h /^ glui32 readcount, writecount;$/;" m struct:glk_stream_struct writecount glk.h /^ glui32 writecount;$/;" m struct:stream_result_struct x0 garglk.h /^ int x0, y0;$/;" m struct:rect_s x1 garglk.h /^ int x1, y1;$/;" m struct:rect_s y0 garglk.h /^ int x0, y0;$/;" m struct:rect_s y1 garglk.h /^ int x1, y1;$/;" m struct:rect_s