To compile Gargoyle you will need jam 2.5. For sound support, you will need SDL_mixer. The FMOD sound support is slightly broken, but can be re-enabled with a little bit of hacking. Edit the Jamrules file to suit your system configuration. Comment out the "USESDL = yes" line if you don't care about sound support. Compile with "jam". The default is to build a RELEASE build. Compile with "jam -sBUILD=DEBUG" for a debuggable build. The command "jam install" will copy the compiled executables and shared libraries into "build/dist/". For a system-wide install, the following four steps should place the binaries, shared library, and configuration file in appropriate locations. However, please check the Jamrules file and verify that the referenced paths actually exist before you proceed. sudo env SYSTEM=1 jam install sudo ln -s -f /usr/local/libexec/gargoyle/gargoyle /usr/local/bin/gargoyle sudo ln -s -f /usr/local/lib/gargoyle/ /usr/lib/ sudo cp garglk/garglk.ini /etc/garglk.ini