JACL is an system for creating web-based adventure games. TACL is a console-based interpreter capable of running text-only games. This package contains the TACL interpreter for several differnt operating systems. At present, the JACL interpreter is only available for Linux and can be found in the main distribution tar file for that operating system. By avoiding making web-specific feature essential to the solving of a game, programs can be written to run without modification using either interpreter. By convention, the following file extentions are used: .ACL Games that can be played using either JACL or TACL .JACL Games that can only be played using JACL .TACL Games that can only be played using TACL To play a game using TACL, either type 'TACL' on its own, then supply the name of the game you wish to run, or type 'TACL '. Either add 'TACL.EXE' to you path, or copy it to the GAMES directory and play from there. The interpreter will look for the configuration file (TACL.CFG) in the current directory, or \ETC. See the HTML documentation for more information. Listed here are a few special in-game commands you may find handy: 'save ' will save the current game state. Failing to specify a filename will result in the default of 'bookmark' being used. 'restore ' will restore a previously saved game. Failing to specify a filename will result in the default of 'bookmark' being used. 'undo' will take back you last move. 'again' or 'g' will repeat your last move. 'quit' will close the interpreter. For more information, please visit http://jacl.animats.net or email stuart@jacl.animats.net