Disk No: 1293 Disk Title: GameScape PC-SIG Version: S4.0 Program Title: Gamescape Author Version: A.4 Author Registration: $95.00 Special Requirements: None. Imagine writing your own adventure games! Have your family play them, give them to your friends, hand them out at computer clubs, or even sell them and make a few bucks! Gamescape is the incredible adventure game design system that lets you do all this. Using simple commands which are thoroughly explained by an easy-to-understand manual, you can do just about anything you would want to do in adventure gaming: * Define rooms, objects, monsters, and actions * Draw maps using IBM character graphics * Play music, sound alarms, beep warnings * NEW ! High resolution color graphics ability ! Gamescape also allows you to do things that no other adventure system allows. Your games can be of unlimited size and cover multiple disks! Full random features allow you to perform different actions, depending on a "throw of the die". Rather than hundreds of pages of instructions and loads of complex commands, Gamescape has a short, consise, uncomplicated manual and just a few short but very powerful and versatile commands. There is virtually no limitation to the things you can do with Gamescape! PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1992 PC-SIG, Inc.